I am looking for a Core Text example for iphone/ipad but with little luck. Any leads would be appreciated.
I have written a small project on Github that provides an Objective-C wrapper for Core Text:
In particular, it takes any string and renders it over multiple pages, with multiple columns each page.
Hope it helps!
You can find an example of column layout tweaked to work with iPhone/iPad here:
Core Text is a public framework on the Mac OS X. Any examples that work on the Mac, should be usable on the iPhone/iPad too.
See Core Text Programming Guide: Common Operations.
I implemented a class named OHAttributedLabel to create a UILabel that can draw NSAttributedString. This class uses CoreText for the whole rendering part, you can use this as a start if needed.
you can find column layout with images in this post: http://www.raywenderlich.com/4147/how-to-create-a-simple-magazine-app-with-core-text
In short:
I am trying to find information about text styling inside an NSTextView. Bold, italics, indentation, making a word completely uppercase and setting backdrop colors to certain lines.
Any and all info is welcome. I've been looking around the web for docs on the subject and only managed to find a few things that seem to be part of an iphone framework. I'm sure there must be something out there and that I'm just searching for the wrong words.
A few details:
I am not a developer. I am a motion graphics artist and screenwriter. I do know html, php, javascript, css and several scripting languages (all very similar to javascript) used by different graphics apps.
I am not very proficient in objective-c but I've taken up writing a screenwriting app as a bit of a side project. I've been teaching myself objective-c from a book call Cocoa Programming for Mac OSX and using the code I've created from the examples in the book to create my app using Xcode. Styling text was not covered and I am at a loss as to how to approach it.
Screenplays have very specific formats. Using css I could create this format easily so my first thought was to find out if text inside a NSTextview can have css applied to it. I've not found anything that could answer this. Of course I am probably way off with this approach.
Again, any help or anyone who can point me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
You can't do this because it only accept one style.
You have to deal with UIWebView Tutorial for this and use your CSS.
Or you can use some code like EGOTextView. I do not test this but I think it will be the easiest way for you.
Together with an illustrator I want to create some screens with lots of animations/transitions (moving sprites). I need the illustrator to do the animation. He knows how to use AfterEffects so best would be some kind of timeline-tool to create the transitions/scalings/alphas etc.
My question is now: Is there some kind of tool out there that could be used to create animations and then export the used parameters to objective-c to import it to xcode?
To my knowledge: No.
We spend some time a couple of months back trying to find something similar to Expression blend, just for iOS, but without luck.
If you however are planing to make your app for MacOS and not iOS you can take a look at quartz composer. For iOS you could also take a look at storyboard (here is a link to fairly good tutorial), but I'm afraid your needs will not be met by the features of storyboard.
I found Flash2Cocos2D and I think this is the best solution available right now.
Also promissing: cocosbuilder!
i have searched Xcode controls but doesn't found anything that makes a GridView like the one in the lecture below so, how to make a one like that? thanks
As #Stephen pointed out, there's AQGridView, but here are a few others I've looked at, each offering some different functionality based on what you're looking for: GMGridView, NRGridView, MMGridView
There is no such component built in to iOS. So you'll either need to write your own or look for an open source version. I'm aware of AQGridView; I'm sure there are others.
iOS 6 has a UICollectionView that might work
I am working on the PDF App for iPad and facing an issue: how to search a text in PDF and also how to highlight that text?
Yours is the same big problem I'm having. My understanding is that, currently on iOS 4.0, the main public API is CGPDF . It allows us to parse PDF, and with it we can search strings in it. See also this Quartz 2D document. It also allows us to render it on the screen using CGContextDrawPage. However, it's not yet possible to get the position of a text in the rendered image. (On OS X it's possible using PDFKit.)
So, I'm afraid that you need to implement the PDF spec yourself to get that info. I think GoodReader etc. is working very very hard to implement these.
I had the same trouble recently and then I found FastPDFKit. Have tested the package and it's working great.
Is it possible to simply take a picture and save it somewhere using a QTCaptureView and Apple's built-in iSight? I've seen lots of tutorials on recording video but none on simply taking a picture. Any help or guidance is appreciated!
You can do this with QTKit - the QTKit Application Programming Guide has a section for this titled, "Creating a Single-Frame Grabbing Application".
The better approach, however, is ImageKit's PictureTaker. It gives you the standard UI found in ImageBooth and other apps and is dead-simple to use in code.
I found the source of ImageSnap useful for understanding how to use QTKit to do this sort of thing. It is a simple command line application for taking pictures with the iSight camera.