How big is too big (for NTFS) - ntfs

I have a program and as it's done now, it has a data directory with something like 10-30K files in it and it's starting to cause problems. Should I expect that to cause problems and my only solution to tweak my file structure or does that indicate other problems?

A related Question.
Optimize NTFS hard disk performance in Windows servers
How to Optimize NTFS Performance
When Windows NT, 2000 or XP accesses a directory on an NTFS volume, it updates the LastAccess time stamp on each directory it detects. Therefore, if there are a large number of directories, this can affect performance.
This tweak disables this time stamp update


Do files on your server influence website speed

If you have a webserver for your website, does it make a difference if there are a lot of other files on the server, even if they aren't used?
An average webserver has a SSD with 500 GB of space. It's hosting a single website, but has a ton of other websites which are inactive. Though that single website is only 1GB in size, the hard drive is full for 50%. Will that influence site speed?
And does SSD vs HDD make a difference in that, apart from the speed difference between the two types.
Edit: I've read somewhere that the amount of files in your server influences it's speed, and it sounds logical due to Andrei's answer, concerning the having to search through more files. I've had a discussion about it with someone however, and he firmly states that it makes no difference.
Having other/unused files always has an impact on the performance, but the question is - how big it is. Usually not much and you will not notice it at all.
But think about how files are read from disk. First, you need to locate the file record in the file allocation table (FAT). Search in the table is similar to search in a tree-like data structure, as we have to deal with folders that contain other folders etc.
The more files you have, the bigger the FAT gets. And the search becomes slower, correspondingly.
All in all, with memory caching and other tricks, this is not an issue.
You will notice the impact when you have thousands of files in one folder. That's why picture-related services that host big amount of images usually store them in a folder structure that holds only limited amount of files per folder. For example, a file named '12345678.jpg' would be stored in '/1/2/3/4/5/12345678.jpg' path as well as other files whose names are '12345000'...'12345999'. Thus only 1000 files would be saved per folder.

Is there a reverse-incremental backup solution with built-in redundancy (e.g. par2)?

I'm setting a home server primarily for backup use. I have about 90GB of personal data that must be backed up in the most reliable manner, while still preserving disk space. I want to have full file history so I can go back to any file at any particular date.
Full weekly backups are not an option because of the size of the data. Instead, I'm looking along the lines of an incremental backup solution. However, I'm aware that a single corruption in a set of incremental backups makes the entire series (beyond a point) unrecoverable. Thus simple incremental backups are not an option.
I've researched a number of solutions to the problem. First, I would use reverse-incremental backups so that the latest version of the files would have the least chance of loss (older files are not as important). Second, I want to protect both the increments and backup with some sort of redundancy. Par2 parity data seems perfect for the job. In short, I'm looking for a backup solution with the following requirements:
Reverse incremental (to save on disk space and prioritize the most recent backup)
File history (kind of a broader category including reverse incremental)
Par2 parity data on increments and backup data
Preserve metadata
Efficient with bandwidth (bandwidth saving; no copying the entire directory over for each increment). Most incremental backup solutions should work this way.
This would (I believe) ensure file integrity and relatively small backup sizes. I've looked at a number of backup solutions already but they have a number of problems:
Bacula - Simple normal incremental backups
bup - incremental and implements par2 but isn't reverse incremental and doesn't preserve metadata
duplicity - incremental, compressed, and encrypted but isn't reverse incremental
dar - incremental and par2 is easy to add, but isn't reverse incremental and no file history?
rdiff-backup - almost perfect for what I need but it doesn't have par2 support
So far I think that rdiff-backup seems like the best compromise but it doesn't support par2. I think I can add par2 support to backup increments easily enough since they aren't modified each backup but what about the rest of the files? I could generate par2 files recursively for all files in the backup but this would be slow and inefficient, and I'd have to worry about corruption during a backup and old par2 files. In particular, I couldn't tell the difference between a changed file and a corrupt file, and I don't know how to check for such errors or how they would affect the backup history. Does anyone know of any better solution? Is there a better approach to the issue?
Thanks for reading through my difficulties and for any input you can give me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Uses rdiff-backup as the engine. I've been looking at it, but that requires me to set up a "server" using linux or a virtual machine.
Personally, I use WinRAR to make pseudo-incremental backups (it actually makes a full backup of recent files) run daily by a scheduled task. It is similarly a "push" backup.
It's not a true incremental (or reverse-incremental) but it saves different versions of files based on when it was last updated. I mean, it saves the version for today, yesterday and the previous days, even if the file is identical. You can set the archive bit to save space, but I don't bother anymore as all I backup are small spreadsheets and documents.
RAR has it's own parity or recovery record that you can set in size or percentage. I use 1% (one percent).
It can preserve metadata, I personally skip the high resolution times.
It can be efficient since it compresses the files.
Then all I have to do is send the file to my backup. I have it copied to a different drive and to another computer in the network. No need for a true server, just a share. You can't do this for too many computers though as Windows workstations have a 10 connection limit.
So for my purpose, which may fit yours, backs up my files daily for files that have been updated in the last 7 days. Then I have another scheduled backup that backups files that have been updated in the last 90 days run once a month or every 30 days.
But I use Windows, so if you're actually setting up a Linux server, you might check out the Time Dicer.
Since nobody was able to answer my question, I'll write a few possible solutions I found while researching the topic. In short, I believe the best solution is rdiff-backup to a ZFS filesystem. Here's why:
ZFS checksums all blocks stored and can easily detect errors.
If you have ZFS set to mirror your data, it can recover the errors by copying from the good copy.
This takes up less space than full backups, even though the data is copied twice.
The odds of an error in both the original and mirror is tiny.
Personally I am not using this solution as ZFS is a little tricky to get working on Linux. Btrfs looks promising but hasn't been proven stable from years of use. Instead, I'm going with a cheaper option of simply checking hard drive SMART data. Hard drives should do some error checking/correcting themselves and by monitoring this data I can see if this process is working properly. It's not as good as additional filesystem parity but better than nothing.
A few more notes that might be interesting to people looking into reliable backup development:
par2 seems to be dated and buggy software. zfec seems like a much faster modern alternative. Discussion in bup occurred a while ago:
It's safer to calculate parity data before even writing to disk. i.e. don't write to disk, read it, and then calculate parity data. Do it from ram, and check against the original for additional reliability. This might only be possible with zfec, since par2 is too slow.

Which technology should be used for serving large number of static files?

My main aim is to serve large number of XML files ( > 1bn each <1kb) via web server. Files can be considered as staic as those will be modified by external code, in relatively very low frequency (about 50k updates per day). Files will be requested in high frequency (>30 req/sec).
Current suggestion from my team is to create a dedicated Java application to implement HTTP protocal and use memcached to speed up the thing, keeping all file data in RDBMS and getting rid of file system.
On other hand, I think, a tweaked Apache Web Server or lighttpd should be enough. Caching can be left to OS or web server's defalt caching. There is no point in keeping data in DB if the same output is required and only queried based on file name. Not sure how memcached will work here. Also updating external cache (memcached) while updating file via external code will add complexity.
Also other question, if I choose to use files is is possible to store those in directory like \a\b\c\d.xml and access via abcd.xml? Or should I put all 1bn files in single directory (Not sure OS will allow it or not).
This is NOT a website, but for an application API in closed network so Cloud/CDN is of no use.
I am planning to use CentOS + Apache/lighttpd. Suggest any alternative and best possible solution.
This is the only public note found on such topic, and it is little old too.
1bn files at 1KB each, that's about 1TB of data. Impressive. So it won't fit into memory unless you have very expensive hardware. It can even be a problem on disk if your file system wastes a lot of space for small files.
30 requests a second is far less impressive. It's certainly not the limiting factor for the network nor for any serious web server out there. It might be a little challenge for a slow harddisk.
So my advice is: Put the XML files on a hard disk and serve them with a plain vanilla web server of your choice. Then measure the throughput and optimize it, if you don't reach 50 files a second. But don't invest into anything unless you have shown it to be a limiting factor.
Possible optimizations are:
Find a better layout in the file system, i.e. distribute your files over enough directories so that you don't have too many files (more than 5,000) in a single directory.
Distribute the files over several harddisks so that they can access the files in parallel
Use faster harddisk
Use solid state disks (SSD). They are expensive, but can easily serve hundreds of files a second.
If a large number of the files are requested several times a day, then even a slow hard disk should be enough because your OS will have the files in the file cache. And with today's file cache size, a considerable amount of your daily deliveries will fit into the cache. Because at 30 requests a second, you serve 0.25% of all files a day, at most.
Regarding distributing your files over several directories, you can hide this with an Apache RewriteRule, e.g.:
RewriteRule ^/xml/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.*)\.xml /xml/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5.xml
Another thing you could look at is Pomegranate, which seems very similar to what you are trying to do.
I believe that a dedicated application with everything feeding off a memcache db would be the best bet.

Performance implications of storing 600,000+ images in the same folder (NTFS)

I need to store about 600,000 images on a web server that uses NTFS. Am I better off storing images in 20,000-image chunks in subfolders? (Windows Server 2008)
I'm concerned about incurring operating system overhead during image retrieval
Go for it. As long has you have an external index and have a direct file path to each file with out listing the contents of the directory then you are ok.
I have a folder with that is over 500 GB in size with over 4 million folders (which have more folders and files). I have somewhere in the order of 10 million files in total.
If I accidentally open this folder in windows explorer it gets stuck at 100% cpu usage (for one core) until I kill the process. But as long as you directly refer to the file/folder performance is great (meaning I can access any of those 10 million files with no overhead)
Depending on whether NTFS has directory indexes, it should be alright from the application level.
I mean, that opening files by name, deleting, renaming etc, programmatically should work nicely.
But the problem is always tools. Third party tools (such as MS explorer, your backup tool, etc) are likely to suck or at least be extremely unusable with large numbers of files per directory.
Anything which does a directory scan, is likely to be quite slow, but worse, some of these tools have poor algorithms which don't scale to even modest (10k+) numbers of files per directory.
NTFS folders store an index file with links to all its contents. With a large amount of images, that file is going to increase a lot and impact your performance negatively. So, yes, on that argument alone you are better off to store chunks in subfolders. Fragments inside indexes are a pain.

Why would two mysql files (same table, same contents) be different in size?

I took an existing MySQL database, and set up a copy on a new host.
The file size for some tables on the new host are 1-3% smaller than their counterpart files on the old host.
I am curious why that is.
My guess is, the old host's files have grown over time, and within the b-tree structure for that file, there is more fragmentation. Whereas the new host, because it was creating the file from scratch (via a binary log), avoided such fragmentation.
Does it even make sense for there to be fragmentation within the b-tree structure itself? (Speaking within the database layer, and not with regards to the OS file system layer) I originally thought "no", but then again, isn't such fragmentation the basis for the DBA task of compressing your database files?
I'm wondering maybe if this is simply an artifact of the file system layer. i.e. the new host has a mostly empty disk drive, hence less fragmentation would result in the allocation of a new file. Then again, I didn't think that fragmentation would show up in the reported file size (Linux OS).
There can certainly be fragmentation in MySQL data files or index files. This is common, even deliberate.
That is, the storage engine may deliberately leave some extra space here and there so when you change values, it can fit the rows in without having to reorder the whole data file. There are even server properties you can use to configure how much of this slop space to allocate.
I wouldn't even blink at a file discrepancy of 1-3%.
From what i understand of mysql It has a growth algo as it approaches capacity, when mounted it chose a different size, prolly trimming excess storage