iphone sdk , apostrophe showing up as question mark - iphone-sdk-3.0

The quotation marks (apostrophe to be more specific) single and double are displaying as question mark on my text view.
The problem come up when I try to copy and paste some thing from a webpage and save it.
This problem does not happen when I type the sentence.
How can I replace a apostrophe with a regular single quote?

When you copy from a webpage you are not copying a plain old apostrophe. You are copying a fancy one that looks very similar but is not. Since the text view only displays plain text it cannot understand your fancy apostrophe.
When you copy from a webpage you will have to manually delete and retype the apostrophes.
You have to do a string replace probably with unicode characters. The following may be the characters that you want to replace:
Char Unicode HTML
“ 8220 “
‘ 8216 ‘
” 8221 ”
’ 8217 ’


MS Word, how to change formatting of entire paragraphs automatically in whole document?

I have a 20-page word document punctuated with descriptive notes throughout, like this:
3 Input Data Requirements
Some requirement text.
NOTE: This is a descriptive note about the requirement, which is the paragraph that I would like to use find-and-replace or a VBA script to select automatically and change the formatting to italicized. The notes invariably end in a carriage-return: ¶.
If it was just a text document, not MS-Word, I would just use a regex in a code editor like sublime to wrap it with <I>...</I> or something along those lines.
Preferably, is there a way to do this in Word's "advanced" find-and-replace feature? Or if not, what's the best way to do it in VBA?
I've tried using a search string like this in find-and-replace: NOTE: *[a-z0-9,. A-Z)(-]{1,255}^l but the line-break part doesn't seem to work, and the 255 char max isn't enough for many of the paragraphs.
EDIT: Another slightly important detail: The doc is automatically generated from another piece of software as a .RTF, which I promptly converted to .docx.
Attempt #2: Use Notepad++ to find and replace using regex. Remove quotes.
Find: "( NOTE: .*?)\r"
Replace with: " \i \1 \i0 \r "
Sure is. No VBA or fancy tricks needed.
CTRL + H to bring up the replace dialog.
Click "More".
Select "Font" in the drop down menu called "Format".
Click italics.
Enter find and replace text as the same thing. Make sure you set this up right so that you don't accidentally replace substrings (e.g. goal to replace all " test " with " nice ", testing -> niceing).
Should work. If you need to alter entire paragraphs, consistently, then you probably should have used the styles on those paragraphs to begin with. That way, you can change all of them at once by updating the style itself.
You can use Advance Find, yes. Find Next and then Replace makes the selection Italic.

How can I disable automatic string detection in VS2015?

I'm using VB.NET, and my code contains a lot of strings that very often have double quotes inside of them. My problem is that as I'm fixing the string to escape double quotes (replacing every '"' with '""' inside of the string) it messes with the proceeding code, temporarily assuming everything is a string (since the double quotes don't match up) and completely messing up the formatting of other strings. It assumes that the start of a following string is the end of the current string which causes the actual string to be interpreted and formatted as code, which I have to go back and fix (since it adds spaces and other formatting characters that shouldn't actually be there).
Is there any way to disable this behavior? I didn't have the same problem in VS2013. I've been looking under Tools > Options > Text Editor > Basic, but I couldn't find anything relevant.
Additional Information: I can just modify the strings in a separate text document to escape all of the double-quotes (which is what I've resorted to for now), but in VS2013 I could easily just copy/paste the strings directly into my code without it messing up proceeding strings by temporarily interpreting them as code due to the uneven count of double-quotes.
This behavior is especially problematic when manually adding double-quotes within strings, because if you don't escape them quickly enough (or make a brief typo when doing so), you get the same issue.
You might notice that for other languages, such as C++, writing a string on one line (even with an uneven number of double-quotes) does not affect proceeding lines. Having this same behavior for VB would be great, assuming that there's some setting to enable it.
Yes its an inconvenience.
What I usually do is put some non-used character (e.g. some unused symbol on keyboard, or Alt+{some number}) instead of double quotes. When I'm done building my string whatever way I want, I just finalize it with either bringing up the Find and Replace box and replace that character with two double-quotes. Or just put a REPLACE statement immediately following it, replacing that character with Chr(34).
Instead use Chr(34), or if you end up repeating strings at all, store them as a resource.

When I paste a string into Xcode I always get an error and have to re-type it

This happens every time I paste a line of code containing a string into Xcode. for example when I pasted this into Xcode:
simonLabel.text = #"Good Job!";
I received an error saying that there was an "unexpeceted '#' in program"
If I delete everything and retype exactly the way I pasted it I do not get an error.
There are too many problems that can appear there:
" can be a different character that you expect
(space) can be a different character that you expect
invisible characters. Something you won't see in the editor at all but they got there with the copy-paste.
All these problems can happen because
You copy it from a website with different encoding (or from a really badly writter website)
You copy it from a smart editor (e.g. MS Word, Open Office) which replaces some of the characters to match locale (e.g. quotation marks) or replaces/add spaces based on grammar and word wrapping (e.g non-breaking space).

How do I check if a string has a paragraph character?

I need to check if a string from a word document contains a paragraph character. I want to only extract the text without the paragraph character. Is There a constant for the paragraph character? I tried checking for vbnewLine and vbCrLF, but these didn't work.
Have a look at the wikipedia article on newlines.
In total there are 3 characters indicating a new line (in some context), and sometimes they are used in combinations.
I think it does not matter which ones Word uses and which ones it doesn't; You want them all gone.
So, I'd say run through all characters and remove all LF, CR and RS instances, or replace them by spaces (whilst avoiding double spaces)

Winforms problem with codepage "?" char instead of apostrophe '

In .NET 3.5, I have a Winform with a combobox in it. The datya comes from a DB2 mainframe DB. The problem is that we have a character that is not the real apostrophe. Pasted from Word I'd guess. But in our combobox, it is not diplayed correctly. It shows a question mark "?" instead.
Any idea on how could I get it to display the character as it is ?
First you should check if the character is intact in the database, or if the problem is that the code page doesn't support the character.
If the code page used in the database doesn't support the character, it has been replaced with a question mark, and the data is lost. The best you could do in that case is to try to figure out which question marks are the result of data loss, and which are supposed to be question marks, and try to recreate the data.
If the character is intact in the database, you should just need to make sure that the font used to display the text supports unicode.
Note: The character used is probably a typographic apostrophe like unicode character U+2019.