How do I resolve the config error which states a machine to application error -

I imported a website made in visual studio express 2008 to visual studio express 2010. When I run the home page I get the following error:
"It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."
When I looked up the meaning of this on Google I read their needed to be a change to the configuration of the virtual directory. Another suggestion was to change the web config files . T
Were these suggestions correct? If so how do I emplement them so that I can view these website pages on my local machine.

To try the first suggestion:
Right-Click MY_COMPUTER, choose MANAGE.
Expand the SERVICES (then IIS) section(s) in the left-hand pane until you can see the directory containing the "home page"
Right-Click that folder and Choose PROPERTIES.
Click the "Create Application" button.
================================ EDIT ADDED after I realized I could edit an answer
No, you can't create an app using the WINDOWS EXPLORER...
So... here's a more descriptive instruction:
Once you've expanded "Services and Apps" the left hand pane should contain (at least) "Services", Indexing Service, and "Internet Information Services."
Click the "+" to the left of "Internet Information Services" and that action should expose (at least) "Web Sites", Again click the "+" to expose (at least) "Default Web Site."
Once more click the "+" to the left of Default, to expose the Virtual Directories.
Hopefully you will find the FOLDER in question (containing your 'Home Page'). Right-click it, choose PROPERTIES, and see the "Create Application" on the "Directory" tab of the window that pops up.
If You Do Not See your folder in that final list, it is because there is no virtual directory pointing to the My Documents folder that contains your web site (and home page.)
To create a virtual directory, right-click on that DEFAULT WEB SITE (now visible in the left hand pane) Click "New.." and choose "Virtual Directory." Follow the directions offered in the popup window ... i.e. Browse to your folder, etc.
Too bad StackOverflow does not offer the ability for me to add pictures.
If you still have trouble, I can create a set of screen shots for you and put a link to it in another response.

Did the directory tree get jacked up on import? I've gotten this when for whatever reason, I end up with two web.configs in the directories of the project.


Can't change document root in MAMP Pro

I have version 3.3 of MAMP Pro. When I click the icon to change the document root for one of my virtual hosts, it shows all of the blue folders in my Finder as grayed out. There is one exception, I am able to go into Applications/MAMP/htdocs and successfully select that directory.
Why are all the rest of my directories grayed out?
Seems a permission rights issue.
Check who is the runner of your Mamp services in settings (usually you or www/sql).
Check the permissions applied for folders you want to use as document root.
Change permissions to allow the "services runner" to read and write in this folder.
If necessary add this user in Get info window of this folder by clicking Alt and + button at the bottom left of window.
It works for me by adding _www (# World Wide Web Server) group to read and write.
Hope this helps.

sharepoint 2010 quick launch missing

Recently our client complained quick launch is missing. The quick launch menu in sites is temperamental. sometimes it appears and works fine, other times it completely disappears. I checked the site settings, master page, Timer jobs everything is working fine.
Any help is much appreciated.
If the Quick Launch menu is missing from specific pages then the problem is likely due to the page layout, which can be changed on Publishing Sites or site with the Publishing Feature enabled. To do so, edit the page and then select a new page layout from the Page tab of the ribbon. Here is an article with more information:
If the left nav is missing from an entire site collection, it may be turned off. Use one of the following procedures to enable the quick launch:
To display the Quick Launch menu using the SharePoint 2010 web interface, follow these steps:
Navigate to Site Actions, Site Settings, Tree View (under Look and Feel).
Select the Enable Quick Launch check box and click OK
To display the Quick Launch menu using SharePoint Designer 2010, follow these steps:
Open the designer by clicking All Programs on the Start menu, selecting SharePoint, and clicking Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010.
In the Recent Sites section, select the site to which you want to add the Quick Launch menu. (If this is your first time opening SharePoint Designer, you won't see any sites listed in the Recent Sites section. In this case, click the Open Site button. In the Open Site dialog box, enter the URL to your SharePoint site and click Open.)
Once you’re in the site, click Home (under Site Objects) in the left navigation pane. In the Settings section, select the Display Quick Launch check box.
Click Save.

How to hide Weblogic WLDF Console Extension Tab from Weblogic adinn console?

I use Weblogic 12.1.3, when logged to admin server I see a tab with label "WLDF Console Extension" when choosing it, I get this message
"The WLDF Console Extension, which provided visual tools to display diagnostic information in this domain, has been replaced in this release by new integrated Monitoring Dashboard and Request Performance tools. For more information on these updates, please consult the online help and release notes for this release..."
How to hide this uselss tab, I have another installtion at work with the same version does not have this tab.
In general the WLDF extension is not installed by default so someone must have put it there and/or turned it on. To remove it there are 2 options:
Navigate to <domain dir>/console-ext and remove the diagnostics-console-extension.jar file. Restart your admin server.
Click the perferences link at the top of the admin console, click the Extensions tab, find the diagnostics-console-extension and disable it
If you ever need it back you can re-enable it or copy it back into your domain directory from the WL_HOME\server\lib\console-ext folder

First Time Trying to Edit a SharePoint File

This is my first time trying to edit a sharepoint file. It is used as a list of links in an iframe on a web site on another server. But this has nothing to do with the problem. I have been asked to modify the list of links and I just want to get to it and do it. But however one does this, it does not seem very intuative to me.
Let me tell you the steps I have taken and how things go wrong and maybe I can get some advice. The sharepoint file is on a server that I log into remotely. I run the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration". On the page that comes up, I click on "Manage web applications" under "Application Management".
From there, I see the page I want to edit. But when I click on the name of the item (which appears in red text) the area is hilighted but nothing happens. In the ribbon menu at the top of the page there is a drop down entitled "Site Actions" but there is no option there to "edit". Please advice.
I was given a username and password to "log in" because I was told I need that. The idea was that maybe I need a special admin account to see the missing menu options to edit a page. But at first I could not use it to log on to the server where the sharepoint system is. Then I found that I could try to use it to log onto the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration" program. But this did not work.
Then I tried to see if there was anything I could so from the desktop computer. I found "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010"
I tried this and it looked promising"
But then eventhough I could see the file name, I could not edit the file:
I went back to the server and tried a few other things. I tried to switch my account in the Central Adminstration to this special account that someone suggested had more privledges but it did not work. The error said "Error: Access Denied". I tried putting the web page in the address bar and that just brought up the page without any way of editing it.
Please advise.
Central Administration is not meant for content editting. That is the core of SharePoint with all kind of configuration options.
You have to create a web application for content editting and create a site collection there. In that site collection you can edit the page, add webparts, etc. In your case you can try a Publishing Portal template for your site collection and add a content editor webpart. In that content editor webpart you can put HTML for your iframe.

Deploying .vbhtml on Local IIS Installation

I've come into a company that has been using for some web applications stored on our local servers. There's no current programmer, so I've used what knowledge I have to build a new feature using MebMatrix Razor VB.NET pages and our current SQL Server database. I have to migrate the project over to a local server running IIS to deploy it.
I don't want to use the WebMatrix Web Deploy feature or anything, I'd rather just move the files over manually and have them run. I assume that IIS just needs to be configured to process .vbhtml file extensions. My understanding is that you don't have to build your solution with this method, as you do with ASP. Does anybody know how to do this, or where I might find a good tutorial?
Copy the directory for your website from the 'My Web Sites' folder in Documents. Paste it into the 'inetpub' directory on the server.
Now open IIS Manager, on the left hand side in the connections pane, right click on 'Sites' and 'Add Web Site'. Choose a name, select the default AppPool, browser to the 'inetpub' directory and select your site's folder, set a port that doesn't conflict with any other sites running, and click OK.
On the right hand pane, click browse, you should be able to see your new website.