need help in primary key and foreign key - sql

I need help in auto populating the primary key values in foreign key table while inserting data in foreign key table. For Example: I have created table:
create table Patient
PatientId int IDENTITY(1,1) primary key,
FirstName varchar(50),
SurName varchar(50),
Gender char(20),
Say 5 rows are there in this Patient Table:
Say First Row value is: 1, Priya, Kumari, Female
I have created the Guardians Table:
create table Guardians
GuardiansId int identity(1,1) primary key,
PatientId int foreign key references Patient(PatientId),
FirstName varchar(50),
SurName varchar(50),
Gender char(20),
RelationToPatient varchar(50),
In this table Insert operations are like this:
insert into Guardians(FirstName, SurName, Gender,RelationToPatient)values('Sumit','Kumar','Male','Wife')
While selecting the Guardians Table PatientId showing NULL values: My query is while inserting the values in Guardians Table PatientId should be auto Populated which will come from Patient Table...
My second problem is: How to create the Identity column as varchar. For example: suppose I want to increment my Guardians Table with 'GRD0001', 'GRD0002', 'GRD0003' like this...

Your question is not very clear - what exactly do you want to do??
When you insert something into the Guardians table, you want to automatically also insert it into the Patients table? I don't quite follow. Can you make a complete example, maybe??
If you need to capture the insert IDENTITY value from the Patient table, do this:
INSERT INTO dbo.Patient(fields) VALUES(.......)
INSERT INTO dbo.Guardians(PatientId, ......) VALUES(#NewPatientID, ......)
As for your second question: leave you GuardiansId IDENTITY as it is (only an INT column can be an IDENTITY and you want to keep that - trust me!) and add a computed column to your table:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Guardians
ADD GuardianIDWithPrefix AS
'GDR' + RIGHT('0000' + CAST(GuardiansId AS VARCHAR(4)), 4) PERSISTED
Since it's a PERSISTED field, you can even index on it and use it like a normal field in every respect.
That should do the trick!


SQL - cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

I keep getting the error:
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
(myWork.Bookingss, CONSTRAINT Bookingss_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY
(CustomersID) REFERENCES Customers (CustomersID))
I have spent a while researching as this is apart of a school assignment and can not seem to resolve the problem.
Here is my SQL code:
USE myWork ;
CREATE TABLE myWork.Customers
Surname CHAR(30) NOT NULL ,
FirstName CHAR(30) NOT NULL ,
Title CHAR(10),
HouseNumber INT,
StreetName CHAR(30),
Town CHAR(30),
PostCode CHAR(9),
Telephone INT,
) ;
CREATE TABLE myWork.Bookingss
AdultsBooked INT NOT NULL,
ChildrenBooked INT NOT NULL,
Check_In DATE,
Check_Out DATE,
REFERENCES myWork.Customers (CustomersID)
) ;
INSERT INTO myWork.Bookingss ( CustomersID, AdultsBooked , ChildrenBooked , Check_In , Check_Out )
VALUES ("1", "2", "3", "2022-04-10", "2022-04-13" ) ;
INSERT INTO myWork.Customers ( Surname , FirstName , Title , DOB )
VALUES ( "smith" , "ryan" , "Mr" , "1998-02-16" ) ;
SELECT * FROM Customers , Bookingss;
You got the order wrong and some challenges to overcome. You are trying to insert a booking first, and this with an id for a customer that does not yet exist in the customer table at that moment.
You have to insert the customer first, then use the customer's id to insert the booking for the customer (using his id).
And there is the first challenge. The customer id is an auto increment field. You would not know the id when you insert a customer in the table.
You would have to fetch the customer and use the id of that customer to insert a booking for the customer. How do you fetch the customer? Selecting the customer with a specific name surname and first name is not a correct choice, any other field (or composition of fields) that I see in the table definition is not a good choice neither.
You'd need to think further about a good solution. There are several options I could tell you about. But the appropriate solution depends on your assignment/context.
By the way, the last select clause may not deliver the result you expect. You are producing a cartesian product (every row of the first table with every row of the second table). What you probably want is a JOIN where you link the first table with the second table accordingly (e.g. using the primary key and the foreign key).

Add row to table while incrementing primary key

Say I have a table that looks like:
ID Name Age Co
1 Adls 15 US
2 sldkl 14 FR
3 sldke 16 UK
4 sldee 17 IN
I want to add values to the table and have the ID incremented. ID is the primary key, and I set is Identity under column properties to 'Yes' and identity increment to 1.
So basically, I am doing:
Insert Into TableName(Name, Age, Co)
Values(slkdje, 19, CH)
(sldjklse, 20, AU)
(slfjke, 12, PK)
But, I am getting errors that the primary key is null, and therefore this operation in invalid. How would I add the values, but get the primary key values to increment?
here is a great example for what you want here
here is also a sql query that is copy and paste that will show my example.
create table #temp(
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int
insert into #temp(LastName) values('billy'),('bob')
select * from #temp
drop table #temp;
hope this helps dude.

How to create a table with ONE existing row from another table?

I'm frankly new to sql and this is a project I'm doing.
I would like to know if there's a way to connect one column in one table to another table when creating tables. I know of the join method to show results of, but I want to minimized my code as possible.
CREATE TABLE players (
id INT PRIMARY KEY, -->code I want connect with table match_record
player_name CHARACTER
CREATE TABLE match_records (
(id INT PRIMARY KEY /*FROM players*/), --> the code I want it to be here
winner INT,
loser INT
CREATE TABLE players (
id INT not null PRIMARY KEY, -->code I want connect with table match_record
player_name CHARACTER
CREATE TABLE match_records (
id INT not null PRIMARY KEY references players(id), --> the code I want it to be here
winner INT,
loser INT
this way you restrict that is only from
t=# insert into match_records select 1,1,0;
ERROR: insert or update on table "match_records" violates foreign key constraint "match_records_id_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) is not present in table "players".
So I add players:
t=# insert into players(id) values(1),(2);
And now it allows insert:
t=# insert into match_records select 1,1,0;
If the session user is a database superuser, then a #, otherwise a >.
(The expansion of this value might change during a database session as
the result of the command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION.)
in this way:
CREATE TABLE new_table as SELECT id,... from old_table where id = 1;

SQL Server 2008 Foreign Keys that are auto indexed

Are Foreign Keys in SQL Server 2008 are automatically indexed with a value? For Example. if I add a value in my Primary key (or auto incremetend) in may parent table will the table that has a foreign key referenced to that key will automatically have the same value? or I Have to do it explicitly?
No, if you create a foreign key in a child table, it will not automatically get populated when a parent row gets inserted. If you think about this it makes sense. Let's say you have a table like:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Students
CREATE TABLE dbo.StudentLoans
StudentID INT FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Students(StudentID),
Amount BIGINT -- just being funny
What you are suggesting is that when you add a row to Students, the system should automatically add a row to StudentLoans - but what if that student doesn't have a loan? If the student does have a loan, what should the amount be? Should the system pick a random number?
Typically what will happen in this scenario is that you'll be adding a student and their loan at the same time. So if you know the loan amount and the student's name, you can say:
#Name SYSNAME = N'user962206',
#LoanAmount BIGINT = 50000,
#StudentID INT;
INSERT dbo.Students(Name)
INSERT dbo.StudentLoans(StudentID, Amount)
SELECT #StudentID, #LoanAmount;

Foreign Key is null when insert using Stored Procedure

I've created a insert stored procedure with two tables like in the exapmle:
Table NameAge
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Assignment3_NameAge]
Name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
Age int NOT NULL
Table Hobbies
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Assignment3_Hobbies]
hobbiesID int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
userID int Foreign Key references Assignment3_NameAge(userID),
hobbies varchar(255) NOT NULL,
Insert Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].p_Assignment3Join_ins
#Name nvarchar(100),
#Age int,
#Hobbies nvarchar(100)
INSERT INTO [TABLE].[dbo].[Assignment3_NameAge]
VALUES (#Name,#Age)
INSERT INTO [TABLE].[dbo].[Assignment3_Hobbies]
VALUES (#Hobbies)
The problem is that when i run the stored procedure the table Hobbies has a null value for userid(the foreign key)
What am i doing wrong?
You should provide the key of the Assignment3_NameAge value you want to insert into Assignment3_Hobbies.
If you want the last inserted you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() from SQL Server(if you're using SQL Server) or equivalent. It will give you the last inserted value from Assignment3_NameAge
I am guessing this is SQL Server based on the IDENTITY column. Correct?
The first insert creates a user, but there is no user ID being set on the insert of the hobby. You need to capture the identity value from the first insert to be used in the second insert. Have you gon over the system functions available?
You're not supplying a value for it, SQL won't automagically fill the value in for you even though you've created a Foreign Key relationship. It's your job to populate the tables.