How to avoid nested SQL query in this case? - sql

I have an SQL question, related to this and this question (but different). Basically I want to know how I can avoid a nested query.
Let's say I have a huge table of jobs (jobs) executed by a company in their history. These jobs are characterized by year, month, location and the code belonging to the tool used for the job. Additionally I have a table of tools (tools), translating tool codes to tool descriptions and further data about the tool. Now they want a website where they can select year, month, location and tool using a dropdown box, after which the matching jobs will be displayed. I want to fill the last dropdown with only the relevant tools matching the before selection of year, month and location, so I write the following nested query:
SELECT c.tool_code, t.tool_description
FROM jobs AS j
WHERE j.year = ....
AND j.month = ....
AND j.location = ....
) AS c
LEFT JOIN tools as t
ON c.tool_code = t.tool_code
ORDER BY c.tool_code ASC
I resorted to this nested query because it was much faster than performing a JOIN on the complete database and selecting from that. It got my query time down a lot. But as I have recently read that MySQL nested queries should be avoided at all cost, I am wondering whether I am wrong in this approach. Should I rewrite my query differently? And how?

No, you shouldn't, your query is fine.
Just create an index on jobs (year, month, location, tool_code) and tools (tool_code) so that the INDEX FOR GROUP-BY can be used.
The article your provided describes the subquery predicates (IN (SELECT ...)), not the nested queries (SELECT FROM (SELECT ...)).
Even with the subqueries, the article is wrong: while MySQL is not able to optimize all subqueries, it deals with IN (SELECT …) predicates just fine.
I don't know why the author chose to put DISTINCT here:
SELECT id, name, price
FROM widgets
FROM widgetOrders
and why do they think this will help to improve performance, but given that widgetID is indexed, MySQL will just transform this query:
SELECT id, name, price
FROM widgets
SELECT widgetId
FROM widgetOrders
into an index_subquery
Essentially, this is just like EXISTS clause: the inner subquery will be executed once per widgets row with the additional predicate added:
FROM widgetOrders
WHERE widgetId =
and stop on the first match in widgetOrders.
This query:
FROM widgets w
widgetOrders o
ON = o.widgetId
will have to use temporary to get rid of the duplicates and will be much slower.

You could avoid the subquery by using GROUP BY, but if the subquery performs better, keep it.
Why do you use a LEFT JOIN instead of a JOIN to join tools?


Can I leverage BigQuery (BQ) partition via a join?

I am a Tableau designer, and we are building some views that get filtered by category a lot. Because of this, we tried to create a category_id that would serve as partition. The problem seems to be that if I filter data category only, the partition doesn't get used and the total table GB and cost gets hit.
Our team is trying to see if this could be minimized by using a nested query as follows:
FROM table a
SELECT DISTINCT category_id, category
FROM table
) b
ON a.category_id = b.category_id
WHERE b.category = 'Category A'
The idea is that we could show the user b.category, they select it in Tableau and then the inner join would kick off the partition and limit the bytes returned. When I try this in the BQ interface, the estimated returned size comes back the same.
You'll need to filter on the partitioned field before you make the inner join.
I haven't used tableau before so don't know if this is possible but just an idea. You could create a parameter which is set by the chosen category in tableau, which could be referenced in the where statement of the partitioned table?
FROM table a
SELECT DISTINCT category_id, category
FROM table
Where category = #chosen_category
) b
ON a.category_id = b.category_id;
When you say that your attempts to filter only by category, the partition isn't used, have you actually tested querying the table from the console to test whether the partition is being used or not. If it isn't then you need to look at the partition, but if it is, then you would need to take another look at your Tableau query.
VizQL (Viz query language) is Tableau's sql parser that converts your Tableau viz into SQL for execution, so whilst you cannot really modify the outgoing SQL, you can at least capture it and test which enables you to identify poor performing calculations and/or vizzes, as well as optimise the backend for the queries that Tableau will send.
I've written an article about this here:
The thing about Tableau is that it treats the source as a derived table, with all filters being placed at the upper-level of the query immediately before the stream,
so your query:
Select *
From table a
Join (
Select Distinct Category_ID, Category
From table
)b On a.category_id = b.category_id
Where b.category = 'Category A'
Will actually look like this (assuming you just select everything):
Select a1.*
From (
Select *
From table a
Join (
Select Distinct Category_ID, Category
From table
)b On a.category_id = b.category_id
Where a1.category = <your selected category>
So you can see from here that being two-levels deep, your Category table just won't be hit, instead everything shall be read into the spool, the join taking place in tempdb, and only the complete set is filtered immediately before streaming to Tableau.
Bad, underperforming sql it most certainly is.
And this is where the relational method of v2020.2 comes into play, as this has been designed to treat each table as a separate exclusive entity, joins are only made at execution time, so you could build a view that uses data from table a where you are using table b to provide the filtering.
As an alternative, and my preferred overall method is to switch entirely to Custom SQL, utilising this with parameters, as this will enable you to craft and test your own sql to create your own high-performance, low-loading query, but as parameters are parsed before the query is executed, you can place the filtering deep down in the query without the need for a secondary look-up table or filtered derived statement - a select distinct as you are currently using it is still going to produce a large plan, as unless the category column is indexed, the engine shall still need to read every record from the table.
So using parameters, your new query will look something like:
Select a1.*
From (
Select *
From table a
Join lookup_table b On On a.category_id = b.category_id
And b.category = <parameters.pCategory>
(I've placed the filter condition directly onto the join as this can improve performance in some circumstances, though this actually shouldn't make much difference)
And when used in conjunction with the Set parameter action, you can now use parameters as in/out updateable variables which shall update as the user interacts directly with the viz, instead of the user needing to manually update as they go. If you haven't used these before, I wrote an article about it here:

Long SQL subquery trouble

I just registered and want to ask.
I learn sql queries not so long time and I got a trouble when I decided to move a table to another database. A few articles were read about building long subqueries , but they didn't help me.
Everything works perfect before that my action.
I just moved the table and tried to rewrite the query while whole day.
update [dbo].Full
set [salary] = 1000
where [dbo] in (
select distinct
from (
select id, Topic, User
from Full
where User not in (select distinct topic_name from [DB_1].dbo.S_School)
) k1
where not in (
select distinct
from (
select id, Topic, User
from Full
where User not in (select distinct topic_name from [DB_1].dbo.Shool)
) k2,
List_School t3
where charindex (t3.NameApp, k2.Topic)>5
I moved table List_School to database [DB_1] and I can't to bend with it.
I can't write [DB_1].dbo.List_School. Should I use one more subquery?
I even thought about create a few temporary tables but it can influence on speed of execution.
Sql gurus , please invest some your time on me. Thank you in advance.
I will be happy for each hint, which you give me.
There appear to be a number of issues. You are comparing the user column to the topic_name column. An expected meaning of those column names would suggest you are not comparing the correct columns. But that is a guess.
In the final subquery you have an ansi join on table List_School but no join columns which means the join witk k2 is a cartesian product (aka cross join) which is not what you would want in most situations. Again a guess as no details of actual problem data or error messages was provided.

SQL Server query runs slower when nothing is returned

My query runs slowly when the result set is empty. When there is something to return, it is lightning fast.
;with tree(NodeId,CategoryId,ParentId) as (
select ct.NodeId, ct.CategoryId, ct.ParentId
from dbo.CategoryTree as ct
where ct.ParentId = 6
union all
select t.NodeId, t.CategoryId, t.ParentId from dbo.CategoryTree as t
inner join tree as t2 on t.ParentId = t2.NodeId
), branch(NodeId,CategoryId,ParentId) as
select NodeId, CategoryId, ParentId from dbo.CategoryTree as t
where t.NodeId = 6
union all
select NodeId, CategoryId, ParentId
from tree as t
),facil(FacilityId) as(
select distinct fct.FacilityId
from dbo.FacilitiesCategoryTree as fct
inner join branch b on b.NodeId = fct.CategoryNodeId
select top 51 f.Id, f.CityId, f.NameGEO,
f.NameENG, f.NameRUS, f.DescrGEO, f.DescrENG,
f.DescrRUS, f.MoneyMin, f.MoneyAvg, f.Lat, f.Lng, f.SortIndex,
f.FrontImgUrl from dbo.Facilities f
inner join facil t2 on t2.FacilityId = f.Id
and f.EnabledUntil > 'Jan 14 2015 10:23PM'
order by f.SortIndex
Principal tables are:
Facilities table holds facilities, 256k records.
CategoryTree is used to group categories in a hierarchy.
NodeId int,
CategoryId int,
ParentId int
FacilitiesCategoryTree is used to link CategoryTree to Facilities.
Given NodeId, the second CTE returns all the nodes that are descendant of the given node including itself. Then there is a third CTE that returns facility ids that belong to these nodes.
Finally, the last CTE is joined to actual facilities table. The result is ordered by SortIndex which is used to manually indicate the order of facilities.
This query runs very fast when there is something to return even if I include many more predicates including full-text search and others, but when the given branch does not have any facilities, this query takes approx. 2 seconds to run.
If I exclude the order by clause, the query runs very fast again. All these tables are indexed and the query optimizer does not suggest any improvements.
What do you think is the problem and what can be done to improve the performance of queries with empty results?
Thank you.
I am adding execution plans.
I went through the recommendations of oryol and tried to save facility IDs from tree to the table variable and join it with facilities table and order by SortIndex. It eliminated the problem with empty results, but increased the execution time of queries with a result set from 250ms to 950ms.
I also changed the query to select from facil and join to the Facilities and added option (force order). The result was the same as above.
Finally, I denormalized facility/category mapping table to include SortIndex in this table. It increased the execution time of normal queries slightly from 250ms to 300ms, but it resolved the empty result set problem. I guess, I’ll stick to this method.
The first thing - you can slightly simplify the first two CTEs to just one:
with tree(NodeId,CategoryId,ParentId) as (
select ct.NodeId, ct.CategoryId, ct.ParentId
from dbo.CategoryTree as ct
where ct.NodeId = 6
union all
select t.NodeId, t.CategoryId, t.ParentId from dbo.CategoryTree as t
inner join tree as t2 on t.ParentId = t2.NodeId
The main problem that optimizer don't know or incorrectly estimate number of facilities which will be returned for your categories. And because you need facilities ordered by SortIndex optimizer decides to:
Go through all facilities ordered by SortIndex (using the appropriate index)
Skip rows which are not covered by other filters (EnabledUntil)
Using given Facility Id find one row in facilities from categories tree. If it exists returns result row. If not - skip this facility.
Repeat these iteration until 51 rows will be returned
So, in the worst case (if there are no 51 such facilities or they have very big SortIndex) it will require scan of all idx_Facilities_SortIndex and it requires a lot of time.
There are several ways to resolve this issue (including hints to optimizer to tell about row count or join order) to find the best way it's better to work with real database. First option which can be tried is to change query to:
Save facility IDs from tree to the table variable
Join it with facilities table and order by SortIndex
Another option (can be also comined with the first one) is to try to use FORCE ORDER query hint. In such case you will need to modify your select statement to select from facil and join it to the Facilities and add option (force order) query hint to the end of statement.
Query without order by select all facilities from tree. And after that extract other facility fields from facilities table.
Also, it's important to know about actual size of facilities in the tree (according to the estimates in the execution plan without order by it's really big - 395982). Does this estimate (more or less) correct?
If you really have a big amount of facilities returned after joining with category tree and facility/categories mapping table then the best solution will be to denormalize facility/category mapping table to include SortIndex in this table and add index to this table by NodeId and SortIndex.
So actually, we need to test queries / indexes with real data. Or to know different statistics of data:
Categories amount
Number of facilities per category and total number of rows in facilities / categories mapping table
SortIndex distribution (is it unique?)

How to reduce scope of subquery?

I've got SQL running on MS SQL Server similar to the following:
CustNum, MAX(OrderDate) as LastOrderDate
CustNum) as Orders
ON Orders.CustNum = Cust.CustNum
Region = 1
It contains a subquery to find the MAX record from a child table. The concern is that these tables have a very large number of rows. It seems like the subquery would operate on all the rows of the child table, even though only a very few of them are actually needed because of the WHERE clause on the outer query
Is there a way to reduce the scope of the inner query? Something like adding a WHERE clause to only include the records that are included in the outer query? Something like
WHERE CustomerOrders.CustomerNumber = Customers.CustomerNumber -- Customers from the outer query.
I suspect that this is not necessary, but I am getting some push back from another developer and I wanted to be sure (my SQL is a little rusty).
You are correct about the subquery. It will have to summarize all the data. You could re-write the query like this:
SELECT CustNum, Name, max(OrderDate) as LastOrderDate
ON Orders.CustNum = Cust.CustNum
WHERE Region = 1
group by CustNum, Name
This would let the SQL optimizer choose the optimal path.
If you know that there are very, very few customers matching Region = 1 and you have an index on CustNum, OrderDate in Orders, you could write the query like this:
select CustNum, Name,
(select top 1 OrderDate
from Orders o
where Cust.CustNum = o.CustNum
order by OrderDate desc
) as LastOrderDate
from Cust
Where Region = 1
I think you would get a very similar effect by using cross apply.
By the way, I'm not a fan of re-writing queries for such purposes. But, I haven't found a SQL optimizer that would do anything other than summarize all the orders rows in this case.
No it's generally not necessary if your statistics etc are up to date. That's the job of the optimiser. You can try the CROSS APPLY operator if you think you're missing out on some shortcuts but generally if you have all constraints and stats it will be fine.
Your proposed additional WHERE might make sense to you, but as it doesn't correlate to anything in the actual query you posted it will change the results (if it works at all). If you want comments on that you need to post tables & relations etc.
Best way is to check the execution plan and see if it's doing anything dumb.

Oracle performance issue in getting first row in sub query

I have a performance issue on the following (example) select statement that returns the first row using a sub query:
The DISTINCT is causing the performance issue by performing a SORT and UNIQUE but I can't figure out an alternative.
I would however prefer something akin to the following but referencing within 2 select statements doesn't work:
) R
- My permissions do not allow me to create a function.
- I am cycling through 10k to 100k records in the main query.
- The sub query could return 3 to 7 rows before limiting to 1 row.
Any assistance in improving the performance is appreciated.
It's difficult to understand without sample data and cardinalities, but does this get you what you want? A unique list of projects and items, with the first occurrence of a location?
I encounter similar problem in the past -- and while this is not ultimate solution (in fact might just be a corner-cuts) -- Oracle query optimizer can be adjusted with the OPTIMIZER_MODE init param.
Have a look at chapter 11.2.1 on
The optimizer uses a mix of cost and heuristics to find a best plan
for fast delivery of the first few rows. Note: Using heuristics
sometimes leads the query optimizer to generate a plan with a cost
that is significantly larger than the cost of a plan without applying
the heuristic. FIRST_ROWS is available for backward compatibility and
plan stability; use FIRST_ROWS_n instead.
Of course there are tons other factors you should analyse like your index, join efficiency, query plan etc..