What's the Matlab equivalent of NULL, when it's calling COM/ActiveX methods? - com

I maintain a program which can be automated via COM. Generally customers use VBS to do their scripting, but we have a couple of customers who use Matlab's ActiveX support and are having trouble calling COM object methods with a NULL parameter.
They've asked how they do this in Matlab - and I've been scouring Mathworks' COM/ActiveX documentation for a day or so now and can't figure it out.
Their example code might look something like this:
function do_something()
OurAppInstance = actxserver('Foo.Application');
OurAppInstance.Method('Hello', NULL)
where NULL is where in another language, we'd write NULL or nil or Nothing, or, of course, pass in an object. The problem is this is optional (and these are implemented as optional parameters in most, but not all, cases) - these methods expect to get NULL quite often.
They tell me they've tried [] (which from my reading seemed the most likely) as well as '', Nothing, 'Nothing', None, Null, and 0. I have no idea how many of those are even valid Matlab keywords - certainly none work in this case.
Can anyone help? What's Matlab's syntax for a null pointer / object for use as a COM method parameter?
Update: Thanks for all the replies so far! Unfortunately, none of the answers seem to work, not even libpointer. The error is the same in all cases:
Error: Type mismatch, argument 2
This parameter in the COM type library is described in RIDL as:
HRESULT _stdcall OurMethod([in] BSTR strParamOne, [in, optional] OurCoClass* oParamTwo, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* bResult);
The coclass in question implements a single interface descending from IDispatch.

I'm answering my own question here, after talking to Matlab tech support: There is no equivalent of Nothing, and Matlab does not support this.
In detail: Matlab does support optional arguments, but does not support passing in variant NULL pointers (actually, to follow exactly how VB's Nothing works, a VT_EMPTY variant, I think) whether as an optional argument or not. There is documentation about some null / pointerish types, a lot of which is mentioned in my question or in various answers, but these don't seem to be useable with their COM support.
I was given a workaround by Matlab support using a COM DLL they created and Excel to create a dummy nothing object that could be passed around in scripts. I haven't managed to get this workaround / hack working, and even if I had unfortunately I probably could not redistribute it. However, if you encounter the same problem this description might give you a starting point at least!
It is possible this Old New Thing blog post may be related. (I no longer work with access to the problematic source code, or access to Matlab, to refresh my memory or to test.)
Briefly, for IUnknown (or derived) parameters, you need a [unique] attribute for them to legally be NULL. The above declaration required Matlab create or pass in a VT_EMPTY variant, which it couldn't do. Perhaps adding [unique] may have prompted the Matlab engine to pass in a NULL pointer (or variant containing a NULL pointer), instead - assuming it was able to do that, which is guesswork.
This is all speculation since this code and the intricacies of it are several years behind me at this point. However, I hope it helps any future reader.

From the mathworks documentation, you can use the libpointer function:
p = libpointer;
and then p will be a NULL pointer. See that page for more details.
See also: more information about libpointer.

Peter's answer should work, but something you might want to try is NaN, which is what Matlab ususally uses as a NULL value.

In addition to using [] and libpointer (as suggested by Peter), you can also try {}.

The correct answer for something in VB that is expecting a Nothing argument, is to somehow get a COM/ActiveX Variant which has a variant type of VT_EMPTY. (see MSDN docs which reference marshaling behavior for Visual Basic Nothing)
MATLAB may do this with the empty array ([]), but I'm not sure.... so it may not be possible purely in MATLAB. Although someone could easily write a tiny COM library whose purpose is to create a Variant with VT_EMPTY.
But if the argument has the [optional] atttribute, and you want to leave that optional argument blank, you should not do this. See the COM/ActiveX docs on Variants which say under VT_EMPTY:
VT_EMPTY: No value was specified. If an optional argument to an Automation method is left blank, do not pass a VARIANT of type VT_EMPTY. Instead, pass a VARIANT of type VT_ERROR with a value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.
Matlab should (but probably does not) provide methods to create these objects (a "nothing" and an "optional blank") so you can interface correctly with COM objects.


Why Microsoft CRT is so permissive regarding a BSTR double free

This is a simplified question for the one I asked here. I'm using VS2010 (CRT v100) and it doesn't complain, in any way ever, when i double free a BSTR.
BSTR s1=SysAllocString(L"test");
Ok, the question is highly hypothetical (actually, the answer is :).
SysFreeString takes a BSTR, which is a pointer, which actually is a number which has a specific semantic. This means that you can provide any value as an argument to the function, not just a valid BSTR or a BSTR which was valid moments ago. In order for SysFreeString to recognize invalid values, it would need to know all the valid BSTRs and to check against all of them. You can imagine the price of that.
Besides, it is consistent with other C, C++, COM or Windows APIs: free, delete, CloseHandle, IUnknown::Release... all of them expect YOU to know whether the argument is eligible for releasing.
In a nutshell your question is: "I am calling SysFreeString with an invalid argument. Why compiler allows me this".
Visual C++ compiler allows the call and does not issue a warning because the call itself is valid: there is a match of argument type, the API function is good, this can be converted to binary code that executes. The compiler has no knowledge whether your argument is valid or not, you are responsible to track this yourselves.
The API function on the other hand expects that you pass valid argument. It might or might not check its validity. Documentation says about the argument: "The previously allocated string". So the value is okay for the first call, but afterward the pointer value is no longer a valid argument for the second call and behavior is basically undefined.
Nothing to do with the CRT, this is a winapi function. Which is C based, a language that has always given programmers enough lengths of rope to hang themselves by invoking UB with the slightest mistake. Fast and easy-to-port has forever been at odds with safe and secure.
SysFreeString() doesn't win any prizes, clearly it should have had a BOOL return type. But it can't, the IMalloc::Free() interface function was fumbled a long time ago. Nothing you can't fix yourself:
BOOL SafeSysFreeString(BSTR* str) {
if (str == NULL) {
return FALSE;
*str = NULL;
return TRUE;
Don't hesitate to yell louder, RaiseException() gives a pretty good bang that is hard to ignore. But writing COM code in C is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawed by the Geneva Convention on Programmers Rights. Use the _bstr_t or CComBSTR C++ wrapper types instead.
But do watch out when you slice the BSTR out of them, they can't help when you don't or can't use them consistently. Which is how you got into trouble with that VARIANT. Always pay extra attention when you have to leave the safety of the wrapper, there are C sharks out there.
See this quote from MSDN:
Automation may cache the space allocated for BSTRs. This speeds up
the SysAllocString/SysFreeString sequence.
(...)if the application allocates a BSTR and frees it, the free block
of memory is put into the BSTR cache by Automation(...)
This may explain why calling SysFreeString(...) twice with the same pointer does not produce a crash,since the memory is still available (kind of).

What is the vbError returned by VarType in VB6?

I have been searching for this all over the web, but everything is either talking about the ErrObject class, or the constant vbError returned by the VarType function. I want to know what that type actually is, e.g. an integer is something like 4, a string is something like "hello world", etc.
For a little background, here is a link to the official MSDN page about VarType, which shows all the constants it returns and what they represent. What is Error value?
If you are familiar with COM in C/C++, you should know that from that perspective VarType() is a simple function that essentially extracts the value of the vt member from the Variant passed in as a parameter. The possible values of the vt member are documented in many places, such as here.
If you check inside of the COM system headers (e.g. WTypes.h distributed as part of in the Windows SDK), you will see that the VbError value of 10 indeed maps to the C/C++ enum value of VT_ERROR.
{ VT_EMPTY = 0,
VT_ERROR = 10,
} ;
The MSDN link above describes the meaning of a vt that equals VT_ERROR as follows:
An SCODE was specified. The type of the error is specified in scode.
Generally, operations on error values should raise an exception or propagate the error to the return value, as appropriate.
So, here's basically what it means:
A Variant obviously supports storing many types of values, and among them is the obscure possibility of storing an "Error Code". More correctly, these codes are formally called scode's, because they can indicate many types of "success" as well as "failures". Most people refer to these codes as HRESULTs.
These codes are the same kind of "Error Codes" that you get from Err.Number in VB6. So, you can tell a Variant to distinguish an "Error Code" from just a plain number.
In reality, few programs or COM components - if any - will ever put error codes in Variants. Almost everybody just issues COM Exceptions to communicate errors (this mechanism is exposed in VB6 via the Err object). Even those components that return error codes outside of the COM Exception mechanism, would likely do so in typed variables (e.g. Long's).
Therefore, the reason this possible return value exists is for completeness. You will almost never see it in real life.
(Edit: Remove bit about not being able to create an "Error" variant. #Joe proved me wrong on that. You can use CVErr() to create one)
In VB6 and VBA, error values are created by calling the CVErr function.
This function returns a Variant whose VarType is vbError, and for which the IsError function returns True.
A typical use case for this is an Excel UDF that returns a Variant: if you return an error value, it will display as #VALUE!.

Why isn't Eiffel's automatic type conversion feature more popular?

What happened to me while programming in Java:
String str
// want to call something(), but signature does not match
something(Foo foo)
// but I have this conversion function
Foo fooFrom(String)
// Obviously I am about to create another method overload.. sigh
something(String s) {
But then I thought of the possibility of a "automatic type conversion" which just uses my defined conversion function fooFrom everytime a string is passed in where a Foo object is excepted.
My search brought me to the wikipedia page about type conversion with this Eiffel example:
class STRING_8
make_from_cil ({SYSTEM_STRING})
The methods after convert are called automatically if a STRING_8 is used as a SYSTEM_STRING and vice-versa.
Somehow surprising for me I could not find any other language supporting this.
So my question: are there any other languages supporting this feature?
If not, are there any reasons for that, since it seems quite useful to me?
Further I think it would not be difficult to implement it as a language add-on.
There is one minor point that may make the things a bit more complicated. At the moment Eiffel has a rule that conversion can be applied only when the source of reattachment is attached to an object, i.e. is not Void (not null in Java/C#).
Let's look at the original example:
something (str);
Suppose that str is null. Do we get a NullPointerException / InvalidArgumentException, because the code is transformed into
something (fooFrom (str));
and fooFrom does not expect null? Or is the compiler smart enough to transform this into
if (str == null)
something (null);
something (fooFrom (str));
The current Eiffel standard makes sure that such issues simply do not happen and str is not null if conversion is involved. However many other languages like Java or C# do not guarantee that and the additional complexity may be not worth the effort for them.
I believe that Eiffel is not the only language to support conversion routines, but I would say that it might be one of the very few that integrate this very nicely with the rest of the language definition.
In .NET, for example, you have both op_Explicit and op_Implicit routines that can be used for conversion for languages that support them. And I believe C# does.
Type coercion (implicit conversion) is a curse and a blessing--handy in some case, but it can also backfire.
For instance, Javascript has many weird coercion rules, that can leads to bug when coercings string to number, etc.
Scala has something called "implicit" which achieves something similar (at least to me) to what you describe in Eiffel. With little surprise, they can lead to certain gotchas. But they can be also very handy, see for instance the article Pimp My Library.
C++ has copy constructors and assignment operator.

What is the use of the := syntax?

I'm a C# developer working on a VB.NET project, and VS keeps trying to get me to use the := thingie when I call a function with a ByRef parameter like so:
While reader.Read()
the HydrateBookFromReader function has the following signature:
Public Function HydrateBookFromReader(ByRef reader As SqlDataReader) As Book
Why does intellisense keep insisting that I use that := construction, and what is it for?
In VB, the := is used in specifying named parameters.
Contact(Address:="2020 Palm Ave", Name:="Peter Evans")
This is especially useful for specifying optional parameters.
Why does intellisense keep insisting that I use that := construction, and what is it for?
It's important to note that IntelliSense doesn't insist, it proposes. Using it in your case wouldn't make sense … this feature is primarily used for very long parameter lists with many optional parameters, of which you only want to pass, say, the last one. It's useful when working with Microsoft Office Interop.
Also (since you mention it in your tags): this has got nothing to do with ByRef. ByRef is equivalent to ref and out in C#, i.e. it allows the method to manipulate the parameter itself.
Intellisense may be suggesting the := syntax, but I suspect that it will compile without it.
In future versions of C# where optional parameters are allowed, named parameters will allow you to specify some parameters but not others, and to specify parameters in a different order than they were declared. Named parameters will also allow you to optionally clarify the purpose of the parameter being passed in, making the code more readable in some cases.
Named parameters will be especially important in c# 4.0 for COM Interop, where many superfluous parameters can be eliminated.
Anders Hejlsberg has an excellent discussion about the future of C# on Channel 9 at http://channel9.msdn.com/pdc2008/TL16/. His discussion about named parameters is at 40 minutes and 45 seconds into the talk.

IsNothing versus Is Nothing

Does anyone here use VB.NET and have a strong preference for or against using IsNothing as opposed to Is Nothing (for example, If IsNothing(anObject) or If anObject Is Nothing...)? If so, why?
EDIT: If you think they're both equally acceptable, do you think it's best to pick one and stick with it, or is it OK to mix them?
If you take a look at the MSIL as it's being executed you'll see that it doesn't compile down to the exact same code. When you use IsNothing() it actually makes a call to that method as opposed to just evaluating the expression.
The reason I would tend to lean towards using "Is Nothing" is when I'm negating it becomes "IsNot Nothing' rather than "Not IsNothing(object)" which I personally feel looks more readable.
I find that Patrick Steele answered this question best on his blog: Avoiding IsNothing()
I did not copy any of his answer here, to ensure Patrick Steele get's credit for his post. But I do think if you're trying to decide whether to use Is Nothing or IsNothing you should read his post. I think you'll agree that Is Nothing is the best choice.
Edit - VoteCoffe's comment here
Partial article contents: After reviewing more code I found out another reason you should avoid this: It accepts value types! Obviously, since IsNothing() is a function that accepts an 'object', you can pass anything you want to it. If it's a value type, .NET will box it up into an object and pass it to IsNothing -- which will always return false on a boxed value! The VB.NET compiler will check the "Is Nothing" style syntax and won't compile if you attempt to do an "Is Nothing" on a value type. But the IsNothing() function compiles without complaints. -PSteele – VoteCoffee
You should absolutely avoid using IsNothing()
Here are 4 reasons from the article IsNothing() VS Is Nothing
Most importantly, IsNothing(object) has everything passed to it as an object, even value types! Since value types cannot be Nothing, it’s a completely wasted check.
Take the following example:
Dim i As Integer
If IsNothing(i) Then
' Do something
End If
This will compile and run fine, whereas this:
Dim i As Integer
If i Is Nothing Then
' Do something
End If
Will not compile, instead the compiler will raise the error:
'Is' operator does not accept operands of type 'Integer'.
Operands must be reference or nullable types.
IsNothing(object) is actually part of part of the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
This is undesirable as you have an unneeded dependency on the VisualBasic library.
Its slow - 33.76% slower in fact (over 1000000000 iterations)!
Perhaps personal preference, but IsNothing() reads like a Yoda Condition. When you look at a variable you're checking its state, with it as the subject of your investigation.
i.e. does it do x? --- NOT Is xing a property of it?
So I think If a IsNot Nothing reads better than If Not IsNothing(a)
I agree with "Is Nothing". As stated above, it's easy to negate with "IsNot Nothing".
I find this easier to read...
If printDialog IsNot Nothing Then
End If
than this...
If Not obj Is Nothing Then
End If
VB is full of things like that trying to make it both "like English" and comfortable for people who are used to languages that use () and {} a lot.
And on the other side, as you already probably know, most of the time you can use () with function calls if you want to, but don't have to.
I prefer IsNothing()... but I use C and C#, so that's just what is comfortable. And I think it's more readable. But go with whatever feels more comfortable to you.
I'm leaning towards the "Is Nothing" alternative, primarily because it seems more OO.
Surely Visual Basic ain't got the Ain't keyword.
I initially used IsNothing but I've been moving towards using Is Nothing in newer projects, mainly for readability. The only time I stick with IsNothing is if I'm maintaining code where that's used throughout and I want to stay consistent.
Is Nothing requires an object that has been assigned to the value Nothing. IsNothing() can take any variable that has not been initialized, including of numeric type. This is useful for example when testing if an optional parameter has been passed.