Java 3d: Unable to get Shape3D to be affected by lights - java-3d

I am attempting to get a custom Shape3D to be affected by a DirectedLight in java 3D, but nothing I do seems to work.
The Shape has a geometry that is an IndexedQuadArray, with the NORMAL flag set and applied, ensuring the normal vectors are applied to the correct vertices - using indexed vectors
I have given the Appearance a Material (both with specified colors and shininess, and without)
I have also put the light on the same BranchGroup as the Shape, but it still does not work.
In fact, when I add in the normals to the shape, the object appears to disappear - without them, it's flat shaded, so that all faces are the same shade.
I can only think that I am forgetting to include something ridiculously simple, or have done something wrong.
To test the lights were actually, I put in a Sphere beside the Shape, and the sphere was affected and lit correctly, but the shape still wasn't. Both were on the same BranchGroup
[Small oddity too - if I translate the sphere, it vanishes if I move it greater than 31 in any direction... [my view is set about 700 back as I'm dealing with objects of sizes up to 600 in width]
Edit: found this in the official tutorials that is probably related
A visual object properly specified for shading (i.e., one with a Material object) in a live scene graph but outside the influencing bounds of all light source objects renders black.

The light's setInfluencingBounds() was not set correctly, so that the shapes in the scene were not being included in the bounds.
This was corrected by setting a BoundingBox to encompass the entire area, and assigning that into the influencing bounds


Large (in meters) landscape mesh has artifacts on peaks only at certain scale

I made a mesh from a Digital Elevation Map that spanned 1x1 degree box of geography, but when I scale the mesh up to 11139m in blender I get these visible jagged shadows on the peaks of the mesh. I'd prefer to not scale everything down but I suppose I can, it just seems like a strange issue I want to better understand.
My goal is to use the landscape in a WebVR application, but when I put this mesh into an Aframe scene it also has this issue. Thanks for any tips!
Quick answer:
I think this may be caused by the clipping start/end values. Also called near/far clipping planes. Adjusting them may fix the issue but also limit the rendering distance.
Longer explanation:
Take a look at this:
It's a simple grayscale, but imagine it is scaled across your entire scene depth (Z depth buffer). The range of this buffer is set by the start/stop clipping (near/far) camera setting.
By default Blender has its start/stop (near/far) clipping set to 0.01 - 1000.
While A-Frame has it like 0.005 - 10000. You may find more information here: A-Frame camera #properties
That means the renderer has to somehow fit every single point in that range somewhere on the grayscale. That may cause overlapping or Z-fighting because it is simply lacking precision to distinguish the details. And that is mainly visible at edges/peaks because the polygons are connected there at acute angles and the program has to round up the Z-values. That causes overlapping visible as darker shadows (most likely the backside of the polygon behind).
You may also want to read more about Z-fighting because it is somewhat related.

GODOT: What is an efficient calculation for the AABB of a simple 3D model from a camera's view

I am attempting to come up with a quick and efficient means of translating a 3d mesh into a projected AABB. In the end, I would like to accomplish something similar to figure 1 wherein only the area of the screen covered by the cube is located inside the bounding box highlighted in red. ((if it is at all possible, getting the area as small as possible, highlighted in blue, would increase efficiency down the road.))
Figure 1.
Currently, I have tried:
Calculating the point position on the screen using camera.unproject_position(). this failed largely due to my inability to wrap my head around the pixel positions trending towards infinity. I understand it has something to do with Tan, but frankly, it is too late for my brain to function anymore.
Getting the area of collision between the view frustum and the AABB of the mesh instance. This method seems convoluted, and to get it in a usable format I would need to project the result into 2d coordinates again.
Using the MeshInstance VisualInstance to create a texture wherein a pixel is white if it contains the mesh instance, and black otherwise. Visual instances in general just baffle me, and I did not think it would be efficient to have another viewport just to output this texture.
What I am looking for:
An output that can be passed to a shader informing where to complete certain calculations. Right now this is set up to use a bounding box, but it could easily be rewritten to also use a texture. It also could be rewritten to use polygons, but I am trying to keep calculations to a minimum in the shader.
Certain solutions I have tried before have worked, slightly, but this must be robust. The camera interfacing with the 3d object will be able to move completely around and through it, meaning at times the view will be completely surrounded by the 3d model with points both in front, and behind.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I will try my best to update this post with information if needed.

How do I pad a graph so that lines aren't clipped by the edges?

I've had a pretty good look around for an answer to this, and tried several solutions in my code, nothing found so far.
I have a line graph that I am plotting, a CPTScatterPlot graph, and I have got points adding to it correctly. I want to show each of these points as a dot about 3-5 pixels in diameter, and connected by lines that are about 3 pixels wide. This all works fine.
The problem is that when the plot is a straight along one of the edges of the graph hosting view, the lines and dots are clipped and don't look right at all.
This is a mockup of what it should look like:
And this is the effect I am seeing much of the time at the moment:
I apologise for the small images, but hopefully you can see that in the second one, the line and dots are rendered only a few pixels into the graph view, not fully in view. In the second one the data is actually at y=1 for the first 75%, then falls down to y=0.
How can I inset the drawing of the graph components by several pixels to prevent the clipping of any shapes?
So far:
I have tried setting the padding on the graph, but that just
contracts the area it draws to, I suppose to make room for titles
which I am not using.
I have also tried adding to the min/max x/y range settings which I
recalculate based on the data I am updating in the background. This
works, but obviously only if the amount I add to those values is
correct in relation to the drawing scale that will be used for the
data values I am inputting.
I am on Mac OS using NSView (actually CPTGraphHostingView) so clipsToBounds isn't available. Also, I tried masksToBounds and masksToBorder on CPTXYGraph.
I think the easiest way to handle this is to simply extend your ranges by a small amount. There is a method in CPTPlotRange that makes it very easy to extend a given range by a fixed percentage (e.g. 1%). I think the main test app example even shows this in action.
Another option would be to turn off the masksToBounds and/or masksToBorder on the CPTPlotArea (plotArea) and possibly the CPTPlotAreaFrame (plotAreaFrame). You access them both via properties of the graph.
This might be of help..
The default padding on the graph itself (not the plot area frame) is 20 pixels on each side. You can change that, too.
graph.paddingLeft = 0.0;
graph.paddingTop = 0.0;
graph.paddingRight = 0.0;
graph.paddingBottom = 0.0;

In OpenGL ES 2.0, how can I draw a wireframe of triangles except for the lines on adjacent coplanar faces?

I vaguely remember seeing something in OpenGL (not ES, which was still at v1.0 on the iPhone when I came across this, which is why I never used it) that let me specify which edges of my polygons were considered outlines vs those that made up the interior of faces. As such, this isn't the same as the outline of the entire model (which I know how to do), but rather the outline of a planar face with all its tris basically blended into one poly. For instance, in a cube made up of tri's, each face is actually two tris. I want to render the outline of the square, but not the diagonal across the face. Same thing with a hexagon. That takes four tris, but just one outline for the face.
Now yes, I know I can simply test all the edges to see if they share coplanar faces, but I could have sworn I remember seeing somewhere when you're defining the tri mesh data where you could say 'this line outlines a face whereas this one is inside a face.' That way when rendering, you could set a flag that basically says 'Give me a wireframe, but only the wires around the edges of complete faces, not around the tris that make them up.'
BTW, my target is all platforms that support OpenGL ES 2.0 but my dev platform is iOS. Again, this Im pretty sure was originally in OpenGL and may have been depreciated once shaders came on the scene, but I can't even find a reference to this feature to check if that's the case.
The only way I know now is to have one set of vertices, but two separate sets of indices... one for rendering tris, and another for rendering the wireframes of the faces. It's a real pain since I end up hand-coding a lot of this, which again, I'm 99% sure you can define when rendering the lines.
GL_QUADS, glEdgeFlag and glPolygonMode are not supported in OpenGL ES.
You could use LINES to draw the wireframe: To get hidden lines, first draw black filled triangles (with DEPTH on) and then draw the edges you are interested in with GL_LINES.

how to generate graphs using integer values in iphone

i want to show a grapph/bar chart in iphone how do i do this without custom API;s
You may want to investigate the Core Plot project []. Core Plot was the subject of this year's scientific coding project at WWDC and is pretty useable for some cases already. From its inception, Core Plot was intended for both OS X and iPhone uses. The source distribution (there hasn't been a binary release yet) comes with both OS X and iPhone example applications and there's info on the project wiki for using it as a library in an iPhone app. Here's an example of it's current plotting capabilities.
Write your own. It's not easy, I'm in the process of doing the same thing right now. Here's how I'm doing it:
First, ignore any desire you may have to try using a UIScrollView if you want to allow zooming. It's totally not worth it.
Second, create something like a GraphElement protocol. I have a hierarchy that looks something like this:
GraphElement contains the basic necessary methods for a graph element, including how to draw, a maximum width (for zooming in), whether a point is within that element (for touches) and the standard touchBegan, touchMoved, and touchEnded functions.
GraphPathElement contains a CGPath, a line color and width, a fill color and a drawing mode. Whenever it's prompted to draw, it simply adds the path to the context, sets the colors and line width, and draws the path with the given drawing mode.
GraphDataElement, as a subclass of GraphPathElement, takes in a set of data in x-y coordinates, a graph type (bar or line), a frame, and a bounds. The frame is the actual size of the created output CGPath. The bounds is the size of the data in input coordinates. Essentially, it lets you scale the data to the screen size.
It creates a graph by first calculating an affine transform to transform the bounds to the frame, then it loops through each point and adds it as data to a path, applying that transform to the point before adding it. How it adds data depends on the type.
If it's a bar graph, it creates a rectangle of width 0, origin at (x,frame.size.height-y), and height=y. Then it "insets" the graph by -3 pixels horizontally, and adds that to the path.
If it's a line graph, it's much simpler. It just moves to the first point, then for each other point, it adds a line to that point, adds a circle in a rect around that point, then moves back to that point to go on to the next point.
GraphDataSupplierElement is the interface to my database that actually contains all the data. It determines what kind of graph it should be, formats the data into the required type for GraphDataElement, and passes it on, with the color to use for that particular graph.
For me, the x-axis is time, and is represented as NSTimeIntervals. The GraphDataSupplierElement contains a minDate and maxDate so that a GraphDateElement can draw the x-axis labels as required.
Once all this is done, you need to create the actual graph. You can go about it several ways. One option is to keep all the elements in an NSArray and whenever drawRect: is called, loop through each element and draw it. Another option is to create a CALayer for each element, and use the GraphPathElement as the CALayer's delegate. Or you could make GraphPathElement extend from CALayer directly. It's up to you on this one. I haven't gotten as far as trying CALayers yet, I'm still stuck in the simple NSArray stage. I may move to CALayers at some point, once I'm satisfied with how everything looks.
So, all in all, the idea is that you create the graph as one or many CGPaths beforehand, and just draw that when you need to draw the graph, rather than trying to actually parse data whenever you get a drawRect: call.
Scaling can be done by keeping the source data in your GraphDataElement, and just change the frame so that the scaling of the bounds to the frame creates a CGPath wider than the screen, or whatever your needs are. I basically re-implemented my own pinch-zoom for my Graph UIView subclass that only scales horizontally, by changing its transform, then on completion, get the current frame, reset the transform to identity, set the frame to the saved value, and set the frame of all of the GraphElements to the new frame as well, to make them scale. Then just call [self setNeedsDisplay] to draw.
Anyway, that's a bit ramble-ish, but it's an outline of how I made it happen. If you have more specific questions, feel free to comment.