How do you port a SqlServer database to MySQL? - sql

I have a SqlServer db that I would like to port to MySQL. What's the best way to to this. Things that need to be ported are:
Tables (and data)
FileStream → MySQL equivalent?
Stored Procedures

Data types are relatively similar.
There is no equivalent to FileStream in MySQL - the files must either be stored as BLOBs, or on the file system while the path is stored in the database.
Migrating away from TSQL means:
There's no WITH clause in MySQL - it will have to converted into a derived table/inline view
There's no TOP syntax - these have to be converted to use LIMIT
There's no ranking/analytic functionality in MySQL - can't use ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK or NTILE. See this article for alternatives.
MySQL views have notoriously limited functionality:
The SELECT statement cannot contain a subquery in the FROM clause.
The SELECT statement cannot refer to system or user variables.
Within a stored program, the definition cannot refer to program parameters or local variables.
The SELECT statement cannot refer to prepared statement parameters.
Any table or view referred to in the definition must exist. However, after a view has been created, it is possible to drop a table or view that the definition refers to. In this case, use of the view results in an error. To check a view definition for problems of this kind, use the CHECK TABLE statement.
The definition cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table, and you cannot create a TEMPORARY view.
Any tables named in the view definition must exist at definition time.
You cannot associate a trigger with a view.
As of MySQL 5.0.52, aliases for column names in the SELECT statement are checked against the maximum column length of 64 characters (not the maximum alias length of 256 characters).
Dynamic SQL will have to be converted to use MySQL's Prepared Statement syntax

A guide/article with some useful tips is available on the official MySQL dev site.

This is not for the faint of heart. Here is an article that explains what you are in for:,294698,sid39_gci1187176,00.html


PostgreSQL - I get SQL Error [42P01] or [42703] if I don't add double quotes around table names or Fields

I'm using DBeaver to write script for my PostgreSQL database.
I have a PostgreSQL DB with Tables autogenerated by C#/EFCore (Microsoft ORM) - I receive SQL Error [42P01] if I don't add double quotes around table names when I cut and paste my ORM queries to DBeaver. I got [42703] for fields without double quotes. I do not have to add double quotes in C# code but it appears to be required in DBeaver?
select * from Dnp3PropertyBase => SQL Error [42P01]
select * from "Dnp3PropertyBase" => OK, all results shown...
Does anybody know if I can change a parameter in DBeaver somewhere in order to enter table names and fields without double quotes?
Note: Using DBeaver 22.3.2 (latest on 2023-01-11)
Update After reading: Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying
show search_path => public, public, "$user"
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables => All tables are in public schema
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns => All columns are in public schema
Question: How to be able to cut and paste my EFCore generated queries from Visual Studio output window to DBeaver query without having any errors regarding table names and field names?
First let me copy #a_horse_with_no_name comment:
Unquoted names are folded to lower case in Postgres (and to uppercase
in Oracle, DB2, Firebird, and many others). So SomeTable is in fact
stored as sometable (or SOMETABLE). However quoted identifiers have to
preserve the case and are case sensitive then. So "SomeTable" is
stored as SomeTable
Many peoples recommended me to go with snake case which I didn't want to go with initialy because all tables were auto generated by EF Core (Microsoft C# ORM). I told myself that Microsoft would do standard things. Microsoft use the exact "class" name in code as the table name , by default. That appears to me very logical in order to stay coherent and apply the same rules everywhere. C# recommended to use Camel case for classes so each table names end by default in Camel case instead of snake case.
PostgreSQL seems to promote users to use snake casing because they lower case every non double quoted names. According to a_horse_with_no_name, and I think the same, only PostgreSQL has the behavior of lower casing down every table names and field names which are not double quoted in SQL script. That behavior (changing casing for non double quoted names) appears to me as being very limitative. It also has hidden effect that could be hard to find for non initiated peoples coming from other DB world.
According to PostgreSQL doc, they recommend to use nuget package (.UseSnakeCaseNamingConvention()). It probably works fine for TPH (table per hierarchy) which is recommended by Microsoft for performance. But it does not works for table name for TPC (table per class) because of actual bugs in EFCore 7 (see Github project).
I received that message at the end of "update-database":
Both 'WindTurbine' and 'ResourceGenerator' are mapped to the table
'resource_generator'. All the entity types in a non-TPH hierarchy (one
that doesn't have a discriminator) must be mapped to different tables.
See for more
PostgreSQL doc : TPH supported OK but not for table in TPC (2023-01-12). I use TPC then I had to force each table name directly through TableAttribute.
My solution For table name, I use snake casing by manually add a "Table" attribute to each of my classes with the proper name like this sample:
public class WaterTurbine : ResourceGenerator
For fields, I use the EFCore.NamingConventions NugetPackage which works fine for fields names. Don't forget that if you have 2 classes mapped to the same object, it is because you are using TPC and did not force table name through TableAttribute.
This way all my table and fields names are snake casing and I can cut and paste any query dumped in my debugger directly in any SQL script window of DBeaver (or any SQL tool).

Adding today date in Table name when using Create Table function in standard sql GBQ

I am quite new to GBQ and any help is appreciated it.
I have a query below:
#Standard SQL
create or replace table ``
as select * from `yyy.yyy.applications`
What I need to do is to add today's date at the end of the table name so it is something like<todays date>
basically create a filename with Application but add date at the end of the name applications.
I am writing a procedure to create a table every time it runs but need to add the date for audit purposes every time I create the table (as a backup).
I searched everywhere and can't get the exact answer, is this possible in Query Editor as I need to store this as a Proc.
Thanks in advance
BigQuery doesn't support dynamic SQL at the moment which means that this kind of construction is not possible.
Currently BigQuery supports Parameterized Queries but its not possible to use parameters to dynamically change the source table's name as you can see in the provided link.
BigQuery supports query parameters to help prevent SQL injection when
queries are constructed using user input. This feature is only
available with standard SQL syntax. Query parameters can be used as
substitutes for arbitrary expressions. Parameters cannot be used as
substitutes for identifiers, column names, table names, or other parts
of the query.
If you need to build a query based on some variable's value, I suggest that you use some script in SHELL, Python or any other programming language to create the SQL statement and then execute it using the bq command.
Another approach could be using the BigQuery client library in some of the supported languages instead of the bq command.


I'm working in a project where I have been explicitly required to not use T-SQL syntax. The application we are using supports T-SQL but we are not allowed to use it to avoid potential migration issues.
My question is: is the SELECT ... INTO statement T-SQL or SQL? If it is T-SQL, is there a specific SQL query to copy an existing table into a new one? (I have tried with CREATE TABLE AS .. FROM but it doesn't work).
Sounds like a very basic question but I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere. Thus, in addition to the question above, it would be very helpful to know if there is a guide/dictionary/website that collects only the standard SQL syntax.
I think they recommend you to use ANSI SQL, instead of T-SQL (SQL Server) or PL-SQL (ORACLE). Considering it as common requirement, every database vendor provide their own way of implementing this requirement. When you use ANSI SQL, you will not have migration issues, when you move from one database vendor to another database vendor.
SELECT * INTO new_table
FROM existing_table
CREATE TABLE new_table
AS SELECT * FROM existing_table
Neither. The MySQL documentation claims that SELECT INTO is a Sybase extension to standard sql. As such I don't think you can accurately say it's either of these, but you can say that it's neither. It is indeed used in T-SQL, as well as some other database vendor products, to create a table from a query. The SQL standard says that queries with that goal should be formed as CREATE TABLE blah AS SELECT .... Oracle/MySQL, for example, use the standard form though you can see them use SELECT INTO in a different context, to assign data to variables in stored procedures
If you want to avoid use of this non standard syntax when creating and populating a table then you'll have to:
CREATE TABLE blah (column spec to match query output)
INSERT blah (select query here)
But then you run into nuances like "sqlserver calls it datetime/datetime2 but oracle calls it date/timestamp"
And ultimately you'll probably get into a situation where you just can't use one form of sql to do all you want..
I'd imagine most libraries that do data access on multiple underlying databases have mechanisms to use vendor specific terminology where required
From the answers, it appears you might need to specify which SELECT INTO you're talking about. The other answers seem to suggest there exists some kind of SELECT ... INTO <table-name> when there is also a kind of SELECT ... INTO <local-variable-name list>. The latter is used in embedded SQL for making SQL interact with variables of the host language program. I'm not certain but that variant may also be used in the part of the SQL language that deals with procedures written in SQL (the SQL/PSM part of the standard).
A "reference" that covers "only the standard SQL syntax" is, in principle, the ISO standard document itself, only available by purchase from ISO (and yes, it's ISO not ANSI - ANSI does nothing more than rubberstamping the ISO document after removing all the names of non-US contributors). And not the easiest kind of literature. There are "draft" versions floating around on the internet that might deviate from the published final standards. E.g. Note that this is a SQL:2008 draft. Current standard version is SQL:2011. And it's several thousands of pages, so I guess that covers your question "Is all the syntax covered in w3schools standard SQL". (Hint : no)

Using a Teradata UDF in SAS Implicit Sql Pass Thru

I am trying to use a Teradata UDF (User Defined Function) in a SAS Implicit SQL which establishes the connection to Teradata using LIBNAME Statement.Assume that the function is called PTY_DECRYPT and is defined in a Database called TEST in Teradata. The Purpose of this function is to decrypt values in a Column of a View in Teradata.
What works is using the UDF in an Explicit Sql .Below I am using the function on a column called SSN_NBR in a view called V_TEST_PERS present in the Database called SAMPLE.
Explcit Sql:
Options debug=DBMS_TIMERS sastrace=',,,d'
sastraceloc=saslog no$stsuffix fullstimer;
Proc Sql;
Connect to TERADATA(User=XXXXX pwd=XXXXX server=XXXXX);
Create Table Final as
select * from connection to teradata
TEST.PTY_DECRYPT(SSN_NBR,'T_ssn_test',400,0,0 ) as SSN_NBR_Decrypt
disconnect from teradata;
But I would like to use the same function in an Implicit SQL but it does not work. Any ideas as to how to make it work in an Implicit Sql with minimum changes to the Implicit SQL?
Implicit Sql
Options debug=DBMS_TIMERS sastrace=',,,d'
sastraceloc=saslog no$stsuffix fullstimer;
Libname Td Teradata User=XXXXX pwd=XXXXX server=XXXXX database=SAMPLE ;
Proc sql;
Create table Final as
TEST.PTY_DECRYPT(SSN_NBR,'T_ssn_test',400,0,0 ) as SSN_NBR_Decrypt
from Td.V_TEST_PERS;
In your implicit SQL you reference the view with the LIBNAME alias TD, however when you reference the UDF you are not aliasing the TEST database containing the UDF with the LIBNAME alias. Syntactically, you may not be able to do that in SAS. (e.g. TD.TEST.PTY_DECRYPT() - in fact I wouldn't expect this to work)
The UDF may need to be placed in SYSLIB or TD_SYSFNLIB so that it is in a default search path for the database optimizer to find the UDF without being fully qualified. (e.g. TD_WEEK_BEGIN()) Alternatively, the UDF could be placed in database SAMPLE but that likely violates how UDFs are maintained in your environment, as it would in my environment.
Otherwise, the UDF call could be embedded in a view on the database, but then you have other issues to consider with the security of that column if your environment is not granting security on a column level basis to views containing encrypted data elements. (e.g. PHI, PII, etc.) Without a row-column level security mechanism in place to dynamically filter a users ability to see the column you are decrypting in the view putting the UDF into the view isn't going to work.
I asked the same question the SAS Communities Forum and I am glad to say that i did find a Solution to this Problem.
Please see the link below :

Convert hdbtable to SQL

Is there common approach to translate .hdbtable file to pure SQL create table statement?
You mean translate a HDB Table to pure SQL statement? If this, you can open the table,and click 'Export SQL' button.
As hdbtable uses the same type names as the the CREATE/ALTER TABLE statements you could write an hdbtable->sql-ddl compiler that could run completely without HANA. Just keep in mind that the identifiers in hdbtable definitions will be rendered as quoted identifiers if the hdbtable runtime inside HANA computes the definitions.