Does the .dispose() method do anything at all? -

I was experimenting with ways to get rid of some memory leaks within my application the other day when I realized that I know virtually nothing about cleaning up my resources. I did some research, and hoped that just calling the .dispose() would solve all of my problems. We have a table in our database that contains about 65,000 records. Obviously when I fill my dataset from the data adapter, the memory usage can get pretty high. When I called the dispose method on the dataset, I was surprised to find out that NONE of the memory got released. Why did this happen? Clearing the dataset doesn't help either.

IDisposable and thus Dispose is not used to reduced memory pressure, although in some cases it might, but instead used for deterministic cleanup.
Consider this, you construct an object that maintains an active and open connection to your database server. This connection uses resources, both on your machine, and the server.
You could of course just leave the object be when you're done with it, and eventually it'll get picked up by the garbage collector, but suppose you want to make sure at least the resources gets freed, and thus the connection closed, when you're done with it. This is where IDisposable.Dispose comes into play.
It is used to clean up resources managed by the object.
It will, however, not free the managed memory allocated to the object. This is still left to the garbage collector, that will kick in at some later time to do that.
Do you actually have a memory problem, or do you just look at the memory usage in Task Manager or similar and go "that's a bit high."?
If the latter, then you should just leave it be for now. .NET will run garbage collection more often if you have less memory available, so unless you're in a situation where you get, or might suspect you will get soon, a memory overflow condition, you're probably not going to have any problems.
Let me explain what I mean by "run less often".
If you have 8GB of memory in your machine, and only have Windows and Notepad running, most of that memory will be available. When you now run your program, even if it loads minor data blocks into memory, you can keep doing that for a long time, and memory usage will steadily grow. Exactly when the GC will kick in and try to reduce your memory footprint I don't know, but I can almost guarantee you that you will wonder why it gets so high.
Let's just for the sake of the argument say that your program will eventually use 2GB of memory.
Now, if you run your program on a machine that has less memory available, GC will occur more often, and will kick in on a lower limit, which might keep the memory usage below 500MB or possibly even less.
The important part to note here is that in order for you to get an accurate picture of how much memory application actually requires, then you can't rely on Task Manager or similar ways to measure it, you need something more targetted.

Calling Dispose() will only release unmanaged resources, such as file handles, database connections, unmanaged memory, etc. It will not release garbage collected memory.
Garbage collected memory will only get released at the next collection. Usually when the application domain memory is deamed full.

I'm going to point out something here that hasn't been explicitly mentioned: calling Dispose() will only clean up (free) unmanaged resources if the developer of the component has coded it.
What I mean is this: if you suspect you have a memory leak, calling Dispose() is not going to fix it if the original developer has done a lousy job and not correctly freed up unmanaged resources. For a bit more info, check this blog post. Take note of the statement The behaviour of Dispose is defined by the developer.

Some objects will ask one or more other entities to do something on its behalf until further notice, to the detriment of other entities. If an object which did so were to disappear without informing the former entities that their services were no longer needed, those entities would continue to uselessly act on behalf of an object that no longer needed them, to the continuing detriment of other entities that would want to use them.
In many cases, for an object "George" to tell an outside entity "Joe" that its services were no longer needed, George would have to know that its services were no longer needed. There are two normal means via which that can happen in .NET, finalization and IDIsposable.
If an object overrides a method called Finalize, then when the object is created the .NET garbage collector will add it to a list of objects with registered finalizers. If the GC discovers that there exists no rooted reference to the object other than that list, the GC will remove the object from that list and add it to a strongly-rooted queue of objects which should have their Finalize method called as soon as possible. Such an object can then use its Finalize method to inform other entities that their services are no longer required.
Although finalization-based cleanup can sometimes work, there's no guarantee of timeliness. At one point during the design of .net Microsoft may have intended that finalization would be the primary cleanup method, but for a variety of reasons it cannot safely be relied upon.
The other cleanup approach, which should be the focus of one's efforts, is IDisposable. Basically, the idea behind IDisposable is simple: for every object that implements IDisposable, there should be one entity (generally either an object or a nested execution scope) which is responsible for ensuring that that object's IDisposable.Dispose method will get called sometime within the lifetime of the universe (which would imply sometime while a reference to the object still exists), and preferably as soon as code can tell that the object's services will no longer be required.
Note that IDisposable.Dispose generally promises that any outside entities which had been asked to do something on an object's behalf will be told that they no longer need to do so, but such a promise does not imply that the number of entities is non-zero. If an object hasn't asked any outside entities to do anything on its behalf, then delivering a message "all" such entities doesn't require doing anything at all. On the other hand, the fact that a Dispose method may do nothing in some cases doesn't mean that it's guaranteed never to do anything in any case, nor that failure to call it in those cases where it would do something won't have detrimental effects.


VB.NET Scope of resource created using "New" statement in argument to subroutine

I was wondering, in VB.NET is:
Using tBrush = New SolidBrush(UseColor)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(tBrush, someRect)
End Using
equivalent to:
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(UseColor), someRect)
i.e. in the second case will the SolidBrush be released right after the FillRectangle finishes?
It is true Using blocks create their own scope... but so do method calls, as in the second example. .Net is smart enough to know the brush is not reachable anywhere else. Therefore, considered only in terms of scope, the two options are close enough to not have any meaningful difference.
But scope isn't the big issue here. We also need to talk about disposal.
In the first example, the brush will be disposed as soon as the code block is finished. In the second example the brush merely becomes eligible to be disposed, but the exact time at which that disposal happens is still undetermined.
Usually the dispose will happen fairly quickly, even in the second case, and usually there is enough of this resource it doesn't matter much if it's delayed a little. However, sometimes it can take a while, and with some resource types, or in some environments where there is more contention, any potential delay can be a big problem. And since you don't always control the environment where the code runs, it's a good idea stick with a Using block whenever you have a type that implements IDisposable.
I also need to point out disposal has nothing to do with memory. Again, both samples share a similar scope, and so both will have their memory reclaimed by the garbage collector in similar ways. Rather, the resource governed by the disposal in this sample is the GDI handle used by the brush. Without an explicit disposal, that GDI Handle would only be released when the garbage collector eventually gets around to calling the object's finalizer. That could be a while on a system with low memory pressure, hence the need for a different mechanism (IDisposable + Using) to reclaim it.
Short answer, yes they are equivalent. And yes, the second brush will be released and at some point the garbage collector will get it.
The first one is interesting, though, if you want to use the same brush for several rectangles, instead of instantiating a bunch of brush. You could get a similar result by initiating your brush as a named variable and using it until it's out of scope, if it was preferable to your needs.

iOS6 and ACAccount: Twitter type disappears?

I try to authenticate my app with Twitter with following code: pastebin
However, if I remove the (useless?) loop line 23ff
for (ACAccount *acc in arrayOfAccounts) {
[acc accountType].identifier;
//Otherwise the identifier get lost - god knows why -__-
the acc.type becomes (null) when it gets executed further in
AccountHandler checkAccountOf:acc. If I leave the loop in, the type is correctly set.
I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact that I am in a block and then move on to the main queue, but I am wondering if I am doing something wrong? This loop does not look like sth I am supposed to have to do.
Something kinda similar happened here.
ACAccounts are not thread safe. You should use them only on the thread that they originate. And for this purpose you can read 'thread' as 'queue'.
While I've not seen formal documentation of that, if you NSLog an account you'll see that it's a Core Data object and the lack of thread safety on Core Data objects is well documented.
The specific behaviour is that a Core Data object can be a fault. That means that what you're holding is a reference to the object but not the actual object. When you try to access a property the object will be loaded into memory.
What Core Data is doing underneath is caching things in memory and returning faults until it knows that an object is really needed. The efficient coordination of that cache is what limits individual instances of the Core Data object that coordinates objects to a single thread.
If you do the action that should bring the object into memory on the wrong thread — which is what happens when you access identifier here — then the behaviour is undefined. You could just get a nil result or you could crash your application.
(aside: the reason that Core Data works like this is that it stores an object graph, so possibly 1000s of interconnected objects, and you can traverse it just like any other group of objects. However you don't normally want to pay the costs associated with loading every single one of them into memory just to access whatever usually tiny subset of information you're going to use, so it needs a way of providing a normal Objective-C interface while lazily loading)
The code you've linked to skirts around that issue by ensuring that the objects are in the cache, and hence in memory, before queue hopping. So the 'fetch from store' step occurs on the correct queue. However the code is nevertheless entirely unsafe because objects may transition from being in memory back to being faults according to whatever logic Core Data cares to apply.
The author obviously thinks they've found some bug on Apple's part. They haven't, they've merely decided to assume something is thread safe when it isn't and have then found a way of relying on undefined behaviour that happened to work in their tests.
Moral of the story: keep the accounts themselves on a single thread. If you want to do some processing with the properties of an account then collect the relevant properties themselves as fundamental Foundation objects and post those off.

objective-c: relying on dealloc

Is it a legitimate practice to rely on a deterministic dealloc (ex: for clean-up)?
Since ARC, and even manual reference counting, is inherently deterministic, I was wondering what other people thought about relying on dealloc getting called immediately (relatively, considering autoreleasepool).
In other modern programming languages, like C#, a dispose-like pattern is employed when you need deterministic clean-up. And I would imagine Obj-C with garbage collection encourages this behavior, as well.
So, with that said, an example would be a UIViewController which cancels outstanding operations in dealloc, rather than trying to program around the sometimes frustrating semantics of viewDidDisappear.
Another example would be a stream object that implicitly opens and closes in init and dealloc, respectively, rather than requiring open or close to be called.
Since Apple has deprecated GC, I would imagine that these sorts of patterns won't be broken anytime soon, and they are incredibly handy, though I can't find any documentation on whether this should be encouraged.
You are absolutely correct, you can rely on dealloc being called relatively soon after the last reference is released (manually or though ARC, it does not matter). Unlike GC where the finalizer is called when the system has some free time, or in some cases is never called, dealloc gets called very reliably. Apple allows and even encourages using this pattern by suggesting that we should perform all of our resource clean-up tasks inside dealloc.
This does not mean, however, that you should rely on dealloc exclusively. For example, take a look at the NSStream class: it offers you an explicit close method, letting you force closing the stream at will, without waiting for the call of dealloc to happen. This is a very good pattern to follow in case the resource is very expensive (file handles, semaphores, etc.): the primary mechanism for releasing these resources should be a separate close method. The dealloc method should release the resource as well, but it should also issue a warning, informing your that you missed a call of close.
Regardless of your memory management system, tying expensive resources (e.g. files & sockets, images, views, large memory allocations, etc) to object lifetimes is risky. Even if you're manually retaining & releasing, you might unwittingly retain an object somewhere and forget about it (or otherwise delay its release unnecessarily). ARC makes it even more likely that these things will happen, since it's much less apparent where the retains come from, and when the corresponding releases take effect. And of course GC makes it all completely indefinite.
Generally for expensive and/or limited resources you should try to follow a sole-ownership pattern. Yes, you can still retain/release as normal to prevent premature deallocation, but the dominant owner should be well defined and responsible for clearing out the object when it's done - e.g. calling invalidate, or close, or whatever is appropriate. This makes perfect sense in a lot of the common cases - you generally know when you're done with a file or a socket, for example, so even if they happen to be encapsulated inside some wrapper class, you should just close them explicitly.
In some cases this can also help find bugs that would otherwise remain hidden, or be hard to track down. For example, if your file wrapper class raises an exception when read or write are called after the file is closed, you'll soon catch those cases. Whereas if you didn't close the file when you thought you were done with it, the reads and writes would just happen as usual and you might not notice that your file has unexpected data in it.
You can also use the same principles to break retain cycles.

Design pattern for catching memory leaks in objective-c?

I have read Apple's memory management guide, and think I understand the practices that should be followed to ensure proper memory management in my application.
At present it looks like there are no memory leaks in my code. But as my code grows more complex, I wonder whether there is any particular pattern I should follow to keep track of allocations and deallocations of objects.
Does it make sense to create some kind of global object that is present throughout the execution of the application which contains a count of the number of active objects of a type? Each object could increment the count of their type in their init method, and decrement it in dealloc. The global object could verify at appropriate times if the count of a particular type is zero of not.
EDIT: I am aware of how to use the leaks too, as well as how to analyze the project using Xcode. The reason for this post is to keep track of cases which may not be detected through leaks or analyze easily.
EDIT: Also, it seems to make sense to have something like this so that leaks can be detected in builds early by running unit tests that check the global object. I guess that as an inexperienced objective-c programmer I would benefit from the views of others on this.
Each object could increment the count of their type in their init
method, and decrement it in dealloc.
To do that right, you'll have to do one of the following: 1) override behavior at some common point, such as NSObject's -init or , or 2) add the appropriate code to the designated initializer of every single class. Neither seems simple.
The global object could verify at appropriate times if the count of a
particular type is zero of not.
Sounds good, but can you elaborate a bit on "appropriate times"? How would you know at any given point in the life of your program which classes should have zero instances? You'd have a pretty good idea that there should be no objects at the end of the program, but Instruments could tell you the same thing in that case.
Objective-C has taken several steps to make memory management much simpler. Use properties and synthesized accessors where you can, as they essentially manage your objects for you. A more recent improvement is ARC, which goes even further toward automating most memory management tasks. You basically let the compiler figure out where to put the memory management calls -- it's like garbage collection without the garbage collector. Learn to use those tools well before you try to invent new ones.
Don't go that route... it's a pain in single inheritance. Most importantly, there are excellent tools at your disposal which you should master before thinking you must create some global counter. The global counter exists in a few tools already -- Learn them!
The way you combat it is to learn how to balance and manage everything correctly when it's written. It's really very simple in hindsight.
ARC is another option -- really that just postpones your understanding.
The first "design pattern" I recommend it to use release instead of autorelease where possible (although generally more useful for over-releases).
Next, run the leaks instrument/util regularly and fix all leaks/zombies immediately.
Third, learn the existing tools as you go! These tools can do really crazy stuff, like record the backtrace of every allocation and every reference count. You can pause your program's execution and view what allocations exist, alloc counts, backtraces, and all sorts of other stats.

Is object clearing/array deallocation really necessary in VB6/VBA (Pros/Cons?)

A lot of what I have learned about VB I learned from using Static Code Analysis (Particularly Aivosto's Project Analyzer). And one one of things it checks for is whether or not you cleared all objects and arrays. I used to just do this blindly because PA said so. But now that I know a little bit more about the way VB releases resources, it seems to me that these things should be happening automatically. Is this a legacy feature from pre VB6, or is there a reason why you should explicitly set objects back to nothing and use Erase on arrays?
Matt Curland, author of Advanced Visual Basic 6, who knows more about Visual Basic than most of us ever will, thinks it is wasted effort. Consider this quote (p110) about DAO, the COM data access library that primarily targets the Access Database Engine:
another example of poor teardown code.
DAO has Close methods that must be
called in the correct order, and the
objects must be released in the
correct order as well (Recordset
before Database, for example). This
single poor object model behavior has
led to the misconception that VB leaks
memory unless you explicitly set all
the local variables to nothing at the
end of a function. This is a
completely false notion in a
well-designed object model. VB can
clear the variables faster at the End
Sub line than you can from code, and
it checks the variables even if you
explicitly release your references.
Any effort you make is duplicated.
The problem, as I understand it, has to do with the fact that VB6 (and its predecessors) has its roots in COM, and its reference-counting garbage collection system.
Imagine, for instance, that you declare a refernece to an object from a 3rd party library. That object has a COM reference count that is used both to keep it alive and to determine when it should be destroyed. It isn't destroyed when you set it to Nothing, but when the object's reference count reaches zero.
Now, not all COM components were written in Visual Basic. Some were written in C or C++. Structured exception handling didn't exist across all languages. So if an error occurred, the reference count on the object was not guaranteed to be properly reduced, and COM objects were known to hang around longer than they were intended to. This wasn't a problem with Visual Basic, per se. It was a COM problem. (And that, you might note, is why .NET doesn't use reference counting.)
That's why Visual Basic developers became obsessive about releasing object references prior to exiting routines. You simply don't know what a component you're allocating is creating under the hood. But when you release your reference to it, you're at least releasing your reference count to it. It became almost a religious mantra. Declare, use, release. It was the COM way of doing things.
Sure, Visual Basic might be better or faster at dereferencing variables I declared on the stack. But dammit, I want it to be OBVIOUS that those objects were released. A little assurance goes a long way when you're trying to track down a memory leak.
Have you read this Aivosto web page (from the creators of Project Analyzer)?
If you are using static variables,
it's important to reclaim the memory
they occupied when you don't need the
variables any more. With dynamic
variables memory isn't so much of a
problem, because they are destroyed
when the procedure ends.
In other words, you don't need to worry about clearing ordinary, non-static, local variables.
I always do it for good practice, you never know what an exception might do if you fall in one and your objects are not deallocated. You should relase them in finally statements and ensure they are not using any memory otherwise you may run into a memory leak.
I had an issue inside of a simple time off tracker system where the server kept on crashing randomly, it took weeks to determine it was a memory leak of an object that was supposed to self destruct on its own. My code was being thrown into an exception and never cleaned up after itself causing the server (the actual web site not the entire server) to go down.
Yes, set all objects to Nothing and clean up as much as you can. VB6 is notorious for having memory leaks when not cleaning up your stuff. Garbage collection was sub-par in VB6/VBA.