protecting software to run only on one computer in -

I have developed a small application and now i want to protect it.
I want to run it only on my own computer and i have developed it for myself.
How can i do that?

A. Don't publish it.
B. Hard-code your computer name in the code, and make the first thing the program does to be verifying that System.Environment.MachineName matches it.

You could always check the processor ID or motherboard serial number.
Private Function SystemSerialNumber() As String
' Get the Windows Management Instrumentation object.
Dim wmi As Object = GetObject("WinMgmts:")
' Get the "base boards" (mother boards).
Dim serial_numbers As String = ""
Dim mother_boards As Object = _
For Each board As Object In mother_boards
serial_numbers &= ", " & board.SerialNumber
Next board
If serial_numbers.Length > 0 Then serial_numbers = _
Return serial_numbers
End Function
Private Function CpuId() As String
Dim computer As String = "."
Dim wmi As Object = GetObject("winmgmts:" & _
"{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
computer & "\root\cimv2")
Dim processors As Object = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from " & _
Dim cpu_ids As String = ""
For Each cpu As Object In processors
cpu_ids = cpu_ids & ", " & cpu.ProcessorId
Next cpu
If cpu_ids.Length > 0 Then cpu_ids = _
Return cpu_ids
End Function
Was taken from where:
Here's a question by Jim to convert this for Option Strict.

It really depends on who is the "enemy".
If you wish to protect it from your greedy, non-cracker, friends, then you can simply have the application run only if a certain password is found in the registry (using a cryptographically secure hash function), or use the MachineName as Jay suggested.
But if you're thinking of protecting it from serious "enemies", do notice: It has been mathematically proven that as long as the hardware is insecure, any software running on it is inherently insecure. That means that every piece of software is crackable, any protection mechanism is bypassable (even secured-hardware devices such as Alladin's Finjan USB product key, since the rest of the hardware is insecure).
Since most (if not all) of today's hardware is insecure, you simply cannot get 100% security in a software.
In between, there are lots of security solutions for licensing and copy-protection. It all comes down to who is the enemy and what is the threat.

No matter how hard you try, if someone really want to run it on another computer, they will.
All need to do is reverse engineer your protection to
remove it
play with it

Another option might be to have your program ask the USER a question that has a derived answer. Here's a brain dead example....
Your Program: "What time is it now?"
You Enter: (TheYear + 10 - theDay + 11) Mod 13
In this way its actually ONLY YOU that can run the program instead of it being MACHINE dependent.

I have made things like this in VB DOS.
I either made a non-deletable file that is key to a specific machine with a code inside, and/or read the .pwl files and have several checks, that are only on your machine. The non-editable file is made with extended character sets like char 233 so when a person tries to look at it, it will open a blank copy (edit) (write.ex), so data cannot be read and it cannot be edited moved or deleted.
It needs to be certain characters; I am not sure if every charter between 128 and 255 will work it, some extended characters work to do this some will not, also it can be defeated, but it will keep some people out,
But it can be read or checked in a program environment. Nothing is totally secure, this is some of the things I mess with.
Note: the file will be very hard to delete, maybe make a test directory to test this.
I hope this is OK I am not very good at conveying info to people; I have programmed since 1982.

Another idea ... I wrote a program that cannot be run directly, it is only ran by an external file, so you could add in a password entry section to it and encrypt password so it cannot be read very easily ,I made an executable version of a vb program to test. it writes in to slack space a character so if the program sees that value it will not run, BUT the runner program has a different character, and it changes it to that character ,and the program is designed to only let in if the character is the proper one ,made only by the runner , then when it enters it changes it back so it is not left open , I have made this sorta thing, and it does work, there is always a way to defeat any protection , the goal is to slow them down or discourage them from running or using your program if you do not want them to.I may include examples at a later date.


Sending gmail using CDO: Some accounts produce "message could not be sent to SMTP server. transport error 0x80040217. server response not available"

I have a typical “CDO gmail Email send” macro. It has worked reliably for a couple of years now.
I use a spare gmail account as the address it uses to send from. I want to share the macro with some people. So I will use a different gmail address as the sender.
I have some other spare gmail accounts and also some of the people have registered an account and given me the Username and Password to add to the macro as the sending address.
I have 10 accounts, seven of mine and three registered by others. All work in normal manual use. Three work with the macro, seven don’t.
As far as I can tell. all have identical settings. This includes the unsafe setting of On for “Less secure app access”.
The accounts have been registered at different times over the last two years.
One of the accounts that does not work was registered recently by someone having no previous accounts. One of the accounts that does work has been used almost daily for two years both manually and with the macro.
Two accounts were registered at the same time by two people in my family. They have been used normally/ manually to approximately the same extent for two years, but not previously with my macro. One account works in the macro, the other doesn’t.
These facts suggest to me that the non working accounts have not been blocked for suspected spamming. It seems random which accounts work and which don’t.
Below is a simplified version of the macro. (I can mostly use 465 or 25 as the smtpserverport. The results are almost always identical with either. Only very rarely, one will work whilst the other doesn’t. This seems to depend on the location from which the attempt is made).
The results I get are fairly consistent, including using the macro from different locations and different IP addresses.
I occasionally get security warnings for all accounts when I use the accounts from new locations but I always confirm that “it was me”. After taking this action, I never get security warnings again when using the account at that location. Immediately after such a warning, the account is temporarily blocked but the block is removed after I confirm “it was me”.
Three of the addresses almost always work with the macro. On the rare occasions that they don’t work, a second attempt is usually successful. (Those working addresses have been registered by me sometime in the last two years.)
Seven of the addresses never work with the macro. The error message at the .Send point is always the same:
Die Nachricht konnte nicht an den SMTP-Server gesendet werden. Der Transportfehlercode lautet 0x80040217. Die Serverantwort lautet not available
An approximate English translation:
The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code is 0x80040217. The server response is not available
(To run the macro below, you must edit to give a real , a real gmailPassword , and real places to send the Email to at the .To and .cc)
Sub Run_gMail_Send_Simplified() ' Run this macro with a valid and gmailPassword and real places to send the Email to at the .To and .cc place
Call gMail_Send_Simplified(" ", "gmailPassword")
End Sub
Sub gMail_Send_Simplified(ByVal UsrNme As String, ByVal PsWd As String) '
With CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' ' -------------------* with LCDCW Library ( Linking Configuration Data Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft's protocol therof
Dim LCD_CW As String: Let LCD_CW = ""
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpusessl") = True '
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpauthenticate") = 1
' ' Sever info
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserver") = "" '
' The mechanism to use to send messages.
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusing") = 2
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserverport") = 25 ' or 465
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusername") = UsrNme '
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendpassword") = PsWd
' Optional - How long to try ( End remote SMTP server configuration section )
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 30 '
' Intraction protocol is Set/ Updated
.Configuration.Fields.Update '
'End With ' -------------------* End with LCDCW Library ( Linking Configuration Data Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft's protocol therof
' Data to be sent
.To = ""
.cc = ""
.BCC = ""
.from = """gMail_Send_Simplified"" <""" & UsrNme & """>"
.Subject = "Hello from " & UsrNme & " using gMail_Send_Simplified" '
.TextBody = "Hi" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Testing. Please ignore this EMail"
' Do it
On Error GoTo Bed ' Intended to catch a possible predicted error in the next line when running the routine
On Error GoTo 0
Debug.Print "Done " & Format(Now(), "hh mm") & " with Username: " & UsrNme & vbCr & vbLf
End With ' End With CreateObject("CDO.Message") (Rem 1 Library End =======#
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Fail " & Format(Now(), "hh mm") & " with Username: " & UsrNme & vbCr & vbLf & " " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & vbCr & vbLf
End Sub
Any suggestions other than registering accounts and picking out the ones that work?
Is there some setting I may have missed?
Question also posted here:
I have the problem solved so I am sharing the solution.
I have now improved the situation from 3 out of 10 accounts working to 11 out of 11 accounts working.
Here are the solution details for anyone else that has a similar problem. I would recommend starting with the solution _4) , as that is the quickest. If that does not solve the problem you will need to look at the others. The others may involve some laborious work.
_1 A strange thing in an old account, which was recently not working in my program and which I had definitely checked many times for Less Secure Apps On.
This account still had in the InBox many old typical Email Warnings from when I had attempted to do things such as logging in different places. ( Often this causes a temporary block, or resetting of Less Secure Apps Off , until you confirm something like “yes, that was me” ). All had been answered by me with “yes it was me”, at least I am 98% sure about that –they all been read, so it is very unlikely that I had ignored them
Never the less , I laboriously re read the Email warnings, and followed the link which almost always confirmed that I had answered, and any given link to the setting showed that it was indeed set to On.
There was one exception : the link showed that the Setting was off. Still looking at any other link or looking in that account settings showed it to be On. But I switched it on anyway, after which the account worked again in my program.
I note that all links in warnings are unique, as they contain information specific to the occurrence which sets off the warning. One explanation of the possible bug is that somehow an answer warning gets set back to unanswered, which blocks the account. The check for validation might be based for some reason on a dynamic process that has all the warnings in a chain, such that all must be answered with yes. This make sense since you can change your answer at a later date. The work around is to re answer all old warnings. In some old accounts I had trashed old Email warnings anymore, so I thought that I could not answer again answer, such that the account would remain blocked, despite showing that it isn’t. But strangely, in the trash folder all old warnings were there despite the default setting of only holding trash for 30 days… … very strange, in that screenshot there are entries going back to early 2018, despite the fact that it clearly states there that trash is deleted after 30 days. Other stuff that I trashed is gone.
In future , to be on the safe side, I will archive rather than delete warning Emails, or at least store the link given in it for checking and re setting Less Secure Apps.
_2 Setting suddenly showing (correctly) Off, allowing it to be set to On. Another old account, which was recently not working in my program and which I had definitely checked many times for Less Secure Apps On, suddenly showed Less Secure Apps Off. I then switched it On, and the account worked in my program. This may have been caused indirectly by some of the “cross wire” effects whilst I was looking at effects in other accounts. The moral of this one is not to rely on checking the setting just once, as later it might change for no apparent reason.
_ 3) I mentioned in the original post that my personal telephone cant be used any more to verify a new account, (gmail only allow a few uses for SMS confirmation – they deliberately do not say how many). Mostly that is still the case. On one random attempt during my experiments it worked. The new account then also worked in my program. – Hence I have 11 out of 11 now working, rather than 10 out of 10.
Similar conclusion again here: Don’t rely on the situation being static, some external thing may have some effect giving you a short period to do something that is generally not possible.
_4) Links going to wrong accounts. This mostly happens when I have other accounts open, but occasionally it also happens when I only have one account open.
As example: I get a valid warning based on some activity that I do on an account: , I give it the OK, , and I then see a notice informing me that the Less Secure Apps has been set to Off, . So I follow the link for further info: , and there after I follow a link to turn Less Secure Apps back on, . So far so good – note the account shown in the coloured ball top right is the correct one:
Now it gets interesting: I end up at the wrong account:
That is easy to overlook. The solution here was to ignore links given and go directly to settings on the correct account, preferably soon after you get the warning. If you do not do that, then not only will you possibly not get to set the correct account, but also you possibly get another undesirable effect: sometimes the act of following the ( “crossed” ) link seemed to set off sporadic warnings and setting changes on other accounts !!!
This is all suggesting to me that there is some “cross wire type” bugs somewhere in Google.
_ 5 ) Rogue account getting other accounts warnings. This is related to _4) , but in particular one of my accounts not only got effected by following the “cross wired links” , but also frequently gets the warnings that should go to the other accounts. This happens even when I am not using that account anywhere. Once again this suggests some “cross wiring / leakage” caused by Google tracking what I , personally , am doing
The short answer to what the problem was/is, is possibly that Less Safe App access was being blocked/ temporarily tuned Off, but for varied reasons it was not easy to switch it back On, since the obvious way to do that via settings was no use since it was often indicated as already On, and in some cases , just looking at it caused other account settings to change!!
I am slightly put off using gmail in my program. I have some concern that Google in its “spying” has got “cross wires / leakage” and it has grown into an uncontrollable monster that will probably break out of its server and appear in front of me and try kill me …… I actually registered the particular account discussed in _5) when I was away from home in India!!! ………… “…You are experiencing a car accident … The hell I am..” --
I think we have all experienced at one time or another that adverts seem to pop up which obviously have got some “inside information” about us, which amongst other sources, may come from some Google “spying” on you . I use the word “spying” loosely – most likely we have agreed to it when agreeing to something without fully reading all the small print.
My recent experience is showing that I can follow links to change settings on one of my Google accounts, and then actually change settings on other accounts, even if I am not logged into these accounts. Further, I can change setting in one of my accounts, and it will cause changes in other accounts. I am not sure if that is supposed to happen. But it certainly does happen to me on some of my computers.
The common thing that is causing this cross wiring may be Google chrome browser. I should say finally that I am using a very old version often , in Vista. Possibly these issues do not arise if you only use a newer version..

Why has my program decided to be case fussy?

I have a small program that opens some text files, 2 Excel files, a PDF file & creates a new Word document, or opens it if it already exists. Nothing clever, no databases & it works just fine.
I have just bought a Lima device ( and have moved my data & program onto the HD attached to it. This is showing on my PC as the "L" drive and everything seems to work EXCEPT the program has now decided to be fussy about the case of the data names !!!
For instance, this code worked just fine before I moved it from my "D" drive to "L" when trying to use the file Tes1 when the value of myLeftCB is TES
myRARfile = myFolder + myLeftCB + mySession + ".zip"
Now I have had to edit the code to this
myRARfile = myFolder + StrConv(myLeftCB, VbStrConv.ProperCase) + mySession + ".zip"
The trouble is, there are a number of similar checks & I don't really want to change all of them, if possible I'd just like to know why something has changed, and where, so I can hopefully change it back !!!
Because Lima is a separate device acting as a file system it's almost certain to be running some form of *nix and that means a case sensitive file system. In order to map case insensitive Windows filenames onto case-sensitive storage they must be doing some magic, leading to your unexpected results.
I agree with #Steve that you're going to have to seek answers from the vendor documentation for this one. In particular, examine the technical documentation to see if there are settings that control how case sensitivity is managed.
If you've got a number of places where this code is duplicated then I'd say that you've already got a weak point in your code. I suggest replacing all of those lines with call to a function that returns the filename. That's a pain to do but it replaces the code duplication so if you have to change the code in future you're only changing it in one place. Your code is easier to maintain and when the Lima vendors change their API in two months you'll only have to change the code in one place to fix it.

Access not exiting

Recently, my Access .mdb database started intermittently not allowing Access (both Access 2003 and 2007) to quit. If I quit (whether by pressing the X button or from the menu, then it closes the database and appears to exit Access, as well, but then it suddenly reappears (without any database open). The only way for me to exit at that point is from the task manager.
There are two significant changes that I did recently that might be related. 1) I started using the WinSCP .Net assembly to access an ftp server, which I had to install and register for COM from the instructions here. 2) I started using ODBC, first as a linked table, and then from VBA ADO code (see this). I doubt that this second change is causing this problem because I've had the problem both when I was using the linked tables and when with ADO.
This doesn't happen every time I open the database, and I haven't noticed a pattern. What could be causing this strange problem?
Edit - I found the root of the problem. By breaking my ftp download code at various points and seeing whether it will exit, I narrowed it down to the following:
Dim PDFFolders As Recordset
Set PDFFolders = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("PDFFolders")
Dim syncOptions As TransferOptions
Set syncOptions = New TransferOptions
syncOptions.filemask = "*/*.pdf"
On Error Resume Next 'In case it doesn't exist
Do While Not PDFFolders.EOF
sess.SynchronizeDirectories SynchronizationMode_Local, info!RTFFolder, _
info!BasePDFFolder & "/" & PDFFolders!Name, False, , , _
Set syncOptions = Nothing
Set PDFFolders = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
If it runs the sess.SynchronizeDirectories statement, then access won't exit, otherwise it does. Looks to me like a bug win WinSCP.
I can do other things like downloading files, creating directories, etc. with no problem, but when it gets to this statement, it doesn't exit access afterwards.
Sticky instances of Access usually result from hanging object references.
If Access hangs the way you described, I would suspect a nasty circular reference.
To investigate on circular references, you basically have two options:
Inspect your code on circular dependencies - That might become tedious and not so easy. But if you know your code base deeply, you might have suspects where to look first.
Add logging to your code - In case you cannot spot the problem via inspection alone, you can consider adding consequent logging of object creation/deletion (through Class_Initialize/Class_Terminate). For larger code bases using classes heavily, this is a good investment to start with.
If your problem is with classes where you cannot control the code (as is your case), you might consider using that external classes only through wrapper classes where you can log creation/deletion. Of course in tricky cases, termination of the wrapper class does not mean termination of the wrapped class.
BTW, I strongly recommend to make sure to set every object reference explicitly to Nothing ASAP:
Set MyObj = GetMyObject()
' Proceed with coding here later
' First write the following line
Set MyObj = Nothing
Special thoughts have to be given in the case of local error handling to make sure to set the reference to Nothing in either case.
A good way to ensure this is using a With-block instead of an explicit variable (if the usage pattern allows to):
With GetMyObject()
' Use the object's members here
End With
With this pattern you save declaring the local variable and can be sure that the object reference does not survive the current method.
I still think it's a bug in WinSCP, but I found a workaround. I noticed that it only happened if I took the information from a table in the database, and not if I put in a hard-coded string. So I just added & vbNullString, which concatenates a blank string, which changes the data type from a Field to a String, and now it doesn't happen anymore.

Ensure connection to a POSPrinter connected via COM

I need to make sure that the connection to a POS printer is successful before writing data to the database and then printing a receipt. The POSprinter is normally of type BTP 2002NP but may differ. The common thing is that they are all connected via COM-port and NOT usb, so no drivers installed at all on the client.
Can I send some kind of "ping" on a COM-port and check if a device is connected and turned on? Any help or suggestions are very much appreciated.
Additional information, the application is developed in and Visual Studio 2008
About all you can do is write out a character string to the com port and wait and see if your printer responds with a reply. However the string you write and the string you expect will depend on the printer itself.
Refer to the BTP 2002NP printers programming manual for examples (the first link in google that I looked at)
From looking at the manual an appropriate string to send to the printer is the "DLE EOT n" command which requests that the printer send back its current status.
As for other printers in the range, check out this list of drivers and manuals
btw, this is what i came up with in the end.
Public Function ComTest() As Byte()
Dim TXT As String
TXT = Chr(&H10S) & Chr(&H4S) & Chr(1) 'DLE EOT 1
If OpenCom() Then 'Connect to com
moRS232.PurgeBuffer(Rs232.PurgeBuffers.TxClear Or Rs232.PurgeBuffers.RXClear)
Return moRS232.InputStream
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
the function returns 1 byte. i can then from the manual translate this byte into what state the printer is currently in. this probably works for all ESC/P printers.

Use VBA to call a cellphone

About a year ago, a manager in another department brainstormed that I could code up some VBA to auto call me in the event one of my automated reports crashes. I laughed at the time, but my skills have improved considerably and I wonder if it's technically possible
(not that I'd actually do it, mind you. I like my early Saturday mornings workplace-free).
This would need:
1. Access to the internet (not a problem)
2. A means of connecting to some service to place the call, preferably free, lest I cost the company $10 a month (Skype?)
3. An automated voice (already exists on the standard Access install package)
What do you think?
Edited 08/24/2009 - Spacing added. No text was changed.
Do the simplest thing that could possibly work. In this case, making phonecalls is hard, but sending emails is easy.
Most cellphone providers expose a phone's mailbox (something like to the internet, allowing you to send an email to that address and have it show up on your phone as a text message.
You can use Skype in combination with VBA. It's actually not that complicated and you will find a couple of samples written in VBScript on the Skype website. I don't know whether it is possible to actually play an audio file, but you can send SMS easily:
'// Create a Skype4COM object:
Set oSkype = WScript.CreateObject("Skype4COM.Skype", "Skype_")
'// Start the Skype client:
If Not oSkype.Client.IsRunning Then oSkype.Client.Start() End If
'// Send SMS:
Set oSMS = oSkype.SendSms("+1234567890", "Hello!")
'// Message event handler:
Public Sub Skype_SmsMessageStatusChanged(ByRef aSms, ByVal aStatus)
WScript.Echo ">Sms " & aSms.Id & " status " & aStatus & " " & oSkype.Convert.SmsMessageStatusToText(aStatus)
End Sub
'// Target event handler:
Public Sub Skype_SmsTargetStatusChanged(ByRef aTarget, ByVal aStatus)
WScript.Echo ">Sms " & aTarget.Message.Id & " target " & aTarget.Number & " status " & aStatus & " " & oSkype.Convert.SmsTargetStatusToText(aStatus)
End Sub
If you have a old dial up modem, then you could (in 'old VB6 days) dial via the modem programmatically, however I'm not sure if its possible in VBA. The next challange would be to get the audio down the line.
I would suggest that you butcher a headless earphone & microphone that connects to phones, you could then take a 3.5mm audio jack from your PC speaker output and connect this to the headless earphone/microphone set, unless there are cables that already do that (possibly).
Then it would be a simple matter of coding up Microsofts 'text to speech' engine.
Darknight Set up a twitter account that pings your phone and create twitters with this.
It's not as easy as the email idea, but you could be the first person to tweet from Excel for a reason other than novelty.
Another quite simple option is to send yourself a text message which is almost but not quite as easy to do as sending an email, but much easier to recieve. Companies such as provide cheap web based text services with good api's where once you are signed up all you need do is call a URL and you can send a text message.
Well worth a try.