How to display dependency conflicts in 'mvn site' - maven-2

I can easily see if there are conflicts between (transitive) dependency versions using:
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose=true
... this will show the full resolution tree, including which elements were omitted (for duplicate or conflict or whatever). What I would like to do is to add the full tree to the 'mvn site' report.
Currently, the site report includes the dependency tree but only as resolved, i.e., without any conflicts. I see in the project-info-reports plugin that there is not currently any way to do what I want using the standard report.
I tried adding a section to the pom to include the maven-dependency-plugin 'tree' goal with the outputFile specified, but it wasn't included when I ran 'mvn site'. It was something like this:
Of course, the 'tree' goal is explicitly identified as not a report, but I was hoping to at least be able to produce a file that I could link to from the generated site. No dice.
Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here? Obviously I could write my own reporting plugin to do this, and/or submit a patch for the project-info-reports plugin, but I want to make sure I've exhausted all the built-in maven options.
(I'm using maven 2.1.0, but I didn't see anything about a change to this functionality in the release notes for later versions.)

Is there any way to force an arbitrary plugin's goal to execute during site generation? Am I totally out of luck here?
Just to answer your question, you can bind a mojo to the pre-site phase of the Site Lifecycle:
If you then run mvn site, dependency:tree will run.


Intellij path rule to automatically recognize generated sources folder

I would like to know if it is possible to set up a rule that marks a generated sources folder as generated sources root in Intellij Idea automatically.
Usually, Intellij detects the target/generated-sources directory as generated sources. My problem is that I also need it to automatically recognize the directory target/generated as generated sources, which Intellij never did in my case.
This is because of a maven plugin that I use for generating code from XSD schema:
For some reason, this plugin generates code into the target/generated directory, and not into the target/generates-sources, of which I read that it is the convention and the default from many points of view.
I've tried searching on the web with similar keywords like in the title, but this was the closest solution to what I wanted to achieve. And even this solution doesn't solve my problem because Intellij doesn't allow setting some path patterns; it only offers a few options that don't include target/generated directory.
Another solution suggests changing the target output, which I can't do in every single project I work on; that is not a solution either.
This is important to me because I work with many projects, and sometimes when my code builds with maven but doesn't compile with Intellij I forget to check whether I marked all the generated folders as sources, or I don't even know there are generated sources in the project.
Does someone know a way I can achieve that Intellij automatically detects source files in target/generated directory?

skip the execution of maven-war-plugin

How do I skip the execution of the maven-war-plugin during a mvn command?
Based on the documentation, it seems like I should be able to do so by running something like the following, using -Dmaven.war.skip=true:
mvn verify -P integration-test -Dmaven.war.skip=true
But when I do that the maven-war-plugin still gets executed.
Also strange is that when I remove the maven-war-plugin from my pom altogether, it still gets executed. That leaves me wondering why maven-war-plugin is getting executed at all, as I don't have it mentioned anywhere in my pom.xml.
So maybe a better question is: what brings the maven-war-plugin into the project if I don't have it listed as a plugin?
As it turns out, removing the packaging of my pom to war (<!--<packaging>war</packaging>-->) keeps the maven-war-plugin from executing. The maven-jar-plugin gets executed instead. That's not really what I want (I just want to run integration tests via mvn verify without taking too long). But it runs quicker at least.
You must override the default war execution.
By default, the war goal binds to the package lifecylcle phase as stated in the documentation.
So we override the package execution in the pom with the skip configuration.
You need to override executions configuration of maven war plugin:
<executions combine.children="override">
It should do.
Why those instructions?
There is something like super-pom for every pom that has some standard defaults.
These defaults will be merged with your configuration if you don't override them.
Therefore also executions will be merged, which bind plugin goals with phase in mvn.
Links to read: - it has info on combine.children

How to generate JUnit sources using maven-gunit-plugin

I have maven configured to run gunit (an ANTLR grammar unit testing tool) through the maven-gunit-plugin. gunit, however, has two different modes. The first mode causes gunit to act as an interpreter, reading through the *.gunit (or *.testsuite) file, interpreting it, and displaying the results. It can be configured as such:
The second mode causes gunit to generate source code that can be run by JUnit. How can I instruct the maven-gunit-plugin to generate JUnit sources instead of acting as an interpreter?
A few notes:
I can change the test phase to "generate-test-sources" to cause the maven plugin to run at the correct time.
I couldn't find any useful documentation on the maven-gunit-plugin
I've seen people use exec-maven-plugin to run gunit with a specific command line option, but I'm not looking to do that.
After reading the various responses, I downloaded the ANTLR source code, which includes the maven-gunit-plugin. The plugin does not support junit generation. It turns out that the codehaus snapshot of the gunit-maven-plugin and the exec plugin are currently the only options.
I found a discussion through MNG-4039 that is illustrated with a maven-gunit-plugin gunit-maven-plugin sample. I'll let you read the whole article but, according to the author, you should end up with something like this:
<!-- Here is the 'extra' dep -->
<!-- we try to use scope to hide it from transitivity -->
<scope>test</scope> <!-- or perhaps 'provided' (see later discussion) or 'import' (maven >= 2.0.9) -->
I didn't test this configuration myself and can't thus confirm everything is working out of the box. I don't even know if the plugin has been released in a non SNAPSHOT version. The only thing I can confirm is that it seems indeed very hard to find "real" documentation about the maven-gunit-plugin.
There is sad news here
I found out so far there is no
GUnit-functionality (be it JUnit
Test-Generation or direct invocation
of GUnit) for maven right now. I
already mailed with Jim Idle concering
the state of GUnit in the
antlr3-maven-plugin and learned that
there is a patch to the old version of
the maven-plugin waiting in the queue.
I think this workaround that is the only option.

Maven2: How to be sure Maven build is using a specific plugin version?

I just found something that sounds weird with Maven plugin management.
While working on the site generation I wanted to use a specific version of the maven site plugin in order to have a specific functionnalty working.
Let's say I want to use version 2.0.1 of this plugin.
If I use the reporting section of my POM in order to generate my project's site with the command:
mvn site
this works well. I mean the plugin version used is 2.0.1 as I wanted. Here is an extract from my POM configuring the site plugin:
Now if I want my site to be generated during a specific phase of the build life cycle, let's say prepare-package (and goal stage), I add the following section in the section:
And here I am stuck with the maven site plugin version coming from the Super POM, ie. 2.0-beta-7.
Even if I try to add the configuration specifying I really want to use version 2.0.1 it still uses 2.0-beta-7.
I also tried to add the version in the section because the config that is used in the reporting section is supposed to be applied to the build section also. But this does not work neither.
Maybe I missed something, and correct me if I am wrong but this looks like a bug.
Is there a need on the Maven side to fix plugin's version to be used during the build process?
If you define a pluginManagement section in the pom, you can declare the versions used for any plugins, this will override the versions inherited from the super POM
For example:
You can refer to the documentation for some background on configuring pluginManagement.
I think you need to use the "pluginManagement" section to set the global version number of the plugin.

Maven2: How to stage JXR plugin result when using mvn site?

I have a multi-module project and I want to deploy on the project's site an HTML version of my source code using the JXR maven plugin.
The problem is that the JXR plugin runs well, the XREF folder is properly generated for each of my module, but when I use the mvn site:stage command in order to retrieve all the project's site content and to have all link properly generated it does not retrieve the XREF folders.
Here is an extract of my POM file where the JXR plugin is configured:
Here is the command I use to create and stage my site:
mvn site site:stage
Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure this is relevant, but your command is running the site twice, mvn site will generate the site, and site:stage will also run the site, perhaps this is causing problems but I honestly can't see why.
Looking at the JXR documentation, it only mentions the site:site goal, I can't see why it wouldn't be run properly for the site:stage goal as it extends it. If you run the site goal, then copy the output to another directory, run the site:stage goal and compare the output it might give some insight into the problem.
Update: I tried this myself and the xref was included and aggregated nicely in c:\test\stage with the cross references correctly managed. I've included the configuration I used.
In my parent pom I defined the site configuration like this:
The distributionManagement section was configured with the site information (not really needed as I set the stagingDirectory above, but the goal won't run without it).
<name>Mojo Website</name>
My JXR configuration in the parent pom was as follows:
The commandline run was mvn clean site:stage
Edit: Per the comments, there is a codehaus jxr plugin with slightly different semantics. Be sure to use the org.apache.maven.plugins version rather than the org.codehaus.mojo version.