Handling Images - WCF - vb.net

Here so much about this site so I'll try my luck if you could help me enlighten in my problem.
What would be the best options to handle images in .Net 3.5 framework and SQL Server for a WINAPP that is incorporated with WCF? I need use this images for transactions inside the system.

The most efficient way to send images over WCF is to use streaming. (Google for WCF Streaming).
For storing images in SQL Server there are several options, data type varbinary(max) has worked well for us.

what i meant is there are process in th system that requires an image data. For now, I store the image in the database by converting it to a base64string and saving it. When wcf is implemented the retrieval of data with images is slow.

I just mentioned the below text in another answer, but it's relevant to you as well, so I'll copy paste what I wrote there.
Have you considered using WCF's raw programming model? This blog post details how to use the programming model on the service side, and this follow-up blog post details how to use it on the client side. I've seen it used quite a bit for file upload and image transfer scenarios, so it might help your situation as well!


Basic iOS Networking Questions

I am trying to do my first App which is a basic joke app that uses tableViews and allows users to add their own jokes to the app database. My problem is in the networking department and I think I'm getting confused with all that is out there. I have a couple basic questions that I was hoping to get answers or opinions on:
I am really confused about the path that is taken from the app on the iphone to the database that is holding the data. Does the tableview controller call a AFNetworking object, that then sends a JSON object to a server-side script(??), that then queries a SQL database and returns the data? I am just looking for a basic path that allows the user to add their own joke to the database.
Is this a URL request? When I see URL request I think of a web page.
I have a website that is hosted on GoDaddy.com. Is this also sufficient to hold the database for the jokes on the iOS app?
I have been searching for days and have gotten no simple answer. I just want to study the correct subjects instead of wasting time. ANY help or pointers would be appreciated.
You have two forms of storage here - some form of web store (such as a server database technology like MySQL) and the local iOS CoreData (if you want to store locally, or make a new request every time thus requiring a connection). You can use web requests (perhaps using the AFNetworking library) to ensure that the local store and the online store match. A typical flow could be for example - on app launch perform a GET request to pull all jokes from the server using a service URL that returns a JSON file, then update Coredata. To upload a new joke, use a POST request which performs a similar function.
A 'URL request' maps to a web technology which uses some form of logic to determine how to return some data. For example, the request may arrive at a web server (such as Apache) which routes your request to a PHP controller file which then talks with the database and returns your data.
GoDaddy is a hosting platform that supports PHP and MySQL (amongst other technologies that will do the same trick), so yes.
In your situation, I would study the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Your app will be a great learning experience I think, you should pick up a lot of core concepts.
EDIT to answer your question in the first comment:
Your question:
1. Are JSON files stored on the device or the server? 2. Does JSON replace JavaScript?
JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation, it's just a way of representing data and doesn't replace anything. It's particularly useful because most languages support parsing JSON in a way that the technology understands. It's a handy way of sending data around because it's pretty lightweight and is widely supported.
In a case like this, the JSON would probably not be stored on the server. The data would be stored in a database. Your request will be mapped to a server side technology such as PHP or Ruby which will then ask the database for the information, convert it to JSON for sending and return it to the client. (It is possible to store data on a server in a JSON file, but you would have to write your server side code to manipulate the JSON file directly, it would be hard work and way less elegant!)
The client (in this case an iOS device) will parse the JSON into an object that Objective-C can play with, like an NSDictionary.
Hope that helps!

Android MySQL php+JSON alternative

I have written a simple database driven app in C# which uses a 2 table MySQL database. This is all a learning curve for me (except c#, which I am now comfortable with)
The app is small, has a couple of datagridviews, uses a few sql select/inserts statments to populate the datagridviews and also update records.
I want to port this app to Android. All of the internet sources I can find recommend a middle php sript which accepts http requests in order to fetch the data from MySQL and then return the results back to the android device where it is parsed with JSON etc etc.
This method is a little out of my reach since I dont have php experience, all of my attempts to implement the php layer have failed, speciially the android app was not receiving any data back, I'm assuming I messed up somewhere inside the php file.
Is there an easier (more noobproof) way to interact with the MySQL database from within android which doesnt require the need for php + JSON? Any ideas are appreciated, thank you in advance.
If you are comfortable with C#, why not use ASP.Net MVC for the middle man?
MVC is especially easy to deal with JSON, and you actually only need to create those "controllers" (as models should already be there from your existing app, and JSON don't need the View to display).
You can create a Web Service with C# that handles the data retrieval from the database; no need to go with PHP. Try create one with WCF API (check this question in order to create one). In order to create an Android client that consumes JSON on Android check this link.
If your mobile application have to access a database over the network you should indeed build a web service fronted to the database.
By putting a web access layer on top of the database you can expose the required queries in an abstracted, secure and convenient manner.
Though this sort of web service architecture can be implemented with PHP + JSON other technologies can be used as well. If you feel more comfortable with C# you can use it to build the web service instead. By doing so you may even be able to reuse some of the code from your existing application.
Actually, it would be better to take php in middle of android & mysql, due to the security concern and by the way this is the most easiest & comfortable method. here is link link. I hope you like it.

WCF examples for receiving (consuming) data feeds

All the example WCF feed services that I can find are all about generating a feed. What about consuming a feed? Does anyone have any links to examples, or discussions, on a WCF service (.net 4.0 preferably) that can accept an Atom or RSS formatted data feed? I don't need to generate the feed, I need to accept it, validate it, stick the data into a variety of back end systems (DB, Solr, file system). And by accept, I don't mean I go call some service that returns Atom or RSS, I need to let people Post Atom or RSS to me.
I'm currently looking at having a service that accepts a string, then loads that string into some Syndication objects...but that seems clunky. I'm really amazed that there is no one out there needing to do this, which makes me think I'm doing something hinky.
What about a WCF Data Service (RESTful wcf) that only accepts Add, Update, Delete and not Get. I can find no example of that, and it seems like I'd be breaking some major coding standard if I did it.
Any suggestions, links, ideas, alternate designs would be helpful.
Re: James' request for more info. I am writing a service that will allow multiple, different, data sets to be posted to it. Similar to GoogleBase. There is a loose definition of the data, but a lot of the individual fields are dynamically defined. Other than a standard format (Atom and RSS) and 1 or 2 required fields, the rest is user defined. What I've done so far is have a Service that accepts an XElement argument. I can then determine at runtime if that XElement is RSS, ATOM, or POX, then I process accordingly. I just wasn't sure if XElement is SOAP and REST and CLR friendly all at once. I was also trying to see if there were more standard ways of doing this. If a service that emits data feeds (this is the primary example available) is like a sun, I'm writing the black hole equivalent. It's a data black hole service to help our partners keep us up to date on any changes to their data that we need to be aware of.
Not sure if you are still looking for the answer, i hope not :-)
I was looking for the same thing. Please have a look at the link below. It helped me and it may help someone else also.
Although in the above link the author used program.cs but it is possible to write same code in the WCF service method and expose it.

Can you run your own reCaptcha service, in your own web app?

Is the backend used by reCaptcha open source? Is it a simple web app that can be deployed in a given container?
It's a web service. It is supplied by a third party.
You can integrate it into your application, but as far as the source code goes, no. Its value is not in the source code but in the images that are supplied. They're not randomly generated but come from books from those parts an OCR system failed to process. So by solving reCaptcha people are actually helping scan books. Somebody takes care of the scanning process and supplied a constant flow of new challenges. Hard to beat.
Running reCaptcha on your own server would be very cumbersome, as it requires a constant supply of image data (scanned books) to work. Also it would kind of beat a part of the purpose, that is digitizing books for the common good. Besides, I don't think it's even available.
This should be able to answer all of your questions for you: recaptcha

Generating iTunes podcast feed with WCF

How do you make an iTunes podcast feed with WCF? Or do you know of a complete example that actually works?
I've reached the point where I corrected all errors and warnings[1] marked by feedvalidator.org and also included all the iTunes custom tags I could and iTunes still claims it's a broken feed (obviously giving no useful information about it).
[1] I haven't solved two warnings: one is that the address of the podcast is not consistent, because I'm running it on localhost, and the other that I am using namespaces for the atom embedded tags when producing an RSS, for which there's no work around using WCF.
Looks like this user was able to get it working: How do you add another namespace to WCF SyndicationFeed?
Hope that helps.
I believe WCF is a communications framework that uses SOAP, and is meant for something more like Web Services, rather than hosting an XML file. Even if it is possible, WCF is probably not the right way to do what you're trying to do.
Edit: Uninformed opinions do not make good answers. Forget I said anything!