ORA-01001: invalid cursor - sql

I am getting an oracle error ORA-01001: invalid cursor in the production where a number of transactions are processed in bulk. However the same code works fine in development.
I need to know when can one have ORA-01001: invalid cursor in an update query. I did some googling and found that there are two possibilities of getting this error:
Numbers of cursors opened becomes greater than MAXCURSOR permitted?
An attempt to fetch is made without opening a cursor.
Has anyone faced the same problem I had described above? Please suggest solutions.

Yes, these are the common causes (see also this if you don't have already).
Considering you are using two different environments (dev/prod) have you verified that the MAXCURSOR parameter is the same (or that Prod MAXCURSOR > Dev MAXCURSOR)?
You should also investigate your batch process and see if the number of data could cause your process to open more cursor in prod. Example: your batch launches a stored procedure for every department code in a departments table, and every instance of this procedure opens N cursors.
If you have - say - 3 dep. codes in dev because it is enough for your tests, and 34 department codes in Prod, you could use 10 times the cursor and get in the same situation...


SqlException: Data modification failed on system-versioned table because transaction time was earlier than period start time for affected records

I m getting the above error when running the Web Job in multi-threaded environment. I m calling one stored procedure to perform some action, stored procedure has code which Inserts/Updates/Delete records from pretty big temporal tables(3-4M records[not sure if its relevant here]). Every time the job is run it deals with(Insert/Update) around 40K-80K records based on condition. When the single thread is running everything goes fine. But as soon as number of parallel jobs count is set to 2 or more I m getting the error. From initial analysis seems like issue is with Auto generated column values with for SysStartTime and SysEndTime in history table. I have tried one of the solution from internet to reduce 1 second from the date to be saved in those columns as below
DEFAULT (dateadd(second,(-1),sysutcdatetime()))
But its not working. I have read few articles where it says temporal tables does not work properly in multi-threaded environment. Now I m not sure why the issue is happening and how to resolve this in multi-threaded environment.
Can someone here please help me understanding the reason behind the error and how to fix it.
NOTE: I can't make my code to run on single thread. Minimum three threads are required. Converting to single thread is not solution in this case.

Must force MS SQL Server (2012) to return to it's "virgin" state when re-running an edited T-SQL script

Very often extremely trival edits cause my T-SQL scripts to fail when rerun from within a MS SQL Server 2012 edit window (e.g. "SqlQuery1.txt"). Frustratingly, there's no pattern to what (edits) cause this problem. Coping with this has forced me to jump through some wierd hoops.
An example: I changed exactly 1 character in a working query (from "Set #THisColumn = 1" to "Set #ThisColumn = 1"; the "H" was changed to "h'" to match the variable declaration). When the script was rerun MS SQL Server 2012 gave me this error:
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 54
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
My research shows this message gets thrown when there is a problem with a TABLE which should be impossible in the above case. The error is unimportant, my problem is much more general - having to use the following unsatisfactory "workaround":*
Copy the (edited) script into a new edit pane ("SQLQuery2.txt"). It works - until the next time it's edited. Which then forces me to use another edit pane ("SQLQuery3.txt"). Repeat ad nausum.
Having to do this supports the theory that the problem is somehow related to how the edit pane works - NOT the script. (Hence the title of this question)
Using this "workaround" destroys my train of thought while the resulting large number of open "scratchpad" windows causes me to lose track of what I was doing ("... lets see now, is it version 13, 17, 26 or 28 that is the last "known good" version?...).
My suspicion is that SQL considers every subsequent rerun as being a part (a continuation) of the FIRST invocation of that script. So it tries to be "helpful" (not!) by "optimizing" the query.
In a development environment this "assistance" is very premature - and exactly what I do NOT want to have happen. (First make it work...then optimize it.) How do I supress this undesirable behavoir?
From my research I know that my scripts must have lines like this one before creating a temporary table:
and for a temporary procedure:
GO -- Required before defining any procedure
The need to do this implies that my supposition may be correct (why else would you need to do it?).
What else has to be done so that every time I press the "execute" button I get a "clean restart" of SQL?
Other factors to keep in mind:
The script, invoked from Python 3.x, is periodically (and
frequently) run as batch/cron job (i.e. an automatically scheduled
task). This means that any form of manual intervention (e.g. using
tools like MS 2012 Management Studio etc.) is not an option.
Stored procedures aren't allowed, instead the python application reads a file of SQL commands that get passed to SQL for execution
(in effect emulating a user who types in those commands at a SQL
Finally the script must also work for users that have the minimum
possible (e.g "guest") privileges

Two Percent Signs in EXEC Statement

In SQL Server 2014, the master database contains a system stored procedure called sp_rename. I was interested to know how it works, so I've been taking a look at it.
On line 190, there is an EXEC statement that contains two percent signs:
EXEC %%ScalarType(MultiName = #SchemaAndTypeName).LockMatchID(ID =
#xusertype, Exclusive = 1)
What does the %% mean? I've searched around online, but haven't found anything that even remotely mentions it.
Based off of this answer, it's an undocumented component of SQL Server. Basically, these are system commands that a typical user is not supposed to reference. Since you're looking at the components of a stored procedure, you'll see scripts that are normally inaccessible to a normal user.
Since the %% is (intentionally) undocumented it's difficult to determine exactly how the system is using it, but one can reasonably assume it's an indicator of system-only commands.

How to solve S-IX deadlock without using the Snapshot isolation?

Ok, I got an weird problem: I got two server-side api, one is to select data from A table; the Other one is to Insert new record to B table with part of the data and PK from first one. They should not have any problem to each other with the Usual actions.
Somehow, I detected someone which called my select and insert function at less than 0.005 sec on my SQL monitor, which caused S-IX deadlock. So I searched the Internet and found an solution that told me to enable the Snapshot isolation. But I tried it on my test DB(which its total size is about 223MB), that Alter Database command does not show any sight of finishing after 1 hour execution, so this is intolerable to execute it on the Production DB with such long Downtime(Which its data size is bigger than the Test one).
So my question is: Does anyone know the Other way to solve the S-IX deadlock?(Without lower the Throughput.)
P.S.: My DB is SQL Server 2008

Same code executed on different servers (same version) yields different results

Issue with Delphi legacy code. Added one line of code to correct one error and created a new error.
New error is causing the same executable to yield different results on different servers(switched the pointer from dev to prod environment on the executable).
sEscapedString:=stringreplace(sEscapedString,'''','''''',[rfReplaceAll]);// this line created new
result:=' like ''' + Trim(sEscapedString) + '%'''+' escape char(27) ';
When running the code against dev this query finds objects with the characters '[' and ']' in it
Against prod the query does not find those items:
The first thing I checked was the data: Exactly identical in both cases
The second thing I checked was SQL server versions (11.0.3128 on BOTH servers)
The third thing I am checking is settings on those servers:
DBCC USEROPTIONS; -- same on both
SELECT name, collation_Name FROM sys.databases -- same on both
select ##OPTIONS -- same on both.
Quoted identifiers are 'ON' for both servers
It comes down to the fact that I know one server is treating the escape character (chr(27)) differently than the other but I do knot know why.
Does anyone have a theory(or answer) as to why the 2 similar servers are treating the escape characters differently?
The goal here is getting the prod server to return values with '[' and ']', as setting up my system to work with the legacy code will take a LOT of additional time. I do have a fix for the code
But the faster option would seem to be getting the server to read the values the same.
Update: We found the root cause of the difference and it was more mundane than what we expected, turns out the query we were running was actually executed twice. The second execution was missing the key piece on the production server.
The issue was resolved by moving the new line of code so that it executed first rather than last.
I would first try to find out if this SQL only causes different behaviour when it is sent from the application: by sending the SQL from an interactive SQL client tool to both servers.
To make sure that the manually tested SQL is exactly the same as in the application, I would try to log or capture the exact SQL as sent from the application as a text file and then paste its content to the SQL client tool.
If the server is the culprit, then using the SQL from a different client tool should cause the same difference with the two servers. If the client tool shows the same (correct) result on both servers, then something is going on in the Delphi application.
p.s. upvoted, it is an interesting phenomenon