What is an HTMLSelectElement and an HTMLInputElement? - vba

I'm attempting to learn VBA by reading through someone's code and understanding what happens every step of the way. However, I'm confused at to what these two elements are:
What is a HTMLSelectElement?
What is a HTMLInputElement?

See the W3C HTML Specs:

I assume they correspond to select and input HTML tags. A select tag is also called a drop-down list, and input tags can be used for multiple things (checkbox, radio button, text, password).


selenium python how to find and click element that change everytime

im trying to find an element with dinamic values , for example <span class="ms-Button-label label-175" id="id__177">Save</span> in inspect element, the id and class values tend to change for every refresh, how can i in this case find the element in selenium? i tried troguht xpath but seems doesnt work because can not find the path, i was thinking to find "Save" world torught always find by xpath but actually i dont know if im doing well : driver.find_element_by_xpath(//span(#.... but then? how can insert element if it changes everytime? thanks!
Something like this may work:
But this will fail, if there is more than one button with text "Save" on the page.
In that case you may try to find some specific outer element (div, form, etc.) which does not change and contains the button. Then find the button inside of it.
With few requests with driver:
specific_div = driver.find_element_by_id("my_specific_div")
button = specific_div.find_element_by_tag_name("span") # e.g. there is only one span in that div
Or with more specific xpath:
button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="some-specific-class"]/span[text()="Save"]')
If needed, search for more nested elements before the button, so you can get more narrow search field.
More examples in the docs.

How to locate random id generated by a modal?

I was testing my website using RF. The problem is, every time the modal is opened, a different id(locator) will be set on the textbox that I want to input my text. How do you get value of this locator?
I was supposed to try Get Element Attribute but then it cannot support my problem since it still requires a specific locator.
In ROBOT Framework (RF), the locator can be accessed by several ways. Please refer and read this link: http://robotframework.org/Selenium2Library/Selenium2Library.html
The most common way to access the locator is by id such as :
Input Text id:username # Element with id 'username'.
Input Text id:password # Element with id 'password'. you can also use 'Input Password' keyword.
However, if the 'id' element is so dynamic which it keep changing, then the best alternative is to use either ABSOLUTE XPATH expression or CSS selectors. Install the XPATH add-on in your web browser. For firefox, just install ChroPath.
Then, get the ABSOLUTE Xpath element of that username & password text box. Let's assume we know the absolute xpath expression already, so in ROBOT, you can write like below.
${login_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[1]/input[1]
${password_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[2]/input[1]
Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${password_absolute_xpath}
This should works. Please let me know if this helps.

How to Identify Elements in Salesforce Lightning for Selenium

I am trying to automate Salesforce lightning using Selenium, but getting issues with identifying elements. Reason, its having dynamic IDs , and other attributes are either very long , or they are not unique.
For eg ,
<a id="170:1968;a" class="textUnderline outputLookupLink slds-truncate forceOutputLookup"
target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"
title="" data-aura-rendered-by="170:1968;a" data-aura-class="forceOutputLookup"/>
In above code , ID is dynamic , Class is not unique, and all the Lookup elements are associated with it. Also the absolute path is not much trusted , and hence I am trying to find any concrete option to handle these elements. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Here, you could try using the contains method if at least a part of the id attribute value is static.
From your code, you could try
//a[contains(#id,"a")]/ //--extended xpath--
From the given html code, the 'a' in the id attribute of the a tag looks static, while the rest changes.
You can ask the developers to provide an id to the lightning component using aura:id
Then the dynamic id won't be generated.
You can try with field labels and fetch its parent node(s), and then fetching childs or brother nodes to locate related texts/text boxes etc.
Eg. You are in Account Edit/New page, and you want to fill in a value to the text box for Account Name field. So you can firstly try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::* to find an element that covers BOTH the field label and the text box.
And then you can check if the text box is a 'brother' or a 'child'. If it's a 'child' then try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::*(/parent::*)//*[attributes for the text box];
If it's 'brothers' then try with //*[text()='Account Name']/parent::*(/parent::*)/following-sibling::*[attributes for the text box]
You can use this logic to locate all type of fields in all standard lightning pages.

Concise Xpath to simulate finding an element regardless of page structure? (selenium)

If you're visually looking at a webpage and there is something clickable and unique on the page, you'll just click it. Without thinking about the page structure.
I'm interested to see what the most concise xpath is that could be constructed to simulate this in a versatile manner.
For example, target the "I'm feeling Lucky" button on the Google homepage:
//*[contains(#*, 'Lucky')]
The above works. But would fail in the element contained Lucky as inner text, or if the wrong case was specified. As such, our xpath needs to cater for any sensitivity and also look for the given string matching inner-text as well.
How could the above xpath be expressed in the most concise yet encompassing structure?
There is nothing thats very generic and executing such xpaths could be costly also at times.
"//*[contains(#*, 'Lucky')] | //*[contains(text(), 'Lucky')]"
Above is one xpath you can combine to get some results. You start specifying which nodes you don't to examine or ones which you want to examine
"//*[contains(#*, 'Lucky')] | //*[contains(text(), 'Lucky')][not(self::script|self::td)]"
And you can keep improving it
It's not possible to create a versatile XPath to accurately/reliability locate an element by text.
Because the text evaluated by an XPath is not necessary rendered in the page.
Because there's a hight chance to end-up with multiple matches since each ancestor also contains the expected text.
But mainly because there's too many rules/specific cases to consider.
But if I had to create one, then I'd start with this one:
"(html/body//*[not(self::script or self::style)][contains(concat(#value, normalize-space()), 'MyText')])[last()]"
Get all the descendants of the <body>
except <script> and <style>
[not(self::script or self::style)]
where the value attribute or normalize html contains 'MyText'
[contains(concat(#value, normalize-space()), 'MyText')]
then returns the last and deepest match

How to select a specific table cell using HTML Agility Pack

I have to pull out particular fields from cells in an HTML table. Using Firebug I was able to get the exact XPath to the cells I need (unfortunately, the cells don't have an id tag). I thought I could use DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode and pass in that path, but it doesn't seem to be working right. What am I doing wrong? Or is there a better approach to this than how I am doing it? Unfortunately, I have no experience with XPath so this is turning out harder than I expected it to be. Here's what I have so far (I know the HTML is particuarly messy, but that's not in my control to change):
Dim page As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
Dim node As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode
node = page.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/form/div[6]/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td[2]")
Much appreciated.
Firebug maybe fixed broken html tags.
If you want to pick and Html node,it is recommend use class or id.
For example:
shorten the path,and use class or id selector.
if the table has it's own id,you can use:
try it,you will find XPATH is interesting.