Accessing a Class Member from a First-Class Function - oop

I have a case class which takes a list of functions:
case class A(q:Double, r:Double, s:Double, l:List[(Double)=>Double])
I have over 20 functions defined. Some of these functions have their own parameters, and some of them also use the q, r, and s values from the case class. Two examples are:
def f1(w:Double) = (d:Double) => math.sin(d) * w
def f2(w:Double, q:Double) = (d:Double) => d * q * w
The problem is that I then need to reference q, r, and s twice when instantiating the case class:
A(0.5, 1.0, 2.0, List(f1(3.0), f2(4.0, 0.5))) //0.5 is referenced twice
I would like to be able to instantiate the class like this:
A(0.5, 1.0, 2.0, List(f1(3.0), f2(4.0))) //f2 already knows about q!
What is the best technique to accomplish this? Can I define my functions in a trait that the case class extends?
EDIT: The real world application has 7 members, not 3. Only a small number of the functions need access to the members. Most of the functions don't care about them.

If q in f2 is always referring to the q in you case class, then one quick hack :
trait TraitA {
def q:Double
def r:Double
def s:Double
def f1(w:Double) = (d:Double) => math.sin(d) * w
def f2(w:Double) = (d:Double) => d * q * w
case class A(q:Double, r:Double, s:Double, l:List[(Double)=>Double]=Nil) extends TraitA
val a=new A(0.5, 1.0, 2.0){override val l= List(f1(3.0), f2(4.0))}

There's the obvious val declaration:
val a = 0.5
A(a, 1.0, 2.0, List(f1(3.0), f2(4.0, a)))
Otherwise, f2 needs a reference to A's this, which it will have if it's a member of class A or that particular instance of A. Part of the problem is that the functions are fully baked before the instance of A is instantiated. So you have to define f2, as opposed to simply instantiate it, in the context of A.
Finally, you could make the functions partial functions. The first group of params will be as they are, but a second group will be added that is of type A.

One simple idea would be to change the function to take a list of functions that take 3 doubles (q, r, and s) and return a function from double to double. That way those functions that need any of the values can use them, and others just ignore them all.


Is there any use case for an anonymous OCaml structure

The OCaml manual, Chapter 2, says
a structure and is introduced by the struct…end construct, which contains an arbitrary sequence of definitions. The structure is usually given a name with the module binding.
Is there any use case for the creating a struct and not giving it a module name.
If not, then we always use
module Name =
and so the struct keyword seems a bit redundant.
It's possible and even common (in my code at least) to use nameless structures. One example:
module MyStrSet =
Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare a b = compare b a end)
To expand slightly on Jeffrey's answer, an OCaml functor maps a module to another module. It doesn't care about the module's name.
Consider the following trivial example.
module type SIG =
val x : int
module A (B : SIG) =
let y = B.x * 2
I've defined a functor A which takes a module B that fulfills the module type SIG. Now, I could define a module Twenty_one that supplies an x value of 21, and then give that to the functor A to create module C.
module Twenty_one =
let x = 21
module C = A (Twenty_one)
Or I could directly use an anonymous structure.
module C = A (struct let x = 21 end)
We don't even need to name SIG.
module A (B : sig val x : int end) =
let y = B.x * 2
module C = A (struct let x = 21 end)
Strongly into opinion territory, but you may want to give these things names in your code, if it aids with reuse and expressivess.
module Int =
type t = int
let compare = compare
module Int_map = Map.Make (Int)
module Int_map = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
Another thing you can do with an anonymous structure, that's more relevant to recent (as of 4.08.0) OCaml, is the ability to use open with it, for a syntactically-cheap way to hide names in your namespace (until you write an interface file anyway):
open struct
type hidden_type = string
let hidden_name = 42
This feature is called generalized-open, and the relevant manual page for it is here.

Julia - Defining a Linear Programming Problem with MathOptInterface

I'd like to write a LP problem in the standard format with MatOptInterface, e.i.:
min c'*x
S.t A*x .== b
x >= 0
Now, how can one write this problem with MathOptInterface? I'm having many issues, one of them is how to define the variable "model". For example, if I try to run:
x = add_variables(model,3)
I first would need to declare this model variable. But I don't know how one is supposed to do this on MathOptInterface.
IIUC in your situation model has to be an argument to be specified by the user of your function.
The user can then pass GLPK.Optimizer(), Tulip.Optimizer() or any other optimizer inheriting from MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizer.
See e.g. Manual#A complete example.
Alternatively you can look at MOI.Utilities.Model but I don't know how to get an optimizer to solve that model.
Here is how to implement the LP solver for standard Simplex format:
function SolveLP(c,A,b,model::MOI.ModelLike)
x = MOI.add_variables(model, length(c));
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}(),
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(c, x), 0.0))
MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE)
for xi in x
MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.SingleVariable(xi), MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
for (i,row) in enumerate(eachrow(A))
row_function = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(row, x), 0.0);
MOI.add_constraint(model, row_function, MOI.EqualTo(b[i]))
p = MOI.get(model, MOI.VariablePrimal(), x);
return p
For the model, just choose something like GLPK.Optimizer()

When should you use plus, minus, times functions instead of using the operators in Kotlin?

I cannot think of a case where using the Kotlin built-in plus, minus, times etc. functions would return a different result from just using the corresponding operators (+, -, *). Why would you ever want to use these functions in your Kotlin code?
Just in case you aren't aware, these are operator overloads. The named functions are how the operators' functionality is defined.
There is a case for using the named versions. The function calls don't pay attention to operator precedence and are evaluated sequentially if you chain them.
val x = 1
val y = 2
val z = 3
println(x + y * z) // equivalent to 1 + (2 * 3) -> 7
println( // equivalent to (1 + 2) * 3 -> 9
This could be clearer than using the operators if you have a lot of nested parentheses, depending on the context of the type of math you're doing.
result = ((x - 7) * y - z) * 10
// vs
result = x.minus(7).times(y).minus(z).times(10)
It's not really applicable for basic algebra like this, but you might have classes with operator overloads where the logic can be more easily reasoned through with the sequential approach.
By explicitly stating function names you can perform a safe call on a nullable number which cannot be done with an operator.
For example:
fun doubleOrZero(num: Int?) : Int {
return num?.times(2) ?: 0

Destructuring a list with equations in maxima

Say that I have the following list of equations:
list: [x=1, y=2, z=3];
I use this pattern often to have multiple return values from a function. Kind of of like how you would use an object, in for example, javascript. However, in javascript, I can do things like this. Say that myFunction() returns the object {x:1, y:2, z:3}, then I can destructure it with this syntax:
let {x,y,z} = myFunction();
And now x,y,z are assigned the values 1,2,3 in the current scope.
Is there anything like this in maxima? Now I use this:
x: subst(list, x);
y: subst(list, y);
z: subst(list, z);
How about this. Let l be a list of equations of the form somesymbol = somevalue. I think all you need is:
map (lhs, l) :: map (rhs, l);
Here map(lhs, l) yields the list of symbols, and map(rhs, l) yields the list of values. The operator :: means evaluate the left-hand side and assign the right-hand side to it. When the left-hand side is a list, then Maxima assigns each value on the right-hand side to the corresponding element on the left.
(%i1) l : [a = 12, b = 34, d = 56] $
(%i2) map (lhs, l) :: map (rhs, l);
(%o2) [12, 34, 56]
(%i3) values;
(%o3) [l, a, b, d]
(%i4) a;
(%o4) 12
(%i5) b;
(%o5) 34
(%i6) d;
(%o6) 56
You can probably achieve it and write a function that could be called as f(['x, 'y, 'z], list); but you will have to be able to make some assignments between symbols and values. This could be done by writing a tiny ad hoc Lisp function being:
(defun $assign (symb val) (set symb val))
You can see how it works (as a first test) by first typing (form within Maxima):
:lisp (defun $assign (symb val) (set symb val))
Then, use it as: assign('x, 42) which should assign the value 42 to the Maxima variable x.
If you want to go with that idea, you should write a tiny Lisp file in your ~/.maxima directory (this is a directory where you can put your most used functions); call it for instance myfuncs.lisp and put the function above (without the :lisp prefix); then edit (in the very same directory) your maxima-init.mac file, which is read at startup and add the two following things:
add a line containing load("myfuncs.lisp"); before the following part;
define your own Maxima function (in plain Maxima syntax with no need to care about Lisp). Your function should contain some kind of loop for performing all assignments; now you could use the assign(symbol, value) function for each variable.
Your function could be something like:
f(vars, l) := for i:1 thru length(l) do assign(vars[i], l[i]) $
which merely assign each value from the second argument to the corresponding symbol in the first argument.
Thus, f(['x, 'y], [1, 2]) will perform the expected assigments; of course you can start from that for doing more precisely what you need.

Does "<-" mean assigning a variable in Haskell?

Just started Haskell, it's said that everything in Haskell is "immutable" except IO package. So when I bind a name to something, it's always something immutable? Question, like below:
Prelude> let removeLower x=[c|c<-x, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
Prelude> removeLower "aseruiiUIUIdkf"
So here:
1. “removeLower" is an immutable? Even it's a function object?
But I can still use "let" to assign something else to this name.
2. inside the function "c<-x" seems that "c" is a variable.
It is assigned by list x's values.
I'm using the word "variable" from C language, not sure how Haskell name all its names?
If you're familiar with C, think of the distinction between declaring a variable and assigning a value to it. For example, you can declare a variable on its own and later assign to it:
int i;
i = 7;
Or you can declare a variable and assign initial value at the same time:
int i = 7;
And in either case, you can mutate the value of a variable by assigning to it once more after the first initialization or assignment:
int i = 7; // Declaration and initial assignment
i = 5; // Mutation
Assignment in Haskell works exclusively like the second example—declaration with initialization:
You declare a variable;
Haskell doesn't allow uninitialized variables, so you are required to supply a value in the declaration;
There's no mutation, so the value given in the declaration will be the only value for that variable throughout its scope.
I bolded and hyperlinked "scope" because it's the second critical component here. This goes one of your questions:
“removeLower" is an immutable? Even it's a function object? But I can still use "let" to assign something else to this name.
After you bind removeLower to the function you define in your example, the name removeLower will always refer to that function within the scope of that definition. This is easy to demonstrate in the interpreter. First, let's define a function foo:
Prelude> let foo x = x + 2
Prelude> foo 4
Now we define an bar that uses foo:
Prelude> let bar x = foo (foo x)
Prelude> bar 4
And now we "redefine" foo to something different:
Prelude> let foo x = x + 3
Prelude> foo 4
Now what do you think happens to bar?
Prelude> bar 4
It remains the same! Because the "redefinition" of foo doesn't mutate anything—it just says that, in the new scope created by the "redefinition", the name foo stands for the function that adds three. The definition of bar was made in the earlier scope where foo x = x + 2, so that's the meaning that the name foo has in that definition of bar. The original value of foo was not destroyed or mutated by the "redefinition."
In a Haskell program as much as in a C program, the same name can still refer to different values in different scopes of the program. This is what makes "variables" variable. The difference is that in Haskell you can never mutate the value of a variable within one scope. You can shadow a definition, however—uses of a variable will refer to the "nearest" definition of that name in some sense. (In the case of the interpreter, the most recent let declaration for that variable.)
Now, with that out of the way, here are the syntaxes that exist in Haskell for variable binding ("assignment"). First, there's top-level declarations in a module:
module MyLibrary (addTwo) where
addTwo :: Int -> Int
addTwo x = x + 2
Here the name addTwo is declared with the given function as its value. A top level declaration can have private, auxiliary declarations in a where block:
addSquares :: Integer -> Integer
addSquares x y = squareOfX + squareOfY
where square z = z * z
squareOfX = square x
squareOfY = square y
Then there's the let ... in ... expression, that allows you to declare a local variable for any expression:
addSquares :: Integer -> Integer
addSquares x y =
let square z = z * z
squareOfX = square x
squareOfY = square y
in squareOfX + squareOfY
Then there's the do-notation that has its own syntax for declaring variables:
example :: IO ()
example = do
putStrLn "Enter your first name:"
firstName <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter your lasst name:"
lastName <- getLine
let fullName = firstName ++ " " ++ lastName
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ fullName ++ "!")
The var <- action assigns a value that is produced by an action (e.g., reading a line from standard input), while let var = expr assigns a value that is produced by a function (e.g., concatenating some strings). Note that the let in a do block is not the same thing as the let ... in ... from above!
And finally, in list comprehension you get the same assignment syntax as in do-notation.
It's referring to the monadic bind operator >>=. You just don't need to explicitly write a lambda as right hand side parameter. The list comprension will be compiled down to the monadic actions defined. And by that it means exactly the same as in a monadic environment.
In fact you can replace the list comprension with a simple call to filter:
filter (`elem` ['A' .. 'Z']) x
To answer your question regarding the <- syntactic structure a bit clearer:
[c| c <- x]
is the same as
do c <- x
return c
is the same as
x >>= \c -> return c
is the same as
x >>= return
Consider the official documentation of Haskell for further reading:
[c|c<-x, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
is a list comprehension, and c <- x is a generator where c is a pattern to be matched from the elements of the list x. c is a pattern which is successively bound to the elements of the input list x which are a, s, e, u, ... when you evaluate removeLower "aseruiiUIUIdkf".
c `elem` ['A'..'Z']
is a predicate which is applied to each successive binding of c inside the comprehension and an element of the input only appears in the output list if it passes this predicate.