Graphical Representation of array Sorting in -

Does anyone know of a program that visualizes array Sorting in (Bubble sort,selection sort etc)? Pointers to how I could implement one myself would also be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Have a look at this java applet. It contains complete source code that might inspire you for your own equivalent.


Do we have a comprehensive list of how variable initializations are done in VB.NET (for lists, arrays, etc.)?

I am writing a help topic related to how variable initializations are done VB.NET for different datatypes like lists, array, etc.
My aim is to help end users get the information related to all the VB.NET datatypes at a single place.
Do we have this type of information available somewhere on the Internet? I tried to google it but couldn't find it. Any help in this regards would be really appreciated.

Graphing richtextbox data?

I'm pretty new to vb so please bear with me here. I have data going into some richtextboxes and I wanted to graph it, what would be the best way of going about graphing something in like this? I'm thinking rather than trying to read from the textboxes themselves (as the data is being inputted as strings) I'd convert the data going in into doubles and try to graph it. Any suggestions? Would it be possible to graph the data in the actual boxes, since they're strings at that point rather than doubles, or would graphing the numbers just be easier?
I think the whole richtextbox part of your question is just causing confusing. If you have the data out of the textboxes, putting it into a richtextbox and then pulling it back out doesn't make sense.
The values will obviously need to be converted to a number somewhere during the process. Are you using a control to graph, or handling that code yourself? If you're using a control, then check the documentation. multicolumn combobox

would someone please tells me how to populate a combobox with two or more columns? I have been trying to accomplish this for quite some time but with no results. I would appreciate any help. thank you
I have looked in to this myself and unfortunately there is no such thing as combo box with multicolumns. I got round it by creating my own control, but it was a lot of work for what it is, i would suggest finding a third party tool that does this.
You can use Dev Express controls, there is control called Lookupedit it will show multiple columns
In case anyone's struggling with this still, check here.
for short answer you can use SyncFusion MultiColumnComboBox (documentation here for c# or here for VB). If you follow the first link, it will direct you to my answer on a similar question with an example on code.

Single Link Clustering in 2D ArrayList

Hi I am looking for a way to do Single Link Clustering with a 2D ArrayList in Java Netbeans.
Followed by visualizing the results on a graph.
As far as I know - LingPipe can do it but it uses a HashSet String which I think might display the results in accurately.
Any suggestions? I really appreciate the help. Thank you! :D

How to OVerload Operators for Matrix operation Using coding

Every one I want to Overload Operators for Matrix Operation in I am trying it to do, but as i am new to, i dont have an idea can any one plz help me in this.
Better You refer this
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