Using the contents of an array to set individual pixels in a Quartz bitmap context - cocoa-touch

I have an array that contains the RGB colour values for each pixel in a 320 x 180 display. I would like to be able to set individual pixel values in the a bitmap context of the same size offscreen then display the bitmap context in a view.
It appears that I have to create 1x1 rects and either put a stroke on them or a line of length 1 at the point in question. Is that correct? I'm looking for a very efficient way of getting the array data onto the graphics context as you can imagine this is going to be an image buffer that cycles at 25 frames per second and drawing in this way seems inefficient.
I guess the other question is should I use OPENGL ES instead?
Thoughts/best practice would be much appreciated.
OK, have come a short way, but can't make the final hurdle and I am not sure why this isn't working:
- (void) displayContentsOfArray1UsingBitmap: (CGContextRef)context
long bitmapData[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
// Build bitmap
int i, j, h;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
h = frameBuffer01[i][j];
bitmapData[i * j] = h;
// Blit the bitmap to the context
CGDataProviderRef providerRef = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, bitmapData,4 * WIDTH * HEIGHT, NULL);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 8, 32, WIDTH * 4, colorSpaceRef, kCGImageAlphaFirst, providerRef, NULL, YES, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0.0, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT), imageRef);

Read the documentation for CGImageCreate(). Basically, you have to create a CGDataProvider from your pixel array (using CGDataProviderCreateDirect()), then create a CGImage with this data provider as a source. You can then draw the image into any context. It's a bit tedious to get this right because these functions expect a lot of arguments, but the documentation is quite good.

The blitting code works fine, but your code to copy from the frame buffer is incorrect.
// Build bitmap
int i, j, h;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
for (j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
h = frameBuffer01[i][j];
bitmapData[/*step across a line*/i + /*step down a line*/j*WIDTH] = h;
Note my changes to the assignment to elements of bitmapData.
Not knowing the layout of frame, this may still be incorrect, but from your code, this looks closer to the intent.


Scale vImage_Buffer with offset - Cocoa Objective C

I am trying to scale an image using vImage_Buffer and the below code works for me. My trouble is I want to maintain the aspect ratio of the source image, so I might need to add a xOffset or yOffset. Below code only works for yOffset. How can I scale the image with xOffset as well. I can not do scaling with CGContext since that affect the performance.
CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
size_t finalWidth = 1080;
size_t finalHeight = 720;
size_t sourceWidth = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer);
size_t sourceHeight = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer);
CGRect aspectRect = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(CGSizeMake(sourceWidth, sourceHeight), CGRectMake(0, 0, finalWidth, finalHeight));
size_t bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(imageBuffer);
size_t startY = aspectRect.origin.y;
size_t yOffSet = (finalWidth*startY*4);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(imageBuffer, 0);
void *baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(imageBuffer);
void* destData = malloc(finalHeight * finalWidth * 4);
vImage_Buffer srcBuffer = { (void *)baseAddress, sourceHeight, sourceWidth, bytesPerRow};
vImage_Buffer destBuffer = { (void *)destData+yOffSet, aspectRect.size.height, aspectRect.size.width, aspectRect.size.width * 4};
vImage_Error err = vImageScale_ARGB8888(&srcBuffer, &destBuffer, NULL, 0);
No pun intended, but you should really read Accelerate.framework documentation.
Replace malloc with calloc ...
void *destData = calloc(finalHeight * finalWidth * 4);
... to zero all the bytes (or use any other way).
What does vImage_Buffer.rowBytes documentation say?
The distance, in bytes, between the start of one pixel row and the next in an image, including any unused space between them.
The rowBytes value must be at least the width multiplied by the pixel size, where the pixel size depends on the image format. You can provide a larger value, in which case the extra bytes will extend beyond the end of each row of pixels. You may want to do so either to improve performance, or to describe an image within a larger image without copying the data. The extra bytes aren't considered part of the image represented by the vImage buffer.
When allocating floating-point data for images, keep the data 4-byte aligned by allocating bytes as integer multiples of 4. For best performance, allocate bytes as integer multiples of 16.
Look at the following image:
Red circle (top/left corner) is offset from the buffer start, let's calculate it (assuming 4 bytes per pixel):
size_t startY = aspectRect.origin.y;
size_t startX = aspectRect.origin.x;
size_t offset = 4 * (finalWidth * startY + startX);
The distance, in bytes, between the start of one pixel row and the next in an image, including any unused space between them is finalWidth * 4 (red line between two other circles).
Let's fix the destBuffer:
vImage_Buffer destBuffer = {
(void *)destData+offset,
finalWidth * 4

vImage not putting channels correctly back together

I tried to extract all 3 channels from an image with vImageConvert_RGB888toPlanar8 and then put them back together with vImageConvert_Planar8toRGB888 but the image gets totally messed up. Why is that?
vImage_Buffer blueBuffer; = (void*)blueImageData.bytes;
blueBuffer.width = size.width;
blueBuffer.height = size.height;
blueBuffer.rowBytes = [blueImageData length]/size.height;
vImage_Buffer rBuffer;
rBuffer.width = size.width;
rBuffer.height = size.height;
rBuffer.rowBytes = size.width;
void *rPixelBuffer = malloc(size.width * size.height);
if(rPixelBuffer == NULL)
NSLog(#"No pixelbuffer");
} = rPixelBuffer;
vImage_Buffer gBuffer;
gBuffer.width = size.width;
gBuffer.height = size.height;
gBuffer.rowBytes = size.width;
void *gPixelBuffer = malloc(size.width * size.height);
if(gPixelBuffer == NULL)
NSLog(#"No pixelbuffer");
} = gPixelBuffer;
vImage_Buffer bBuffer;
bBuffer.width = size.width;
bBuffer.height = size.height;
bBuffer.rowBytes = size.width;
void *bPixelBuffer = malloc(size.width * size.height);
if(bPixelBuffer == NULL)
NSLog(#"No pixelbuffer");
} = bPixelBuffer;
vImageConvert_RGB888toPlanar8(&blueBuffer, &rBuffer, &gBuffer, &bBuffer, kvImageNoFlags);
size_t destinationImageBytesLength = size.width*size.height*3;
const void* destinationImageBytes = valloc(destinationImageBytesLength);
NSData* destinationImageData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:destinationImageBytes length:destinationImageBytesLength];
vImage_Buffer destinationBuffer; = (void*)destinationImageData.bytes;
destinationBuffer.width = size.width;
destinationBuffer.height = size.height;
destinationBuffer.rowBytes = [destinationImageData length]/size.height;
vImage_Error result = vImageConvert_Planar8toRGB888(&rBuffer, &gBuffer, &bBuffer, &destinationBuffer, 0);
NSImage* image = nil;
if(result == kvImageNoError)
//TODO: If you need color matching, use an appropriate colorspace here
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)(destinationImageData));
CGImageRef finalImageRef = CGImageCreate(size.width, size.height, 8, 24, destinationBuffer.rowBytes, colorSpace, kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big|kCGImageAlphaNone, dataProvider, NULL, NO, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:finalImageRef size:NSMakeSize(size.width, size.height)];
return image;
Working with vImage means to work with pixels only. So you must never use the size of an image (or imageRep), you only use pixelsWide and pixelsHigh. Replace all size.width with pixelsWide and all size.height with pixelsHigh. Apple has example code for vImage and they use size values! Don't believe them! Not all Apple example codes are correct.
The size of an image or imageRep determines how big an image shall be drawn on the screen (or a printer). Size values have the dimension of a length and the units are meter, cm, inch or (as in Cocoa) 1/72 inch aka point. They are represented as float values.
PixelsWide and pixelsHigh have no dimension and no unit (they are simply numbers) and are represented as int values.
There may be more bugs in your code, but the first step should be to replace all size values.
Strictly speaking, you want kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault instead of kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big. 32Big doesn't make much sense for a 24 bit pixel format.
This seems like a weak link:
destinationBuffer.rowBytes = [destinationImageData length]/size.height;
Check to see it is the right number.
A picture of the output would help diagnose the problem. Also check the console to see if CG is giving you any spew. Did you try vImageCreateCGImageFromBuffer() with kvImagePrintDiagnosticsToConsole to see if it has anything to say?
Working with vImage means to work with pixels only. So you must never use the size of an image (or imageRep), you only use pixelsWide and pixelsHigh. Replace all size.width with pixelsWide and all size.height with pixelsHigh. Apple has example code for vImage and they use size values! Don't believe them! Not all Apple example codes are correct.
The size of an image or imageRep determines how big an image shall be drawn on the screen (or a printer). Size values have the dimension of a length and the units are meter, cm, inch or (as in Cocoa) 1/72 inch aka point. They are represented as float values.
PixelsWide and pixelsHigh have no dimension and no unit (they are simply numbers) and are represented as int values.
There may be more bugs in your code, but the first step should be to replace all size values.

Core Graphics pointillize effect on CGImage

So I have been writing a lot of image processing code lately using only core graphics and i have made quite a few working filters that manipulate the colors, apply blends, blurs and stuff like that. But I'm having trouble writing a filter to apply a pointillize effect to an image like this:
what I'm trying to do is get the color of a pixel and fill an ellipse with that color, looping through the image and doing this every few pixels here is the code:
EDIT: here is my new code this time its just drawing a few little circles in the bottom of the image am I doing it right like you said?
-(UIImage*)applyFilterWithAmount:(double)amount {
CGImageRef inImage = self.CGImage;
CFDataRef m_dataRef = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(inImage));
UInt8* m_pixelBuf = (UInt8*)CFDataGetBytePtr(m_dataRef);
int length = CFDataGetLength(m_dataRef);
CGContextRef ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(m_pixelBuf,
int row = 0;
int imageWidth = self.size.width;
if ((row%imageWidth)==0) {
int col = row%imageWidth;
for (int i = 0; i<length; i+=4) {
//filterPointillize(m_pixelBuf, i, context);
int r = i;
int g = i+1;
int b = i+2;
int red = m_pixelBuf[r];
int green = m_pixelBuf[g];
int blue = m_pixelBuf[b];
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, red/255, green/255, blue/255, 1.0);
CGContextFillEllipseInRect(ctx, CGRectMake(col, row, amount, amount));
CGImageRef imageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(ctx);
UIImage* finalImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
return finalImage;
One problem I see right off the bat is you are using the raster cell number for both your X and Y origin. A raster in this configuration is just a single dimension line. It is up to you to calculate the second dimension based on the raster image's width. That could explain why you got a line.
Another thing: seems like you are reading every pixel of the image. Didn't you want to skip pixels that are the width of the the ellipses you are trying to draw?
Next thing that looks suspicious is I think you should create the context you are drawing in before drawing. In addition, you should not be calling:
CGContextRef contextRef = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
inside the loop.
One further observation: your read RGB values are 0-255, and the CGContextSetRGBFillColor function expects values to be between 0.f - 1.f. This would explain why you got white. So you need to divide by 255:
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(contextRef, red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 1.0);
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
To calculate the row, first declare a row counter outside the loop:
int row = 0; //declare before the loop
int imageWidth = self.size.width; //get the image width
if ((i % imageWidth) == 0) { //we divide the cell number and if the remainder is 0
//then we want to increment the row counter
We can also use mod to calculate the current column:
int col = i % imageWidth; //divide i by the image width. the remainder is the col num
You have to put this inside the for loop:
if ((row%imageWidth)==0) {
int col = row%imageWidth;
Also, I forgot to mention before, to make the column and row 0 based (which is what you want) you will need to subtract 1 from the image size:
int imageWidth = self.size.width - 1;

Image processing in Obj-C

I want to do some scientific image processing on iOS in Obj-C or of course C, all I require to do this is to get a 3D array of the bit values of all the pixels' RGBA. UIImage doesn't seem to have a built in function. Do any of you know how to get the pixel values or more preferably a predefined library with those functions in there?
Thanks in advance, JEM
You'd normally either create a CGBitmapContext, telling it to use some memory you'd allocated yourself (so, you know where it is and how to access it) or let Core Graphics figure that out for you and call CGBitmapContextGetData if you're targeting only iOS 4/OS X 10.6 and later, then draw whatever you want to inspect to it.
E.g. (error checking and a few setup steps deliberately omitted for brevity; look for variables I use despite not defining and check the function documentation)
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo =
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host;
context =
width, height,
width * 4,
CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, (CGFloat)width, (CGFloat)height),
[image CGImage]);
uint8_t *pixelPointer = CGBitmapContextGetData(context);
for(size_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
for(size_t x = 0u; x < width; x++)
if((bitmapInfo & kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little))
NSLog(#"rgba: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
pixelPointer[2], pixelPointer[1],
pixelPointer[0], pixelPointer[3]);
NSLog(#"rgba: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
pixelPointer[1], pixelPointer[2],
pixelPointer[3], pixelPointer[0]);
pixelPointer += 4;

Manipulating raw png data

I want to read a PNG file such that I can:
a) Access the raw bitmap data of the file, with no color space adjustment or alpha premultiply.
b) Based on that bitmap, display bit slices (any single bit of R, G, B, or A, across the whole image) in an image in the window. If I have the bitmap I can find the right bits, but what can I stuff them into to get them onscreen?
c) After some modification of the bitplanes, write a new PNG file, again with no adjustments.
This is only for certain specific images. The PNG is not expected to have any data other than simply RGBA-32.
From reading some similar questions here, I'm suspecting NSBitmapImageRep for the file read/write, and drawing in an NSView for the onscreen part. Does this sound right?
1.) You can use NSBitmapImageRep's -bitmapData to get the raw pixel data. Unfortunately, CG (NSBitmapImageRep's backend) does not support native unpremultiplication so you would have to unpremultiply yourself. The colorspace used in this will be the same as present in the file. Here is how to unpremultiply the image data:
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:data];
NSInteger width = [imageRep pixelsWide];
NSInteger height = [imageRep pixelsHigh];
unsigned char *bytes = [imageRep bitmapData];
for (NSUInteger y = 0; y < width * height * 4; y += 4) { // bgra little endian + alpha first
uint8_t a, r, g, b;
if (imageRep.bitmapFormat & NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat) {
a = bytes[y];
r = bytes[y+1];
g = bytes[y+2];
b = bytes[y+3];
} else {
r = bytes[y+0];
g = bytes[y+1];
b = bytes[y+2];
a = bytes[y+3];
// unpremultiply alpha if there is any
if (a > 0) {
if (!(imageRep.bitmapFormat & NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat)) {
float factor = 255.0f/a;
b *= factor;
g *= factor;
r *= factor;
} else {
b = 0;
g = 0;
r = 0;
bytes[y]=a; // for argb
2.) I couldn't think of a simple way to do this. You could make your own image drawing method that loops through the raw image data and generates a new image based on the values. Refer above to see how to start doing it.
3.) Here is a method to get a CGImage from raw data places (you can write the png to a file using native CG functions or convert it to NSBitmapImageRep if CG makes you uncomfortable)
static CGImageRef cgImageFrom(NSData *data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) {
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((CFDataRef)data);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaFirst;
CGImageRef cgImage = CGImageCreate(width, height, 8, 32, 4 * width, colorSpace, bitmapInfo, provider, NULL, NO, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
return cgImage;
You can create the NSData object out of the raw data object with +dataWithBytes:length:
I haven't ever worked in this area, but you may be able to use Image IO for this.