Objective C Array and Object Release - objective-c

I have a newbie question regarding when to release the elements of a NSArray. See following pseudo code:
NSMutalbeArray *2DArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (int j=0;j<5;j++) {
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[array addObject:obj];
[obj release];
[2DArray addObject:array];
[array release];
// use 2DArray to do something
[2DArray release]
My question here is, when I release 2DArray, do I need to explicitly release each of its element (array) first? Also, before I release the "array" object, do I need to release each of its element (MyObject) first?
I am new to Objective C. Please help. thanks.

No, you don't need to tell each object to be released. When you send a release method to an NSArray, it automatically sends a release method to each item inside first.
So in your case, you send [2DArray release]. This automatically sends [array release] to every other array, which sends [obj release] to each object inside each array.

You don't need to release the kept objects. NSArray retains them when you add, and releases them when released. So if you allocate, add to the array, then release, the object in the array will have the retain count of 1. Once the array is freed, the object is released, therefore freed.

When an object is created, it has a retain count of 1. Whenever a object is added to an array, its retain count is increased (in this case to 2). After adding to the array, your code release its hold of the object, dropping its retain count by 1 (to 1 in this case). Then when you release the array, it calls release on everything in it dropping their retain counts by 1 (to 0 in this case). When retain count hits 0 the object is deallocated.
Your code looks correct from a memory management stand point.


Memory Leak - Objective c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Objective C Memory Management
My code is showing a memory leak here:
NSMutableArray* newImageArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray* newMediaArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (self.categoryIndex == 0) {
for (int i=1; i < [categoryArray count]; i++)
newImageArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[newImageArray arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[self getImageArrayByCategoryIndex:i]]];
else {
newImageArray = [self getImageArrayByCategoryIndex:self.categoryIndex];
for (int i=0; i < [newImageArray count]; i++)
Media* media = [[Media alloc] init];
NSString* imageFile = [newImageArray objectAtIndex: i];
media.imageFile = [UIImage imageNamed:imageFile];
media.imageLabel = [[imageFile lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
media.soundFile = [appFolderPath stringByAppendingString:[[[imageFile stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingString: #".wav"] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: IMAGES_FOLDER withString: SOUNDS_FOLDER]];
[newMediaArray addObject:media];
self.mediaArray = newMediaArray;
[self setNextMediaIndex];
I am not releasing media because it is being used by newMediaArray (which is used by mediaArray, which is used my my main object). Shouldn't everything get released when I release my main object?
It looks like you are leaking all over the place in a variety of ways
newImageArray gets allocated but never released, additionaly you are overwriting the version that you allocated in the first line of you code with another version. So even if you released it at the end of this code segment, the wrong version would get released. It looks like you don't even need to allocate this one.
newMediaArray gets allocated but never released, you assign it to a property mediaArray if you are using #synthesize to create the code for that property, depending on how you declared that property, the setter will retain the value i.e. newMediaArray creating a leak.
media gets allocated but never released, it get added to a NSMutableArray which means it will get retained by the array. If your app crashes when you release media in the for loop the problem is somewhere else
The Memory Management Programming Guide is pretty much a must read
When an NSMutableArray such as newMediaArray adds an object, it will retain that object. You don't need to (nor should you) retain the object on the array's behalf. This is fundamentally how memory management in Objective-C works: each object retains the things it references, and releases them when finished. newMediaArray is its own object, so it'll manage its own references.
You should release media near the end of the body of your for loop because you're done using that object. If you don't release it then, you'll lose your reference to it and you'll have no way to release it in the future.
You do
[newMediaArray addObject:media];
that means that newMediaArray has done a retain on media. You can then release media (you should). The retain done in the array method will keep it alive as long as the array references it. If you don't release it in your method, the retain count will remain 2, and even if the array releases it, it will still be 1 and not be dealloc-ed.
You could do:
Media *media = [[[Media alloc] init] autorelease];
Then the autorelease pool will release it in time, but not before this method ends.
You need to have the [media release] statement at the bottom of the loop. newMediaArray should also be released after it is assigned to the mediArray property.

What is the correct way of returning a NSArray of objects in Objective-C?

I have a method that needs to return an array of objects. The way it does that now is:
Create a NSMutableArray*
Each object, following some computation, is alloc-d and init-ed
Each object, after initialization, is added to the array with addObject
The array is returned
Is autoreleasing the array the right thing to do? What about the objects inside the array? When should these be released?
Yes, setting the array to autorelease before you return it is a reasonable thing to do. Also, if you are calling alloc and init on the things that you put into the array, you should call release (or autorelease) on each one after you add it to the array. Your objects will still be retained as long as they are in the array. Removing them from the array (or releasing the array) will cause them to be released.
Your method should set the array to autorelease and then the caller should retain the returned array. So the method is no longer responsible for the array, the caller is.
The objects in the array will be retained by NSMutableArray, so you should set them to autorelease so they don't leak.
- (NSMutableArray*) calleeMethod
// this method is retaining the array temporarily
// someone else is responsible for retaining it
NSMutableArray * newArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// add some objects
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// autorelease these objects because newArray will retain each item and
// is responsible for the items
FooObject * newFooObject = [[[FooObject alloc] initWithNumber:i] autorelease];
[newArray addObject:newFooObject];
return newArray;
- (void) callerMethod
// retain the returned array, because we own it
mNewArray = [[self calleeMethod] retain];
// do stuff
// make sure you explicitly release mNewArray later (probably in the dealloc)

Init an object, then store it into an NSArray. Is this going to be a leak?

If an inited object comes to me retained, so I own it, and I store it in an NSArray, which retains that which gets stored in it, can I count on NSArray to see that it's already retained and not increase the count, or do I need to run through the array and decrement the retain count to insure no memory leak?
Sounds like you need to read the Memory Management Programming Guide. Your case is extremely simple. You own the object. You pass it to the array, which now also owns it. You need to release your ownership of it. Otherwise you'll leak it.
To make sure that the ownership of the object which was added into the NSArray is relinquished, send the -release message to the object right after you add it to the NSArray. If you do not do this, then you will indeed have a memory leak.
This is what happens:
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", #"Blah"]; //retain count is 1, you own this object
[array addObject:str]; //retain count gets bumped to 2
[str release]; //retain count is 1 - relinquishing ownership here.
//There is no leak because when the NSArray is
//deallocated, the object will be sent the release message.
But if you don't send the owned inserted object the -release message, then even when the NSArray is deallocated, the object will only have a retain count of 1 and the memory obtained by the object will never be reclaimed, thereby resulting in a leak.
Whenever you release the NSArray, it'll release everything it retains.
As such, as long as you release the inited object once you've added it to the NSArray (so it's the only thing that retains it) or release it once you've finished with it outside of the array all should be fine.
Incidentally, there's a good blog post called "objective-c memory management for lazy people" that explains such things pretty well and is a handy reference if you're just starting out with such things.
You don't need to do that. NSArray takes ownership of any object that it stores. It will release its objects when it's deallocated. If you retain an object yourself, you take ownership too, and you are responsible for releasing it too.
NSArray will retain your object when you add it, and then release it when you remove it from the array. This is by design. This means that to ensure there's no memory leak, if you already retained the object before adding it to the array, you should release it after removing it from the array:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
NSObject *object = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // retain count of 1 (because of alloc)
[object retain]; // useless, just for example, retain count of 2 (because of retain)
[array addObject:object]; // array is mutable, retain count of 3 (because of addObject:)
[array removeObject:object]; // retain count of 2
[object release]; // retain count of 1
[object release]; // retain count of 0, the object is dealloc'd afterwards
[array release]; // to be sure that we are not leaking an array, too

Deallocating NSMutableArray of custom objects

I need help with deallocation of my NSMutableArray of custom objects. I need to retain the array and so I have added a property in .h and I release it in dealloc in .m file. When I add objects to the array, I do the following:
myarray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[myarray addObject:[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj1]];
[myarray addObject:[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj2]];
Now, I don't know how to release mycustomobject. If I do the following:
[myarray addObject:[[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj1] autorelease]];
I run in to problems when I access the array later. Please advice.
I don't think you understand how memory management in Cocoa works. The array will retain the objects you add to it, and it will release them by itself when the array no longer needs them (such as when you release the array).
In other words, add the autoreleased object to the array, and don't worry about its retain count after that. If you want to remove it from the array simply remove it (using removeObjectAtIndex: or something similiar). If you think you want to release the object without removing it from the array then you are doing something wrong, since that may leave a dangling pointer in your array that will cause you to crash later.
You should really really go over the documentation again, particularly the section on Object Ownership and Disposal.
The proper way to do this is to let the array maintain ownership of the custom object:
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutabelArray alloc] init];
for (id obj in anArrayOfObjects) {
mycustomObject * customObj = [[mycustomObject alloc] initWithObject:obj];
[array addObject:customObj];
[customObj release];
If you're having difficulties accessing your array later, then you're doing something wrong with the memory management of the array.

Memory Management for shared array elements

I am a little confused about releasing memory for array elements that are shared by multiple arrays. Here's the scenario:
Manager class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* mgrArray
Helper class has an instance variable NSMutableArray* helperArray.
Manager's init method:
NSMutableArray* mgrArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
Food *f = [[[Food alloc] initWithType:#"Fruit"] autorelease];
[mgrArray addObject:f];
Helper's init method:
NSMutableArray* helperArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
The manager object passes some of the mgrArray elements to Helper class to store for Helper's own access purposes (say for efficiency). Some Manager method that does this:
Food *e1 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:3];
Food *e2 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:5];
Food *e3 = [mgrArray objectAtIndex:7];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e1];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e2];
[helper. helperArray addObject:e3];
Question 1: when adding e1 to helperArray, should it be copied or retained or is it alright as written above?
Question 2: who should release the memory of the food objects and how?
If you put an object in an array, it retains it. If you remove an object from an array, the array releases it.
It is that simple; ownership -- retains -- should always be bounded by lines of encapsulation.
If you need to ensure that an object remains alive when you are using it, retain it. The one edge case is if you do something like:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
At that point, foo may have been released. To fix:
foo = [someArray objectAtIndex: 0];
[foo retain];
[someArray removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
.. do stuff ..
[foo release];
Question 1: when adding e1 to
helperArray, should it be copied or
retained or is it alright as written
Simply add e1 to the helperArray. Done.
Question 2: who should release
the memory of the food objects and
When the array is released to the point of being dealloc'd, all objects contained within the array will be released (but not necessarily deallocated unless nothing else holds a retain).
An object will be retained when added to an array and released when removed from an array.
If you are using an autoreleased object there is nothing else to do.
If you are using a regular object, you can release it after it is added to the first array.