Nginx proxy http PUT chunked to apache - apache

Nginx doesn't support chunked requests so i'm tryping to proxy my PUT request to apache, but it seems nginx blocks and sends 411 error even when proxying. Any way I can get nginx to send those requests to apache untouched, as is?

Seems like this could be an option, although not a nice one:


Apache for http2 via proxy

I have a apache server with http2 support and a proxy. When I send a curl request via proxy the http protocol falls back to http1.1, can someone tell me if there is any config changes I need to make or it works that way itself?

Does it require https in Kestrel behind my https apache proxy server?

I am not quite clear about the idea whether the Kestrel server needs to be encrypted as a localhost server.
I use Apache with HTTPS as the proxy server for Kestrel server. Does it require to run https in Kestrel as well? In theory, what passes through the Apache proxy server (HTTPS enabled) should be encrypted, right?
Please shed some light if you have any ideas.
No, you don't have to encrypt the traffic between Apache and Kestrel. The apache (or nginx or IIS) will be the SSL termination point.
However what you need to make sure is
that Apache correctly sets the forwarded headers (x-forwarded-* headers)
kestrel is correctly configured to use these headers (UseIISIntegration already does that) or register the app.UseForwardedHeaders(); middleware which also registers them
Without either one, your requests will fail if the controllers/actions are marked with [RequireHttps] attribute

How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS with GCP Load Balancer

I've setup the standard GCP load balancer to point to my instance group. It talks over the same port on the instance. I would like to redirect http to https. I would normally do this in nginx or apache on the instance but that won't work since its https already from the load balancer.
Is there a way to rewrite the url similar to if I was using nginx and apache to load balance in GCP's Load Balancer? or should I forward http and https to the instance and have the instance handle the rewrite as I normally would. I'm new to GCP thanks in advance.
You can set it up the same way as Nginx does. When you see traffic on a port which is not https, you redirect it to HTTPs.
To do this, you can use X-Forwarded-Proto header which contains the protocol using which the traffic came in. On your server, you can simply look for traffic that has http header and upgrade that request to HTTPS.
Most commonly used way is to use 301 redirect, but that is not a great practice. One should use HTTP 426 upgrade request header.
Read more: Is HTTP status code 426 Upgrade Required only meant signal an upgrade to a secure channel is required?
RFC doc:

How to override scheme and is_ssl in apache HTTP Server for mod_proxy_ajp

We are running Tomcat 7 behind a load balancer that works also as SSL terminator, and an Apache HTTP Server 2.4. The Apache connects to the Tomcat via mod_proxy_ajp.
For the application it is important that Tomcat is aware that the request is coming in via HTTPS and is thus secure. As e.g. this article recommends, it is common to configure this on the Tomcat's Connector using the attributes secure="true" and possibly scheme="https" proxyPort="443". While this works, it is inconvenient since we are using HTTP for some purposes as well, and thus we would need to set up two Tomcat connectors for this purpose. And it has a smell, since this way we basically tell Tomcat to override the wrong information it gets from the Apache HTTP Server that the request is HTTPS instead of HTTP, instead of telling the Apache that it should send the correct information on the protocol and secure status.
So my question: is it somehow possible to configure the Apache HTTP Server itself that it passes the correct information via the AJP protocol: that the request is received via HTTPS and is secure? The problem is that it doesn't know it's HTTPS, since there is a SSL terminator before it and the requests arrives via HTTP, as far as it is concerned. Can I tell the Apache somehow that it's actually HTTPS?
A partial solution seems to be to set the protocol on a ServerName directive in the virtual host in the Apache HTTP server:
ServerName https://whatever
This way any Location: headers in redirects seem to be rewritten to https in the Apache, but the Tomcat is still passed the wrong information via AJP.
I always thought that AJP transfers this information automagically - but I'm not using mod_proxy_ajp, rather mod_jk. It's one of the reasons why I much prefer AJP over HTTP (and proxying).
Might be worth to change the module/connection

mod_pagespeed with SSL: from // to https://

Apache 2.2.15 on RHELS 6.1
Using mod_pagespeed on a server behind https (implemented by the network's Reverse Proxy).
All html urls are written as "//" (so, without the protocol specified).
Problem : using the default configuration, pagespeed rewrites the urls as ""
I'm trying to figure out how to have it rewrite the urls as https (or leave it unspecified as //).
After reading the documentation, I tried using ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain like this
ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain http://localhost
Also tried
ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain http://localhost //
ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain localhost
... To no avail. Urls keep being rewritten with "http://".
Question: how can I have pagespeed use https instead of http in its urls?
Full pagespeed config here, if needed
It turns out mod_pagespeed does not work with "protocol-relative" urls.
Still, the issue is bypassed if you enable trim_urls
ModPagespeedEnableFilters trim_urls
Be mindful of the potential risks (depending on your javascript codebase, ajax calls could break or produce unexpected html).
Adding this to your configuration might work:
ModPagespeedRespectXForwardedProto on
That works, if your reverse proxy forwards the X-Forwarded-Proto header in its requests.
That request header tells PageSpeed what the original protocol was that was used for the request at the loadbalancer, and thereby hands it all it needs to know to correctly rewrite urls.