How does NSValue do its magic? - objective-c

I have an MVC application. The model has a property that is a struct NSSize. It is writable like this:
- (void)setSize:(NSSize)aSize;
The view sets this NSSize using key-value-coding. However, you can not key-value-code a struct, so I wrapped it in an NSValue-object like this:
[theView setValue:[NSValue valueWithSize:mySize]
To my understanding, this should not work since the accessor expects a struct and not an NSValue. But it works perfectly. Magically.
How is this possible?

Scroll down to "Wrapping and Unwrapping Structs", but here's the gist:
setValue:forKey: determines the data type required by the appropriate accessor or instance variable for the specified key. If the data type is not an object, then the value is extracted from the passed object using the appropriate -<type>Value method.
Btw, thanks for asking this question! This is one of those cocoa things that has always "just worked" and I never considered that it wasn't obvious how it was accomplished.


Is it possible to use a symbolic breakpoint (or similar) with a dynamic property setter?

At some point in the app, a property in my object is getting set to a strange value. Normally, I would debug something like this by setting a symbolic breakpoint similar to this:
This way, when someone tries to set the property to the value I'm looking for, I get a hit and I can look at the trace to see where it's coming from.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work when you're dealing with properties declared as #dynamic. Is there another way to do something similar?
More Info
The object in question is an NSManagedObject
This project uses RestKit and its very possible that this is where the value is coming from.
You can implement the setter yourself and put a breakpoint in there. Implementing a core data property setter is a bit different than normal. Something like this should work:
- (void)setFoo:(NSObject *)foo {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"foo"];
[self setPrimitiveValue:foo forKey:#"foo"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"foo"];

objective C underscore property vs self

I'm was playing around with the standard sample split view that gets created when you select a split view application in Xcode, and after adding a few fields i needed to add a few fields to display them in the detail view.
and something interesting happend
in the original sample, the master view sets a "detailItem" property in the detail view and the detail view displays it.
- (void)setDetailItem:(id) newDetailItem
if (_detailItem != newDetailItem) {
_detailItem = newDetailItem;
// Update the view.
[self configureView];
i understand what that does and all, so while i was playing around with it. i thought it would be the same if instead of _detailItem i used self.detailItem, since it's a property of the class.
however, when i used
self.detailItem != newDetailItem
i actually got stuck in a loop where this method is constantly called and i cant do anything else in the simulator.
my question is, whats the actual difference between the underscore variables(ivar?) and the properties?
i read some posts here it seems to be just some objective C convention, but it actually made some difference.
_property means you are directly accessing the property. means you are using accessors.
In your case, in the setter method you are calling it, creating a recursive call.
In the course of your experiment, you've set up an endless loop which is why the simulator goes non-responsive.
Calling self.detailItem within the scope of setDetailItem: calls setDetailItem: recursively since your class implements a custom setter method for the property detailItem.
I would refer you to the Apple documentation on declared properties for the scoop on properties, ivars, etc; but briefly, declared properties are a simplified way of providing accessor methods for your class. Rather than having to write your own accessor methods (as we had to do before Objective-C 2.0) they are now generated for you through the property syntax.
The properties are basically a way of the compiler to generate a setter and getter for a given instance variable.
So when you use something like:
id detailItem = self.detailItem;
what you are doing under the hood is:
id detailItem = [self detailItem];
Same for:
self.detailItem = otherDetailItem;
would be:
[self setDetailItem:otherDetailItem];
So when you write the setter yourself.. you get in an infinite loop since you access the method itself in itself.
You can freely make use of the 'self.' notation in your class, just not when you're overriding the setter or accessor because of the mechanism I described above.
Cases in a class where I use the . notation over simply accessing the ivar is when I change the value, you never know inside your class what needs to happen when you change the value. do you have something in terms of a status that should notify some delegate that a status changed? Usually this is not the case, however, just by using the . notation you are making sure that in the future you won't have to refactor some code if you did decide to do some magic in your setter method.
I'll make an example (without ARC enabled):
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber* number;
If you don't synthesize it, you can access it this way:
self.number= [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES];
This case the number is retained.If instead you synthesize it and don't use the property:
#synthesize number;
Later in the file:
number=[NSNUmber numberWithBool: YES];
You haven't used the property, so the number is not retained.That makes a relevant difference between using accessors and synthesized properties.

NSLog on Objects (like UIButton, UIView, NSString, NSDictionary) with %# for their description

Sorry if this question is too simple but it is something that I have always wondered and I would like to hear the opinion of an expert.
I have always used NSLog(#"%#",object); to check the string of a NSString, or to see what a NSDictionary has inside. So I am really curious about if you can use this technique to NSLog all objects in objective C.
According to my experience, a NSLog to an object who doesn't have text like content will simply give you the instance description, which will be the object class and instance number I think (like an UIView or a UIButton).
Is there any situation in where I would get an EXE_BAD_ACCESS for logging an object (not a structure/primitive variable)? Or can I keep doing this as I have so far?
You can safely NSLog any object that inherits from NSObject. The description method will be called to produce the output. The default implementation returns the name of the class, but you are free to override description on your own objects to produce any text that you think may be of help to you during debugging.

Passing a value from one object into another with Objective-C

I have a class called GameScene, with is a subclass of a cocos2d Scene.
In there I have two layers. GameLayer and ControlsLayer. You can probably tell already that I want the ControlsLayer to move stuff around in the GameLayer. To be precise, I'm trying to control a cPBody in the GameLayer from the ControlsLayer.
At the moment, I'm trying to route the instructions from the ControlsLayer, back up into the GameScene and then back down into the GameLayer. If that makes sense. Anyway, I can't get it to work. I have a PHP background so I think I'm incorrectly applying my PHP experience to Obj-C.
My thinking is, I should be able to access a property inside a class/object using something like
aThing *someThing = someInstance->aThing;
From the sample code I've been looking at, it looks like this should work. But it doesn't. Here's the code, stripped down to as much as possible
Rather than knowing how to fix this particular issue, The question is, what don't I understand?
In Objective-C you need to define accessor methods to get at the instance variable, you can't directly access it like that unless you're calling it from the same class type (for instance when you're implementing the NSCopying protocol and need to set private variables, but don't worry about that now).
The easiest way to do that is to define a property in your header using #property(retain) SomeClass *name;, and have Objective-C generate it by putting #synthesize name = instanceVariable; in your implementation. You can then access the variable outside of that class using; or [object name];. For more information take a look in the documentation for properties and Object Oriented programming.
You're not exposing the gameLayer.myBody property in any shape. You'd have to use the #property declaration (assuming objective-c 2.0) (here's an example).
I don't have any PHP background, so I don't know how it may be different in PHP.
The correct way to access a property in an object is as follows:
aThing * someThing = someInstance.aThing; // new style
aThing * someThing = [someInstance aThing]; // old style
If you were coding in c, the -> operator would make sense. In objective-c, however, objects are always passed around through pointers. No objective-c variable ever actually holds an object, they just hold pointers to objects. The language designers simply decided to use the [] or . syntax to access members, so that's what we have to do!

#property(copy) - is an entire copy being made?

I'm getting sublayers of a CALayer with this property accessor:
// #property(copy) NSArray *sublayers
NSArray* layer = mylayer.layer.sublayers;
Since this property uses "copy", every time I simply execute:
is an entire copy of the sublayers array being made for me? If so that might be bad, because I could have one hundred+ layers, and definitely don't want to create a huge copy of them. I'm just looking to get a count and iterate through the existing layers, just a pointer to the existing layers,
Thank you
When you use the 'copy' declaration and you #synthesize the property, then copy is used when the property is set.
In your example, you are only accessing the value which just gives you a pointer to the sublayers array.
Here's a link to the ADC documentation on this point.
IIRC, the runtime is smart enough to know if the object being set is mutable. If an immutable object is being passed in to the property it is retained and not copied.
In some cases, if you are passing in a mutable object that you want to be able to modify, then you should write your own setter that calls mutableCopy on the object. This is shown in the documentation link that I provided.
I'm not sure I understand your answer Abizern so let me say this:
If you use (copy) on a property you will be making a whole new copy of that object so would be wasting a lot of memory. I'm not sure why they are doing that, they could just use (readonly) instead if they want to protect the values from change. Plus remember most value classes are immutable in Obj-C so they can't change the value anyway.