Getting black images with selenium.captureScreenshot - selenium

I'm executing selenium tests with testng, that are started on a remote system with Selenium RC via hudson (with ssh connection). The remote system is windows xp with MKS Toolkit installed, hence ssh. Tests are NOT executed as a windows service.
I've tried using both captureScreenshot and captureEntirePageScreenshot methods. The first one always produces a black image. The second one creates the correct screen shot but it only works on Firefox and our tests usually pass on Firefox and fail in other browsers, so it is crucial to capture screen shots for the other browsers (mainly IE and Safari). The tests are ran in parallel, with many browser windows open at the same time. I'm not certain if this is what's causing the problem. Any thoughts will be appreciated.

Unfortunately screenshots in Selenium have been problematic from the start in browsers that are not Firefox. This is something that we Selenium Developers have been working on for a while to correct.
The latest work has been updating Snapsie to work in IE. There is a blog post at that explains what has happened.
I have noticed that if the screen isn't active, i.e. the screensaver has kicked in, it can produce black screenshots.
I just had a thought. You can always run Castro to video record your tests and then watch it play back. This is something SauceLabs use to run Selenium in the cloud.

Write a method for this and call that whereever you need to take the screenshot. Use the java.awt package which has been used in selenium. For example, check this site

After setting Windows Auto-Logon, and launching process not as Windows Service, I found how to solve the Remote Desktop with Black Screenshots problem of IEDriverServer.exe, by creating a batch file that disconnects RDP, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
See more details here:
(Although, I would prefer there was a way to run it as the default action, when terminating RDP session with X Windows button).


When macbook is locked, selenium safari tests initiated by Jenkins on the mac wont run

I have made sure that the mac does not sleep by adjusting the settings in the system preferences. Jenkins will start the test on a schedule, the browser comes up but the test fails because the page is blank.
The same test works with no problem if the mac is unlocked or the screen save is not up.
I cannot leave the mac unlocked because the test runs at night and its a security issue.
Has anyone encountered this issue? And have a solution. Please share.
Attaching some logs. This image will give an idea of what I am describing.
You can try to run tests on locked computer when:
you set your display never turn off, when you lock your computer
you made sure, that computer never goes in hibernate or sleeping mode
If it will not work you can use two more possibilities:
run your tests on headless browser. Here is a pretty good explanation how to do it.
run your tests on a remote screen via VNC or RDP
You can try not lock the screen, but instead start the screensaver, and require the screensaver to immediately require a password.

Chrome Headless - Firefox

I'm working on a monitoring tool for my website to log data. The actual logging is made on server. My goal is to calculate stats based on how long the user stays on the website.
Main question: I used chrome headless command --remote-debugging-port=80. I got logs for up to 10 minutes. Works perfectly. But how long will it work if left working? Is there a default timeout? If yes, how can I change it? If I want to run it exactly 30 minutes after page finished loading?
I'm trying to do the same on firefox (tried using PhantomJS but it wasn't loading the page correctly even though useragent was set to firefox) but firefox just throws an bank page when I'm trying to start a headless mode. I used "firefox -headless" and tried capturing an screenshot. It was just exiting my currently open firefox tabs without capturing any image. Any idea?
Using firefox quantum 59.0. I don't want to use selenium.
Also PhantomJS solution would be great. Currently I just want to collect logs. So, it only have to run all javascript (an jquery) code on the page which then sends the data using ajax. I tried page.onLoadFinished and then a wait function to make it stay on the page for the exact time after page loading.
Since no one answered, I will try to answer my own question after even more research and logical thinking.
Main question: Seems that there is no timeout but if need can be used --timeout X. Even though it's not perfect because it runs independently if the page if fully loaded or not.
As for the firefox, it's buggy. -new-instance (make headless run while you are already on firefox) is not working and -no-remote didn't help. Firefox is only working if running only one instance. So, if it's the PC you are working on and you want to run tests too, firefox is not for you. Headless runs only when no other instances of firefox are running, while chrome runs fine.
PhantomJS didn't work even though tried multiple solutions.
Best solution? Use chrome. Need portable? Use chromium and use headless. Or write your soft to use cefsharp which is based on chromium. Your browser with all libs will be around 120-200MB. Pretty big for portable but do it's work. Same as portable chrome or chromium. CefSharp have a privilege of integrating whatever you like into the browser since it's a... browser.

Webdriver getting wrong resolution from bamboo agent

I have developed a framework with selenium + .NET
I'm running all test using Bambo agent. Everything is working fine, except one thing.
As you know, chromedrive can not set window size bigger than actual machine screen resolution.
My bamboo machine has set 1920x1080 resolution. To make sure that it is for real 1920x1080, I wrote a powershell script that is executed on agent berofe tests and print out resolution. Btw I have bamboo agent with Windows
But when webdriver start browser (chrome, firefox or IE) it limits the browser window size to 1044x788. Looks like the webdriver is getting wrong resolution from bamboo agent.
As you know webdriver is not allowing to set bigger size of window than you actual machine has. Thats why we limit browser size to 1044x788
There is no way to change size of window for bigger one. Things like: Manage().Window.Maximize() or Manage().Window.Size = new Size (1920x1080) or starting chrome with webdriver adding some options for chrome like: chromeOptions.AddArgument("--window-size=1920,1080"); it is always limited to 1044x788.
Did any one have similiar problem? Can I somehow "hack" webdriver to open browser with 1920x1080? Meaby somebody knows how webdriver is checking the screen resolution? If he is looking for resolution in some windows file then meaby I could inject 1920x1080 resolution there?
Or meaby there is some setting in bamboo agent that I missed?
Why is that important? Becouse at same point I faced problem that on this smaller browser some webelements sometimes are overlaping (figure out that on screenshots) and it case some test to fail.
When I run test on my laptop it always have this 1920x1080 resolution.
P.S. I know about Selenium Grid but my aproach works great for me, until now :)
Before second I wrote another powershell script and create a screenshot on bamboo machine, and the screenshot has 1024x768 resolution. So meaby it is coused somehow by machine..
I know the answer. Bamboo runs all tasks as windows service (not as a user). That's why I was not able to see the browser and the screen resolution was wrong. There are two solutions:
Set up selenium grid hub and node on that one machine with your user, and paste url of hub in you framework. Then bamboo service will trigger selenium grid hub that is set by your 'user' and you will be able so see browser when you will log into the virtual machine and it wil have normal resolution (I have select this solution)
I think that there could be another solution to set up bamboo to run tasks not as windows service but as a user (not sure if it is possible).

Saucelabs tests block on browser allow dialog

My web app uses IndexedDB and I'm testing on SauceLabs. Some months back my tests ran but now they block on a browser dialog that says "" wants to: store files on this device", with an Allow button.
This is Win7 and Chrome or Firefox. Likely others too.
How can I dismiss or prevent this dialog?
Update: I have discovered that if I don't ask for quota I don't get the popup and my tests succeed. I'd still like to learn how to get rid of that dialog.
we are using Nightwatch.js in our project and we were facing the same issue.
What actually did the trick was using --unlimited-storage switch when launching the browser.
(List of other command line switches for Chromium can be found here)

Selenium tests and continuous integration (Running browser in background)

We have Xserver-less CentOS system for continuous integration. So no UI.
I want to run selenium test cases on it. I am using new Alpha version of Selenium2 which has WebDriver integration. It starts and ends browser by its own. Now, How do I start that in background? Something similar is possible with Internet Explorer?
I am able to run correctly on local machine. But it opens Firefox UI.
Are you able to run a virtual frame buffer? That way, all the GUI programs can believe there's graphics happening, even if there's no actual screen. You may wish to search for the term "headless". One example.
Another possibility may be to use Celerity - a ruby-based "headless browser". It uses the Watir interface (originally a competitor to selenium), which I understand to be merging with webdriver.