How do I select all read-only files with msbuild? - msbuild

I'm trying to write an MsBuild script to zip some files up. I need to select all of the read-only files recursively from a folder into an ItemGroup to add to the zip.
I'm using the community tasks Zip task, but am struggling with selecting files based on their attributes.
Is there anything around to do this out of the box, or do I need to write a custom task?
Thanks for you help.

You can use Property Functions (added to msbuild 4) to figure out if a file is read-only like so:
<MyFiles Include="Testing\*.*" >
<ReadOnly Condition='1 == $([MSBuild]::BitwiseAnd(1, $([System.IO.File]::GetAttributes("%(Identity)"))))'>True</ReadOnly>
<Target Name="Run" Outputs="%(MyFiles.Identity)">
<Message Text="%(MyFiles.Identity)" Condition="%(MyFiles.ReadOnly) != True"/>
<Message Text="%(MyFiles.Identity) ReadOnly" Condition="%(MyFiles.ReadOnly) == True" />

Have you looked at the community build tasks site?
It has a zip task and an attribute change task - they should get you most of they way there.

This seems to do the job with a bit of dirty command line usage.
<Exec Command="dir .\RelPath\ToFolder\ToSearchIn /S /AR /B > readonlyfiles.temp.txt"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="readonlyfiles.temp.txt">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="ReadOnlyFiles"/>
<Delete Files="readonlyfiles.temp.txt"/>
That gives absolute paths to the files.
To get relative paths, try something like this:
<Exec Command="dir .\RelPath\ToFolder\ToSearchIn /S /AR /B > readonlyfiles.temp.txt"/>
<FileUpdate Files="readonlyfiles.temp.txt"
<ReadLinesFromFile File="readonlyfiles.temp.txt">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="ReadOnlyZipFiles"/>
<Delete Files="readonlyfiles.temp.txt"/>


In MSBuild, is there a way to extract part of a path and save that for use [duplicate]

I use the following to get a list of project files that need to be compiled. Each project is stored in a subdirectory of the projects directory.
<dprs Include="c:\projects\**\*.dpr" />
Is there a task that I can use to extract to extract the directory that each project file is in? I know I can write my own task to do this but I was hoping that one already exists and that I simply have not found it yet.
If I understand the question correctly, you shouldn't need a task - you can do this with well-known meta data. Does this do the trick?
<Project xmlns="" ToolsVersion="3.5">
<dprs Include="c:\projects\**\*.dpr" />
<Target Name="Default">
<CreateItem Include="%(dprs.RelativeDir)">
<Output ItemName="_ProjectFileLocations" TaskParameter="Include" />
<Message Text="#(_ProjectFileLocations->'%(FullPath)', '%0D%0A')" />
From the tests I ran, it shouldn't list a directory twice in the new item group.

Deploying from MSBuild without overwriting specific files

So here's what I want to do:
I want a build script that will xcopy deploy build outputs for a legacy winform app to a given directory. I want to specify a list of files to not overwrite (some config files).
I would rather have the list of files to not overwrite be passed as a parameter than hard code them.
This seems to be really unexpectedly hard. Here's what I have so far:
<!-- A property that is passed a semicolon delimited list of file names -->
<--! An ItemGroup to pick up the files>
<FilesToDelete Include=$(DeploymentTargetFolder)\*.* Exclude="#(ProtectedFiles->'$(DeployTargetFolder)\%(identity)')"
<--! the delete isn't working, so I will stop just with that to keep the code brief -->
<Delete Files="#(FilesToDelete)"/>
The delete just ignores the exclude files and deletes everything
Is there a better way to do this? It doesn't seem too crazy -- I just want to
Delete all files from the target directory, except for the config files
Copy all of the files from the build outputs to the target directory, without overwriting the config files.
The first problem with your particular markup appears to confuse MsBuild $(properties) with MsBuild %(items) and MsBuild #(itemgroups).
ProtectedFiles is a property:
<!-- A property that is passed a semicolon delimited list of file names -->
But it's being treated as an Item and wouldn't have any %item.metadata:
<--! An ItemGroup to pick up the files>
<FilesToDelete Include=$(DeploymentTargetFolder)\*.* Exclude="#(ProtectedFiles->'$(DeployTargetFolder)\%(identity)')"
Save the following markup locally as "foo.xml", then call "msbuild.exe foo.xml" and observe the output:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="foo" xmlns="">
<ProtectedFiles Include="FileA.txt" />
<ProtectedFiles Include="FileA.txt" />
<Target Name="foo">
<Message Importance="high" Text="ProtectedFiles ItemGroup: #(ProtectedFiles)" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="ProtectedFiles ItemGroup transform: #(ProtectedFiles->'%(Identity)')" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="FilesProp Property: $(FilesProp)" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="FilesProp Property: #(FilesProp->'%(FilesProp.Identity)')" />
Will yield the following output:
ProtectedFiles ItemGroup: FileA.txt;FileA.txt
ProtectedFiles ItemGroup transform: FileA.txt;FileA.txt
FilesProp Property: FileA.txt;FileB.txt
FilesProp Property:
If you're unable to change the design and need to convert a Property comprising a semi-colon delimited list of file paths, use the MsBuild <CreateItem /> task.
Add this markup to foo.xml occurring after the Foo target, then invoke msbuild again, but using the "bar" target (e.g. msbuild.exe foo.xml /t:bar)
<Target Name="bar">
<CreateItem Include="$(FilesProp)">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TheFiles"/>
<Message Text="TheFiles ItemGroup: #(TheFiles)" Importance="high" />
<Message Text="Output each item: %(TheFiles.Identity)" Importance="high" />
Will yield the following output:
TheFiles ItemGroup: FileA.txt;FileB.txt
Output each item: FileA.txt
Output each item: FileB.txt
Next you should rethink some of your assumptions. I don't believe the file extension should be the determining factor when deciding which files to update, rather you should rely on MsBuild's ability to build tasks incrementally allowing it to perform a task only if the inputs are newer than the outputs. You can do this by using an MsBuild <Copy /> task configured to skip unchanged files.
Add this markup to the above Xml file, then modify the $(SourceFolder) and $(TargetFolder) to point to a source folder you'd like to copy recursively, and a destination folder to place the files. Build using "msbuild.exe foo.xml /t:Deployment" and observe the output.
<Target Name="Deployment">
<CreateItem Include="$(SourceFolder)\**\*.*">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="FilesToCopy" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(FilesToCopy)" DestinationFolder="$(TargetFolder)%(RecursiveDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />
Without modifying any of the source files, run the command again and note that no files were copied.
Modify a file in the source folder, then run the command again. Notice that only the updated files were copied?
I hope this gets you on the right track.
There seems to be an already existing post, similar to this. Please check this Trying to exclude certain extensions doing a recursive copy (MSBuild)

How to delete all file and folders with msbuild

How can I delete all files and folders from a given path?
I tried this, but I'm unable to select the directories.
<Target Name="CleanSource" Condition="$(path)!=''">
<Message Text="path=$(path)"/>
<fileToDelete Include="$(path)\**\*.*" />
<directoryToDelete Include="$(path)\**\" /><!these doest not select any directory at all-->
<Message Text="file to delete:#(fileToDelete)"/>
<Message Text="directory to delete:#(directoryToDelete)"/>
<Delete Files="#(fileToDelete)" />
<Message Text="file effectively deleted:#(DeletedFiles)"/>
<RemoveDir Directories="#(directoryToDelete)" />
<Message Text="Directory effectively deleted:#(RemovedDirectories)"/>
The RemoveDir task removes the specified directories and all of its files and subdirectories. You don't have to remove the files and subdirectories first. Just pass the directory name to RemoveDir.
<DirsToClean Include="work" />
<Target Name="CleanWork">
<RemoveDir Directories="#(DirsToClean)" />
While there are ways to construct this using just MSBuild, I'd highly recommend the MSBuild Extension pack. [has been moved]
GitHub: MSBuildExtensionPack
Using the pack, you get a RemoveContent task that does exactly what you are needing. Once you install, you'd just do something like:
TaskAction="RemoveContent" Path="$(PathtoEmpty)"/>
I'm arriving to this conversation a little late, but I found the easiest way to accomplish this was to use the Exec task to execute the batch command given by lain in response to a similar question (with minor edits by yours truly):
<Exec Command="FOR /D %%p IN ("$(path)*.*") DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q" />
Finally I did use powershell wich is much more fast:
<buildArgs><![CDATA[-command "& {if( [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($pwd) ){dir $pwd | ri -recurse

Is there an MSBuild task that will write lines to the *start* of a file?

I'm using a WriteLinesToFile to update a change log file (txt). It appends the text to the end of the file. Ideally, I'd like to be able to write the changes to the start of this file.
Is there a simple task (e.g. in the Community or Extension packs) that does this?
I haven't seen something like that in the custom task pack.
You could cheat by using ReadLinesFromFile and WriteLinesToFile :
<Log Include="Line1"/>
<Log Include="Line2"/>
<Target Name="WriteFromStart">
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(LogFile)" Condition="Exists('$(LogFile)')">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="Log"/>
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(LogFile)"
Condition="#(Log) != '' And (#(Log) != '\r\n' Or #(Log) != '\n')"
Or you could create a custom task.

Gathering outputs from an MSBuild exec task

I have a batch script that I want to call from an MSBuild project, and the documentation says I can't use output from the batch (either console / environment variables) in the MSBuild project.
Is there a workaround?
You can redirect the output of the command to a file using "> output.txt" and read that into a variable.
<Exec Command="dir > "$(OutputFile)"" />
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(OutputFile)">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="OutputLines"/>
<Message Text="#(OutputLines->'%(Identity)', '%0a%0d')" />