How do I cache WCF REST web service in IIS7? - wcf

When I turn on output caching for my service it doesn't appear to be cache-worthy in IIS. It really should be since I'm returning the same JSON content over and over. The varyByQueryString option seems like it would do the trick, but since my resources are URI based, there really isn't a query string, just a path to a resource. Has anyone successfully gotten IIS to output cache a WCF REST service?

After much digging using the FREB logs in IIS, my service is in fact cache-worthy. You can listen to the Cache events in IIS and it will show you exactly what is and is not caching. I found this more helpful that using PerfMon. I used the following link to set it up. Output caching will work and will in fact serve your content right out of memory after things get warmed up.


aspboilerplate multi-tenant configuration using {0} format

I downloaded the latest aspboilerplate. In documentation
it lists 3 tenant resolvers.
document ask to add;
Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().MultiTenancy.DomainFormat = "{0}";
to get domain based tenant resolving.
I am using hosts file to simulate actual URLs. So, I feel the app config should be something like below (apart from above code change to Abp module);
"App": {
"ServerRootAddress": "",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://{0}",
"CorsOrigins": "...."
But the documentation doesn't mention anything related to that. So, I don't think the documentation is complete.
Then in IIS, I have two sites.
API site : Bindings set to
Client site : A new binding will be added such as for new tenant(s). So basically in IIS for client site there can be many bindings with different subdomains portion, but pointing to the same site.
Then I ran the api site I assume it should pick the correct urls to listen to from appsettings. But it doesn't. it shows;
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
And I am not sure where its coming from since there is no reference to that in code.
How can I get this properly configured to run on IIS with subdomain based tenant resolver?
Actual issue(s) were outside of what I have thought. In brief; is one issue which crashed the app at the very beginning. Reason is it was loading log4net config file at Startup() and because of the way core 2.2 works, in IIS inproc mode it can't find the file. this helped a lot to understand and tackle the issue.
Make sure you don't mix 32bit 64bit when hosting in IIS.

Why use a service worker for caching when browser cache handles the caching?

I read that using a service worker for offline caching is similar to browser caching. If so, then why would you prefer a service worker for this caching? Browser caching will check if the file is modified or not and then serve from the cache, and with a service worker we are handling the same thing from our code. By default, the browser has that feature so why prefer a service worker?
Service Workers give you complete control over network requests. You can return anything you want for the fetch event, it does not need to be the past or current contents of that particular file.
However, if the HTTP cache handles your needs, you are under no obligation to use Service Workers.
They are also used for things such as push notifications.
I wanted to share the points that I observed while going through service worker documentation and implemented it.
Browser cache is different, as the service worker supports offline cache, the webapp will access the content that is cached, even though the network is not available.
Service worker will give native experience.
Service worker cannot modify DOM content but still it can serve the pages within its scope. With the help of events like postMessage, the page can be accessed and DOM can be changed.
Service worker do not require user interaction or webpage .
It runs in the background.
Actually, it's slower to response the request when you use sw instead of http cache...
Because sw use cache api to store the cache content, it's really slower than the browser cache--memory cache and disk cache.
It's not designed for faster than http cache, howerver, when you use sw, you can Fully customizable the response, I think the Fully customizable is the reason why you should use it.
If your situation is not complicated enough, you should not use it

Settings required for WCF service on webpage

I have created a WCF Service Application project and created a single .svc file with a single method that takes a string and returns a string. I published the service to our IIS test server (not local machine IIS) and I can see the default page when browsing to
At this point, I am going to create a small html page to test that I can access this service and that it returns data properly. Before doing that I googled around to see if there were any pre-requisite steps that needed to be taken, but couldn't find anything concrete and most of the information was at least a few years old.
Is there anything else that needs to be done to make this work? Everything is pretty standard. No changes have been made to the web.config file, and no additional attributes have been added to the methods. I had seen some mentions of added RESTFUL attributes to the operation contract, but in all honestly I'm very new and wanted to keep things as bare bones as possible.
We are using Visual Studio 2015 and I believe IIS 7.

How can I control the case of the SchemaLocation in the generated wsdl of a wcf service?

We've got two web servers (win2008 sp2) load balanced. On one of the machines the service name (e.g myService.svc) portion of the SchemaLocation url that is generated in the wsdl types is camelCased while on the other server it is PascalCased (e.g. MyService.svc). Some php soap clients have an issue with this and interpret them as separate urls and end up with duplicate type definitions.
The code is the same on both servers - i've copied it from one to the other to make sure. I've been trough IIS (where i'm guessing the problem may be) however I cannot find anything that would control or affect the casing of only the service name portion of the url. I've even tried renaming the physical file (myservice.svc) to lower case however that had no effect.
Has anyone else had this or can point me in the right direction?
Many thanks.
You can add a configuration attribute httpGetUrl to the service behavior metadata to control what goes into the WSDL SchemaLocation value. This blog post explains how you would do it for the the domain name but it should work for the whole URI.

Relative paths in WCF service hosted in IIS

I'm throwing together a quick data service in WCF to be accessed by a public Silverlight 2.0 application. As my data is very static and relatively simple I'd like to just store it in local XML files (which is made easier as there are a VERY limited number of people who will ever edit it).
I'm wondering what the best way to find a relative path from within my service will be. In traditional ASP.NET I could use the Server.MapPath....within this WCF service nothing similar is available. This solution will ultimately be hosted at a hosting provider I have no control over so I can't hardcode any fixed locations. I'd much rather just get a relative path to some XML files in my AppData folder.
Any suggestions?
You could try using Environment.CurrentDirectory or AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
Try using HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath.
The WCF services still have access to a lot of the same things as your ASP.NET pages (since, in the end there is still an HTTP request and response). You can still use Server.MapPath like so:
You could store the files in IsolatedStorage instead of in your folder for the application. Look at the example on the linked page to see how it works.
First, add an operation to the service to return the current directory. Have the new operation just return Environment.CurrentDirectory. In the client, check to see if you are surprised by what the current directory was. Adjust as needed.