Prepare your site images for google image search indexing - indexing

I'm trying to understand how can I do to let my site be reachable from google image search spiders.
I like how solution, and I thought to use a technique like his staff do to let google find artists images on their pages.
When I'm looking for an artist and I search it on google image search, as often as not I find an image from artists page, I make an example:
If I search the band Pure Reason Revolution It brings me here, the artist's image page
Now if I take a look to the image file, i can see it's named:
so if I try to understand how the service works I can try to say: the server who serve the images
500/ the selected size for the image
4284073/ the image id for database
Pure+Reason+Revolution+4.jpg the image name
I thought it's difficult to think the real filename for the image is Pure+Reason+Revolution+4.jpg for image overwrite problems when an user upload it, in facts, if I digit:
I probably find the real image location and filename
I see this can be done with mod_rewrite engine, but with this tecnique, will the image be highly reachable from search engines and easily archived?
My question is, does exist some guide or tutorial to approach on this kind of tecniques, or something similar?

In my opinion, the best resource for your question is Google itself.
One of the guides targets at google images search and provides some guidelines:
Don't embed text inside images
Tell us as much as you can about the image
Give your images detailed, informative filenames
Create great alt text
Anchor text
Provide good context for your image
Think about the best ways to protect your images
Create a great user experience
Source: Images - Webmaster Tools Help.
As for, one of the suggestions is:
Give your images detailed, informative
The filename can give Google clues
about the subject matter of the image.
Try to make your filename a good
description of the subject matter of
the image. For example,
my-new-black-kitten.jpg is a lot more
informative than IMG00023.JPG.
Descriptive filenames can also be
useful to users: If we're unable to
find suitable text in the page on
which we found the image, we'll use
the filename as the image's snippet in
our search results.
So yes, uses mod_rewrite to give informative filename, which google likes.
There are few more guides out there. None of them is formal, but they can help you anyway:

The article pointed out by Tim covers most of it but I'd like to add that the title attribute on <img> tags is important too (but don't abuse it!).
To sum up:
Name your files well. apple.jpg is better SEO wise than PIC2346.jpg. For spaces in filenames use a dash (-) and not an underscore (_). See Dashes vs. underscores for more info.
Alyays fill up the alt attibute. Keep in mind that most screen readers for blind people will read this tag.
Fill the title attribute when usefull. Use a short statement describing the image. Not a whole paragraph!
The context of the image (what is the content around it) is very important too. If the image fits the surrounding contents it will give you more SEO "points".


Google Visually Similar Image API

I know there is this link to find visually similar images to an uploaded picture
but is there also a way to get an API for the first result of the visually similiar image?
I have sympathy what you need.
I try to use google cse but this is not supported similar images.
So, Next that I try, URL.
But this is able to on the browser.
I just need result of simliar images and then I wish that result is visually.
you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.

Wikimedia API - How can I get all resolutions of an image

I want to copy images from a wikipedia page.
When I do it manually, I click on the picture, and then select the resolution that fits my need (width as close to 400).
Now, I am using the Wikimedia API to get the images.
But they give me only one resolution.
I saw a similiar question in Stackoverflow, but the answer was to use the iiurlwidth=400
I used it, and it does not do it (it is probably only for vector pictutres).
OK, I found that the answer to use the iiurlwidth=400 was correct, but the reply is not in the "url" item, but in the "thumburl" item,which is in the right width.

SEO Considerations with CQ/AEM Image Component

It's come up recently at my job that the SEO guys for our customer are unhappy with the src attribute values being generated in our img tags on their CQ/AEM-based website. I know next-to-nothing about SEO, so I won't pretend to understand, but it seems they have a point. We're not using the out-of-the-box image component per se, but the behavior is the same.
The src attribute of the img tags gets the path of the image node, with the img selector and some other stuff appended to it. This of course causes the request to go through the image servlet, which is then responsible for drawing the image. If I understand correctly, it's done this way to support things like the crop/resize/etc tools available in the html5smartimage widget. The servlet applies these edits to the image and renders the altered image.
The complaint is that the actual file name for the images are nowhere to be seen in that src attribute. I'm operating on the assumption that this is a valid complaint, but I really don't know if it is. I'm likely going to be asked to jump through hoops to change this behavior so the src attribute references the image by its direct path in the DAM.
Are these valid complaints? If the complaints are valid, why would the image component work this way? Should the title/alt values be considered sufficient for SEO purposes? If my customer is not using the extra features from html5smartimage, is there any other reason why I should not just address the images by their explicit DAM path? I've already worked out what I think is the best solution, but I'd like to be armed with more information before taking that plunge.
image component as it is allows you to have server side modified layouts of the same image (with usual transformations like cropping, rotation, ...) customised for each usage of it, that is different content for each usage (with one original image, and different settings in each component).
This has the drawback as you mention to locate the src of the image in a rather unfriendly URL in terms of SEO (i.e. where the component content is)
If you only want ONE version of one image, you'd surely should refer directly to the DAM image (or whatever image hosting you use).

Google Custom Search API Search Image by Image URL

I am working on an application which will have an option for users to upload images. Once uploaded, the application will show other images from the web which look exactly similar, whether or not of the same size.
For this, I will create a temporary URL for the image so that I could provide Google custom search API the URL of the image. I would expect in response, URL's of images that are exactly the same or similar to it, perhaps in JSON format.
I did find a similar question posted in January. Till then Google did not support anything like this, apparently:
Google Javascript Custom Search API: Search images by image url
One can also simply do:{Image URL}
Since that is not part of an official API, it may not be right to use this method.
Can someone help me?
Well, the answer quite simply is TinEye Commercial API I was looking in the wrong place I guess, I did not have any luck with Google Custom Search API.
Would you need a simple result?
If you are, you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.
You can try on the top.
First, access the URL.
Second, upload your image file on the "Try API"
Third, click "JSON" tab menu on the result.
You can be seen JSON about similar images.

Displaying image on Scroll View

I am developing an iPhone application where i want to display three image in each row on scroll view where i need to click action on each image like Photo album in iPhone. I am not getting any sample code.
Hoping for help
There's plenty of sample code out there, I found this after only basic googling. You want to search for "UIImageView Iphone". It's also worth mentioning that Apple's very own Developer Center is extremely well written, and will teach you everything you need to know about iPhone programming.
Generally it is frowned down upon to say to look more or read documentation, but you really haven't looked at all. Especially because of Apple's own resource that tells you how to do almost anything, especially something like this. It's not something you can pick up and bits and pieces of and expect to be successful with, it really should be learned starting from the beginning and moving forward. This is especially true if you've never programmed before or are unfamiliar with C/Objective-C.
Three20 has a photo browser that is open source and works similarly to the iPhone's photo browser with some nice code examples. The images come from an image source object that can relate them to images in your apps bundle or images on the web. Looks like its Google group is here. I think that to use images in your bundle you use a URL formed like: bundle://image-name.png and not the typical use of the main bundle to get a path to resource.