Release Quickie - objective-c

How to succinctly handle this situation. I'm not properly releasing contactDictionary in the if statement...
NSNumber *pIDAsNumber;
NSMutableDictionary *contactDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[defaults dictionaryForKey:kContactDictionary]];
if (!contactDictionary) {
contactDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
[contactDictionary setObject:pIDAsNumber forKey:[myClass.personIDAsNumber stringValue]];
[defaults setObject:contactDictionary forKey:kContactDictionary];

Normally, use [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1] instead of alloc/init. That will give you an autoreleased dictionary that will, from a memory management perspective, behave identically to the one above. However...
In this specific case, your if clause will never be true (unless you run out of memory, in which case you have bigger problems). -dictionaryWithDictionary: returns an empty dictionary rather than nil if it is passed nil. So, even if -dictionaryForKey: returns nil, -dictionaryWithDictionary: will still create an empty mutable dictionary for you to add to.

You can drop the if statement entirely, because -[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:] always returns a dictionary.
Also, don't use [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1] to get an empty, autoreleased mutable dictionary. Just use [NSMutableDictionary dictionary].


Can I reuse my pointer after it's been added to a mutable array?

Let's say I've got an array with strings.
NSArray *names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: #"One", #"Two", #"Three", nil];
What I want is to initiate objects of some custom class and them add them to a mutable array. I'm using a custom init method that takes a string argument.
To be more specific, I want to [SomeClass alloc] initWithName: aName] and add the resulting object to a NSMutableArray.
I'm thinking of using Objective-C fast enumeration. So what I get is:
NSMutableArray *objects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [names count];
for (NSString *name in names) {
[objects addObject: [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease]];
The problem is that I can't add nil to the array and I don't like exception handling. However, my initiation method may return nil. So I decide to check first before adding (prevention). My new for-in-loop is:
SomeClass *someObject;
for (NSString *name in names) {
someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease];
if (someObject) {
[objects addObject: someObject];
Now, instead of immediately passing the new object to the array, I'm setting up a pointer someObject first and then passing the pointer to the array instead.
This example raises a question to me. When I someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease] in the loop, do the existing objects (which are added using the same pointer) in the array change too?
To put it in other words: does the addObject: (id)someObject method make a new internal copy of the pointer I pass or do I have to create a copy of the pointer — I don't know how — and pass the copy myself?
Thanks a lot! :-)
It's fine to reuse someObject; if you think about it, you're already reusing name each time you go through the loop.
-addObject: may or may not copy the object that you pass in. (It doesn't -- it retains the object rather than copying it, but it's conceivable that some NSMutableArray subclass could copy instead.) The important thing is that this code really shouldn't care about what -addObject: does.
Also, don't lose sight of the distinction between a pointer and the object that it points to. Pointers are just references, and a pointer is copied each time you pass it into a method or function. (Like C, Objective-C passes parameters by value, so passing a pointer into a method results in putting the value of the pointer on the stack.) The object itself isn't copied, however.
Short answer: no, you don't have to worry about reusing someObject.
Slightly longer answer: the assignment—someObject = ... assigns a new pointer value to the someObject variable; addObject: is then getting that value, not the address of someObject itself.
I think you're getting confused in the concept of pointer here. When you say someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] init... you are basically pointing the someObject pointer to a new object. So to answer your question- your current code is fine.
As for whether arrays maintain copies of the objects added to them - NO, the array retains the object you add to it. However, that doesn't matter to your code above.
Three20 provides the answer!

Need a memory management clarification wrt NSArray

Say I have:
NSDictionary *stuff; // {"1" => "hi", "2" => "bye"}
NSArray *array = [stuff allKeys];
allKeys makes a copy of stuff's keys, so array is now responsible for releasing this information.
Later on, when I want to
I cannot do:
array = [newStuff allKeys];
because it would just reassign the pointers and orphan the original array. I must first remove the objects
[array removeAllObjects];
Wanted to know if my understand is correct? Thanks!
Not quite.
NSArray *array = [stuff allKeys];
This gives you an array that you don't own. Whether it's technically a copy or not is not your problem. Since the accessor doesn't start with the word "alloc" or "new", or contain the word "copy", you don't own the return value, which means you don't need to release it. (But you do need to retain it if you want to keep it.)
If you later do this:
array = [newStuff allKeys];
that's fine. It stomps on the original reference, as you know, but since you don't own that reference anyways, it's OK to let it go. This new reference is also, of course, not yours unless you retain it.
No. allKeys returns an autoreleased NSArray. It will be released later unless you explicitly retain it. So setting array = [newStuff allKeys]; is perfectly fine. You should probably read this guide on Objective-C.

Returning an NSArray without Leaking?

I have been struggling with the best pattern for returning an array from a static method.
In my static method getList (in the BIUtility Class), I am allocating an NSArray to return. in the return line, I do:
return [array autorelease];
Then in the calling method, I am allocating an array like this:
NSArray * list = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[BIUtility getList]] retain];
Later I release the list using:
[list release];
I think this is causing a memory leak as the retain is increasing the retain count one too many. However, if I do not do the retain, I get a Bad_Exec because it has already freed the class.
I feel like I am overthinking this and there must be a typical pattern. I have been looking all over the place and I cannot find a "best practice".
I appreciate your help.
You should replace:
NSArray * list = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[BIUtility getList]] retain];
NSArray * list = [[BIUtility getList] retain];
This is because getList actually returns a pointer to the NSArray.
If it were a mutable array, however, you should say [[BIUtility getList] copy]; so that you don't accidentally mutate an array that another object has a reference to.
If you are curious, you were getting a memory leak because your original statement increments two counters, while you only release one later.
These parts of the statement increase counts:
[anObject]] retain]
[anClassname alloc]
[anObject copy] will also create an object with a count of 1.

Does [NSMutableDictionary setValue: value forKey: key] retain NSString key?

When adding items to NSMutableDictionary using the setValue:forKey: method (I suppose this generalizes to any NSObject) does the dictionary retain the second parameter, the NSString?
For example:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSString *theString = #"hello";
int i;
for (i=0; i<[theString length]; i++){
NSNumber *myInt = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i];
NSString *character = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C",[theString characterAtIndex:i]];
[dict setValue: myInt forKey:character];
[dict release];
[pool release];
Clearly, there is no reason to release myInt in the loop, it is retained by dict so it can't be released until the end of the code. But is the same true of character? My thinking is that if NSMutableDictionary stores the string in some other way, then one could create a temporary pool around the loop and release those strings instead of waiting until the release of the dictionary.
I am also curious as to why retainCount of character is 7fffffff as if it is an NSConstantString, I would expect stringWithFormat to return an NSString object which would need retaining, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
It's very common in Cocoa for NSString parameters to be copied instead of retained. That's because you could have just as easily given the dictionary an instance of NSMutableString. Because the string's value could change, NSDictionary makes a copy.
But, regardless of how NSMutableDictionary really operates, you don't have to worry whether character needs to be retained. Once you've passed it to NSMutableDictionary as a parameter, it's really that class's problem to decide how to store the data, unless the documentation specifically tells you that retaining the objects are your responsibility.
I also wouldn't worry too much about the retainCount of any object. Following the retain count of an object too closely can lead you down rabbit holes that just make you spin your wheels.
Finally, I really don't think you need to create your own autorelease pool here. Unless you know with absolute certainty that theString is going to be very long, or you've already observed high memory utilization in Instruments, adding the autorelease pool is an unnecessary optimization.
You don't need to retain character there, the dictionary retains it when you set it as a key and your own code has no need to retain it.
You also don't need to worry about why the retain count isn't what you expect. Maybe the Foundation framework has Flyweight-like instances of a load of single-character NSString instances. In any case if you've got the memory management correct following the guidelines, you'll be OK regardless of what the framework's doing behind the scenes.

Assigning values to Instance variables in Objective C

The function I'm looking at:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *plistPath = [bundle pathForResource:#"statedictionary" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *dictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
self.statesZips = dictionary;
[dictionary release];
NSArray *components = [self.stateZips allKeys];
NSArray *sorted = [components sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
self.States = sorted;
NSString *selectedState = [self.states objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *array = [stateZips objectForKey: selectedState];
self.zips = array;
Why is an NSDictionary allocated, then assigned to a pointer called *dictionary, and then assigned to the instance variable stateZips? Why not allocate it and assign it directly to the instance variable and save memory of creating and releasing another NSDictionary? The same methodology is always followed, including later in this function with the NSArray...
NSDictionary *dictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
self.statesZips = dictionary;
[dictionary release];
Also, this sorting puts the keys from a hash table (dictionary) in alphabetical order. I'm not sure I understand this line:
NSArray *sorted = [components sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
No one seems to have addressed the fact that the line
self.statesZips = dictionary;
is not directly an instance variable assignment. stateZips is a property, and so that line of code calls the setStateZips: method. That method retains or copies the dictionary, so unless the viewDidLoad method intends to use it again for some purpose, it's not needed any longer. That makes it OK to release it.
The previous line:
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
allocates an object. That makes it your responsibility to release it once you don't need it any more. After assigning it to the statesZips property, it's no longer needed, so it's released and you shouldn't use dictionary any more. You'll notice that later code only refers to self.stateZips, not dictionary.
In the case of the NSArray later in the method, viewDidLoad does not allocate the object, so that method is not responsible for calling release on it. The rule of thumb is that if you alloc it, you're responsible for making sure it gets released. Otherwise, it's not your problem.
Sorting the array uses the sortedArrayUsingSelector: method. A selector identifies a method in Objective-C. And the #selector is the literal syntax for selectors (kind of like how #"" is the literal syntax for NSString objects). So, what that code says, is "give me an array where the objects in components are sorted, and use the compare: method to compare each object when you do the sort. When it sorts the array, it will call compare: on the objects in the array to determine how to put them in order.
The statesZips property is probably retained, that's the reasoning.
When the NSDictionary is first allocated, its retain count is 1. When it's assigned to statesZips, the retain count becomes 2. When it's released, the retain count drops to 1, which is usually the desired outcome.
Note that the code below would have produced (almost) the same result:
self.statesZips = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
because dictionaryWithContentsOfFile returns an autoreleased object.
As a convention, class methods like [NSDictionary dictionary] return autoreleased objects (which automatically get released after some time), while the usual alloc-init method (as in [[NSDictionary alloc] init]) return retained objects.
I suggest you read the Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa for further information.
EDIT: I must have missed the last part of your question when I first read it, but Barry has already answered that part.
This code uses reference-counted memory management (not the automatic garbage collection memory management available in Objective-C 2.0 on OS X). When any object (in this case, the NSDictionary and the NSArray) are alloc'd, the caller is responsible for calling -release on that instance. Failing to call release causes a memory leak. The code could have been written as
self.statesZips = [[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistPath] autorelease];
but at the expense of less explicit memory management (relying on NSAutoreleasePool to release the alloc'd instance at the end of the event loop iteration.
the call
[components sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
returns an array of whose elements come from components but according to the return value of calling [elem1 compare:elem2] to compare two array elements.