How can I optimize this query for time performance? - sql

I am working with a large amount of data: 6 million rows. I need the query to run as fast as possible, but am at a loss for further optimization. I already removed 3 subqueries and moved it from 11+ hours to just 35 minutes on a modest dataset of 100k rows. See below!
declare #UserId uniqueidentifier;
set #UserId = '936DA01F-9ABD-4d9d-80C7-02AF85C822A8';
crm_c.contactid as CrmRecordId,
crm_c.ownerid as OldOwnerId,
crm_c.ext_profiletype as old_profileType,
coalesce(crm_fim.ownerid, #UserId) as OwnerId,
2 as profileType,
(temp.Tin = crm_c.ext_retail_prime_taxid collate database_default
and temp.Last_Name = crm_c.lastname collate database_default)
('Tin/LastName: '+temp.Tin + '/' + temp.Last_Name)
(temp.Customer_ID = crm_c.ext_customerid collate database_default)
('Customer_ID: '+temp.Customer_ID)
('New Customer: '+temp.Customer_ID)
end as FriendlyName,
(temp.Customer_ID = crm_c.ext_customerid collate database_default)
end as ForceFieldLock
from DailyProfile_Current temp
left join crm_contact crm_c
on (temp.Customer_ID = crm_c.ext_customerid collate database_default
or (temp.Tin = crm_c.ext_retail_prime_taxid collate database_default
and temp.Last_Name = crm_c.lastname collate database_default))
and 0 = crm_c.deletionstatecode and 0 = crm_c.statecode
left outer join crm_ext_ImportMapping crm_fim
on temp.Geo = crm_fim.ext_geocode collate database_default
and 0 = crm_fim.deletionstatecode and 0 = crm_fim.statecode
Where crm_contact is a synonym that points to a view in another database. That view pulls data from a contact table and a contactextension table. I need data from both. I could probably separate this into two joins, if necessary. In general, columns that begin with "ext_" are from the extension part of the crm_contact view.
When I run this against 100k rows in the DailyProfile_Current table, it takes about 35 minutes. That table is a bunch of nvarchar(200) columns that had a flatfile dumped into it. It sucks, but it's what I inherited. I wonder if using real datatypes would help, but I'd like possible solutions that don't involve that as well.
If the DailyProfile_Current table is full of things that don't match the join conditions, this runs incredibly fast. If the table is full of things that do match the join conditions, it's incredibly slow.
There are indexes on Customer_ID and Geo from the temp table. There are also assorted indexes on the crm_contact tables. I don't know how much an index can help on an nvarchar(200) column, though.
In case it matters, I'm using Sql Server 2005.
Any ideas are appreciated.

I would definitely split it into 2 Queries as the or function can be slow at times. Also, put a non clustered index on these columns (group them by line):
Tin, Last_Name
ext_retail_prime_taxid, lastname ,deletionstatecode,statecode

Why dont you try to run it through Query Profiler? It might give you few hints.
Or else include the execution plan in the query result and look through it.
From the look on the query I can only suggest to split it in two by moving the OR from JOIN clause and use UNION ALL to union the results. At least, it might give you and idea which of two types of JOINs is slow, and work from there.

Run it throught the query analyzer and allow it to create indexes for you. i'm guessing you have at least sql 2000. And why not break up some of the functionality in code. for example you can do the case statement in code. But that is assuming that you are writing a query for code. I find that splitting up queries and taking up some of the load in code provides a significant difference in run time.


Why does breaking out this correlated subquery vastly improve performance?

I tried running this query against two tables which were very different sizes - #temp was about 15,000 rows, and Member is about 70,000,000, about 68,000,000 of which do not have the ID 307.
FROM #temp
WHERE CAST(individual_id as varchar) NOT IN (
SELECT IndividualID
FROM Member m
INNER JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = m.PersonID
WHERE CompanyID <> 307)
This query ran for 18 hours, before I killed it and tried something else, which was:
SELECT IndividualID
INTO #source
FROM Member m
INNER JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = m.PersonID
WHERE CompanyID <> 307
FROM #temp
SELECT IndividualID
FROM #source)
And this ran for less than a second before giving me a result.
I was pretty surprised by this. I'm a middle-tier developer rather than a SQL expert and my understanding of what goes on under the hood is a little murky, but I would have presumed that, since the sub-query in my first attempt is the exact same code, asking for the exact same data as in the second attempt, that these would be roughly equivalent.
But that's obviously wrong. I can't look at the execution plan for my original query to see what SQL Server is trying to do. So can someone kindly explain why splitting the data out into a temp table is so much faster?
EDIT: Table schemas and indexes
The #temp table has two columns, Individual_ID int and Source_Code varchar(50)
Member and Person are more complex. They has 29 and 13 columns respectively so I don't really want to post them all in full. PersonID is an int and is the PK on Person and an FK on Member. IndividualID is a column on Person - this is not clear in the query as written.
I tried using a LEFT JOIN instead of NOT IN before asking the question. The performance on the second query wasn't noticeably different - both were sub-second. On the first query I let it run for an hour before stopping it, presuming it would make no significant difference.
I also added an index on #source, just like on the original table, so the performance impact should be identical.
First, your query has two faux pas's that really stick out. You are converting to varchar(), but you do not include a length argument. This should not be allowed! The default length varies by context and you need to be explicit.
Second, you are matching two keys in different tables and they seemingly have different types. Foreign key references should always have the same type. This can have a very big impact on performance. If you are dealing with tables that have millions of rows, then you need to pay some attention to the data structure.
To understand the difference in performance, you need to understand execution plans. The two queries have very different execution plans. My (educated) guess is that the first version version is using a nested loop join algorithm. The second version is using a more sophisticated algorithm. In your case, this would be due to the ability of SQL Server to maintain statistics on tables. So, instantiating the intermediate results actually helps the optimizer produce a better query plan.
The subject of how best to write this logic has been investigated a lot. Here is a very good discussion on the subject by Aaron Bertrand.
I do agree with Aaron on the preference for not exists in this case:
FROM #temp t
FROM Member m JOIN
Person p
ON p.PersonID = m.PersonID
WHERE MemberID <> 307 and individual_id = t. individual_id
However, I don't know if this will have better performance in this particular case.
This line is probably what kills the first query
WHERE CAST(individual_id as varchar) NOT IN
My guess would be that this forces a table scan rather than using any indexes.

SQL Server stored procedure takes 1' 18" to run... seems long

Sure could use some optimization help here. I've got a stored procedure which takes approximately 1 minute, 18 seconds to run and it gets even worse when I run the page which hits it.
Some stats:
tbl_Allocation typically has approximately 55K records
CS_Ready has ~300
Redate_Orders has ~2000
Here is the code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Order_Display]
#parameter1 int = 5,
#parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
tbl_Order_Notes.txt_Order_Only As CS_Ready_Order
tbl_Order_Notes_by_line ON tbl_Order_Notes.txt_Order_Only = SUBSTRING(tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.txt_Order_Key_by_line, 1, CHARINDEX('-', tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.txt_Order_Key_by_line, 0) - 1)
(tbl_Order_Notes.bin_Customer_Service_Review = 'True')
AND (tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.dat_Recommended_Date_by_line IS NOT NULL)
AND (tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.bin_Redate_Request_by_line = 'True')
OR (tbl_Order_Notes.bin_Customer_Service_Review = 'True')
AND (tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.dat_Recommended_Date_by_line IS NULL)
AND (tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.bin_Redate_Request_by_line = 'False'
OR tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.bin_Redate_Request_by_line IS NULL)
Redate_Orders AS
SUBSTRING(txt_Order_Key_by_line, 1, CHARINDEX('-', txt_Order_Key_by_line, 0) - 1) AS Redate_Order_Number
(bin_Redate_Request_by_line = 'True')
tbl_Allocation.*, tbl_Order_Notes.*,
Redate_Orders.Redate_Order_Number, CS_Ready.CS_Ready_Order,
MRC_Line.Abbr_Comment as Abbr_Comment_Line
tbl_Max_Promised_Date AS tbl_Max_Promised_Date_1 ON tbl_Allocation.num_Order_Num = tbl_Max_Promised_Date_1.num_Order_Num
CS_Ready ON tbl_Allocation.num_Order_Num = CS_Ready.CS_Ready_Order
Redate_Orders ON tbl_Allocation.num_Order_Num = Redate_Orders.Redate_Order_Number
tbl_Order_Notes ON Hidden_Order_Only = tbl_Order_Notes.txt_Order_Only
tbl_Order_Notes_by_line ON Hidden_Order_Key = tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.txt_Order_Key_by_line
tbl_Most_Recent_Comments ON Cast(tbl_Allocation.Hidden_Order_Only as varchar) = tbl_Most_Recent_Comments.Com_ID_Parent_Key
tbl_Most_Recent_Comments as MRC_Line ON Cast(tbl_Allocation.Hidden_Order_Key as varchar) = MRC_Line.Com_ID_Parent_Key
num_Order_Num, num_Line_Num
What suggestions do you have to make this execute within five seconds or less?
Assuming you have appropriate indices defined, you still have several things that suggest problems.
1) You have 2 select distinct clauses in this query -- in a good design, distinct clauses are are rarely needed
2) The first inner join uses
ON tbl_Order_Notes.txt_Order_Only
= SUBSTRING(tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.txt_Order_Key_by_line, 1,
CHARINDEX('-', tbl_Order_Notes_by_line.txt_Order_Key_by_line, 0) - 1)
This looks like a horrible join criteria -- function calls during the join that prevent any decent query optimization. My guess is that your are using data the has internal meaning and that you are parsing the internal meaning during the join, e.g.,
where AAA is the Country product line and BBBB is the year & month of the design
If you must have coded fields like these AND you need to manipulate them, put the codes into separate database fields and created a computer column -- or even a plan copy of the full part number field if the combined field is unusually complex.
This point is not a performance issue, but you have a long sub-query using multiple AND & OR clauses. I know the rules for operator precedence, you may know the rules for operator precedence, but will the next guy? Will you remember them an 1:00 when stuff is broken.
You are using 2 common table expressions. I know others say it does not happen, but I don't really trust the query optimizer for CTE's -- I have had to recode CTE based joins for performance issues on several occasions -- creating an actual view equivalent to the CTE and using that instead can be a significant speedup. May well depend on the version of SQL server, but if you are running an older version I would definitely wonder about CTR optimization. -- This is not as important as the first 2 things I've mentioned, try to fix those first.
I'm going to harsh on CTEs again, as I did not really explain why they are bad for performance, and it was bothering me. If you don't have performance issues, and you like the syntax, they can be useful in at least limited usage, personally I don't normally recommend them for anything more than that -- and given that it is MS specific syntactical sugar, I really can't recommend them much at all.
I think the primary reason that CTEs don't get optimized well is that there are no statistics for the opimizer to use. If you are pulling a lot of rows into a CTE, you are probably better off creating #temptable and populating it. You can even add an index or two to your #temptable and the optimizer can figure out how to use them too. A #temp table is similar, but at least through sql 2012, the were no faster than #temp that I could tell -- supposedly new goodness in server 2014 help this.
A CTE is really just a temporary view in disguise, which I why I suggested you can replace with a real view to better better performance (and you often can), or you can populate a temp table and sometime get even better performance.

Can this SQL Query be optimized to run faster?

I have an SQL Query (For SQL Server 2008 R2) that takes a very long time to complete. I was wondering if there was a better way of doing it?
SELECT #count = COUNT(Name)
FROM Table1 t
WHERE t.Name = #name AND t.Code NOT IN (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes)
Table1 has around 90Million rows in it and is indexed by Name and Code.
ExcludedCodes only has around 30 rows in it.
This query is in a stored procedure and gets called around 40k times, the total time it takes the procedure to finish is 27 minutes.. I believe this is my biggest bottleneck because of the massive amount of rows it queries against and the number of times it does it.
So if you know of a good way to optimize this it would be greatly appreciated! If it cannot be optimized then I guess im stuck with 27 min...
I changed the NOT IN to NOT EXISTS and it cut the time down to 10:59, so that alone is a massive gain on my part. I am still going to attempt to do the group by statement as suggested below but that will require a complete rewrite of the stored procedure and might take some time... (as I said before, im not the best at SQL but it is starting to grow on me. ^^)
In addition to workarounds to get the query itself to respond faster, have you considered maintaining a column in the table that tells whether it is in this set or not? It requires a lot of maintenance but if the ExcludedCodes table does not change often, it might be better to do that maintenance. For example you could add a BIT column:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Table1 ADD IsExcluded BIT;
Make it NOT NULL and default to 0. Then you could create a filtered index:
CREATE INDEX n ON dbo.Table1(name)
WHERE IsExcluded = 0;
Now you just have to update the table once:
SET IsExcluded = 1
FROM dbo.Table1 AS t
INNER JOIN dbo.ExcludedCodes AS x
ON t.Code = x.Code;
And ongoing you'd have to maintain this with triggers on both tables. With this in place, your query becomes:
SELECT #Count = COUNT(Name)
FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE IsExcluded = 0;
As for "NOT IN being slower than LEFT JOIN" here is a simple test I performed on only a few thousand rows:
I'm not sure why this query wouldn't do what you're after, and be far more efficient than your 40K loop:
SELECT src.Name, COUNT(src.*)
FROM dbo.Table1 AS src
INNER JOIN #temptable AS t
ON src.Name = t.Name
WHERE src.Code NOT IN (SELECT Code FROM dbo.ExcludedCodes)
GROUP BY src.Name;
Or the LEFT JOIN equivalent:
SELECT src.Name, COUNT(src.*)
FROM dbo.Table1 AS src
INNER JOIN #temptable AS t
ON src.Name = t.Name
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ExcludedCodes AS x
ON src.Code = x.Code
GROUP BY src.Name;
I would put money on either of those queries taking less than 27 minutes. I would even suggest that running both queries sequentially will be far faster than your one query that takes 27 minutes.
Finally, you might consider an indexed view. I don't know your table structure and whether your violate any of the restrictions but it is worth investigating IMHO.
You say this gets called around 40K times. WHy? Is it in a cursor? If so do you really need a cursor. Couldn't you put the values you want for #name in a temp table and index it and then join to it?
select, count(
from table t
join #name n on =
where NOT EXISTS (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes WHERE Code = t.code)
group by
That might get you all your results in one query and is almost certainly faster than 40K separate queries. Of course if you need the count of all the names, it's even simpleer
select, count(
from table t
NOT EXISTS (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes WHERE Code = t
group by
NOT EXISTS typically performs better than NOT IN, but you should test it on your system.
SELECT #count = COUNT(Name)
FROM Table1 t
WHERE t.Name = #name AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ExcludedCodes e WHERE e.Code = t.Code)
Without knowing more about your query it's tough to supply concrete optimization suggestions (i.e. code suitable for copy/paste). Does it really need to run 40,000 times? Sounds like your stored procedure needs reworking, if that's feasible. You could exec the above once at the start of the proc and insert the results in a temp table, which can keep the indexes from Table1, and then join on that instead of running this query.
This particular bit might not even be the bottleneck that makes your query run 27 minutes. For example, are you using a cursor over those 90 million rows, or scalar valued UDFs in your WHERE clauses?
Have you thought about doing the query once and populating the data in a table variable or temp table? Something like
insert into #temp (name, Namecount)
values Name, Count(name)
from table1
where name not in(select code from excludedcodes)
group by name
And don't forget that you could possibly use a filtered index as long as the excluded codes table is somewhat static.
Start evaluating the execution plan. Which is the heaviest part to compute?
Regarding the relation between the two tables, use a JOIN on indexed columns: indexes will optimize query execution.

Slow SQL query, not sure how to optimize

So I have to deal with a database that has no indexes (not my design, it frustrates the hell out of me). I'm running a query that takes approximately three seconds to return, and I need it to be faster.
Here are the relevant tables and columns:
gs_pass_data au_entry ground_station
-gs_pass_data_id -au_id -ground_station_id
-start_time -gs_pass_data_id -ground_station_name
-end_time -comments
And my query is:
SELECT DISTINCT gs_pass_data_id,start_time,end_time,
ground_station_name FROM gs_pass_data
JOIN ground_station
ON gs_pass_data.ground_station_id =
JOIN au_entry ON au_entry.gs_pass_data_id =
WHERE (start_time BETWEEN #prevTime AND #nextTime)
AND comments = 'AU is identified.'
ORDER BY start_time
I've tried using EXISTS instead of DISTINCT with no improvements. I've read everything I can about SQL optimization but I cannot seem to get this query down to a reasonable time (reasonable being < 0.5 seconds). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Without indexes, you're hosed. The DB engine will have to do full table scans, each time, every time. Fiddling with the queries is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Fix the DB now, before it gets even worse as data piles up.
The query can also be written without the distinct and with a group by instead. It'll probably make no difference at all though. Standard advice is the same as everyone else's. Add indexes, drop 'order by` so +1 to #Marc B
SELECT gs_pass_data_id,start_time,end_time,ground_station_name
FROM gs_pass_data
JOIN ground_station
ON gs_pass_data.ground_station_id = ground_station.ground_station_id
JOIN au_entry
ON au_entry.gs_pass_data_id = gs_pass_data.gs_pass_data_id
WHERE (start_time BETWEEN #prevTime AND #nextTime)
AND comments = 'AU is identified.'
GROUP BY gs_pass_data_id,start_time,end_time,ground_station_name
ORDER BY start_time
Since you can't create indexes on the tables... do you have the authority to created indexed views?
SQL 2005 -
SQL 2008 -
That would give you the benefit of indexes, but not alter the original tables...
You can try the following, I don't know what else you can do or if this will make it any faster at all :/
SELECT DISTINCT gs_pass_data_id,start_time,end_time,ground_station_name
-- My idea is to make this first table as small as possible first, which will then make the joins quicker (TM)
FROM gs_pass_data
WHERE (start_time BETWEEN #prevTime AND #nextTime)
) t
INNER JOIN ground_station ON gs_pass_data.ground_station_id = ground_station.ground_station_id
-- Same as above
FROM au_entry
WHERE comments = N'AU is identified.' -- Make sure comments is the same type as the text string. You said nvarchar so make the string your searching by nvarchar
) t2 ON au_entry.gs_pass_data_id = gs_pass_data.gs_pass_data_id
ORDER BY start_time
SELECT DISTINCT gs_pass_data_id,start_time,end_time,ground_station_name
-- My idea is to make this first table as small as possible first, which will then make the joins quicker (TM)
FROM gs_pass_data
WHERE (start_time BETWEEN #prevTime AND #nextTime)
) t
INNER JOIN ground_station ON gs_pass_data.ground_station_id = ground_station.ground_station_id
INNER JOIN au_entry ON au_entry.gs_pass_data_id = gs_pass_data.gs_pass_data_id
WHERE comments = N'AU is identified.' -- Make sure comments is the same type as the text string. You said nvarchar so make the string your searching by nvarchar
ORDER BY start_time

SQL - Optimizing complex paged search querys

I'm currently developing a stored procedure for a complex search in a big database. Because there are many thousand entries, that could be returned I want to use paging. Although it is working, I think it's too slow. I read a lot of posts and articles regarding pagination of SQL queries and optimizing performance. But most 'optimizations' were only helpful for very basic requests like 'give items 20-30 from table x'.
Since our world is not that simple and there are more complex queries to make I would like to get some help optimizing the following query:
#SAttr1 BIT = 0,
#SAttr2 BIT = 0,
#SAttr3 BIT = 0,
#Flag1 BIT = 0,
#Flag2 BIT = 0,
#Param1 VARCHAR(20),
#Param2 VARCHAR(10),
#SkipCount BIGINT,
#TakeCount BIGINT,
#SearchStrings NVARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE #SearchStringsT TABLE(
INSERT INTO #SearchStringsT
SELECT * FROM dbo.Split(#SearchStrings,',');
WITH ResultTable AS (
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.ID = Table2.FK1
INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table2.ID = Table3.FK2
INNER JOIN Table4 ON Table3.XX = Table4.FKX
WHERE Table1.X1 = #Parameter1
(#Flag1 = 0 OR Table1.X2 = 1) AND
(#Flag2 = 0 OR Table2.X4 = #Parameter2) AND
(#Flag3 = 0 OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Table5 WHERE Table5.ID = Table3.X1))
(#SAttr1 = 0 OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #SearchStringsT WHERE Table1.X1 LIKE Val)) OR
(#SAttr2 = 0 OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #SearchStringsT WHERE Table2.X1 LIKE Val)) OR
(#SAttr3 = 0 OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #SearchStringsT WHERE Table3.X1 LIKE Val)) OR
(#SAttr4 = 0 OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #SearchStringsT WHERE Table4.X1 LIKE Val))
SELECT TOP(#TakeCount) * FROM ResultTable
WHERE [!ROWNUM!] BETWEEN (#SkipCount + 1) AND (#SkipCount + #TakeCount)
The #SAttr parameters are bit parameters to specify whether to search a field or not , the #Flag parameters are turning on/off checking of some boolean expressions, #SkipCount and #TakeCount are used for paging. #SearchString is a comma separated list of search keywords, already including the wild cards.
I hope someone can help me optimizing this, because a single search in a database with 20.000 entries in the main table lasts 800ms and its increasing with entry count. The final application needs to deal with over 100.000 entries.
I thank you very much for every help.
While I agree with Tom H. that this may be a case where dynamic SQL is best (and I'm a stored proc kinds girl, so I don't say that very often), it may be that you don't have good indexing on your tables. Are all the possible search fields indexed? Are all the FKs indexed?
I mean 20,000 is a tiny, tiny table and 100,000 is too, so it really seems as if you might not have indexed yet.
Check your execution plan to see if indexes are being used.
Stored procedures are not very good at being super-generic because it prevents SQL Server from always using optimal methods. In a similar situation recently I used (gasp) dynamic SQL. My search stored procedures would build the SQL code to perform the search, using pagination just like you have it (WITH with a ROW_NUMBER(), etc.). The advantage was that if parameters indicated that one piece of information wasn't being used in the search then the generated code would omit it. In the end it allowed for better query plans.
Make sure that you use sp_executesql properly to prevent SQL injection attacks.