some microsoft products and XML on an interview [closed] - sql

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Closed 11 years ago.
here's the job description:
Experience with data mapping/extracts tools such as Monarch and VorteXML.
Familiarity with XML documents and schemas.
Minimum 1-3 years of data analysis in SQL Server environment.
Working knowledge of TSQL and SQL Server 2000 tools such as Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, Profiler, DTS and BCP.
Working knowledge of SQL Server Reporting Services design and administration.
BSCS or other technical degree.
Healthcare background strongly preferred.
Strong organizational and communication skills.
Strong analytical thinking, troubleshooting and ability to manage multiple, concurrent projects.
Ability to meet deadlines while working in a fast-paced environment.
what is an XML schema? ive extracted data programmatically from XML files, but i dont understand what they mean by schema?
data analysis in SQL server environment - does this just mean knowing how to do joins and select statements?
SSRS (design and administration) - can someone please get me started on some basic tutorials where i can learn this?
what is Monarch and VorteXML and where can i learn the applications?

If you don't know those technologies and what they're talking about, you probably shouldn't be applying. The same goes for any job, whether or not it's in the IT field.

Are you just planning to answer the questions and then spend about two weeks stressing your nut off once you get the job. W3Schools will give you a start with schema (.xsd files). Sql server documentation will help you with the rest (patterns and practices on microsoft site is a good read).
You've got to understand that the interviewer probably has some ideas about the answers they want to hear too.
Good luck :)


learning how to write complex stored procedures [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i'm looking for good books and tutorials
about writing complex stored procedures along with common tricks and best practices
commonly used by DBAs.
all i usually find is the basic SQL Statement tutorials ,
what i need are some good examples of Complex Data Selection
along with common tricks of how to correctly and efficiently filter data
for selection between multiple tables .
i release this is hard to find , because Complex DB's are usually built
only in large projects and not for tutorials , but for the least i would like to find commonly used method applied by DBAs
thanks in advance.
You can use below site for download Ebook about SQL server complex stored procedure :
3- Google Ebook
There are lots of site but I find This site is very helpful for my SQL Server learning. It is very informative site for database developers. If you want to read books then probably you can pick on from Microsoft press.
You should look at The Guru's Guide To Transact SQL by Ken Henderson, a bit old, but probably still the best book about T-SQL :)

User friendly SQL query program? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I doubt this could exist, but crazier things do. Is there a program or place where I could enter in just the tables/columns, and some criteria options and it will generate a working SQL query code for me?
I know there are programs that will make the code look all nice, but I mean truly generate the code/joins/FROMS/etc.
Actually with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio you have tools for everything.
You just need to learn the basics, but almost everything can be done with pre-made code for you.
You can create a table by just Right-Clicking on a database and select Create Table. From there you just have to fill the column names and the rows.
You can fill you rows with something similar without using the T-SQL language directly.
There are too many tools for me to list them all here but it is really User-Friendly.
I do recommend you go and learn SQL. It is really easy to learn the basics and so useful.
If you really want a software that generates the code for you you can google SQL Genetator.
I found this. Although I don't recommend using a code generator.
As everyone already commented, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is your tool to go. But I guess you are asking for something that maybe requires a little bit less knowledge of the underlying tSQL language.
A sample could be MS SQL Code Factory I once recommended to some advanced user of a system I used to work and for him it was enough to do simple and some mid-adavanced queries.
But definitely you should aim to learn tSQL and then apply your knowledge together with a tool like SSMS to create all the queries you need, there is "almost" no limit on what you can achieve, and it is fun too as #Polynomial stated

Which database? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm a java developer, currently starting developing a hospital management system that will server patients, doctors, accountant, .... etc the system is really huge that may have 900,000 records/day, data is really growing so fast, for that i'm confusing in which database to use since i have the following options: (Percona Server(Mysql), Oracle, SQLServer), since the application will run on network with average of 45 online users.
I hope to find a good answers here.
Thanks in advance
If you have been working with MySQL for 6 years then stick with it!
You don't want to add the burden of learning another database as well as having to develop your application.
If you are unsure if MySQL is up to the job then run some tests. Write an app that runs multiple threads inserting 1M rows and see if your servers can handle it.
I'm guessing the brand of the database you choose will be less important than the performance of the platform (machines) it is running on.
There is no good or bad answer to this question. Basically it is as good as the DBA knowns to manage it.
If asking this question it would be wise to group a team of people well known with various systems to find out the best practice. To answer such a case, even more with very sensitive data, it is not just a simple solution which will do the trick. A thorough process of decision making is very important. Not only from a technical but also from a security and business side.
As per as think your database is large you can go with oracle.but the decision also depends on the expertise of people working with you and availability of resources.

Recommended SQL Practice and Books [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Please recommend me some books and practices for me.
I am quite weak in SQL though not that bad in C# and VB.NET.
Itzik Ben-Gan has written three excellent books on SQL Server 2008 and T-SQL. The best place to start is with 'SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Fundamentals', and then from there to move onto 'Inside SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying' and then finally 'Inside SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming'.
If I could get all of the developers here to read these three books then I wouldn't need to spend half as much time as I do addressing quality concerns in our databases.
Kalen Delaney's SQL Server 2008 Internals will change the way you use SQL Server, by giving you such a thorough understanding of it all.
SQL: The Complete Reference has been with me since day 1. While the content in this book is excellent (easy-to-read, understand, great examples), I think its greatest strength is the strong appendix -- there isn't a language concept/keyword that isn't listed; its never let me down.
Oh, and its a few years old, so its dirt cheap now, too. :)
Check out this book.It is great for the whole DBMS concepts including SQL
Database Management Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management (Fourth Edition)
by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg
Addison-Wesley, 2005

Free SQL comparison tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been using SQL Compare by Redgate at my company and was very satisfied with it. Are there any free comparison tools that are similar? Or what would be my best shot for synchronizing two SQL db's without a paid application
I had the same problem and wanted a free GUI base Schema comparer tool, what I found was
Star Inix ( Obviously not as good as Redgates offering, but it does the job.
Also, with Redgate Sql Compare, once the trial period is over, if you enter the key as "i need more time" (without the quotes) you can extend the trial by a further 14 days.
Visual Studio (Premium & above I guess) has this feature built-in under the SQL menu.
I’ve gone through this and couldn’t find anything comparable, free or otherwise. $395 is a very small price to pay for the value the tool brings and it will almost certainly pay for itself very quickly in productivity gains and risk minimisation.
xSQL Free Bundle
Very similar to RedGate's SQL Compare and free.
You can try using TableDiff , that came with SQL Server 2005.
Tablediff Utility
SQL Server 2005 TableDiff Utility
Have a look at Mighty Comparer. It's currently free. A professional version is under development.
I normally go for the hackish but surprisingly effective technique of downloading the sys_information tables to text files and diffing them with your favorite diff program (this way will even let you compare 3 schemas!).
You can use Database Comparer
Database Comparer is free for non-commercial use.