How to run dojo on php pages - dojo

I have implemented some tutorials of dojo all this tutorials work on html web pages. Is there any way to implement dojo on php pages.

Dojo is a javascript framework that can be used with any server technology. If you have some static html pages with dojo, the only thing you need to do is to rename them to .php.


Differences and use of vuexpress, VuePress and vue-server-renderer modules of Vue.js

I came across vuexpress, vuepress and vue-server-renderer. To me these are looking somewhere similer which I guess are not. I am not frontend developer so not able to understand exact difference and use of these three modules.
Their official sites are saying
vuexpress: Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering
engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.
VuePress: Vue-powered Static Site Generator
vue-server-renderer: server-rendered Single-Page Applications using
Node.js as the server.
vuepress and vue-server-renderer are official library from Vue.js
So what exactly are differences and use of these three modules?
The idea with Vue (from the perspective of your question) is that you create a single-page application.
vuexpress is a rendering engine you can use in an Express application if you want to use the Vue syntax to implement your Express views, i.e. you implement a dynamic website and use the Vue syntax.
vuepress is about building a single-page application in Vue that also prerenders each page (and some other goodies, such as using markdown) to improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. It is primarily used for websites with static content, such as documentation.
The point with a Vue application is to run it on the client (in the web browser). With vue-server-renderer you can run it on the server to obtain the HTML code the web browser would render if it would run in the web browser, and send it to the web browser, so the web browser doesn't need to run your Vue application, but receives the HTML it would display instead. Why? To improve initial page load and facilitate for search engines. I imagine vuepress makes use of vue-server-renderer under the hood.

IBM MobileFirst - App Multipage

Good morning,
I am installing a APP with IBM MobileFirst Platform and seen in the documentation, by making an APP multi page, you should avoid the attributes href and document.location.href of javascript. I have verified that the system used is that of a single page and upload the content in div with jquery load () function.
Is strictly necessary this requirement or I can continue using href and document.location.href? I say this, because in my APP, the header and footer, change in each html page and I do not want to reload the html page with many divs, shown and hidden.
What you recommend to resolve this issue? How I can connect different html pages in MobileFirst, without using href or document.location.href?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
The reason why it is recommended to load the page contents via ajax is because MobileFirst libraries are loaded in the main html file. Loading other html files would require you to include all the MobileFirst libraries "including cordova" in every single html file of your application. Doing that will decrease the performance of your application since you will have to load all the library files for each page. It may also cause some conflicts with the objects loaded into the DOM since they may be loaded already.

How can I use PHP files as views in Durandal?

My problem is I want to integrate Durandal witha Wordpress site yet Durandal expects HTML files as views. How can this be changed to use PHP files?
Yes. A php script generates dynamic HTML files on the server. You would just need to generate HTML that is valid within the context of Durandal.
The strategy is similar to using Durandal with ASP.Net, which would be a good place to start looking for tutorials.

Convert XUL application to web app

Is it possible to convert an existing XUL application to a pure web application without a complete rewrite? Are there any existing guides on doing this?
There is an existing project based on XUL / Mozilla Application Framework that I would like to see as a web application. But it seems that with FF4 this would no longer be possible.
You can use XUL Runner if you like to keep it like a desktop app or use the Ample SDK which supports XUL in HTML pages and it does a rendering using HTML and JavaScript.

Integrate Orchard CMS with MVC4 Website

I already have MVC4 website and that is to perform Searching (OPAC). Now, We have to integrate it with Orchard CMS. I have followed the procedures to add my existing solution into Orchard CMS solution. Everything is okay but I am not able to get the javascript to work with my view page.
Also, The default Orchard library to include js extensions ie, #Script.Require or #Script.Include also not recognised as intellisense feature in my view page.
When I use default MVC library to include the js like #Scripts.Render is not working as expected.
How can I make my custom javascript to work my page.
Help me to identify the problem.