Initialising a static variable in Objective-C category - objective-c

I was trying to create a static variable to store a dictionary of images. Unfortunately, the best way I could find to initialise it was to check in each function that used the variable. Since I am creating this variable inside a category, I can't just initialise it inside the initialiser. Is there a neater way of initialising navigationBarImages?
static NSMutableDictionary *navigationBarImages = NULL;
#implementation UINavigationBar(CustomImage)
//Overrider to draw a custom image
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
navigationBarImages=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSString *imageName=[navigationBarImages objectForKey:self];
if (imageName==nil) {
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: imageName];
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)];
//Allow the setting of an image for the navigation bar
- (void)setImage:(UIImage*)image
navigationBarImages=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[navigationBarImages setObject:image forKey:self];

static void initialize_navigationBarImages() {
navigationBarImages = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
static void destroy_navigationBarImages() {
[navigationBarImages release];
These function will be called automatically when the program starts and ends.

Consider this approach,
static NSMutableDictionary *navigationBarImages()
static NSMutableDictionary *dict = NULL;
if(dict == NULL)
dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return [[dict retain] autorelease];
then whenever you woulde use navigationBarImages, replace it with navigationBarImages(), like this:
NSString *imageName=[navigationBarImages objectForKey:self];
NSString *imageName=[navigationBarImages() objectForKey:self];
If the function call overhead bothers you, maybe use a temporary variable to catch the return of navigationBarImages(),
NSMutableDictionary *dict = navigationBarImages();
[dict doSomething];
[dict doSomething];
The drawback is once you called navigationBarImages(), the instance of NSMutableDictionary got created, then it'll never get chance to dealloc until the end of the program.

All you need is to set your static once at a known point before it is used. For example, you can set an NSApplication delegate and have it do the work in -applicationDidFinishLaunching:

One option is to use C++. Change the file's extension to .mm and replace = NULL with [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init].

You could add +initialize in the .m file of your category — you'll just need to make sure you're not smashing an existing implementation or you'll get general wonkiness. (Obviously, you can be sure of this if you wrote the code, but with third-party code, this is probably not the best approach.)


How to get an NSArray that is returned from a getter method?

Note: This question has been updated with suggestions supplied in answers below in which to bring a fuller context to the present state of the problem.
You may view complete project files here:
I create an NSArray in an object's init method.
I return the NSArray with it's get method.
Upon arrival, the NSArray is null.
Creating instance
Attempt 1:
This is my original implementation.
- (id)init:
labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
return self;
Attempt 2:
Ismael suggested I wrap it with a sub-classing protocol.
neo suggested I retain the NSArray.
- (id)init:
self = [super init];
if (self)
labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
[labels retain];
return self;
Attempt 3:
Anoop Vaidya suggested I force ownership with alloc and NSMutableArray:
- (id)init:
self = [super init];
if (self)
labels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
return self;
But, when I return the object, despite the different init suggestions cited above...
Returning the object
- (NSArray *)getLabels
return labels;
...with NSMutableArray...
- (NSMutableArray *)getLabels
return labels;
... the NSArray getter returns a null object.
Calling the method
int main(void)
id view;
view = [ZZView alloc];
id model;
model = [ZZModel alloc];
id controller;
controller = [[ZZController alloc] init: model: view];
labels = [[controller getModel] getLabels];
NSLog(#"not alloced");
[view dealloc];
[model dealloc];
[controller dealloc];
What am I not doing, missing or what am I doing wrong that causes the null return value?
init methods need to call some [super init], so you will need to do something like this:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
return self;
Edit: looking at your git repo, I found
controller = [[ZZController alloc] init: model: view];
I'm not entirely sure how the compiler interprets the empty arguments, but my guess is that it reads them as nil, and therefore your ZZController doesn't have model
Also, you have some messy argument order, the first argument (with text init:) is your model, and your second argument (with text model:) is your view
(this according to your - (id)init: (ZZModel*)Model: (ZZView*)View
In order to make it work quickly, you should do
controller = [[ZZController alloc] init:model model:view];
I'm gonna take a (short) leap here and guess you are new to iOS development, so I'll recommend that you read about objc programming, how to write functions, how to send multiple parameters, so on and so forth, and after that, do some refactoring
I suggest you put a breakpoint in both your init and getLabels methods, and check the value of the instance variable that stores the array: you'll see which method does not behave as expected.
Assume you are not using ARC nor synthesising variable labels, you need to retain the array,
- (id)init:
labels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
[labels retain];
return self;
Also, you need to release it when not using the array to prevent memory leakage.
You can do it in this way, hoping in .h you have NSMutableArray *labels; :
- (id)init{
if (self = [super init]) {
labels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Red", #"Green", #"Blue", nil];
return self;
The init method to model was never called, it is only allocated. Therefore, NSArrray labels doesn't exist, because it is created in the init method.

addObjectsFromArray: not copying into global NSMutableArray

So here is a partial sample of the relevant code.
static NSMutableArray *radioInputArray;
static NSMutableArray *buttonsArray;
- (IBAction)lookForRadioButtons:(id)sender {
// NSLog(#"Testing");
NSError *error;
NSString *radiostr = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"getRadios" ofType:#"txt"] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error: &error] ;
if (radiostr == nil)
NSLog (#"Error! %#", error);
NSString *radiotxt= [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:radiostr];
NSLog(#"%#", radiotxt);
NSArray *myRadios = [radiotxt componentsSeparatedByString:#"::"];
[radioInputArray addObjectsFromArray:myRadios];
NSLog(#"%d", myRadios.count);
NSLog(#"Number of buttons in global radio array %d", radioInputArray.count);
NSLog(#"%d", scrollViewer.subviews.count);
So it throws no exceptions and seems to work properly except after addObjectsFromArray:, my count in the global NSMutableArray is 0 (the count in the myRadios = 56). I am pretty sure they should be equal at this point but are not. I have declared my NSMutableArray up near the top so that it can be globally accessed. Am I missing something such as allocating and initializing this? Does it not do that automatically like in C#? Again, this is my first foray into the Objective-C world from Windows programming so please be gentle yet feel free to be critical.
Your two global arrays are not initialized.
The lines
static NSMutableArray *radioInputArray;
static NSMutableArray *buttonsArray;
just define the two variables as pointers to NSMutableArray, so you need to get them to point at an actual instance of the class NSMutableArray.
Somewhere in your initialization code, or through an accessor (best if a class method), you should set the variables to an empty, newly allocated NSMutableArray.
Here is a way to do it:
+ (NSMutableArray*)radioInputArray
if (!radioInputArray) {
radioInputArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return radioInputArray;
Then use the accessor in your code instead of the global variable.
It may happen if your radioInputArray is nil,
you didn't initialize the array
you need to add
[[radioInputArray alloc] init];
before you do anything with radioInputArray
Good place for initialising object is "init" method in Global class
if (self=[super init]) {
self.globalAllArtworkArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.globalCollectionArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.globalLookbookArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
+(ASNGlobalClass *)shareManager
static ASNGlobalClass *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when returning UIImage

I have a method which should return a UIImage created from contentsOfFile (to avoid caching), but when it returns, i receive EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Running through Instruments doesn't reveal any results, as it just runs, without stopping on a zombie.
The image is correctly copied in the Bundle Resources phase...
- (UIImage *)imageForName:(NSString *)name {
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:name ofType:#"png"];
return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
This method was adapted from the PhotoScroller sample, which works correctly.
This is the code that uses imageForName, and you can see i added the retain, as per Luke/T's suggestion, but the EXC_BAD_ACCESS is on the return, not my addObject: call:
NSMutableArray *images;
for (NSDictionary *dict in imageListForPage){
[images addObject:[[self imageForName:[dict valueForKey:#"name"]]retain]];
ImageWithContentsOfFile will return an auto-released object. If you are not retaining it (on return [edit]) then you will get a bad access.
Check the pointer of the NSarray. You need to init the Array either alloc as normal or use the arraywith
NSMutableArray *images = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:ARRAY_CAPACITY];//autoreleased
NSMutableArray *images = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];//release later
Adding an object to an NSMutableArray will implicitly send it a retain, so that's not necessary in your code.
Can you confirm (using NSLog() or a breakpoint) that
[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path]
returns an object in your imageForName: method?
Finally, this code should be:
NSMutableArray *images = [NSMutableArray new]; // new is same as [[alloc] init]
for (NSDictionary *dict in imageListForPage) {
[images addObject:[self imageForName:[dict valueForKey:#"name"]]];
// ... do something with images
[images release];

NSMutableDictionary thread safety

I have a question on thread safety while using NSMutableDictionary.
The main thread is reading data from NSMutableDictionary where:
key is NSString
value is UIImage
An asynchronous thread is writing data to above dictionary (using NSOperationQueue)
How do I make the above dictionary thread safe?
Should I make the NSMutableDictionary property atomic? Or do I need to make any additional changes?
#property(retain) NSMutableDictionary *dicNamesWithPhotos;
NSMutableDictionary isn't designed to be thread-safe data structure, and simply marking the property as atomic, doesn't ensure that the underlying data operations are actually performed atomically (in a safe manner).
To ensure that each operation is done in a safe manner, you would need to guard each operation on the dictionary with a lock:
// in initialization
self.dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// create a lock object for the dictionary
self.dictionary_lock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
// at every access or modification:
[object.dictionary_lock lock];
[object.dictionary setObject:image forKey:name];
[object.dictionary_lock unlock];
You should consider rolling your own NSDictionary that simply delegates calls to NSMutableDictionary while holding a lock:
#interface SafeMutableDictionary : NSMutableDictionary
NSLock *lock;
NSMutableDictionary *underlyingDictionary;
#implementation SafeMutableDictionary
- (id)init
if (self = [super init]) {
lock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
underlyingDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[lock_ release];
[underlyingDictionary release];
[super dealloc];
// forward all the calls with the lock held
- (retval_t) forward: (SEL) sel : (arglist_t) args
[lock lock];
#try {
return [underlyingDictionary performv:sel : args];
#finally {
[lock unlock];
Please note that because each operation requires waiting for the lock and holding it, it's not quite scalable, but it might be good enough in your case.
If you want to use a proper threaded library, you can use TransactionKit library as they have TKMutableDictionary which is a multi-threaded safe library. I personally haven't used it, and it seems that it's a work in progress library, but you might want to give it a try.
Nowadays you'd probably go for #synchronized(object) instead.
#synchronized(dictionary) {
[dictionary setObject:image forKey:name];
#synchronized(dictionary) {
[dictionary objectForKey:key];
#synchronized(dictionary) {
[dictionary removeObjectForKey:key];
No need for the NSLock object any more
after a little bit of research I want to share with you this article :
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications
It looks like notnoop's answer may not be a solution after all. From threading perspective it is ok, but there are some critical subtleties. I will not post here a solution but I guess that there is a good one in this article.
I have two options to using nsmutabledictionary.
One is:
NSLock* lock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
[lock lock];
[object.dictionary setObject:image forKey:name];
[lock unlock];
Two is:
//Let's assume var image, name are setup properly
[object.dictionary setObject:image forKey:name];
I dont know why some people want to overwrite setting and getting of mutabledictionary.
Even the answer is correct, there is an elegant and different solution:
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
NSString *label = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#.isolation.%p", [self class], self];
self.isolationQueue = dispatch_queue_create([label UTF8String], NULL);
label = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"", [self class], self];
self.workQueue = dispatch_queue_create([label UTF8String], NULL);
return self;
//Setter, write into NSMutableDictionary
- (void)setCount:(NSUInteger)count forKey:(NSString *)key {
key = [key copy];
dispatch_async(self.isolationQueue, ^(){
if (count == 0) {
[self.counts removeObjectForKey:key];
} else {
self.counts[key] = #(count);
//Getter, read from NSMutableDictionary
- (NSUInteger)countForKey:(NSString *)key {
__block NSUInteger count;
dispatch_sync(self.isolationQueue, ^(){
NSNumber *n = self.counts[key];
count = [n unsignedIntegerValue];
return count;
The copy is important when using thread unsafe objects, with this you could avoid the possible error because of unintended release of the variable. No need for thread safe entities.
If more queue would like to use the NSMutableDictionary declare a private queue and change the setter to:
self.isolationQueue = dispatch_queue_create([label UTF8String], DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
- (void)setCount:(NSUInteger)count forKey:(NSString *)key {
key = [key copy];
dispatch_barrier_async(self.isolationQueue, ^(){
if (count == 0) {
[self.counts removeObjectForKey:key];
} else {
self.counts[key] = #(count);
You have to set an own private queue without it the dispatch_barrier_sync is just a simple dispatch_sync
Detailed explanation is in this marvelous blog article.
In some cases you might NSCache class. The documentation claims that it's thread safe:
You can add, remove, and query items in the cache from different threads without having to lock the cache yourself.
Here is article that describes quite useful tricks related to NSCache

initWithCoder not working as expected?

Does this seem right, the dataFilePath is on disk and contains the right data, but the MSMutable array does not contain any objects after the initWithCoder? I am probably just missing something, but I wanted to quickly check here before moving on.
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
[self setReactorCore:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:#"CORE"]];
return self;
-(id)init {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[self dataFilePath]]) {
NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[self dataFilePath]];
NSKeyedUnarchiver *unArchiver = [[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData:data];
NSMutableArray *newCore = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCoder:unArchiver];
[self setReactorCore:newCore];
[newCore release];
[data release];
[unArchiver release];
} else {
NSMutableArray *newCore = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self setReactorCore:newCore];
[newCore release];
return self;
I think I know where I am going wrong, I am archiving NSData and then trying to initialise my NSMutable array with it. I will rework the code and post back with an update.
I am confused as to why you're doing things this way. You do not normally call initWithCoder: yourself. You ask the coder for its contents and it creates the objects for you. The whole decoding part of that method should be id archivedObject = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[self dataFilePath]], where archivedObject is presumably the array you call newCore in your code (I don't know the contents of the file, so I'm just guessing from what you wrote). In that case, you'll want to mutableCopy it, since I don't think NS*Archiver preserves mutability.
I also hope you aren't expecting your initWithCoder: method that you wrote at the top of your post to be called when this NSArray is unarchived.
"I also hope you aren't expecting your initWithCoder: method that you wrote at the top of your post to be called when this NSArray is unarchived."
is not useful. Why can't you write why it's not called? Thanks
In fact, if the objects in your array implement NSCoding, initWithCoding is called on each of them when you restore your array (restore here means that you call [decoder decodeObjectForKey:#"yourArray"]). I'm actually doing this in my own code. So I think what you wrote is false!