I'm trying to create a virtual wiki but I already struggle with
In your Class Editor, create a new class called "XWikiServerClass"
Further reading in the DevGuide / DataModel shows that I'm not alone. I understand the words saying but I don't get the how-to as there is no option in the class-editior of creating new classes. Navigating to class editor shows an info box
No class is defined in this wiki document. You can create one by adding properties from the panel on your right, or you can choose another class to edit from the list below.
Ok, I added 'XWikiServerClass' and would have expected to be able to add a type class but that's not possible. I've tried a few properties but nothing shows up as a class in class editor.
Can you give more info on how you set up your wiki ?
As far as I know, you should have installed xwiki-enterprise-manager-web-x.y.war and modify your setup to fit your needs.
Second, you should have imported "xwiki-enterprise-manager-wiki-administrator-x.y.xar into your empty instance.
This xar archive already contains the XWikiServerClass and a very handy set of pages to automate the creation of virtual wikis.
I am just starting my dive into Blender coming mainly from Quake's Radiant. I am trying to research whether it will fit the need I have for a level editor replacement. So with that in mind, here is my question:
What is the best method for creating and storing a set of prefab "entity" objects such as health packs, ammo pickups, and "moveable" objects such that they have a set of "properties" that can be changed within Blender?
I have found this page, but I am still getting lost as to how to integrate them on a per object basis and achieve the desired result:
Note: It is not my goal to use the Blender game engine - just attach values to things for me to export to my own engine.
Edit1: Found an article discussing the topic although it seems very outdated:
// entity 105
"inv_item" "2"
"inv_name" "#str_02917"
"classname" "item_medkit"
"name" "item_medkit_11"
"origin" "-150 2322 72"
"triggerFirst" "1"
"triggersize" "40"
"rotation" "0.224951 0.97437 0 -0.97437 0.224951 0 0 0 1"
While we can manually add custom properties to any object, these are added to the specific object so can be unique to each object.
A better way of integrating new properties is to use bpy.props, these can be added to an objects class in blender, this means every object will have the same properties available.
You can setup a custom panel to edit your properties, like this simple example. Both the properties and panel as well as your object exporter can be defined in an addon which you can have enable at startup so that it is available every time you run blender. An addon also makes it easier for you to share your game editor with others.
The link I found seems to be the best option and allow for the most flexibility. The source code for the Super Tux Kart plugins serve as a great reference implementation:
Problem: I am using the eclipse editor plugin to create the customized plug in. So in that plug in i will be using only some classes to get the customized view of the editor. But I will not be using all classes now for example there are classes Class A,Class B, and Class C in the editor plug in and Class A will be initiating Class C.Now in my customized plugin I will be extending the Class C and customize the Class as per my requirement and I don't want to modify the Class A.
Actual problem is if open the eclipse editor i want Class A to initiate the extended Class C present in my plug in and not present in the eclipse editor plug in.
I.e During compile time binding i want Class A of the eclipse plug in to bind with the extended Class C present in my plugin.
You can't change the behavior of an existing editor by trying to extend its classes in a new plugin.
If the existing editor provides 'extension points' to add new functionality to can extend it using those.
You can write a new editor using the classes from an existing plugin provided the existing plugin exports the packages you need to use.
You can sometimes use the org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point to suppress existing menus items, but this will require research to identify menu ids.
You can also sometimes add to menus by using the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point. Again this requires research to identify menu ids. The 'plug-in Spy' may help with this.
I'm using Sencha Architect. I have already created a base class called MyApp.view.MyMenu that extends Ext.Menu.
How can I create a second class called: MyApp.view.MySecondMenu that extends MyApp.view.MyMenu. I cannot seem to be able to change the extend property!
Thank you!
PS: I'm using Architect v3.0.4.1386.
I found a solution:
In the Toolbox search for Class.
Drag the Class into the Project Inspector
Now you are able to modify the extend property :)
This is a problem in architect I really hate.
You have to add a custom class (you can do via the + in the corner of project Inspector) and there you can set the "extend property" to what you want.
The big disadvantage is that you don't have your properties in the inspector so you have to add every property you need as a custom one.
It's a kind of ugly workaround but the generated code is alright, hopefully they will better this one day.
I am new to objective C development. In inherited someone else's project.
I see that in his project, he has a folder called Model. In it are the files
A few days ago I created two new files called Warehouse.h and Warehouse.m, following the style of coding I saw in Product.h and Product.m. I also wrote some functions in Model.h and Model.m that helped me grab new Warehouses. I then created a new Entity in MyProject.xcdatamodeld by opening that file up in XCode, clicking Add Entity, renaming the entity and adding the necessary attributes.
I was able to use this new class/model in the rest of my project.
Today, i decided to add some new properties to my Warehouse.m. I then added new attributes to the MyProject.xcdatamodeld by clicking on the new attribute buttons.
Now my project crashes right when it starts up, giving me the error Can't find model for source store.
Am I doing something wrong? I vaguely remember someone telling me it's a headache of the model changes. Can someone recommend me reading on the subject matter? And how i can fix my situation?
I went to MyProject.xcdatamodeld. Then clicked on "Configuration" in the left navigation. Then I noticed a table showed up with the following contents:
Entity Abstract Class
Compatible un-checkbox Compatible
Product un-checkbox Product
Warehouse un-checkbox
I noticed that the Warehouse row didn't have a value for Class. So i typed in Warehouse in to it. Then everything worked.
I have a class (that inherits from a base class) and also has image assets for some UI elements. I would like to be able to wrap this up images and all, into a single file that can easily be added to future projects by myself and other members of the dev team. Is there a way to do this? Adding a documentation file, a la Apple's own that responds to cmd click within XCode would be the icing on the cake.
You create a static library... see the following Tutorial