ObjC: How bad is to directly assign to a property and the release it? - objective-c

I'm wondering how bad is the following code for experienced objective-C programmers.
self.request = [[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
[self.request release];
It is definitely less verbose this
ASIHTTPRequest *tmp = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
self.request = tmp;
[tmp release];
But I'm not sure if it is meaningful enough or doesn't lead to bugs.
What do you think?
I don't want to use autorelase pools as my app is going to run on iphone where memory is limited.

UPDATE: I don't want to use autorelase pools as my app is going to run on iphone where memory is limited.
Do use the autorelease pools! Cocoa touch framework itself uses them; making one or two autorelease'ed objects yourself doesn't change the big picture.
It's true Apple warns you against excessive reliance on autorelease pools on iPhone, like putting hundreads of objects before the pool gets drained after the conclusion of the event dispatch, but excessive avoidance of autorelease pools is also counter-productive!
Nothing is black and white; nirvana is in the middle way.

Why not this?
self.request = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];
Or, if this is a class you wrote or have the source for, create a new class method (not instance) that does essentially the same thing (assuming NSURL * argument):
+ (ASIHTTPRequest *) requestWithURL:(NSURL *)url
return [[[self alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];

Definitely go with the latter, although choose a more descriptive name instead of tmp. You are responsible for releasing tmp, but you are not responsible for releasing self.request, at least not in the context given.
Alternatively, if you don't mind adding things to the autorelease pool, simply do:
self.request = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url] autorelease];
self.request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:url];

What you missed is not the difference in verbosity but the memory management difference.
You often see code like this:
ASIHTTPRequest * requestTmp = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
self.request = requestTmp;
[requestTmp release];
You should consider what is happening if the property is retained and old one released in the setter method.
What this mean is that you create new request, refcount is 1.
self.request = request, now if setRequest looks like:
- (void)setRequest:(ASIHTTPRequest*)aReq
[aReq retain];
[request release];
request = aReq;
This means that the object retained the requestTmp you passed in and released the old one. Refcount of requestTmp is now 2.
After this call you can then release your original requestTmp that you created and you are safe because the object retained the requestTmp - refcount is still 1.
However if you do this:
self.request = [[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
[self.request release];
you end up releasing the request that the object retained for its use. Note that you are release object's internal request where in the original case you released the tmp but the object keeps it's own retained reference.
So the result is different from the original code.


How to assign a string value in Objective C using ARC?

Using ARC, is it now OK to assign a string value like this:
self.userName = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:self.currentParsedCharacterData];
Or does that still cause a memory leak, thus requiring me to assign it like this:
NSString *tmpString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:self.currentParsedCharacterData];
self.userName = tmpString;
The first snippet is just fine under ARC, and is the better of the two ways. Apple has an example like this in the Transitioning to ARC guide:
- (void)contrived {
Person *aPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
[aPerson setFirstName:#"William"];
[aPerson setLastName:#"Dudney"];
[aPerson setYearOfBirth:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:2011]];
NSLog(#"aPerson: %#", aPerson);
and says:
ARC takes care of memory management so that neither the Person nor the NSNumber objects are leaked.
The setYearOfBirth: message with an alloced NSNumber corresponds to your snippet.
The compiler understands that, in the first case, aPerson is going out of scope and needs to be released before that happens, and, in the second case, that there is no explicit reference to the NSNumber object and that it must be either released or put into the autorelease pool. It takes care of both these requirements on your behalf.
Yes, with ARC it is ok. In fact, I would recommend the first way you have it implemented.
Either of your examples is fine. There is no difference between the two as far as memory management/ARC goes.

Is this a correct situation to call release on an object in Objective-C?

I'm new to Objective-C and I am having some difficulty with understanding memory management.
So let's say I have a class and an instance variable of type NSString* that isn't tied to a property. Would this situation leak memory?
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
//more program stuff
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
Should I have called [myString release] before I set myString equal to a new object? Will this sort of code leak memory? Do I have to release an object like this every time I have the pointer point to a different object?
First, Apple's Memory Management Programming Guide is a great place to look for examples and instructions about memory management.
Now to your question. When you call myString = [[NSString alloc] init]; you are reassigning the pointer myString and as such lose access to the original NSString, thus creating a memory leak.
The general rule of thumb here is that for every alloc you should have a release and these must alternate appropriately. If you do
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
// ...
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
// ...
[myString release];
[myString release];
you are releasing the same instance twice which results in overreleasing and an error BAD-ACCESS. The correct thing to do is
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
// ...
[myString release];
myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
// ...
[myString release];
so that each instance is correctly released.
For future, stick to the simple rule that for every alloc/copy/retain you should pair it with a release.
Yes this will leak.
By allocating and assigning another NSString instance to the same variable myString, you lose reference to the original content of myString and therefore the ability to send it a release message.
Both, the Clang static analyzer and the Leaks instrument should uncover this leak.
Yes, you need to release the first object before you reassign your variable to point to the second object. Otherwise, you lose track of your first object and you leak it because you can't release it. You are responsible for releasing the object because you created it (via alloc) as explained in the Memory Management Rules.
Also, bear in mind that [[NSString alloc] init] is creating an empty and immutable string (NSStrings are immutable meaning that they can not be changed after creation). There is little point in doing this.

Setting object to nil after release -- TT_RELEASE_SAFELY

I have started to study Three20 and I have a simple question about TT_RELEASE_SAFELY
Up till now I like to write code in this way:
UILabel *lab = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
[self.view addSubview:lab];
[lab release];
Here I think the main pool is responsible to free the memory of lab.
Now I have found TT_RELEASE_SAFELY which is defined like so:
#define TT_RELEASE_SAFELY(__POINTER) { [__POINTER release]; __POINTER = nil; }
As you can see, after release, it sets the object to nil.
I'd like to know the difference between the two ways and which way is better.
Sending a message to nil is valid in Objective-C. Sending a message to a deallocated object is not.
Sending a message to a deallocated object:
id obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[obj release];
[obj doSomething]; // Crash!
Sending a message to nil:
id obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[obj release], obj = nil;
[obj doSomething]; // Valid
Assigning nil to a variable after an object has been deallocated is controversial because it can prevent you from realizing that something is wrong. Sedate Alien's example:
[controlCenter dealloc];
float timeLeft = [controlCenter timeToWaitBeforeBombDetonation];
This code will crash since controlCenter has been deallocated. As a result this defect will be detected and fixed early.
[controlCenter dealloc], controlCenter = nil;
float timeLeft = [controlCenter timeToWaitBeforeBombDetonation];
This code will assign 0.0 to timeLeft which appears to be a valid wait time even though controlCenter is nil.
Take the above with a grain of salt, since if you are writing an Objective-C app, you are probably more concerned with keeping your users happy by avoiding crashes than destroying cities. If the latter is a concern, you should probably be using a type-safe language like Ada.
I believe that using these variants of "safe releases" is an expressly bad idea.
Your application will fail in silent and mysterious ways, as messages passed to nil will not raise any warnings. It's much better to not nil out your references and take advantage of all that NSZombieEnabled has to offer.
The only difference is that TT_RELEASE_SAFELY sets the pointer to nil after release, so the reference won't be used after release. The pattern is a good one to follow and the TT_RELEASE_SAFELY macro makes it simpler to implement.

Proper Memory Management for Objective-C Method

I'm programming an iPhone app and I had a question about memory management in one of my methods. I'm still a little new to managing memory manually, so I'm sorry if this question seems elementary.
Below is a method designed to allow a number pad to place buttons in a label based on their tag, this way I don't need to make a method for each button. The method works fine, I'm just wondering if I'm responsible for releasing any of the variables I make in the function.
The application crashes if I try to release any of the variables, so I'm a little confused about my responsibility regarding memory.
Here's the method:
FYI the variable firstValue is my label, it's the only variable not declared in the method.
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
NSString *placeHolderString = [[NSString alloc] init];
placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
NSString *addThisNumber = [[NSString alloc] init];
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
NSString *newLabelText = [[NSString alloc] init];
newLabelText = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber];
[firstValue setText:newLabelText];
//[placeHolderButton release];
//[placeHolderString release];
//[addThisNumber release];
//[newLabelText release];
The application works fine with those last four lines commented out, but it seems to me like I should be releasing these variables here. If I'm wrong about that I'd welcome a quick explanation about when it's necessary to release variables declared in functions and when it's not. Thanks.
Yes, you need to release them, but you need them just a little longer than beyond the end of your function.
The solution is called autorelease. Just replace release with autorelease and the objects stay around until the program gets back to the runloop.
When the program gets back there, everybody interested in one of the objects should have sent a retain message to it, so the object will not be deallocated when released by the NSAutoreleasePool.
edit actually, looking at your code, there's a lot more wrong with it. E.g. this:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
doesn't make sense. First you allocate an object, then assign (a pointer to) it to variable placeHolderButton. That's fine.
Then you assign sender to that same variable. The reference to the object you just created is now lost.
Not sure if I get what you want, but this would be better:
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
UIButton *placeHolderButton = sender; // this is still a little useless, but ok
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
NSString *addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
NSString *placeHolderString = firstValue.text;
NSString *newLabelText = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber];
[firstValue setText:newLabelText];
No allocs, so no releases necessary. The strings returned by those functions are already added to the autoreleasepool, so they will be deallocated automatically (if needed).
Well. Release them when you are done with them. The sooner the better. Some objects are tricky if you are new to memory management.
Release them in the dealloc method then.
The auto release pool can be handy, some people might disagree according to the performance issues.
you need to release anything containing the word new, alloc/init or copy.
also, you don't need to alloc/init this:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = [[UIButton alloc] init];
placeHolderButton = sender;
another way of doing this is:
UIButton *placeHolderButton = (UIButton *)sender;
in your version, it is allocating an instance with a retain count of +1, but you are immediately replacing the reference, so there is no way of releasing the memory later.
you are creating a lot of instances with alloc/init, and then replacing their references with autoreleased instances.
you could use
NSString *placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
instead of
NSString *placeHolderString = [[NSString alloc] init];
placeHolderString = [placeHolderString stringByAppendingString:firstValue.text];
which is again replacing a manually managed instance created on the first line, with an autoreleased instance on the second.
infact you could replace every alloc/init in this with the factory method and not have to deal with memory at all in it as they would be autoreleased instances.
-(IBAction)inputNumbersFromButtons:(id)sender {
//cast sender as a UIButton to suppress compiler warning, and allow us to reference it as placeholder button
UIButton *placeHolderButton = (UIButton *) sender;
int i = placeHolderButton.tag;
NSString *addThisNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", i];
[firstValue setText:[firstValue.text stringByAppendingString:addThisNumber]];
If you look at the class docs for NSString, any method with a + next to it(ie +stringWithString:(NSString *)string) is a class method, don't use these methods on a reference after you have called alloc/init on it.
I find it puzzling that you use alloc/init on a UIButton.
I always use the factory methods, e.g.
UIButton* aButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
This returns an autoreleased button which I immediately add to its intended parent view.
Can't confirm it right now, but it looks as if the SDK caches UIButton instances and performs some optimizations behind the scenes. Every time I tried to retain a UIButton ivar, performance has degraded (especially when there is many sub views on screen)

Releasing objects returned by method

Ok, I know the answer to this question should be obvious, but I need a little push in the right direction.
I find myself writing a fair number of methods that follow the following pattern:
NSThing *thing = [[NSthing alloc] init];
// do some stuff with the thing
return thing;
My question is, how do I handle the release of this object? Clearly I can't release it within the method.
usually you would autorelease it
NSThing *thing = [[NSthing alloc] init];
// do some stuff with the thing
return [thing autorelease];
Autoreleasing is the easy way to get out of this, as newacct said. However, you should take into consideration the "ownership" of the object you're returning.
In Objective-C, the general rule of thumb is that any method with alloc, new, or copy in its name returns an object that is not autoreleased, while other methods (like class methods) pre-autorelease the object to be returned. So these three are not equivalent in terms of autorelease (although the compiler may do some magic and reduce them all to string constants anyway):
// Autoreleased
NSString *string1 = [NSString stringWithString:#"aString"];
NSString *string2 = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"aString"] autorelease];
// NOT autoreleased
NSString *string3 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"aString"];
Your code can take a similar approach, where you consider who owns the object you're returning. In the specific example you provided, the method is the one allocing and initing the object, so in general you're responsible for autoreleaseing [sic] it within your own method. However, if you were to write a method that takes a preexisting object and modifies it in some way, you would not own that object and would not be responsible for autoreleasing the returned object. (Doing so could actually cause problems down the road when the autorelease pool to which the object belongs gets drained.)
See also (thanks to Peter and Quinn in the comments!):
Memory Management Rules