Leak in NSScanner category method - objective-c

I created an NSScanner category method that shows a leak in instruments.
- (BOOL)scanBetweenPrefix:(NSString *)prefix
andSuffix:(NSString *)suffix
intoString:(NSString **)value
NSCharacterSet *charactersToBeSkipped = [self charactersToBeSkipped];
[self setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];
BOOL result = NO;
// find the prefix; the scanString method below fails if you don't do this
if (![self scanUpToString:prefix intoString:nil])
MY_LOG(#"Prefix %# is missing.", prefix);
return result;
//scan the prefix and discard
[self scanString:prefix intoString:nil];
// scan the important part and save it
if ([self scanUpToString:suffix intoString:value]) // this line leaks
result = YES;
[self setCharactersToBeSkipped:charactersToBeSkipped];
return result;
I figure it's the way I'm passing the value to/from the method, but I'm not sure. It's a small leak (32 bytes), but I'd like to do this right if I can. Thanks in advance.

I found the answer. I had a model class that used the result of the code above, but forgot to release the property in the dealloc method. I should have caught it with Instruments, but I didn't know where to look. I got caught up in the call stack in the Extended Details, which had only part of the info I needed.
For morons like me, here's what I did:
Run your app with Instruments ... Leaks.
In Instruments, watch the leaked blocks view (the grid icon at the bottom) and turn on the extended detail.
If you have multiple leaked objects, click the disclosure triangle so you can look at a discrete address.
Next to an address, there will be a detail arrow. Click on it.
Now you'll be looking at history. It starts with Malloc and shows you each retain and release.
You should have a release for the malloc and a release for every retain in the history. Match up your retains and releases and look for the oddball. When in doubt, look toward the bottom of the page and carefully review any properties you may have forgotten to release in your dealloc method(s).

OK, I'm stupid. This method does not leak. The leak is farther down my call stack, but I can't figure out where. Sorry for the premature post. I'll follow up when I figure out where the real leak is, if I can't figure out the fix myself.
In answer to Yuji's comment, my method call is:
NSString *title;
[fileScanner scanBetweenPrefix:kTitlePrefix
Is it the &title that's the problem? I patterned it after the existing NSScanner methods and calls.


Analyzer is complaining about a possible resource leak in multithreaded Cocoa app

Ok, I am an experienced C++ developer. I am learning Objective-C on the fly while trying to build a fairly substantial Cocoa application. I have done some simpler apps with Cocoa while gearing up for this project and I think I have a good handle on most of the concepts.
The memory management paradigm is still a little vague to me however so I build with the memory analyzer to help me find issues right away, and to be honest it has been awesome and has done more to help me understand Objective-C memory management that any of the documentation.
So here is my question.
I have two threads that communicate with each other using the performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: method. They pass objects between each other passed in as the withObject: parameter of the method.
Sample code is below:
- (BOOL)postMessage:(id <MessageTarget>)sender messageId:(NSInteger)msgId messageData:(void*)data
// message is allocated and retained here. retain count will be +2
Message* message = [[[Message alloc] initWithSender:sender messageId:msgId messageData:data] retain];
// message will be released in other thread.
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(messageHandler:) withObject:message waitUntilDone:NO];
// message is released here and retain count will be +1 or 0 depending on thread ordering
[message release];
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)sendMessage:(id <MessageTarget>)sender messageId:(NSInteger)msgId messageData:(void*)data messageResult:(void**)result
// message is allocated and retained here. retain count will be +2
Message* message = [[[Message alloc] initWithSender:sender messageId:msgId messageData:data] retain];
// message will be released in other thread. retain count will be +1 on return
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(messageHandler:) withObject:message waitUntilDone:YES];
*result = [message result];
// message is released here and retain count will be 0 triggering deallocation
[message release];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)messageHandler:(Message*)message
// message will have a retain count of +1 or +2 in here based on thread execution order
switch ([message messageId])
// message is released here bringing retain count to +1 or 0 depending on thread execution ordering
[message release];
The analyzer is complaining about a possible leak of the Message object allocated in postMessage: and sendMessage: but the object is released in messageHandler:. The code runs correctly and does not leak, and I suspect the analyzer is simply not able to see that the Message object is being released in a different thread.
Now in case you are wondering why I do the second retain in the post/send methods and not in the messageHandler: method, it is because the postMessage: method is meant to be asynchronous and [message release] in the post method may get executed before the [message retain] in messageHandler: would, leaving me with an invalid object. It would work just fine if I did that in the case of the sendMessage: method because it is synchronous.
So is there a better way to do this that would satisfy the memory analyzer? Or maybe a way to give the memory analyzer a hint that the object is in fact being released?
Torrey provided the answer below but I wanted to clarify what I had to do different from what he suggested.
He suggested using an attribute on my messageHandler: method as below
- (void)messageHandler:(Message*) __attribute__((ns_consumed)) message;
This did not quite work since the object is being passed into performSelector: and the analyzer does not see it being passed along to messageHandler:
Since the performSelector: call is defined by Cocoa and not by me I can not add the attribute to it.
The way around this is to wrap the call to performSelector: as follows:
- (void)myPerformSelector:(SEL)sel onThread:(NSThread*)thread withObject:(id) __attribute__((ns_consumed)) message waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait;
[self performSelector:sel onThread:thread withObject:message waitUntilDone:wait];
Then you can call the wrapper function and the analyzer will see the attribute and not complain about an unbalanced retain/release pair.
In the end I did not like the extra indirection just to get rid of the warning so I used the preprocessor as explained in my comment below. But I could see situations where it could be useful to use this method.
You do not need to explicitly transfer reference count ops to the secondary thread when using this API.
a) Your caller holds a reference when waitUntilFinished is true,
b) and the implementation behind + [NSThread performSelector:… also does (see: - [NSRunLoop performSelector:target:argument:order:modes:]).
There is no need to pass reference count duties for the parameters (or self) across threads in this case.
It will either be performed immediately, or self and the parameter (it's objc-typed) will be retained while in the other thread's run loop queue (and self and the parameter are released after the object's performed the selector).
(don't use ref-op __attribute__s to shut it up)
You should be able to make the analyzer happy by judicious use of Clang's ns_consumed attribute. As you suggested, this gives the memory analyzer a hint that a release message will be sent to the parameter upon completion of the function call. You would use it like:
- (void)messageHandler:(Message*) __attribute__((ns_consumed)) message
There is more information on Cocoa memory management annotations in the Clang analyzer documentation. You may want to wrap the attribute setting in an NS_COSUMED macro for compatibility with other compilers as suggested on that page.

Block gets released whilst in NSDictionary (ARC)

I'm trying to retain a reference to a Block that's been passed in to my class by a method, to call at a later time. I'm having trouble, however, maintaining a reference to it.
The obvious way, I thought, was to add it to an ivar collection, all of which are supposed to maintain strong references to their contents. But when I try to pull it back out, it's nil.
The code is pretty simple:
typedef void (^DataControllerCallback)(id rslt);
#interface DataController : NSObject {
NSMutableArray* queue;
- (void) addBlock:(DataControllerCallback)callback;
- (void) functionToBeCalledLater;
#implementation DataController
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
queue = [NSMutableArray new];
return self;
- (void) addBlock:(DataControllerCallback)callback {
NSDictionary* toAdd = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[callback copy], #"callback",
#"some other data", #"data", nil];
[queue addObject:toAdd];
- (void) functionToBeCalledLater {
NSDictionary* dict = [queue lastObject];
NSLog(#"%#", [dict objectForKey:#"data"]; //works
DataControllerCallback callback = [dict objectForKey:#"callback"]; //this is nil
callback(#"an arguemnt"); //EXC_BAD_ACCESS
What's happening?
Update: I've tried it with [callback copy] and just callback inserting into the dictionary, neither works.
Update 2: If I just stick my block into an NSMutableSet, as long as I call copy, I'm fine. It works great. But if it's in an NSDictionary, it doesn't.
I've actually tested it by putting a breakpoint right after the NSDict is created and the callback never gets inserted. The description reads clearly "1 key-value pair", not two.
I'm currently getting around this with a specialised class that just acts as a container. The callback property is declared as strong; I don't even need to use copy.
The question still stands, though: why is this happening? Why won't an NSDictionary store a Block? Does it have something to do with the fact that I'm targeting iOS 4.3 and thus ARC must be built in as a static library?
Update 3: Ladies and gentleman: I am an idiot.
The code I presented here was obviously a simplified version of the actual code; most particularly, it was leaving some key/value pairs out of the dictionary.
If you're storing a value in an NSDictionary using [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:], you had better be damn sure one of those values isn't nil.
One of them was.
ICYMI, it was causing an early termination of the argument list. I had a userInfo-type argument being passed into one of the "add to queue" methods, and you could, of course, pass in "nil". Then when I constructed the dictionary, chucking in that argument caused the constructor to think I had terminated the argument list. #"callback" was the last value in the dictionary constructor and it was never being stored.
Contrary to popular mis-conception, ARC does not automatically de-stackify Blocks passed as arguments to methods. It only de-stackify's automatically when a block is returned from a method/function.
I.e. this....
[dict setObject: ^{;} forKey: #"boom"];
... will crash if dict survives beyond the scope and you attempt to use the block (actually, it won't in this case because that is a static block, but that is a compiler detail that you can't rely on).
This is documented here:
How do blocks work in ARC?
Blocks “just work” when you pass blocks up the stack in ARC mode, such
as in a return. You don’t have to call Block Copy any more. You
still need to use [^{} copy] when passing “down” the stack into
arrayWithObjects: and other methods that do a retain.
The return value behavior could be automated because it is always correct to return a heap based block (and always an error to return a stack based block). In the case of a block-as-an-argument, it is impossible to automate the behavior in a way that would be both very efficient and always correct.
The analyzer likely should have warned about this use. If it didn't, file a bug.
(I derped a stack when I meant a heap. Sorry about that.)
The compiler doesn't automate blocks-as-parameters for a few reasons:
unnecessarily copying a block to the heap can be a significant performance penalty
multiple-copies of a block can multiply that performance penalty significantly.
If that were to imply four Block_copy() operations and aBlock contained a significant quantity of captured state, that'd be a huge potential hit.
• There are only so many hours in the day and automating the handling of parameters is rife with non-obvious edge cases. If this were handled automatically in the future, it could be done without breaking existing code and, thus, maybe it will be done in the future.
I.e. the compiler could generate:
aBlock = [aBlock copy];
[aBlock release];
Not only would this fix the problem of a block-as-param, but it would also only produce one copy of the block across all potential uses.
The question still stands, though: why is this happening? Why won't an
NSDictionary store a Block? Does it have something to do with the fact
that I'm targeting iOS 4.3 and thus ARC must be built in as a static
Something bizarre is going on, then. Coincidentally, I've been using blocks-as-values in an ARC based application in the last week and it is working fine.
Do you have a minimal example handy?

Incorrect decrement error, code review

This code down below works as expected, cleans things up without Zombies. The class in which this method exists, is the owner of the Nodes, which are being released, yet, upon "Analyze" the following 2 issues show up.
If possible, could you help me understand why?
- (void) dealloc {
NSLog(#"Releasing [Doubly Linked List] .. ");
Node *thisNode = [self firstNode];
Node *nextNode = [thisNode next];
while (nextNode != nil) {
// If "Next node" is not nil, it means that
// "previous node" can now be released
NSLog(#" - releasing node \"%c\"", [[nextNode previous] charData]);
[[nextNode previous] release];
nextNode = [nextNode next];
[[self lastNode] release];
[super dealloc];
Click on the icon on the left of the message, it will show the path through the code that produces the error.
You are releasing something, [nextNode previous] that you do not own. In particular you did not alloc or retain it nor obtain it from a method that begins with new or copy so you do not have ownership of it and should not release it.
It is also very uncommon to release something not in your class, [[nextNode previous] release].
Now: [[self lastNode] release];
As above you did not obtain an ownership on the object you are releasing.
If lastNode is a property with retain you are subverting the setter and when later a value is assigned to lastNode via the setter there will be an extra release on the object and probably a crash. If it is not a property again this it very non-standard to release something that is returned by a method call.
Any releases with code of this form [[self lastNode] release] is non-standard and if be avoided there will be fewer ownership (retain/release) problems.
You will save a lot of time and grief by studying the Apple memory management documentation.
The issue is that you are not doing things according to the ordinary memory management conventions of Objective C and the static analyzer is getting confused. Basically, the Objective C class which allocates an object "owns" the object and is responsible for releasing it. Here, you are not using those conventions, so the analyzer is complaining, even if what you are doing works correctly.
See Apple's documentation for more on ownership.

Do we really need a safe release macro?

Quite a lot of people seem to use a macro such as
#define SAFE_RELEASE(X) [X release]; X = nil;
(myself included).
I've been reassessing why I am using it and wanted to canvas some opinion.
The purpose (I think) for using this macro is so that if you were to accidentally use your object after releasing it then you won't get a bad access exception because objective-c will quite happily ignore it when the object is nil.
It strikes me that this has the potential to mask some obscure bugs. Maybe it would actually be preferable for the program to crash when you try to use X again. That way during testing you can find the issue and improve the code.
Does this macro encourage lazy programming?
I think you discuss all the pros and cons in your question, so I don't have a huge amount to add. Personally I don't use the construct. As you suggest, it can be used to paper over areas where people don't understand the memory management correctly. My preference is to fix the bug and not the symptom.
However, one compromise that I have seen from time to time is:
Make it crash during development
Do the var = nil; in production code
That way it might be more reliable with paying customers and still crashes early during development.
I'm not keen on this either, as you're using different code to your users and just because the buggy version keeps running doesn't mean it's doing the right thing. Not crashing but corrupting your database is not desirable behaviour...
I think it, or an equivalent such as self.myVar = nil where applicable, is a good. There are many cases where you simply can't just assign nil and assume any later access is a bug.
For example in UIKit it's good behavior to free up as many resources as possible when the OS ask. E.g.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[myCachedData release];
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
Now, when my class is next used how am I to know that myCachedData is now invalid? The only way (short of having ANOTHER variable acting as a flag) is to set myCachedData to nil after releasing it. And condensing those two tedious lines into one is exactly what SAFE_RELEASE is for.
You don't need it, but it is handy to have. I use something similar in my apps. You can consider it "lazy", but when you have somewhere around 20 objects, writing these out manually gets tedious.
I was looking into the same question. With the bit of reading I did I just have something like this:
//#define PRODUCTION
#define SAFE_RELEASE(X) [X release];
#define SAFE_RELEASE(X) [X release]; X = nil;
So that way if I'm developing, I get the Crashes. In Production I don't.
As Andrew pointed out, there are cases where assigning nil isn't only avoiding bugs, but necessary. Just consider typical UIViewController code
- (void)viewDidLoad {
button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; // autoreleased
[button retain]; // keep alive
- (void)viewDidUnload { // view has been removed
[button release];
- (void)dealloc { // destroying the view controller
[button release]; // <-- problem
In case the controller is loaded, later unloaded (because another view controller is displayed a memory is running low) and finally destroyed, the [button release] in dealloc would over-release the button (send a message to a released object). Therefore it it's necessary to assign nil. The safe solution would be:
- (void)viewDidUnload { // view has been removed
[button release];
button = nil;
- (void)dealloc { // destroying the view controller
[button release]; // <-- safe
For those cases a macro is nice and useful. To be more explicit about what it does, better name it RELEASE_AND_NIL
#define RELEASE_AND_NIL(X) [X release]; X = nil;

Why can't my singleton class return a value that will stay in scope

Stick with me. I'm visually impaired, have never used this site before, and will probably not post this in precisely the format that you are all used to. I apologize for any unintentional faux pas's herein.
Using Objective-C in an iOS project…
I have a singleton class, set up in what appears to be the usual way for Objective-C. It is, in the main, a series of methods which accept NSString values, interprets them, and return something else. In the code below, I'm simplifying things to the barest minimum, to emphasize the problem I am having.
From the singleton class:
- (NSUInteger) assignControlState:(NSString *)state {
// excerpted for clarity...
return UIControlStateNormal; // an example of what might be returned
Now, an instance of another class tries to use this method like so:
- (void) buttonSetup:(UIButton*)button {
[button setTitle:#"something" forState:[[SingletonClass accessToInstance] assignControlState:#"normal"]];
This code actually works. HOwever, when the system goes to draw the UI which includes the button whose title was set in this way, an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error occurs.
If the assignControlState method is moved into the same class as the buttonSetup method, no error is generated.
I'm guessing this is something about Apple's memory management that I'm not fully understanding, and how things go in and out of scope, but for the life of me, I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
HOpe someone can help. Thanks.
The problem is in your accessToInstance method. I'll bet you are under-retaining. The implementation should be more like this:
static SingletonClass *sSingletonClass = nil;
+ (id)accessToInstance {
if (sSingletonClass == nil) {
sSingletonClass = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return sSingletonClass;
Now, if your program is following normal memory management rules, the singleton will stay around. You can check by writing:
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc]; // <-- set a breakpoint here.
If the debugger ever stops at this breakpoint, you know something in your program has over-released the singleton.
You know that bit you excerpted for clarity? I think you need to show us what it is because there's probably an over release in it somewhere.
Specifically, I think you release an autoreleased object. If you do that and don't use the object again, everything will carry on normally until the autorelease pool gets drained. The autorelease pool gets drained automatically at the end of the event at about the same time as the drawing normally occurs.
That would also explain the delayed crash following the NSLogs.