Permissions system for a CMS [closed] - permissions

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Closed 9 years ago.
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does anyone know of a good tutorial for how to build a permissions and roles system for a CMS?

Well, if you want a tutorial there are lots! However, if you want to implement something which will be easy to manage then I suggest you read up about Access control lists. ACL.
If your site implements an ACL you will be able to manage permissions for lots of different roles very easily. Heck, just reading about them will be a great tutorial start point.
You can read about the Zend Framework ACL library here:


Is there a PDF library that can handle accessibility? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently trying to parse the semantic structure of a PDF file. I believe the metadata added to make PDFs accessible is the correct way to go about it, but I can't find a library that will handle it cleanly.
I've tried PDFLib TET on iOS but I can't get it to open certain test documents and the error it returns is too obscure to be Googleable.
Are there any other libraries that do the same?
I'd have a look at the pCOS-Library (also from For use in PHP there would be an alternative you could have a look at They might have a tool for that purpose.

Framework or service like Votebox [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I love the Votebox section on the support site for Dropbox. It lets users suggest features and prioritize development.
I always assumed it was powered by a third-party service (kind of like, but from what I can tell it's proprietary.
Does anyone know of an open-source project, SaaS service, or the like, sporting similar features and polish?

Free maps api and geocoding [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to develop an commercial application with mapping.
I can't use Google Maps because of the 10k$/year for the premier API...
I tried Mapstraction with OpenStreetMap, nice but with some limitations.
There is no geocoding available apparently.
Is there a good free(or affordable) service available anywhere with mapping & geocoding functionnalities ?
If this question is still valid, I think you should check Open Data Map APIs, in Open Web Services section. No limits, no signup tricks to get the API keys, everything free for real!
There is a pull in github for the feature :

Online coding collaboration tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if you guys have experience with any online tool that allows coding collaboration with notifications that gets fired each time a contributor edits/adds to the source file.
I was exploring github but I am not sure if notification is supported (or atleast I couldnt get that to work) when a contributor commits a new change.
Github does support notification and of course Github is the most mature collaboration env in the cloud.
Notification Enh

Which service to embed a videochat easily on a website? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on a new website and I'd like to add a videochat feature. So I'm looking for services giving an API to do that easily.
Here is the list of features I need:
1-to-1 chat (a user can chat with an other one)
be able to know if somebody is currently chatting
working on all standard configurations (for example ooVoo doesn't work on safari 64bit)
Thank you!
Not sure if you're still looking for an answer, but looks pretty awesome for this