Easiest way to get GTK+ to run in Windows with IDE - ide

I've been trying to get GTK+ to compile using Dev-C++ or Code::Blocks IDE, but I cannot get either to work.
I wondered if there's someone that knows an IDE where GTK+ is installed as part of the IDE, and it just works?
Its got to be running under windows.

I assume you already looked at
http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html ?
Is that what you are having problems with?
Also see the windows version of monodevelop


How to get VB.NET for Mono set up?

I'm trying to get a Mono development environment set up on a Windows box. Basic install was dead simple, but I'd like to get the VB.NET compiler set up. Only problem is, there doesn't seem to be an installer for it. The official page on VB.NET support implies that there should be, but there isn't; it hasn't been incorporated into the main installer, either. I can download the source package from the mono-basic Github, but since the compiler is self-hosting, that just leaves me in a catch-22 situation where I need the compiler to compile the compiler... :/ On top of which, it doesn't look like the compiler code has been touched in a couple years...is this still supported? Is there any way to get it set up apart from doing a build from source on a machine with the official VS toolchain (or a Linux box with the package installed from a repository) and then copying it over?

How do I fix my missing dependency?

I installed jgrasp, a Java development environment. After installing it on Windows 10, I tried to start jgrasp up, which gave me this error:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.1\bin\awt.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
The problem is, there is awt.dll in Java's bin file, but why isn't it recognizing it?
jGRASP is only a IDE tool. It will not work on its own. You need to install Java JDK which you can download here. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html. I will recommend intelleJ instead of jGRASP tho.t's nicer and more functional.
Try jGRASP 2.0.4_02 which was just released. Most likely it will work. If not, install the latest Java 8 JDK and jGRASP will use that instead of Java 9 automatically.

Adding Qt in QNX Momentics IDE

I have experience with blackberry java environment.But I need to know about QNX based IDE for development of Blackberry 10.I successfully installed all setup. And also run some small example.
I need to develop cover-flow with Blackberry10. Some of my friends told me that it can be done with Qt.But I get error when importing Qt. What is the problem . And how can I develop cover-flow with QNX Momentics
Have a look at this. It describes how to set up and build Qt for BlackBerry. I am not however sure if that will work with QNX Momentics.
Have a look at this as well. I am not sure if you will be able to get full Qt QML support on Momentics IDE. You could maybe try using QtCreator.

How to install Nemerle on Mono

I can't find the solution
How to install Nemerle on Mono
I've got Nemerle Studio , But I want to try mono with it.
Maybe I will make something for Linux later, now I want to try it on windows.
I hear the latest builds don't work with Mono, due to some System.Reflection.Emit issues there.
You just need to get Nemerle binaries, they work fine on Mono, just don't compile.
Soon there will be official binary downloads on google code page.
Mono is able to compile Nemerle compiler.
You just need the latest Mono from master.
2.8.1 is a suitable version.

Run NUnit on Mono?

Does anyone know if you can run NUnit on Mono? The reason I ask is because on the download page it says:
For some releases, we provide a zipped package for use under Mono.
However, the only release that actually has a separate mono release (judging by its label that says "mono:" and then shows the .zip) is the ancient 2.2. NUnit's most recent version is 2.4.8 so I would really rather not use that old of a version.
Can you use the recent version of NUnit on Mono? If not, is there anything I could do to get it to work? What exactly makes something Mono runnable?
Mono 2.4 will ship with NUnit 2.4.8, and has been in use by the Mono project for their tests for several months, so it should work pretty well.
Mono 2.4 preview: http://mono.ximian.com/monobuild/preview/download-preview/
To answer any other "Will x run on mono..." they've produced a tool called the Mono Migation Analyser.
It can be found here and will show you what methods (if any) mono is missing to run your application.