Kohana Auth Library Deployment - authentication

My Kohana app runs perfectly on my local machine.
When I deployed my app to a server (and adjust the config files appropriately), I can no longer log into the app.
I've traced through the app login routine on both my local version and the server version and they both agree with each other all the way through until you get to the auth.php controller logged_in() routine where suddenly, at line 140 - the is_object($this->user) test - the $user object no longer exists!?!?!?
The login() function call that calls the logged_in() function successfully passes the following test, which causes a redirect to the logged_in() function.
if(Auth::instance()->login($user, $post['password']))
Yes, the password and hash, etc all work perfectly.
Here is the offending code:
public function logged_in()
if ( ! is_object($this->user))
// No user is currently logged in
As the code is the same between my local installation and the server, I reckon it must be some server setting that is messing with me.
FYI: All the rest of the code works because I have a temporary backdoor available that allows me to use the application (view pages of tables, etc) without being logged in.
Any ideas?

I solved the problem (DUH!).
The answer was that the cookie.php config file had $config['domain'] = 'localhost'. Setting this to the actual domain that the app is installed in magically made my life happy again!
Thanks everyone for your help and interest.


Postman still sends to old sever although I updated its' variable

Postman still sends to old sever although I updated its' variable. It works correctly on the web app. I've changed the server & linked the new server with the same sub-domain and deployed the same old app.
The windows app
The web app - works fine and it responds as it should
I changed the variable of the URL
I tried to create a new environment - didn't work
I tried to remove the entire workspace - didn't work
I un/re-installed the app - didn't work either
Is there a cache in the app itself or something to clear it to get the new value?
appreciate your help. T^T
An example to clarify my issue:
I have a subdomain: backend.mydomain.com
I've linked my server IP
so backend.mydomain.com points to ->
I made backend.mydomain.com free again to use it on a different server
Now I linked my new server IP
Now my backend.mydomain.com points to -> & it works fine on (the postman web app & chrome)
When I try from PC app it still has the old value as in console pic
It worked after:
Signed Out.
Made a request not signed in.
Signed in again, then made a request it worked.
No clue why though!

How can I replace the server in Web Component Tester

I have a project set up based around the Polymer Starter Kit, which includes Web-Component-Tester
This project includes php server code which I would also like to test by writing tests to run in the browser which will utilise the PHP server code through Ajax Calls.
This implies replacing the server that Web Component Tester is using ONLY when testing server side code. I hope to make a separate gulp task for this.
Unfortunately, I don't understand the relationship between WCT, Selenium and what ever server is run currently. I can see that WCT command starts Selenium, but I can't find out what the web server is and how that is started. I suspect it is WCT, because there is configuration of the mapping of directories to urls, but other than that I haven't a clue, despite trying to read the code.
Can someone explain how I go about making it run its own server when testing the client, but relying on an already set up web server (nginx) when running the server. I can set nginx to run from local host, or an other domain if that is a way to choose a different configuration.
EDIT: I have now found that runner/webserver.js starts an express server, and that urls get mapped so the base directory for the test runner and the bower_components directory both get mapped to the /components url.
What is currently confusing me is in what circumstances this gets run. It appears that loading plugins somehow does it, but my understanding from reading the code for this is tenuous.
The answer is that web component tester itself has a comment in the runner/config.js file.
In wct-conf.js, you can use registerHooks key into the Object that gets returned to add a function that does
registerHooks: function(wct) {
wct.hook('prepare:webserver', function(app, done) {
var proxy = require('express-http-proxy');
proxy('pas.dev', {
forwardPath: function(req, res) {
return require('url').parse(req.url).path;
This register hook function allows you to provide a route (/api in my case) which this proxies to a server which can run the php scripts.

Is there a way to bring up a Yii console like 'rails console'?

Is there a way to interact with Yii on the command line with a console like rails console? I'd like to test DB and ActiveRecord calls.
You can install yii-shell. It's made by the Yii team. It works like rails console
Sorry, I worked from the documentation of yii-shell which is - at the time of this writing - but a promise.
This is how you can get a proper REPL working in Yii 2.
First, we would need to get Psysh. You can install it globally to play with it, but I recommend adding the following line to your composer.json
require-dev: {
// ... some other packages ...
"psy/psysh": "0.7.2"
Run composer update to get this package installed.
Now we need to add this to a controller. The way to call up the break point from a controller is eval(\Psy\sh());.
Note that this would invoke the console for debugging. So if your app is served with Apache, Nginx, or any other server which is not tied to an interactive console, this is pointless
For this to work, I have served the application using PHP's inbuilt server and Yii's wrapper for it.
In Yii Basic App template...
cd /path/to/application
./yii serve localhost:12345
In any controller, ...say controllers/SiteController.php
public function actionIndex()
eval(\Psy\sh()); // <-- debugger point
return $this->render('index');
When you access this action via tha URL, it would hang on your browser. If you check back in the console, you would see an interactive shell which should work like rails c. Checkout the Psysh Documentation for more details. To exit this interactive console, type exit; this should return control back to PHP's inbuilt server. Do not exit the interactive console with Ctrl-C as this would close the PHP's inbuilt server also.
In Yii Advanced App template...
Serving the application does not work at the moment since it defaults to serving the contents of console/web which doesn't exist. I have raised an issue with Yii; you can follow along there if it interests you.
However, if you have console controllers, you can do the same thing we did for the basic app. When you run the console command, you should be presented with the same interactive debug console.
1) Install https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-shell
composer require yiisoft/yii2-shell
2) ./yii shell

MVC 4: Durandal bundling cache

My site is built on a WebAPI back end...
the issues occurs on deployment, as my Uri wasn't formatted correctly due to our IIS deployment/site structure
So I modified my http helper to include a baseUri
like so
define(function () {
var baseUri = window.AppPath;
return {
baseUri: baseUri,
defaultJSONPCallbackParam: 'callback',
get: function (url, query) {
return $.ajax(baseUri + url, { data: query });
And on my Index.cshtml
added the following to get the set the root/baseUri path:
var AppPath = '#string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"))';
console.log('AppPath: '+AppPath);
The baseUri path is correct when I log it to the console from the Index.cshtml: EG.
AppPath: http://itil.mysite.com/TestSite/
But when I do the actual api call (from my deployed instance), it still uses the old Uri..
My next thought was that the files must be cached somehow, so I tried the following:
Restarted IIS numerous times,
Deleted and redeployed files
Disabled Caching in chrome,
Disabled .js caching in IIS (usermode & kernel
Restarted my PC
Modified the ScriptBundle to try and force it
to (for the lack of a better word) go out of sync, then added my
code back
The code works when i use my Visual Studio dev server, but I'm getting the
same issue on my local IIS & Alpha test site... with no luck.
How the hell do i clear the cache on a deployed site :/ This is getting to the point where things seems to be a bit ridiculous. Either I'm losing it, or the "big guy" hates me.
Sigh.. Second time I've been caught out by this. I thought my issue was MVC related, its was Durandal deployment related :P
Note to everyone reading this.
Once you deploy a Durandal project & if you modify ANY of the existing javascript files or main.js. Remember to run optimizer.exe.

Flex 4 - Technique to allow HTTPService testing locally and on development server

Right now I have my URLs hard-coded for HTTPService to work with my local machine's web server so that I don't need to copy files to htdocs after compiling. What's a good technique to easily transition HTTPService URLs from working on my testing setup to working with a normal web server setup?
Write a service to get the current environment your application is in, similar to how one tests if you're running in AIR or Flex.
In your HTTPService:
In EnvironmentService:
public static function getUrl1():URL
If this doesn't work for you, post some more code and we'll work on a solution