Programmatically change the startup form on application launch? -

Can I programmatically change the startup form on application launch in VB.Net?

Sure you can!
In your Project Properties, set Startup Object to Sub Main, and make sure that there's a Public Sub Main method somewhere in your application. A separate startup class may be a good idea:
Public Class myStartupClass
''' <summary>
''' This is the method that will be run when the application loads,
''' because Project Properties, Startup Object is set to SubMain
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Sub Main()
'The form that we will end up showing
Dim formToShow As System.Windows.Forms.Form = Nothing
'The determiner as to which form to show
Dim myMood As String = "Happy"
'Choose the appropriate form
Select Case myMood
Case "Happy"
formToShow = New Form1
Case Else
formToShow = New Form2
End Select
'Show the form, and keep it open until it's explicitly closed.
End Sub
End Class

In a "Windows Forms Application", created under VB 2010 Express, you can do the following in ApplicationEvents.vb:
Partial Friend Class MyApplication
Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
'Select the form of your choice
My.Application.MainForm = Any_Form_You_like
End Sub
End Class

This is the approach I use which effectively starts a form like a normal an application entry point.
Public Sub Main()
Dim value As String = Trim(Environment.CommandLine)
Dim f As Form
Select Case value
Case "a"
f = New frmTextEdit
Case "b"
f = New frmListDialog
Case "c"
f = New frmSuggestion
Case Else
Throw New Exception("Unsupported startup form option")
End Select
End Sub

The right method is change MainForm of project.
Open ApplicationsEvents.vb
At ApplicationStart.vb use:
Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(sender As Object, e As StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
Dim formToShow As System.Windows.Forms.Form = Nothing
Dim AM_PM as String = "AM"
Select Case
Case "AM"
Me.MainForm = frmBefore
Case "PM"
Me.MainForm = frmAfter
End Select
End Sub
That's is.


see what is attached to a com port and show in combo box

Using the code below I can create a box with a combo box that shows the current com ports
What I need to do is show what is attached to the com Port, for example I want it to list
COM PORT1 FTDI USB serial adapter, the reason is to let you the user know which port to enter in a batch file that runs when another button is clicked ( i have removed that part of the code as its not important)
I have done some google work and found this link But that just errors out
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Dim myPort As Array
Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal [text] As String) 'Added to prevent threading
errors during receiveing of data
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
myPort = IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()
End Sub
End Class
The following shows how to get a list of COM devices in VB.NET for both .NET 6 and .NET Framework 4.8 in VS 2022. If a USB COM (serial port) device is added/removed, the ComboBox will be updated.
Option 1 - Windows Forms App: (.NET 6)
Create a new project: Windows Forms App (name: SerialPortGetComDevices)
Download/install the following NuGet packages:
Option 2 - Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) - v4.8:
Create a new project: Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) (name: SerialPortGetComDevices)
Add Reference:
In VS menu, click Project
Select Add Reference...
Select Assemblies
Check System.Management
Click OK
The instructions below are the same for both Windows Forms App and Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) (ie: the instructions below are the same regardless of which option you've chosen above).
Create a class (name: ComPortInfo.vb)
In VS menu, select Project
Select Add Class... (name: ComPortInfo.vb)
Click Add
Public Class ComPortInfo
Public Property Caption As String
Public Property PortName As String
End Class
Open Solution Explorer:
In VS menu, click View
Select Solution Explorer
Open Properties Window:
In VS menu, click View
Select Properties Window
Add Load Event Handler
In Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.vb and select View Designer.
In Properties Window, click
Double-click Load
Add FormClosing Event Handler
In Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.vb and select View Designer.
In Properties Window, click
Double-click FormClosing
Add a ComboBox to the Form (name: ComboBoxComPorts)
In VS menu, click View
Select Toolbox
In Toolbox, select ComboBox, and drag it to the Form.
In the Properties Window, change (Name) to ComboBoxComPorts
In the Properties Window, change DropDownStyle to DropDownList
Select one of the options below. The 1st option uses ManagementEventWatcher to detect USB device insertion and removal. The 2nd option overrides WndProc.
Note: The WndProc version (Option 2) seems to have slightly better performance.
Option 1 (ManagementEventWatcher)
Note: The code for detecting the insertion and removal of a USB device, is adapted from here.
Add the code below in your Form (ex: Form1.vb)
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Management
Imports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1
'create new instance
Private _comPorts As BindingList(Of ComPortInfo) = New BindingList(Of ComPortInfo)
Private _managementEventWatcher1 As ManagementEventWatcher = New ManagementEventWatcher()
Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'set properties
ComboBoxComPorts.DataSource = _comPorts
ComboBoxComPorts.DisplayMember = "Caption"
ComboBoxComPorts.ValueMember = "PortName"
End Sub
Private Sub GetComPorts()
'this method Is only called from 'UpdateCOM'
'_comPorts' is only modified in this method
Dim portDict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
'clear existing data
'get port names
For Each pName As String In SerialPort.GetPortNames()
If Not portDict.ContainsKey(pName) Then
portDict.Add(pName, pName) 'add to Dictionary
End If
'get USB COM ports - this may result in a more descriptive name than 'COM1'
Using searcherPnPEntity As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Name FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPClass = 'Ports'")
For Each objPnPEntity As ManagementObject In searcherPnPEntity.Get()
If objPnPEntity Is Nothing Then
Continue For
End If
'get name
Dim name As String = objPnPEntity("Name")?.ToString()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) AndAlso name.ToUpper().Contains("COM") Then
Dim portName As String = name.Substring(name.IndexOf("(") + 1, name.IndexOf(")") - name.IndexOf("(") - 1)
If Not portDict.ContainsKey(portName) Then
portDict.Add(portName, name) 'add to Dictionary
portDict(portName) = name 'update value
End If
End If
End Using
'add items from Dictionary to BindingList
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In portDict
_comPorts.Add(New ComPortInfo() With {.Caption = kvp.Value, .PortName = kvp.Key}) 'add
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeManagementEventWatcher()
'see https:'
'WITHIN sets the polling interval in seconds
'polling too frequently may reduce performance
Dim query As WqlEventQuery = New WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PnPEntity'")
'Dim query As WqlEventQuery = New WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PnPEntity'")
'set property
_managementEventWatcher1.Query = query
'subscribe to event
AddHandler _managementEventWatcher1.EventArrived, AddressOf ManagementEventWatcher_EventArrived
End Sub
Private Sub LogMsg(msg As String, Optional includeTimestamp As Boolean = True)
If includeTimestamp Then
msg = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff")} - {msg}"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateCOM()
If ComboBoxComPorts.InvokeRequired Then
ComboBoxComPorts.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub()
End Sub))
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ManagementEventWatcher_EventArrived(sender As Object, e As EventArrivedEventArgs)
Dim obj As ManagementBaseObject = DirectCast(e.NewEvent, ManagementBaseObject)
Dim target As ManagementBaseObject = If(obj("TargetInstance") IsNot Nothing, DirectCast(obj("TargetInstance"), ManagementBaseObject), Nothing)
Dim usbEventType As String = String.Empty
Select Case target.ClassPath.ClassName
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
usbEventType = "added"
Case "__InstanceDeletionEvent"
usbEventType = "removed"
Case Else
usbEventType = target.ClassPath.ClassName
End Select
If target("PNPClass") IsNot Nothing AndAlso target("PNPClass").ToString() = "Ports" Then
'update COM ports
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
'unsubscribe from event
RemoveHandler _managementEventWatcher1.EventArrived, AddressOf ManagementEventWatcher_EventArrived
End Sub
End Class
Option 2 (override WndProc)
Note: The code for detecting the insertion and removal of a USB device, is adapted from here.
Add a Module (name: UsbDeviceNotification.vb)
In VS menu, select Project
Select Add Module... (name: UsbDeviceNotification.vb)
Click Add
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module UsbDeviceNotification
Public Const DbtDeviceArrival As Integer = &H8000 'device added
Public Const DbtDeviceRemoveComplete As Integer = &H8004 'device removed
Public Const WM_DEVICECHANGE As Integer = &H219 'device change event
Private ReadOnly _guidDevInterfaceUSBDevice As Guid = New Guid("A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED") 'USB devices
Private _notificationHandle As IntPtr
Declare Auto Function RegisterDeviceNotification Lib "user32" (recipient As IntPtr, notificationFilter As IntPtr, flags As Integer) As IntPtr
Declare Auto Function UnregisterDeviceNotification Lib "user32" (hwnd As IntPtr) As Boolean
Dim Size As Integer
Dim DeviceType As Integer
Dim Reserved As Integer
Dim ClassGuid As Guid
Dim Name As Short
End Structure
Public Sub RegisterUsbDeviceNotification(hwnd As IntPtr)
'Registers a window to receive notifications when USB devices are plugged or unplugged.
.ClassGuid = _guidDevInterfaceUSBDevice
dbi.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(dbi)
Dim buffer As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dbi.Size)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(dbi, buffer, True)
_notificationHandle = RegisterDeviceNotification(hwnd, buffer, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub UnregisterUsbDeviceNotification()
End Sub
End Module
Add the code below in your Form (ex: Form1.vb)
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Management
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
'create new instance
Private _comPorts As BindingList(Of ComPortInfo) = New BindingList(Of ComPortInfo)
Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'set properties
ComboBoxComPorts.DataSource = _comPorts
ComboBoxComPorts.DisplayMember = "Caption"
ComboBoxComPorts.ValueMember = "PortName"
End Sub
Private Sub GetComPorts()
'this method Is only called from 'UpdateCOM'
'_comPorts' is only modified in this method
Dim portDict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
'clear existing data
'get port names
For Each pName As String In SerialPort.GetPortNames()
If Not portDict.ContainsKey(pName) Then
portDict.Add(pName, pName) 'add to Dictionary
End If
'get USB COM ports - this may result in a more descriptive name than 'COM1'
Using searcherPnPEntity As ManagementObjectSearcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Name FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE PNPClass = 'Ports'")
If searcherPnPEntity IsNot Nothing Then
For Each objPnPEntity As ManagementBaseObject In searcherPnPEntity.Get()
If objPnPEntity Is Nothing Then
Continue For
End If
'get name
Dim name As String = objPnPEntity("Name")?.ToString()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) AndAlso name.ToUpper().Contains("COM") Then
Dim portName As String = name.Substring(name.IndexOf("(") + 1, name.IndexOf(")") - name.IndexOf("(") - 1)
If Not portDict.ContainsKey(portName) Then
portDict.Add(portName, name) 'add to Dictionary
portDict(portName) = name 'update value
End If
End If
End If
End Using
'add items from Dictionary to BindingList
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In portDict
_comPorts.Add(New ComPortInfo() With {.Caption = kvp.Value, .PortName = kvp.Key}) 'add
End Sub
Private Sub LogMsg(msg As String, Optional includeTimestamp As Boolean = True)
If includeTimestamp Then
msg = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff")} - {msg}"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateCOM()
'since this method/Sub is called from WndProc,
'it needs to run on a new thread
Dim threadProc As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(Sub()
If ComboBoxComPorts.InvokeRequired Then
ComboBoxComPorts.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub()
End Sub))
End If
End Sub)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If m.Msg = UsbDeviceNotification.WM_DEVICECHANGE Then
Select Case CInt(m.WParam)
Case UsbDeviceNotification.DbtDeviceRemoveComplete
Case UsbDeviceNotification.DbtDeviceArrival
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
End Sub
End Class
The following PowerShell commands may also provide useful information.
Get-CimInstance -Namespace Root\Cimv2 -Query "Select * From Win32_SerialPort Where Name like '%COM%'"
Get-CimInstance -Namespace Root\Cimv2 -Query "Select * From Win32_SerialPortConfiguration"
Get-CimInstance -Namespace Root\Cimv2 -Query "Select * From Win32_PnPEntity where PnPClass = 'Ports' and Name like '%COM%'"
System.IO.Ports Namespace
SerialPort Class
BindingList Class
ManagementEventWatcher Class
Detecting USB drive insertion and removal using windows service and c#
Check for device change (add/remove) events
ComboBox Class
Dictionary<TKey,TValue> Class
ManagementObjectSearcher Class
ManagementObject Class
Win32_PnPEntity class
For...Next Statement (Visual Basic)
If Operator (Visual Basic)

Updating the text on a dynamically generated control In VB

I have a dynamically generated TabControl, and am trying to update a Combobox in the TabPage. The function that updates the Combobox is called of a click event.
I've tried to follow some guides regarding manipulating dynamically generated controls by storing the dynamically generated controls as properties on the class: How to pass value from one form to another form's dynamically created control
The controls are generated dynamically as such:
Public Class Form1
Public Sub loadForm()
Dim ctp As New CustomTabPage("Tab number" & i, ErrorList(i), myList, New Object)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class CustomTabPage
Inherits TabPage
Private m_testSelect As ComboBox
Public Property testSelect() As ComboBox
testSelect = m_testSelect
End Get
Set(ByVal mytestSelect As ComboBox)
m_testSelect = mytestSelect
End Set
End Property
Public Sub newTab()
m_testSelect = New ComboBox
With m_testSelect
.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(locX + labelSize, locY)
End With
Dim ccb As New CustomCheckBox()
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateCBOs(ByVal i As Integer)
If i = 1 Then
testSelect.Text = "Test1"
ElseIf i = 0 Then
testSelect.Text = "Test2"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class CustomCheckBox
Inherits CheckBox
Public Sub Clicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.CheckedChanged
Dim ctp = CType(Form1.myTabControl.SelectedTab, CustomTabPage)
End Sub
End Class
Currently while debugging through I stop on the line after line
errorBy.Text = "Test1"
When I mouse over errorBy.Text, and see that errorBy.Text ="" and indeed after the click event finishes, I see on the form that the combobox is not updated.

Pass an object from form to another in VB

I have searched through the internet and couldn't find the answer to my problem, but, the issue is that I have 2 forms;
The first one is the main form and has a list of books (named listBook), a TreeView and a button to invoke the second form to add a new book.
After filling in all of the TextBoxes and information of a book, I press "Add". Then, the second form will be closed and all info of that book will be kept in an instance of Book class. The problem is: how can I pass this instance to the first form to store it in listBook.
For example:
If I create a constructor in form 1 to get form 2 then in form 2:
Dim f1 As form1 = New form1(me)
I can't do it because form 1 will start up instantly when I start program, and the default right now doesn't have any parameter in OnCreateMainForm():
Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateMainForm()
Me.MainForm = Global.WindowsApplication5.frm1
End Sub
How can I do it?
First form:
Public Class frm_bookManeger
'list of Book
Dim listBook As List(Of Book) = New List(Of Book)
Private frm_addBook As frm_addBook
Public Sub New(frm_addBook As frm_addBook) 'got error
Me.frm_addBook = frm_addBook
End Sub
Second form:
Public Class frm_addBook
Dim Public tempBook As Book = New Book()
'add book
Private Sub btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
tempBook.BookName1 = TextBox_name.Text
tempBook.Author1 = TextBox_author.Text
tempBook.Price1 = TextBox_price.Text
tempBook.Genre1 = TextBox_genre.Text
tempBook.EstablishedDay1 = dtp_established.Value.Date
Dim frm_Mngr As frm_bookManeger = New frm_bookManeger(Me)
End Sub
End Class
Dim frm As New form1
frm.textbox.Text = Me.passing value.Text
or you can try
Public Class Form1
Private loginLabel As String
Public Sub New(ByVal loginParameter As String)
Me.loginLabel = loginParameter
End Sub
End Class
dim frm as new Form1(label.Text)
Your frm_addBook needs a reference to the instance of frm_bookManeger so that it can use methods in the latter.
That can be done by passing a reference to the current instance of frm_bookManeger to the New constructor of frm_addBook.
Also, you probably want the book adding form to be a dialog form rather than an ordinary form.
I made a simple "Book" class and used a TextBox to display the books, so the first form is this:
Imports System.Text
Public Class frm_BookManager
Dim bookList As List(Of Book)
Public Class Book
Property Name As String
Property Author As String
End Class
Public Sub AddBook(b As Book)
If bookList Is Nothing Then
bookList = New List(Of Book)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowBooks()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each b In bookList
sb.AppendLine(b.Name & " by " & b.Author)
TextBox1.Text = sb.ToString()
End Sub
Private Sub btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
Using addBook As New frm_addBook(Me)
Dim result = addBook.ShowDialog()
If result = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub frm_BookManager_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AddBook(New Book With {.Name = "Wuthering Heights", .Author = "Emily Brontë"})
End Sub
End Class
For the form to add a book, I added "Cancel" and "OK" buttons.
Public Class frm_addBook
Dim myParent As frm_BookManager
Private Sub bnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bnOK.Click
Dim b As New frm_BookManager.Book With {.Name = TextBox_name.Text, .Author = TextBox_author.Text}
End Sub
Public Sub New(parent As frm_BookManager)
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
myParent = parent
' set the DialogResult for each button so the parent can tell what happened
bnCancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
bnOK.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
End Sub
End Class
Notice that a new Book can be added with myParent.AddBook(b) because myParent refers to an instance of frm_BookManager.
You could modify it so that the dialog stays open and has a button to just add a book and not close the dialog. I made the ShowBooks() method Private so you can't call it from outside the class it is in - you could modify that.
There are many possibilities for small modifications to the code I showed to achieve greater functionality. And I could not resist correcting the spelling of "Maneger" to "Manager" ;)
I think the easiest way would be to have the frm_addBook form have a property which will contain the book that was added. In the frm_bookManager form, show that form using ShowDialog and if the user clicks OK on that form, the property will contain the book added. Be sure to dispose the frm_addBook form after you get the book from the public property.
Public Class Book
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Author As String
End Class
Public Class frm_bookManager
Dim bookList As New List(Of Book)()
Private Sub btnAddBook_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddBook.Click
Using addBookForm As New frm_addBook()
If addBookForm.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Public Class frm_addBook
Public Property BookToAdd As Book
Private Sub btnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
'User filled in the fields and clicked this OK button
Me.BookToAdd = New Book()
Me.BookToAdd.Name = txtName.Text
Me.BookToAdd.Author = txtAuthor.Text
End Sub
End Class
I would not pass the main form instance into the add book form because it would create a tight coupling between the two forms and the add book form would only be usable by the main form. You might wish to use the add book form from other forms in the app.

Passing data between forms DIRECTLY

I'm making a "Preference form" that will hold all the users preferences and when they go to Apply/Save I want the new values to transfer back to the main form and updateand close the form2. In the past I have done this like this:
Private Sub PreferencesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PreferencesToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
and when I click the "Apply/Save" button before it closes I would Transfer all data like this:
form1.textbox.text = form2.textbox.text
Is there anything wrong doing it this way??
What I have been reading is I should be doing it like this:
Private Sub PreferencesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PreferencesToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim dialog As New Preferences
End Sub
And when when they click "Apply/Save" it would take all the values from Form2 and store them in a private variable (or Property) in Form2 and when that form closes I would then access the value like this:
Private Sub PreferencesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PreferencesToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim dialog As New Preferences
form1.textbox.text = dialog.variable
End Sub
Why would this be a better way of doing this?
UPDATE....Looking at the code below this is just a SMALL sample of all the options I will have. What is the best way to collect of the data into the object to use when serializing?
Public Class Preference
#Region "Properties"
Public Property ScaleLowest As String = "5"
Public Property ScaleHighest As String = "200"
Public Property ScaleInc As String = "5"
Public Property ThickLowest As Double = 0.125
Public Property ThickHighest As Double = 4
Public Property ThickInc As Double = 0.125
Public Property WidthLowest As Double = 0.125
Public Property WidthHighest As Double = 0.6
Public Property WidthInc As Double = 0.125
Public Property LengthLowest As Double = 1
Public Property LengthHighest As Double = 96
Public Property LengthInc As Double = 1
Public Property FractionON As Boolean = False
Public Property DecimalON As Boolean = True
Public Property ColorSelection As String = "Colors"
Public Property FinalColor As String = "255, 255, 0"
Public Property roughColor As String = "255, 255, 100"
Public Property SplashON As Boolean = False
Public Property LogInON As Boolean = False
#End Region
Public Sub New()
'for creating new instance for deserializing
End Sub
Public Sub GatherAllData()
'Save Defaults
End Sub
Public Sub SaveSerializeObj()
'Get Changes?????
'Serialize object to a text file.
Dim objStreamWriter As New StreamWriter("C:\Users\Zach454\Desktop\test.xml")
Dim x As New XmlSerializer(Me.GetType)
x.Serialize(objStreamWriter, Me)
End Sub
Public Function LoadSerializeObj() As Preference
'Check if new file need created
If File.Exists("C:\Users\454\Desktop\test.xml") = False Then
End If
'Deserialize text file to a new object.
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader("C:\Users\454\Desktop\test.xml")
Dim newObj As New Preference
Dim x As New XmlSerializer(newObj.GetType)
newObj = CType(x.Deserialize(objStreamReader), Preference)
Return newObj
End Function
The best option is to create a class that would have properties for your form controls. Then you can store these properties and then access these when needed.
Also there's really no reason to be passing data back and forth, you can store this data off somewhere (database, file, mysettings etc) and then load this data up into a class. Then you can store and retrieve data from this class. Then if you need to save data back to somewhere you have a class object to use.
Here is a short example to show how you can create another form (Preferences) click save and then show those values back on the other form (calling form).
This is the main form
Public Class Form1
Public _frm2 As Form2
Private Sub btnShowPreferences_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnShowPreferences.Click
Using _frm2 As New Form2()
'if we clicked save on the form then show the values in the
'controls that we want to
If _frm2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
txtFirstName.Text = _frm2._Preferences.FirstName
txtLastName.Text = _frm2._Preferences.LastName
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Here is an example (Preferences) class
This class would hold all your properties for the preferences. This is an example, you can change anything you need to suit your needs.
Option Strict On
Public Class Preferences
#Region "Properties"
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
#End Region
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
The second Form could be your (Preference) form with all the controls a user would need to interact with.
Public Class Form2
Public _Preferences As New Preferences 'create class variable you can use for later to store data
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
'set your properties of the class from your form. this will then hold everything you can get from
'the first form...
With _Preferences
.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text
.LastName = txtLastName.Text
End With
Me.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK 'this is used to determine if user clicked a save button...
End Sub
End Class
I hope this get's you started, if you do not understand something please let me know.
To directly answer your question, the main difference in your two code samples is that the second uses ShowDialog to open the form modally, vs the first sample which lets you interact with the parent form while the second is open.
The second approach may be better from the view of user flow control. If your real question is whether to push data back to the main form or pull data from the dialog, it is probably better to pull from the dialog. This approach makes the dialog reusable from other forms.

Why does my new form keep moving to the back?

Visual Basic .NET using Visual Studio 2013
I have a form that I open from another form, but when I do, it always goes behind the form that opened it. Al code that passes to the new form, gets passed before the form.Show().
Here is the code that opens the new form.
Private Sub OpenContentWindow(strNewNavigation As String)
Dim newContent As New FContent
End Sub
Here is the code from the new form.
Public Class FContent
#Region "Variables/Class Instances"
Private logger As New CDataLogger
Private pathing As New CPaths
Private annotes As New CAnnotes
Private mouser As New CMouse
Private strIETMPath As String
Private strIETMName As String
Private strIETMMan As String
Private strIETMIcon As String
Private strPageToLaunch As String
#End Region
#Region "Load Sub Routines"
' Form Load
Private Sub FContent_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Text = strIETMName
Me.Icon = New System.Drawing.Icon(strIETMIcon)
End Sub
' Just pass in the file you want to view
Public Sub StartNavigation(strFileToNavigate As String)
StartNavigation(strFileToNavigate, True)
End Sub
' Just pass in the file you want to view ( if a manual change it will load TOCs also )
Public Sub StartNavigation(strFileToNavigate As String, blnManual As Boolean)
If blnManual Then
wbContent.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strFileToNavigate))
wbTOC.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strIETMMan & "\toc.html"))
wbLOF.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strIETMMan & "\lof.html"))
wbLOT.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strIETMMan & "\lot.html"))
wbLOC.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strIETMMan & "\loc.html"))
wbContent.Navigate(New Uri(strIETMPath & strFileToNavigate))
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Set Sub Routines"
' Set IETM Path
Public Sub SetIETMPath(strNewIETM As String)
strIETMPath = strNewIETM
End Sub
' Set IETM Name
Public Sub SetIETMName(strNewIETM As String)
strIETMName = strNewIETM
End Sub
' Set IETM Manual
Public Sub SetIETMMan(strNewIETM As String)
strIETMMan = strNewIETM.Substring(0, strNewIETM.IndexOf("/"))
End Sub
' Set IETM Icon
Public Sub SetIETMIcon(strNewIETM As String)
strIETMIcon = strNewIETM
End Sub
' Set Page To Launch
Public Sub SetPageToLaunch(strNewPage As String)
strPageToLaunch = strNewPage
End Sub
#End Region
The easiest way to ensure the display above the calling form is to set the Owner property of the called form to the instance of the calling form.
So, supposing that this OpenContentWindow method is inside the class code of the form that want to create the instance of an FContent you could call the Show method passing the reference to the current form instance
Private Sub OpenContentWindow(strNewNavigation As String)
Dim newContent As New FContent
End Sub
In the link above (MSDN) you could read
When a form is owned by another form, it is closed or hidden with the
owner form. For example, consider a form named Form2 that is owned by
a form named Form1. If Form1 is closed or minimized, Form2 is also
closed or hidden. Owned forms are also never displayed behind their
owner form. You can use owned forms for windows such as find and
replace windows, which should not disappear when the owner form is
selected. To determine the forms that are owned by a parent form, use
the OwnedForms property.
Did you try "newContent.BringToFront()" after newContent.Show () or newContent.TopMost =true ?