Restoring two databases from a single backup file (SQL Server 2005) - sql-server-2005

I have a .bak file which contains backup sets of two different databases. It was made by sql server maintenance plan. Now I have to restore both databases. The problem is, that while the first database is restored ok (db_companies) the other database (db_data) gives an error:
Restore failed for Server 'SBSERVER'.
Logical file 'CompaniesDB'
is not part of database 'DataDB'. Use
logical file names.
The database restore wizards shows up both databases, and I select full and the lastest differential sets. The RESTORE FILELIST command show only the CompaniesDB. What's up with this?
I've also tried RESTORE DATABASE WITH MOVE but it doesn't recognize the DataDB logical name.
Is there any way to restore the DataDB from the backup set?

After doing some intensive research, I finally found out that this is a bug in sql server 2005. After I installed the SP3 everything went fine.

1)If you (in Management Studio), detach db_data, back up the existing mdf and log, then delete database completely, making sure the mdf and log are gone from their original DATA folder.
2)Then, right click on databases and go to "Restore Database"
3)Choose the source first! Go to "From Device" and browse to the .MDF
4)Now expand the drop down list with the heading "To Database" under the "Destination for Restore" section and choose db_data.
5)Click OK
6)It should restore fine, right click on it, go to properties and set the owner.
Note, this is me using MSSQL 08 but if memory serves me right there wasnt a drastic difference in management studio for 05.
Im sure someone else here knows a cleaner way, but the above will work.

The bak file may not have the backup of both databases.
Depending on your setup, it's one backup per file unless the file is actually a "device" and the backup did not initiase the device/file.


Saving my database?

I'm sorry that I put this question because I think that is simple but I don't know how to do this think because I am a beginner.
I made a database in sql server management studio 2008 express and now I need to send this database to somebody by email.Where is this database saved?
I need to send it with all tables I created and with the diagram.
Should I generate a script or the database is saved somewhere on my computer.
You can take backup of your database and you will get .bak file as a database backup copy then you can mail anyone and they can just restore it to use it.
In sql server management studio 2008 -> Right click on your database -> Task -> backup
To Restore the database right click on Databases then Restore database give the location
of .bak file.

SQL 2005 Moving from Godaddy SQL Server to a company owned server

What is the best way to go about moving a database from a Godaddy SQL 2005 account to a local SQL 2005 server? I have access to the DB through Server Management Studio Express and also through the Godaddy SQL explorer.
However, I have no idea where to start. In MySQL, I would just export the data through the PHPMyAdmin page, and conversely import it on the other server using an ASCII file. In access, I'd just use the migrate tool. In Server Management Studio, I've thought about using the "Backup" and "Restore" method, but I'm afraid that I won't have the ability to create a new object with the correct permission schema on the new server.
What are your thoughts? Keep in mind that I do not have access to the MDF or temp files. I've been studying this page.
SMSS should be able to do it for you. If you are looking to move the entire database and not just a few tables, the Backup and Restore method is probably your best bet.
Your steps might include:
connect to Godaddy sql server in ssms
Right click the database you want to move and select Tasks > Backup
Keep/set Backup type = "Full" and add a destination at the bottom that you will be able to access.
After backup completes, move the .bak file to a location that your local sql server can see.
Connect to your local sql server in ssms.
Right click Databases > Restore Database
Enter the database name you want in "To Database:"
Select "From device:" and locate the .bak file you created before.
In the row that shows up in the grid display, check the restore check box.
If it matters to you where the recreated files will be stored, select options on the top left menu and confirm the file locations under the "Restore As" column in the data grid.
Click ok and the restore should start.
To migrate users, follow the directions at
Don't be so afraid of the backup and restore. You have a much better chance at getting a high fidelity copy of your data than trying to roll your own. Give it a shot, test it out, and see what happens. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Why is SQL Server backup so much larger than the DB files?

I have a SQL Server DB that is about 13Gb with a 1.6Gb log file. When I back it up, however, it creates a 50Gb .bak file! Why is that?
I have read some commentary here about transaction logs, but my DB runs on my laptop and there is no DB activity during the time of the backup. (It only takes 5 minutes).
My backup type is Full, my recovery type is Full, and I am doing Copy-Only backups. Any ideas? Much appreciated!
I am using SQL 2008 R2, Developer Edition.
It might be because the backup routine is appending the new backup to the same file?
There is an option in the Backup dialog in Sql Management Studio to Append or Overwrite all existing backup sets. If you have Append if will add the backup to the same .bak file and the .bak file will be larger for every backup.
In Transact Sql it is the INIT and NOINIT option which determine if the bak file is overwritten or appended.
In my case, I found that the 500MB database also had a 560MB full text catalogue attached which gets included in the backup file. I thought I'd add this despite another answer having been accepted in case anyone else is still stumped :)
In my case, heavy use of filestream objects made for the largest part of the backup file.

SQL Server MDF file

I am working on a website that has access data from a database (sql server). It will also be adding, updating deleting records in the database. It seems like there is an MDF file that gets created containing the database schema and all the records I guess? Once development is complete and I want to move this database to a real server then all I need to do is move this MDF file to the real server and that is it? is it that simple? or not really?
Also, I hope the MDF file is not a read-only file and can be updated/modified or is it?
Yes, the MDF data file (and the associated *.LDF transaction log file) contains all the database objects that make up your system.
And yes, you can definitely detach a database (an .MDF/.LDF file pair) from your (dev) SQL Server, copy it onto another "real" Production SQL Server, and re-attach it there, without loss of data or information.
Yes, the MDF file is modifyable - through the SQL Server commands and methods. You should never tamper with the file yourself, directly (flipping bits). Use SQL Server and its official interfaces (T-SQL, ADO.NET etc.) to work with your data.
Yes you can do that. Right click the database and click "detach". Make sure you click the drop connections box and click ok (if you don't do this some errors could occur). You can now move the mdf and ldf files.
However, there is a better way imho. Instead, create a full backup of the database, copy the backup file, and restore from the backup on the new server. Now you have two copies of the database, a development version and a production version.
You will need to take .MDF file as well as .LDF file which will have your logs. You have to take both mdf and ldf files and attach on the real server.

How to copy a SQL 2005 database to another computer?

I'm trying to rebuild a web server in a virtual pc. Installed required software and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I've had full backups of my databases but it is not possible to restore from those backups in this new installation. By the way, backups are fine, i can restore from them on original server.
In summary, how can I copy whole database to another computer? How can I backup a database and restore is fully on another computer?
PS: The database I'm trying to restore is called "Some_db" and it does not exist on new server. I also tried to create a new one with defaults and restore on it but that gave an error on new db. I don't know any details of the database.
You have 3 Choises:
1) Restore DB as you tried
This failed for you for some reason
Here a tutorial:
2) Detach DB and Atach it to the new server
This is easy: Rightclick on the DB -> Detach.
Rightclick on the new Server -> Attach
3) Create Create-Scripts of the table schema and use insert into statements for the data.
For this, there are a bunch of tools, my favourit is "Redgate SQL Compare".
It creates you all nessecary scripts.
The link:
Backup file
Copy .bak file to other server
Restore .bak file.
Works every time for me. You have to make sure the new instance of SQL is of a sufficient level to be able to host the database. You also have to recreate the users on the new server and remove and readd them to each database.
The alternative to the backup and restore approach is to detach the db, copy the mdf and ldf files over and then attach them on the new server
Or take offline, copy files, attach database, bring online..
open your current query browser window and run the query .The restore will happen automatically
TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\AdventureWorks.bak'
for more details
This will create a .bak file after that copy the .bak to server.
restore the data base by right click on DataBase .Select restore database .Give the database name and location .And restore it .