which web services stacks are supported on JBoss AS 5? - axis2

I've been trying to find this info in JBoss docs/forums/WIKIs - but could not get a concise answer to this question:
Which web services stacks are supported (or you can make work on) in JBoss 5?
I have a huge legacy app using Axis 1 web services which is running fine on WLS9.2. Now I have to migrate it to JBoss 5 and I have to decide whether I can leave Axis1 web services as is (at least for the time being, to get the app working on JBoss at all), or if I have to upgrade web services to Axis 2 or CXF.
So, given the three options, Axis 1, Axis 2 and CXF - what does support for them look like on JBoss 5? Any gotchas, pain points, words of wisdom from experience? :)

See JBossWS User guide for details

Axis1 works fine on 4.2.x. No idea about 5. Sorry i can't be more helpful than that!


RabbitMQ configuration for Wildfly

Does anyone successfully replace HornetQ by RabbitMQ in Wildfly 8?
I'm trying to use our enterprise messaging system and extract the logic of messaging from our base app server to separate the concern between messaging and our core product.
I looked on the web and did not find anything useful as how to change the standalone.xml
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Thank you
My bounty is about to expire and I don't see help until now. So, I am answering as per my experience.
From question:
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Don't know, but we don't need to do that. I have found a work around for that.
I followed this link to install it on ubuntu server. Then I read these awesome and simple tutorials. Those six tutorials were great base to start with.
I am now integrating the project with my Java EE project which runs on Wildfly 9 server.
Best of luck to anyone who ends up here. Any constructive edits and answers are welcomed.

How do you setup a load balanced environment with ASP.Net 5 (vNext) while using the DNX environment?

I am curious about how a DNX load balanced setup will work. I am accustomed to working with an ARR (Application Request Routing)/Server Farm setup with IIS like this. Typically there is nothing done on the code side with the ARR/Server Farm setup. However, with the cross platform support that DNX provides, while getting rid of IIS, this sort of load balanced setup seems like it will now need to be handled in the code. Or at least in my case I would be responsible for code deploys as opposed to a Network Admin that would install updates. The closest that I could find is session management. Can you do load balancing with this, potentially, I just do not see it there yet.
Functional Impact
Decide to download a third party ARR, use MS ARR, or Role your own ARR?
What I need
I would like to keep this from "I like this best" responses as much as possible and see responses that are "Here is why you need this" or "Here is why I found this to work well". I know that dnx is a new environment, but the experience of setting up LB servers in OSX and Linux is not. With the move to cross platform, I do not expect that the MS ARR will work on OSX or Linux. I am not very familiar with those OS's so I do not know where to begin.
1) Is the https://github.com/aspnet/Session/ project (or another project) expected to contain an ARR?
If no on 1
2) Is there an ARR that is cross platform (Windows, OSX, Linux)?
There's no out-of-the-box load balancer for ASP.NET 5.
Your solution is the right one, add a load balancer in front of DNX. On Windows you can use IIS, on cross plat you can use something like ngnix
No changes and no support for in-app.
ASP.NET 5 is not where this should be going. IIS will still exist and the ARR module is a part of IIS itself. Not the app.
On the page itself it says:
Works With: IIS 7, IIS 7.5, IIS 8, IIS 8.5, IIS 10
As for supporting different kind of servers? I don't see why not since the ARR module is basically just a reverse-proxy.
Nothing need to change. You can even compile to CoreCLR and have it hosted on a farm of Linux machines with Apache but have an IIS server with the ARR Module set in Reverse-Proxy to forward load balance the requests.

Start developing with MVC4 Web Api today, using Beta?

I am struggeling...
Is it safe to start developing with MVC4 Web Api (BETA) in a project that will be released live 2012 Q2.
I have heard that final version of MVC4 will be released 2012 Q3.
Since I really believe in MVC4 Web API and its capabilities, using some other technique will feel bad and will make the project look old fast.
I also think, building REST services with WCF is a step in the wrong direction since it was not designed for that.
Any suggestions here?
Yes, it is safe to start using MVC 4 Beta Web API. It has a go live license which means you can deploy it to a live server (though keep in mind that it is Beta software subject to change).
We are not commenting right now on exact release schedules and that Q3 quote does not sound reliable at all.

Glassfish in a production environment?

Do you use Glassfish 2 or v3 in a production environment?
Do you find it robust?
Have you ever been able to find a complete set of documentation?
What do you do when you find that Glassfish ignores J2EE standards, like class and anotation scanning?
Glassfish is Sun's reference standard for a J2EE app server. V3 supports the new 3.1 standard. However, it is only a preview. It is currently scheduled to be released on Dec 10, 2009. Of course, it can always be dangerous to be a very early adopter in a production environment. Currently V3 doesn't support JMS or clustering, for example, but they should be in the final release.
I've used V2 in production for about 3 years and I personally like it. The web admin console makes it very easy to manage (http://localhost:4848, admin, adminadmin), and the performance is good. Here's one example, where someone benchmarked Glassfish: Blog. Of course, you should search for more examples and your YMMV. Here's a Sun document for Glassfish to help Tomcat User.
One last thing that I would add is that Sun ships, and integrates, both Tomcat and Glassfish in their Java IDE Netbeans so you can easily switch between the two app servers to test your particular app.
GlassFish Server V3 or V2 can be used in production environments but the number of users should be less than 1500. Its not very robust and scalable during high load. If used for simple applications GF works perfectly fine, as it is the reference implementation of Java EE standards by Sun which only server to be a guide to other vendors of application servers.
For more complex and high load applications, its better to go to IBM WebSphere Application Server. That's the most robust app server I have seen in my 15 yrs of experience.
Do I use GF in production? no.
Do I find it robust? yes, but I do not tax it very hard.
Have I ever found a complete set of documentation? I think so... the GlassFish v2.1 docs and the GlassFish v3 docs (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/prod/gf.entsvr.v3?l=en&a=view)
What do I do when GlassFish ignores the J2EE standards? I file an issue here: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/
Do I use in production? Yes. (Now, using 3.0.1)
Is it robust? Yes. But my point of view is from someone that likes to follow the server's developers community and can try some tricks.
What about documentation? The official one is really good, and the developers blogs are a great plus (http://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/). What is maybe far from other communities, at the moment, is the collective experience material (like forums), but I think the mail lists are good enough (http://glassfish.java.net/public/mailing-lists.html).

Why use Glassfish instead of Apache? What's it strengths and weaknesses?

Sorry for my ignorance here, but when I hear the word webserver, I immediately imagine Apache, although I know people use Microsoft's IIS too. However since I've been hanging out here at Stackoverflow I've noticed lots of people use Glassfish.
Which made me wonder, why would I want to use Glassfish (in the sense that I'm interested, but I don't really understand why it might make my life easier). From what I read it's Sun's open-source derivate of Apache's Tomcat, thus I imagine it's a good (or great) quality product. But since I don't know its strengths and weaknesses, I don't know when it would be wise to choose Glassfish over another server. Could anyone elaborate ?
GlassFish is an Application Server which can also be used as a Web Server (Http Server).
A web Server means: Handling HTTP requests (usually from browsers).
A Servlet Container (e.g. Tomcat) means: It can handle servlets & JSP.
An Application Server (e.g. GlassFish) means: It can manage Java EE applications (usually both servlet/JSP and EJBs).
You should use GlassFish for Java EE enterprise applications.
The need for a seperate Web server is mostly needed in a production environment. You would normally find a Application server to be suffice most of your development needs. A web server is capable of holding larger number of active sessions and connections, thus providing the necessary balance without performance costs.
Stick to a simple web server if you are only working with servlets/jsps. It is also to be noted that in a netbeans environment, glassfish has better support than other App servers. In the context of eclipse though, WSAD and JBoss seem to the preferred options.
Glassfish will soon release the modular kernel.
This means that the containers you need start up and shutdown as you need them. I.e no EAR deployed, EJB container won;t start up. This seems to have made it very good for development as it can start and stop very quickly. This takes it a lot closer to development environments like Rails (where redeployment is a massive part of your development)
I have used GlassFish server for developing Web Services.
It provides a very interactive Admin Console where admin can test the Web Services.
I really find it helpful while developing Web Services