Query object implementation examples [closed] - architectural-patterns

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend good tutorial, implementation or sample code on Query object pattern usage, in C#(Java...)?
I haven't found much with google.

With LINQ being almost everywhere, are you sure you need to reimplement the Query Object?
Basically, you can treat all classes from System.Linq.Expressions to be a good implementation of a Query Object pattern.

From Chad Myers:
Part 1: http://www.lostechies.com/blogs/chad_myers/archive/2008/08/01/query-objects-with-the-repository-pattern.aspx

I suggest Martin Fowler's Query Object Pattern (http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/queryObject.html). Get his book "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture", you'll find sample implementation there.

I wrote a nice query object library for NHibernate. Check it out here: https://github.com/shaynevanasperen/NHibernate.Sessions.Operations


Incomplete Frege Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The javadocs at http://www.frege-lang.org/doc/index.html seem to be missing quite a bit (namely, no frege.prelude package), and does not seem very up to date. Might there be a good documentation for Frege hidden in plain sight somewhere?
What you have seen is the API doc of the runtime classes, which is really minimal since the typical Frege user will not work with those.
Thomas correctly pointed to the library documentation.
In addition, there is "Hoogle" support for Frege: http://hoogle.haskell.org:8081/ where you can search the API.
All is linked from the Frege home page.
Hope that helps.

How do documentation generators work? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how documentation generators like Doxygen, JavaDocs etc. work. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking how to use them, but how they do it. I tried to find information about the topic but only found 1 article which is really old, so I'm kinda frustrated.
Does someone know any articles or literature about this?
For doxygen there is a manual page about the internals of Doxygen.
Some small document generators just use regular expressions to extract the documentation. The more flexible and complicated way is to develop a parser for the language and a parser for the documentation syntax just like doxygen and Javadoc do.

Summary/reference documentation on Scala standard library types [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Details on the packages/types is in the Scala API documentation on scala-lang.org. But that's organised by class and I (as a Scala neophyte) find it difficult to locate the exact data type I need and work out what operation are supported on what (especially in the huge and powerful scala.collections.* tree).
Is there an online or dead-tree resource that either presents this reference information more usably, or guides the reader through the library?
Alternatively, maybe I just need to be informed how to use the existing Scala API doc website more effectively.
Any advice on effective use of the standard Scala library gratefully received!
For the collections in particular, there's a very good overview available here: http://www.scala-lang.org/docu/files/collections-api/collections.html
Written by Martin Odersky himself :)

clojure.lang, etc. api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are the JavaDocs for clojure.lang, etc. available online? Do I need to build it myself from the Clojure source?
if you want descriptions for functions and even examples, visit ClojureDocs
you can even contribute ;)
Javadocs don't exist, per se. If you look at the Java source code, it's very sparsely documented. Certainly you could generate a skeleton yourself, but it probably wouldn't be all that useful anyway as much of the language is self-implemented (in clojure), using Java mostly for bootstrapping the core functionality. I don't think clojure.lang package is really intended to be used directly.
To learn about Clojure functions you can:
Use (doc) and (find-doc) from a repl
Use the API reference at clojure.org
See ClojureDocs, per #Belun's answer

Where is the documentation for wxAUIToolbar? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I looked in http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/ but could't find the documentation for it.
Does anyone know where it is and/or why it's not there?
I can explain why it's not there in a sense - there's no Doxygen annotations in the header file where the class is declared. As for why not, I'm guessing that the AUI authors isn't a big fan of Doxygen - I believe AUI was developed as a third party addition to wxWidgets, and has only relatively recently been merged in, so a few differences in things like this are to be expected.
The class is declared in include/wx/aui/auibar.h, it inherits wxControl, and from a quick look through the public methods it's probably not that hard to figure out.
There are some wxAuiToolbar examples in the aui sample program (samples/aui/auidemo.cpp). This should give a few more clues.
Until someone contributes some documentation updates, I'm afraid a bit of detective work is probably needed.