Our iPhone Application is set to the United States store.
Does anyone know what time period apple uses for this store (or any of them) for a full day? e.g. is it from 2400-2359 of the same day or 0600 of the 1st - 0600 of the 2nd?
Any ideas?
From iTunes Connect - App Store Sales and Trends Guide:
Time zone: Reports are based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). A day includes transactions that happened from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM PST.
For daylight savings time will an ADFV2 schedule update itself or do we need to go in there and update it when the time comes? I'm guessing the latter bc UTC doesn't change but I don't want to guess.
ADF won’t handle daylight savings time automatically.
Here's a post using azure function and web activity to make it work. Maybe you could take a look.
I want to schedule two reports, one report to be triggered on the last working day of the month. Another report to be triggered on the first workday of the each month. How can I do this?
There are currently no ways to do this through the standard subscription mechanism.
Your requirements are not only conflicting with the UI (the ReportServer website), but with the Reporting Services database design. You can take a look at the Schedules table to see what I mean.
There are 3 things you could do:
Fast & Risky, not recommended
Edit the generated SQL job (never tested and not supported), here you can specify weekdays.
Good approach but (very) long term
Submit a connect suggestion.
Recommended but needs development
Develop an application that consume the Reporting Services webservice and has a tailored subscription mechanism.
You could consider doing step 2 & 3.
a subscription on the first day of the month is pretty easy. Whether data driven or static the schedule you set up can be set to run on the first day of every month.
For the last day of every month, you'll need to create 3 subscriptions. One subscription for September, April, June and November (on calendar day(s) = 30), one for all the rest (on calendar day(s) = 31), and one for February alone (on calendar day(s) = 28).
Leap years.... you're on your own there...
I have a problem where I can see time is not same in application and in database.
For example, record that has been created from UI has time '10/21/2014 07:49:12 AM'. Where as, the same record when queried in database has the time '10/21/2014 11:49:12 AM'.
As we can see, there is a time difference of 4 hours.
We have set UTC parameter to FALSE and re-started the siebel web server. But, we haven't restarted the siebel server and load balancing server.
Siebel server's default timezone is set at Application->System Preference level: "Default Time Zone". Siebel will adjust the values from DB tables accordingly. In addition, users may specify their own timezone at Employee level. Check these places to see if something is set.
As you've already noticed, Siebel stores the date and time values in UTC. When a user enters a date, it's internally translated to UTC before saving it to the database; when it's recovered in a business component, it's translated back to the current user's timezone. As Ranjith R said in his answer, each user may specify it's own timezone in his/her profile, otherwise the Default Time Zone system preference applies.
The decision whether to use UTC times or not, must be made before deploying the servers. Once the application is set up and running, as it appears to be your case, the change from UTC to non-UTC is not supported.
There is a full chapter dedicated to UTC dates and times, on the Siebel Deployment Guide of the Siebel Bookshelf. Here is the link for Siebel 8.0. Amongst other things, they state the following:
CAUTION: Once you have already deployed your Siebel applications using UTC and created user date-time data in UTC format, it is not supported to stop using UTC by setting the Universal Time Coordinated system preference to FALSE. Otherwise, incorrect time stamp values may be created and displayed.
Apparently, there is a UTC conversion utility intended to update historical data from non-UTC format to UTC, but it doesn't work the other way around.
I am using Sql Sever 2008 R2. Is there a way to identify the time zone Standard name or daylight name from timezoneoffSet.
For example I have "2013-09-26 03:00:00.0000000 -04:00" and need
"Eastern Daylight Time" from above.
How can I accomplish this in SQL server ?
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
If you're talking about getting the local system's time zone, I've investigated that heavily in the past, and it isn't possible without resorting to either "unsafe" SQL CLR calls, or unsupported xp_regread calls to read this out of the registry. The general recommendation is to do that in application code, and not in the database.
However, if what you are saying is that you have an offset of -4:00 in your input value, and you want to translate that to a time zone name, I'm afraid that isn't possible at all, neither in SQL, nor in your application code.
The reason is that there are many time zones that share the same offset. For example, see this Wikipedia page that shows all of the zones that use -04:00.
Even if you limit the scope to just the United States, it still won't work in certain cases due to daylight saving time. For example, consider the time stamp of 2013-11-03T01:00:00-05:00. Is this Eastern Standard Time? Or Central Daylight Time? There's no way to tell, because at this moment it could be either one.
In the USA (unlike Europe), each time zone transitions at 2AM in its own local time. So it's like a wave that moves from the east to the west. While the US time zones are normally one hour spaced apart, during the spring-forward transition they can be two hours apart, and during the fall-back transition they can have the same exact local time.
I am creating an application. I am running a countdown timer and saving time into a database by converting time into a floating point value (double). Suppose I start the timer at 2.00 PM and set the countdown for 3 hours. After 1 hour I quit the application and on relaunch I am getting time stored from database. Count the difference between stored time and current time I restore the timer according to that, but what if I quit the application and change the time zone to something else?
How do I handle this or how do I fix a specific time zone so that even user changes the time zone the timer always works perfect?
I don't know the iPhone SDK, but the traditional way of doing this would be to find the time in UTC - often expressed in terms of "milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970" or something similar.
That way the time zone of the device is irrelevant.
EDIT: Looking at the docs for NSDate, I think timeIntervalSince1970 is what you want. That should always be in terms of UTC.