sql rounding value - sql

I have been successful at rounding my value to one decimal point, but I would like to trim off the multitude of trailing zeros. For example, this:
...ends up giving me:
how do I trim all those trailing zeros.

The round function rounds the number, but it leaves the data type unchanged:
ROUND(3.14,1) --> 3.10
By casting a number to numeric(x,1), you both round it and change it's data type to single digit precision:
CAST(3.14 as numeric(6,1)) --> 3.1
For your query, such a cast could look like:
select cast(sum(duration) as numeric(6,1))
But the eventual display format depends on the client. SQL Server Management Studio will display numeric(x,1) with one digit behind the dot, but it is free to display it in another way. Formatting a number is best done client side, outside of SQL.

CONVERT(Decimal(9, 1), ROUND(SUM(duration), 1))
The second parameter of the DECIMAL data type is the precision - 1 will give you a single digit after the decimal point.


Truncation using round function isn't achieved as expected in sql server

I have a field stored in float datatype. I need to convert it to numeric without it getting implicitly rounded in the process of conversion.
I have tried round(float_data,scale,1). Seems to work fine for most of the cases.but when the number of digits after decimal places is less than scale mentioned in round function it tries to floor down the number rather than appending 0 at the end.
For instance, round (0.0243,5,1) returns 0.02429. Why isn't it simply truncating the number to the number of digits mentioned?
I know this issue is when we use float as source datatype but I cannot change the source datatype.
The same truncation happens right when the same is achieved via ssis. Is there any way in sql to achieve this?
Because when converted to a float, the decimal 0.0243 is stored as 0.02429999969899654388427734375, which truncates to 0.02429. Looks like you want to round instead of truncate, eg
declare #f float = 0.0243
select round(#f,5,0)

BigQuery - ROUND, TRUNC function Issue

I have a issue with round, trunc function from BigQuery standard query .
I expected at 3953.7, 3053.67, 3053.667. f1_, f2_ result is different. It is a bug??
I expected at 3.195, 3.195, 3.1955, 3.1965, 3.1945.
f1_, f3_ result is different. Is it my fault?
The ROUND() is used to round a numeric field to the nearest number of decimals specified.
There is a limitation of floating point values.
They can only represent binary values, but cannot precisely represent decimal digits after the decimal point (see here).
In case of SELECT ROUND(3053.665,2) you receive: 3053.66, you can overcome it by using: ROUND(value + 0.005, 2), which allows you to receive 3053.67.
Anyway, if you want to take care about precise decimal results, you should use the NUMERIC type. The following query gives results that you expect:
SELECT ROUND(3953.65,1), ROUND(numeric '3053.665',2), ROUND(numeric '3053.6665',3)
TRUNC(), the following query gives results that you expect:
SELECT TRUNC(3.1955,3), TRUNC(numeric'3.195',3), TRUNC(3.1955,4), TRUNC(numeric '3.1965',4), TRUNC(3.1945,4)
BigQuery parses fractional numbers as floating point by default for better performance, while other databases parses fractional numbers as NUMERIC by default. This means the other databases would interpret TRUNC(3.03,2) in the same way BigQuery interprets TRUNC(numeric '3.03',2).
I hope it will helps you.
This is due to the fact that, in BigQuery, digits are stored as floating point values by default.
You can fin more information about how these work in Wikipedia, but the main idea is that some numbers are not stored as they are but as the closest approximation its representation allows. If instead of 3.03 it is internally represented as 3.0299999999..., when you trunc it the result will be 3.02.
Same thing happens with round function, if 3053.665 is internally stored as 3053.6649999999..., the result of rounding it will be 3053.66.
If you specify it to be stored as NUMERIC, it then works as "expected":
select trunc(numeric '3.195', 3)
gives as result 3.195
You can find more information about Numeric Types in the official BigQuery Documentation.

SQL ROUND() function with truncate takes 119.1 and returns 119.09

I have data for pounds and pence stored within concatenated strings (unfortunately no way around this) but can not guarantee 2 decimal places.
E.g. I may get a value of 119.109, so this must translated to 2 decimal places with truncation, i.e. 119.10, NOT 119.11.
For this reason I am avoiding "CAST as Decimal" because I do not want to round. Instead I am using ROUND(amount, 2, 1) to force truncation at 2 decimal places.
This works for the most part but sometimes exhibits strange behaviour. For example, 119.10 outputs as 119.09. This can be replicated as:
ROUND(CAST('119.10' AS varchar),2,1)
My target field is Decimal(19,4) (but the 3rd and 4th decimal places will always be 0, it is a finance system so always pounds and pence...).
I assume the problem is something to do with ROUNDing a varchar....but I don't know anyway around this without having to CAST and therefore introduce rounding that way?
What is happening here?
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
This is due to the way floating point numbers work, and the fact that your string number is implicitly converted to a floating point number before being rounded. In your test case:
ROUND(CAST('119.10' AS varchar),2,1)
You are implicitly converting 119.10 to float so that it can be passed to the ROUND function, 119.10 exactly cannot be stored as a float, proven by running the following:
Which returns:
Therefore, when you round this with truncate you get 119.09.
For what it is worth, you should always specify a length when converting to, or declaring a varchar

SQL Server Reporting Services Rounding after a set number of decimal places

I need to do some very precise reporting in SQL Server Reporting Services. I'm actually attempting to show 13 decimal places. The odd part is even when I format the field C13, Reporting Services seems to round after an arbitrary number of total digits rather than anything to do with the format string.
For example if I have:
What I end up with is:
If on the other hand I have:
What I end up with is:
So it appears that I only end up with 15 actual digits from my source number. Has anyone seen this before, or know how to resolve it?
It sounds to me like you are using the Float datatype. Instead, I would suggest you use the decimal data type instead. You'll probably want to use something like Decimal(20, 14). You'll still need to be very careful about the math you perform because SQL Server will modify the resulting data type when you perform math on decimals.
Actually, I found the problem was Microsoft's Double.ToString() method. I had to use a "G13" as a formatting string to get all of the decimal places. Go figure.

SQL Server money data type problem

We have SQL Server 2000 database with money data type columns and we have strange problem with numbers within money columns in which we store numbers with 2 decimal places. For o long time everything was OK. But now I see that in some rows where was number 47.22 is now number 47.2178. When i select CAST(COLUMN as CHAR) result is 47.22 but when i retrieve value from ADO recordset i have result 47.2178. I browse all application if there is any place where it can write number with 4 decimal places and find nothing(and in application history log there are records that application writes 47.22 to database). Can it be some SQL Server problem?
edit:application is written in VB6
Are you actually using the money data type or are you using a floating point type?
What happens when you use enterprise manager to select from that table? Does everything look ok?
My guess is that you are converting the data to a floating point type somewhere along the way. Probably in the ADO code.
Per MS: When casting money to a string type, the machine's locale comes into play. Which is why it is rounded to 2 decimal places.
You have three options.
First cast the money type to an equivalent decimal then cast that result to a char
Change the machines Regional Settings to default to the format you want.
Don't use the money data type to begin with, just use a decimal.
Don't use Enterprise Manager to draw any conclusions on what is really stored in your tables. EM has sometimes its own opinion on how to interpret data.
Looking at your CAST(....to CHAR) the reason is explained in the documentation (look for CAST & CONVERT)...
The following table shows the values
for style that can be used for
converting money or smallmoney to
character data.
Value Output
0 (default) No commas
every three digits to the left of the
decimal point, and two digits to the
right of the decimal point; for
example, 4235.98.
1 Commas every
three digits to the left of the
decimal point, and two digits to the
right of the decimal point; for
example, 3,510.92.
2 No commas
every three digits to the left of the
decimal point, and four digits to the
right of the decimal point; for
example, 4235.9819.
EDIT: Finally figured out how to use the BlockQuote feature. :-)