Hudson CI: cannot test grails-app - testing

I've tried in each and every way to test a grails-app using hudson. I've tried testing with maven, I've tried testing with the grails plugin and I've tried testing with a shell builder it seems that building via shell is the only thing that works..
Every time I get the same error:
contains is not valid without active
But If i go to a shell and type
grails test-app
everything runs fine.
Does anyone have any idea on what's going on?
I'm using CentOS with Java 1.6, no slaves, just a simple hudson deploy over Tomcat6.
I've tried both with maven and grails builder, both fail.
Edit: it seems that if I run both unit and integration tests on the same command (either with grails or with mvn) the integration tests fail always.

Hudson/Jenkins usually just use the command line for executing grails plugins (You should be able to confirm that from the build output). You could probably add a pre build step to dump the environment, so you can see if anything there (or in your own shell) cause it to be fundamentally different.
Otherwise try to log in as the hudson user and find the hudson workspace and repeat the process manually. That has been the easiest way to debug hard problems like this..


Custom "Custom Run Configurations" in Intellj

I would like to create two custom run configuraion runners for testng. The first would be the default TestNG runner and the second would start jetty for integration tests before running them. I use the CMD+SHIFT+R and CMD+R a lot to run individual tests or a whole class, but it is hard to use this feature whe I cannot start my server before an integration test runs.
Is there a way to set up two configurations, so when I run a test in a package that matches something it uses one configuration, otherwise it will use another?
Maven profiles sounds like a good tool for the job, yes.
A simple and very common approach is to split your tests into unit tests (which are plain vanilla java code) and integration tests (which require other fancy stuff to run).
I see the maven-surefire-plugin supports TestNG, so you are fine there.
Now, to set up jetty, the second pom at this link describes how to start and stop jetty on the maven pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phases.
Then, after you bind the relevant tests to the maven integration-test phase, you can execute everything (start jetty -> integration tests -> stop jetty) via this command:
mvn verify
There are other ways to do it but this is a good starting point.
Good luck.

Can I use Spock and Geb without Grails or Gradle or anything else?

I'm a QA and I want to use Spock + Geb for my testing. As I understand I have to setup grails (or gradle, or something like that) to use Spock + Geb. Or Grails is not required? In this case what is the minimal set of programs that I need to install to successfully test any application? Where I need to write test and how to run it?
Sorry for such stupid questions, but all this stuff is new for me and I don't really understand how it works.
The Grails web framework isn't required at all, unless the web app you are testing is written in Grails.
The Gradle build tool isn't necessarily required, but then you don't want to manually download Spock and Geb, manually compile the tests, manually run the tests, or manually set up an IDE. A build tool can automate all of this, and if you aren't using one already, Gradle is the easiest choice.
The Geb Manual explains how to set up a Gradle build for Spock+Geb and links to a fully working example project. Cloning this project (or downloading the zip) will get you started quickly. You don't even have to install Gradle, but can just run it via the gradlew (*nix) or gradlew.bat (Windows) script (for example gradlew test).

Automatically start jetty when running acceptance tests from IntelliJ IDEA

I have a bunch of acceptance tests that need the application to be running. It all works fine when I test from command line (thanks to some gradle magic) but I would like to be able to run these tests from IntelliJ IDEA without worrying about starting up Jetty.
Is there any clever way to achieve that automation? I do not even know where to begin.
Thank you very much.
You can do it with Maven/Ant, other Run configurations, but not Gradle at the moment, at least until this feature request is implemented.
For testing purposes it's generally a good idea to use jetty embedded. That way you can fully automate start/stop of jetty and it will work completely independent from build tools/ide.
It's really simple. With few lines of code you have a full featured jetty configured and running for testing.
This is one of the most beloved features of jetty. Have a look at this:

How to run only relevant tests on jenkins?

Disclaimer: I'm not at all a skilled Jenkins user.
I was looking for a plugin to allow me to run only tests affected by the latest commits, in maven-built projects, but could find neither a maven plugin smart enough to not run all tests again, nor a jenkins plugin doing this. Is there a way to achieve this?
Say, for example, I have a project consisting of,, and I have jenkins configured to run a build and test for each commit. I have just commited a change to, but not to B.Java, and there's no dependency from and to I don't want Jenkins to run when it checks out fresh sources. If ther3e was a dependency from or to, I'd like jenkins to figure this out, and run too.
Background: running all tests in a project is too time consuming. Running only a fixed set of tests leaves bug holes for bugs. Running all tests which might be broken by a change by hand is error prone.

Play framework 2.0 continuous integration setup

I am looking for ideas for a Play 2.0 continuous integration setup. It would contain typical jobs like build after a git push, nightly builds with deployment to a test Heroku instance etc. Also code quality and test coverage metrics generation would be handy.
At the moment the stack looks like Play 2.0 with Java but that might change to Scala.
For "traditional" Java web app I would use Hudson/Jenkins. I found a Hudson plugin for Play but it doesn't seem to support Play 2.0. Is Hudson suitable tool here in general or what is your setup for Play 2.0 applications?
Play 2.0's build tool is just a thin wrapper around SBT. You should be able to use Hudson's sbt plugin to execute SBT build commands that are the equivalent of the Play commands you would execute from the console.
We execute the following under Bamboo for our builds:
sbt clean compile test
(The SBT_OPTS variable turns off the colour formatting, making test output legible in log files.)
I found useful to add JUnit reporting plugin as I couldn't get test results to be displayed otherwise.
For PMD and Checkstyle I used this:
For test coverage I am using JaCoCo at the moment:
Scct could be other option for coverage:
With those and PMD, CheckStyle and JaCoCo plugins for Jenkins I have now quite ok setup for a Play 2 Java project.
here Is some detailed tutorial about doing It
It based on cloudbees but it would work fro any Jenkins Installation
You actually don't even need to use the SBT Plugin. I am running Play 2.1.1 on Jenkins and simply use the Execute Shell. I run something like the following:
cd ./your-play-project-root
play clean compile test stage
This works quite well. "play" is simply just a thin wrapper around sbt.
"stage" will create a runnable in your target/server directory. Then, you can simply shell again to actually start your play application!