How to generate a report for particular XHTML tag/attributes? - testing

I wan to check whole site's <img> image's for alt text. I want to get a report of, What is written in alt text or alt is defined or not from all images being used on whole site in every page.
Is it possible to get report like this? after getting report i will put alt or if alt is already added but blank, then will write description text.
Otherwise in a big site it will take huge time to go and check each page.
Site is on Intranet and accessible with username and password.

This isn't a direct answer, but since it seems like your motivation here is just to know which img elements don't have alt attributes, I wanted to add that not all img elements need alt attributes.
The HTML5 spec mentions which img elements should have alt attributes:
What an img element represents depends on the src attribute and the alt attribute.
If the src attribute is set and the alt attribute is set to the empty string
The image is either decorative or supplemental to the rest of the content, redundant with some other information in the document.
If the image is available and the user agent is configured to display that image, then the element represents the image specified by the src attribute.
Otherwise, the element represents nothing, and may be omitted completely from the rendering. User agents may provide the user with a notification that an image is present but has been omitted from the rendering.
If the src attribute is set and the alt attribute is set to a value that isn't empty
The image is a key part of the content; the alt attribute gives a textual equivalent or replacement for the image.
If the image is available and the user agent is configured to display that image, then the element represents the image specified by the src attribute.
Otherwise, the element represents the text given by the alt attribute. User agents may provide the user with a notification that an image is present but has been omitted from the rendering.
If the src attribute is set and the alt attribute is not
The image might be a key part of the content, and there is no textual equivalent of the image available.
Note: In a conforming document, the absence of the alt attribute indicates that the image is a key part of the content but that a textual replacement for the image was not available when the image was generated.
If the image is available, the element represents the image specified by the src attribute.
If the src attribute is not set and either the alt attribute is set to the empty string or the alt attribute is not set at all
The element represents nothing.
The element represents the text given by the alt attribute.

If you wanted to do this with Selenium it will be something like this
Dictionary<string,string> details = new Dictionary<string,string>();
int imgcount = selenium.GetXpathCount("//img");
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in details)
Console.WriteLine("key " + kvp.Key);
Console.WriteLine("Value " + kvp.Value);
That will print the src of the image and its ALT text.

Using TestPlan I came up with this quick script:
foreach %Image% in (response //img)
set %src% as combineCurrentURL (selectIn %Image% #src)
set %alt% as trim (selectIn %Image% #alt)
if numComp 0 = (length %alt%)
Notice %src% ALT IS EMPTY
Notice %src% : %alt%
The output looks like below (a CSV report can also be generated if desired)
00000001-00 NOTICE : Stack Overflow
00000003-00 NOTICE : vote up
00000004-00 NOTICE : vote down
This works in both the HTMLUnit and Selenium backend to TestPlan.


Selecting element using webdriver (duplicate identifiers)

I have to look at an application which I can't use the normal selectors (like "id", "name", etc - this is a design flaw) but I do have a custom tag which has been applied to elements on the page:
and this is fine, I can interact with this using (simple script)
var tag = '[test-tag="x"]';
var selector = $(tag);
However, I have now found that some elements (notably textboxes) have a title and a box element - both have the same custom tag applied. Now the text box is an input type. Anyone know how I can change the above to target specifially input types?
try this:
for the input box
Take a look at this as well:

How to locate random id generated by a modal?

I was testing my website using RF. The problem is, every time the modal is opened, a different id(locator) will be set on the textbox that I want to input my text. How do you get value of this locator?
I was supposed to try Get Element Attribute but then it cannot support my problem since it still requires a specific locator.
In ROBOT Framework (RF), the locator can be accessed by several ways. Please refer and read this link:
The most common way to access the locator is by id such as :
Input Text id:username # Element with id 'username'.
Input Text id:password # Element with id 'password'. you can also use 'Input Password' keyword.
However, if the 'id' element is so dynamic which it keep changing, then the best alternative is to use either ABSOLUTE XPATH expression or CSS selectors. Install the XPATH add-on in your web browser. For firefox, just install ChroPath.
Then, get the ABSOLUTE Xpath element of that username & password text box. Let's assume we know the absolute xpath expression already, so in ROBOT, you can write like below.
${login_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[1]/input[1]
${password_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[2]/input[1]
Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${password_absolute_xpath}
This should works. Please let me know if this helps.

How can I focus to a specific item which is in the bottom of the page in IDE

I am trying to select a specific item in a page which is at the bottom of the page. I want to verify that element is present and the same time I want to focus to that specific item.
How can I do this in the Selenium IDE?
I tried storeEval, but its specific co-ordinated which I don't want. I am looking for some dynamic command. I tried using css:.groupTile:contains("Concentrated") but the focus is not going to that particular item (Concentrated).
Can someone help me with Command, Target and value please?
CSS Selectors have many formats
i) Using id. Put this in Target: css=tag#id
tag = the HTML tag of the element being accessed,
id = the ID of the element being accessed
ii) Using class. Put this in Target: css=tag.class
tag = the HTML tag of the element being accessed,
class = the class of the element being accessed
In value you enter name of the item.

Need a Hyperlink control to do several things at once

On my site I have a DataList full of image thumbnails. The thumbnails are HyperLink controls that, when clicked, offer an enlarged view of the source image (stored in my database).
My client wants a facebook Like button on each image and I was hoping to put that in the lightbox window that appears when you click on a thumbnail.
My challenge here is that to generate the info for the Like, I need to create meta tags and each image should, preferably, create it's own meta tags on the fly.
What I can't figure out is how to make the HyperLink click open the lightbox AND create the meta tags at the same time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
For a live view of the site, go to
The way that we approach similar problems is to hook the onclick event of the href in javascript.
Depending on exactly what you need to do, you can even prevent the standard browser behavior for the hyperlink from executing by returning false from the javascript method.
And in some cases, we just use the hyperlink for "show" by setting the href to "#".
Here is an example that combines all of these concepts:
File Name
In this case, the specified javascript is executed, there is no real hyperlink, and the browser doesn't try to navigate to the specified URL because we return false in the javascript.
Add a Classname to the opening table tag like class="tbl_images" so we can use JQuery to access it. Capture the click on the td and pickup the id of the item. Pass that id to your code as required to generate your meta tags. In the following when the user clicks on an anchor in a td, a function will run.
I use this all the time to access attributes in the td so i can run a function. You could use something like this to pickup values from your image/anchor and create something...
$("#tbl_images > tbody > tr ").each(function () {
//get the id of the tr (if required)
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var ImageTitle = $(this).find("img.Image_Class_Name").attr("title");
//on click of anchor with classname of lighthouse run function,
//passing in our id or other data in the row to our function
$(this).find("td: > a.lighthouse").click(function () {
//update script for this record

How to find x,y location of a text in pdf

Is there any tool to find the X-Y location on a text content in a pdf file ?
Docotic.Pdf Library can do it. See C# sample below:
using (PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument("your_pdf.pdf"))
foreach (PdfTextData textData in doc.Pages[0].Canvas.GetTextData())
Console.WriteLine(textData.Position + " " + textData.Text);
Try running "Preflight..." in Acrobat and choosing PDF Analysis -> List page objects, grouped by type of object.
If you locate the text objects within the results list, you will notice there is a position value (in points) within the Text Properties -> * Font section.
TET, the Text Extraction Toolkit from the pdflib family of products can do that. TET has a commandline interface, and it's the most powerful of all text extraction tools I'm aware of. (It can even handle ligatures...)
TET provides precise metrics for the text, such as the position on the page, glyph widths, and text direction. Specific areas on the page can be excluded or included in the text extraction, e.g. to ignore headers and footers or margins.