determine which value produced a hit in SOLR multivalued field type - lucene

If I have a multiValued field type of text, and I put values [cat,dog,green,blue] in it. Is there a way to tell when I execute a query against that field for dog, that it was in the 1st element position for that multiValued field?
Assumption: client does not have any pre-knowledge of what the field type of the field being queried is. (i.e. Solr must provide the answer and the client can't post process the return doc to figure it out because it would not know how SOLR matched the query to the result).
Disclosure: I posted to solr-user list and am getting no traction so I post here now.

Currently, there's no out-of-the-box functionality provided in Solr which tells you the position of a value in a multiValue field.

Hopefully I understand your question correctly.
If you want to get field index or value there is an ugly workaround:
You could add the index directly in the value e.g. store "1; car", "2; test" and so on. Then use highlighting. When reading the returned fields simply skip the text before the semicolon.
But if you want to query only one type:
You can avoid the multivalue approach and simply store it as item_i and query via item_1. To query against all items regardless the type you need to use the copyField directive in the schema.xml

The Lucene API allows for this, but I'm not sure if Solr does out of the box. In Lucene you can use the IndexReader.termPositions(Term term) method.


SOLR indexed item has extra word which is not available in query parameter - how to identify those cases?

We have a scenario where we are trying to perform accurate name matching of Items using SOLR.
Query Parameter: Apple
SOLR Indexed Word: Apple-D
In our business case, "Apple" and "Apple-D" are totally different items and therefore SOLR shouldn't return the match.
Is there an option to achieve the same?
You need to change the fieldType used for the field. Use the String fieldType for the your field.
This String fieldType will make sure that the words will be stored as it is by solr.
It won't apply any analysis on the word. Or it won't create any tokes of it.
With the String type applied to it . The Apple and Apple-D are stored/indexed different token. As there won't be any tokenizing on the same. This will help you to achieve the exact match.
Once you change the fieldType. Re-index the same.
You can use the solr analysis tool to check how it is indexing and querying .
Note : Make sure whenever you ask question on it, Share your schema.xml

solr unable to search with exact value

I am using Solr 4.1.0 and I'm facing a strange issue. If I give a value to search for a field, even be it exact or involving a wildcard, it gives me 0 search results. On the other hand if I just give the field name and a * in place of value, I get all the results.
Also, if I search in the text field, i.e where I have copied values of all my fields, it gives me correct output. text is by default, my catch-all for all fields. feature is a field which has value Butter.
So now, what is happening here is that if I try to find in the actual field with the exact value or even with starting alphabet and a *, it doesn't give me a value while if I search in the text field, which is a catch-all field, I'm able to retrieve the value. Although if I try to find in the feature field using *, it gives me complete result list correctly.
You can view the logs for text:Butter here, logs for feature:Butter here, logs for feature:B* here and logs for feature:* here
I'm facing this issue with this particular field only. Any pointers to what could be the reason behind this strange problem?
If you search without the field name, Solr is going to search in the default search field.
So make sure you are marking the fields you want to search on as default.
If you are using dismax query handler, you can add them to the qf parameter.
Also, for Wildcard Queries check [Analyzers][1]
On wildcard and fuzzy searches, no text analysis is performed on the search word.
As no analysis is done at query time for wilcard searches and hence the lower casing, stemming would not be applied during query time but just the index time.

Show fields for a Lucene/Elasticsearch index

Is there a way to get Lucene/Elasticsearch to just show what fields have been indexed in a given index? I'm trying to figure out whether certain fields have been indexed properly as a result of configuration options, but I have no idea how to make that determination.
You can check the mappings for a specific index and type via a call to:
Anything indexed should have an entry there.
See also analyze API to see how text is broken into terms.

how to index and search for custom fields using Lucene or hibernate search?

how to index and search for custom fields using Lucene or hibernate search. i cannot find a way to index the custom field. they are dynamic.
'custom fields' in here means they can be editabled by user,those fields are not hard code.
Any help will be thankful!
Query of Custom Fields
Just use the projection API:
FullTextQuery hibernateQuery = fullTextSession
.setProjection("myField1", "myField2");
List results = hibernateQuery.list();
Using projections you get to read any field as long as it's STORED.
If it matches some property name of your indexed entities it will be materialized after being converted to the appropriate type (if you have a TwoWayFieldBridge); if not you will get the String value.
If for some reason you need to bypass this conversion or just want to have fun decoding the raw Lucene Document you can open an IndexReaderdirectly.
Indexing Custom Fields
When defining a FieldBridge you get to add as many fields as you like to the indexed Document, and you can name each of them as you like.
The method parameter name is a hint - useful for example to scope the field name - but you can ignore it.
An example FieldBridge implementation writing multiple fields is the DateSplitBridge in the documentation.

How do I use native Lucene Query Syntax?

I read that Lucene has an internal query language where one specifies : and you make combinations of these using boolean operators.
I read all about it on their website and it works just fine in LUKE, I can do things like
field1:value1 AND field2:value2
and it will return seemingly correct results.
My problem is how do I pass this who Lucene query into the API? I've seen QueryParser, but I have to specifiy a field. Does this mean I still have to manually parse my input string, fields, values, parenthesis, etc or is there a way to feed the whole thing in and let lucene do it's thing?
I'm using Lucene.NET but since it's a method by method port of the orignal java, any advice is appreciated.
Are you asking whether you need to force your user to enter the field? If so, the query parser has a default field. Here's a little more info. As long as you have a default field that will do the job, they don't need to specify fields.
If you're asking how to get a Query object from the String, you need the parse method. It understands about fields, and the default field, etc. mentioned earlier. You just need to make sure that the query parser and the index builder are both using the same analysis.