TSQL foreign keys on views? - sql

I have a SQL-Server 2008 database and a schema which uses foreign key constraints to enforce referential integrity. Works as intended. Now the user creates views on the original tables to work on subsets of the data only. My problem is that filtering certain datasets in some tables but not in others will violate the foreign key constraints.
Imagine two tables "one" and "two". "one" contains just an id column with values 1,2,3. "Two" references "one". Now you create views on both tables. The view for table "two" doesn't filter anything while the view for table "one" removes all rows but the first. You'll end up with entries in the second view that point nowhere.
Is there any way to avoid this? Can you have foreign key constraints between views?
Some Clarification in response to some of the comments:
I'm aware that the underlying constraints will ensure integrity of the data even when inserting through the views. My problem lies with the statements consuming the views. Those statements have been written with the original tables in mind and assume certain joins cannot fail. This assumption is always valid when working with the tables - but views potentially break it.
Joining/checking all constraints when creating the views in the first place is annyoing because of the large number of referencing tables. Thus I was hoping to avoid that.

I love your question. It screams of familiarity with the Query Optimizer, and how it can see that some joins are redundant if they serve no purpose, or if it can simplify something knowing that there is at most one hit on the other side of a join.
So, the big question is around whether you can make a FK against the CIX of an Indexed View. And the answer is no.
create table dbo.testtable (id int identity(1,1) primary key, val int not null);
create view dbo.testview with schemabinding as
select id, val
from dbo.testtable
where val >= 50
insert dbo.testtable
select 20 union all
select 30 union all
select 40 union all
select 50 union all
select 60 union all
select 70
create unique clustered index ixV on dbo.testview(id);
create table dbo.secondtable (id int references dbo.testview(id));
All this works except for the last statement, which errors with:
Msg 1768, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Foreign key 'FK__secondtable__id__6A325CF7' references object 'dbo.testview' which is not a user table.
So the Foreign key must reference a user table.
But... the next question is about whether you could reference a unique index that is filtered in SQL 2008, to achieve a view-like FK.
And still the answer is no.
create unique index ixUV on dbo.testtable(val) where val >= 50;
This succeeded.
But now if I try to create a table that references the val column
create table dbo.thirdtable (id int identity(1,1) primary key, val int not null check (val >= 50) references dbo.testtable(val));
(I was hoping that the check constraint that matched the filter in the filtered index might help the system understand that the FK should hold)
But I get an error saying:
There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'dbo.testtable' that matching the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK__thirdtable__val__0EA330E9'.
If I drop the filtered index and create a non-filtered unique non-clustered index, then I can create dbo.thirdtable without any problems.
So I'm afraid the answer still seems to be No.

It took me some time to figure out the misunderstaning here -- not sure if I still understand completely, but here it is.
I will use an example, close to yours, but with some data -- easier for me to think in these terms.
So first two tables; A = Department B = Employee
DepartmentID int PRIMARY KEY
,DepartmentName varchar(20)
,DepartmentColor varchar(10)
EmployeeID int PRIMARY KEY
,EmployeeName varchar(20)
,DepartmentID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Department ( DepartmentID )
Now I'll toss some data in
INSERT INTO Department
( DepartmentID, DepartmentName, DepartmentColor )
SELECT 1, 'Accounting', 'RED' UNION
SELECT 2, 'Engineering', 'BLUE' UNION
SELECT 4, 'Marketing', 'GREEN' ;
( EmployeeID, EmployeeName, DepartmentID )
SELECT 1, 'Lyne', 1 UNION
SELECT 2, 'Damir', 2 UNION
SELECT 3, 'Sandy', 2 UNION
SELECT 4, 'Steve', 3 UNION
SELECT 5, 'Brian', 3 UNION
SELECT 6, 'Susan', 3 UNION
SELECT 7, 'Joe', 4 ;
So, now I'll create a view on the first table to filter some departments out.
CREATE VIEW dbo.BlueDepartments
SELECT * FROM dbo.Department
WHERE DepartmentColor = 'BLUE'
This returns
DepartmentID DepartmentName DepartmentColor
------------ -------------------- ---------------
2 Engineering BLUE
And per your example, I'll add a view for the second table which does not filter anything.
CREATE VIEW dbo.AllEmployees
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee
This returns
EmployeeID EmployeeName DepartmentID
----------- -------------------- ------------
1 Lyne 1
2 Damir 2
3 Sandy 2
4 Steve 3
5 Brian 3
6 Susan 3
7 Joe 4
It seems to me that you think that Employee No 5, DepartmentID = 3 points to nowhere?
"You'll end up with entries in the
second view that point nowhere."
Well, it points to the Department table DepartmentID = 3, as specified with the foreign key. Even if you try to join view on view nothing is broken:
SELECT e.EmployeeID
FROM dbo.AllEmployees AS e
JOIN dbo.BlueDepartments AS d ON d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID
ORDER BY e.EmployeeID
EmployeeID EmployeeName DepartmentID DepartmentName DepartmentColor
----------- -------------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------
2 Damir 2 Engineering BLUE
3 Sandy 2 Engineering BLUE
So nothing is broken here, the join simply did not find matching records for DepartmentID <> 2 This is actually the same as if I join tables and then include filter as in the first view:
SELECT e.EmployeeID
FROM dbo.Employee AS e
JOIN dbo.Department AS d ON d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID
WHERE d.DepartmentColor = 'BLUE'
ORDER BY e.EmployeeID
Returns again:
EmployeeID EmployeeName DepartmentID DepartmentName DepartmentColor
----------- -------------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------
2 Damir 2 Engineering BLUE
3 Sandy 2 Engineering BLUE
In both cases joins do not fail, they simply do as expected.
Now I will try to break the referential integrity through a view (there is no DepartmentID= 127)
INSERT INTO dbo.AllEmployees
( EmployeeID, EmployeeName, DepartmentID )
VALUES( 10, 'Bob', 127 )
And this results in:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Employee__Depart__0519C6AF". The conflict occurred in database "Tinker_2", table "dbo.Department", column 'DepartmentID'.
If I try to delete a department through the view
DELETE FROM dbo.BlueDepartments
WHERE DepartmentID = 2
Which results in:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__Employee__Depart__0519C6AF". The conflict occurred in database "Tinker_2", table "dbo.Employee", column 'DepartmentID'.
So constraints on underlying tables still apply.
Hope this helps, but then maybe I misunderstood your problem.

Peter already hit on this, but the best solution is to:
Create the "main" logic (that filtering the referenced table) once.
Have all views on related tables join to the view created for (1), not the original table.
(SELECT NULL FROM v1 WHERE v1.id = table2.FKtoTable1)
Sure, syntactic sugar for propagating filters for views on one table to views on subordinate tables would be handy, but alas, it's not part of the SQL standard. That said, this solution is still good enough -- efficient, straightforward, maintainable, and guarantees the desired state for the consuming code.

If you try to insert, update or delete data through a view, the underlying table constraints still apply.

Something like this in View2 is probably your best bet:
Table2 T2
T1.pk = T2.t1_fk

If rolling over tables so that Identity columns will not clash, one possibility would be to use a lookup table that referenced the different data tables by Identity and a table reference.
Foreign keys on this table would work down the line for referencing tables.
This would be expensive in a number of ways
Referential integrity on the lookup table would have to be be enforced using triggers.
Additional storage of the lookup table and indexing in addition to the data tables.
Data reading would almost certainly involve a Stored Procedure or three to execute a filtered UNION.
Query plan evaluation would also have a development cost.
The list goes on but it might work on some scenarios.

Using Rob Farley's schema:
CREATE TABLE dbo.testtable(
val int NOT NULL);
INSERT dbo.testtable(val)
CREATE TABLE dbo.secondtable(
id int NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_SecondTable FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES dbo.TestTable(id));
FROM dbo.TestTable AS t JOIN dbo.SecondTable AS s ON t.Id = s.Id
WHERE t.Val < 50;
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX NoSmallIds ON dbo.SecondTableCheck(n);
I had to create a tiny helper table (dbo.z) in order to make this work, because indexed views cannot have self joins, outer joins, subqueries, or derived tables (and TVCs count as derived tables).

Another approach, depending on your requirements, would be to use a stored procedure to return two recordsets. You pass it filtering criteria and it uses the filtering criteria to query table 1, and then those results can be used to filter the query to table 2 so that it's results are also consistent. Then you return both results.

You could stage the filtered table 1 data to another table. The contents of this staging table are your view 1, and then you build view 2 via a join of the staging table and table 2. This way the proccessing for filtering table 1 is done once and reused for both views.
Really what it boils down to is that view 2 has no idea what kind of filtering you performed in view 1, unless you tell view 2 the filtering criteria, or make it somehow dependent on the results of view 1, which means emulating the same filtering that occurs on view1.
Constraints don't perform any kind of filtering, they only prevent invalid data, or cascade key changes and deletes.

No, you can't create foreign keys on views.
Even if you could, where would that leave you? You would still have to declare the FK after creating the view. Who would declare the FK, you or the user? If the user is sophisticated enough to declare a FK, why couldn't he add an inner join to the referenced view? eg:
create view1 as select a, b, c, d from table1 where a in (1, 2, 3)
create view2 as select a, m, n, o from table2 where a in (select a from view1)
create view1 as select a, b, c, d from table1 where a in (1, 2, 3)
create view2 as select a, m, n, o from table2
--# pseudo-syntax for fk:
alter view2 add foreign key (a) references view1 (a)
I don't see how the foreign key would simplify your job.
Copy the subset of data into another schema or database. Same tables, same keys, less data, faster analysis, less contention.
If you need a subset of all the tables, use another database. If you only need a subset of some tables, use a schema in the same database. That way your new tables can still reference the non-copied tables.
Then use the existing views to copy the data over. Any FK violations will raise an error and identify which views require editing. Create a job and schedule it daily, if necessary.

From a purely data integrity perspective (and nothing to do with the Query Optimizer), I had considered an Indexed View. I figured you could make a unique index on it, which could be broken when you try to have broken integrity in your underlying tables.
But... I don't think you can get around the restrictions of indexed views well enough.
For example:
You can't use outer joins, or sub-queries. That makes it very hard to find the rows that don't exist in the view. If you use aggregates, you can't use HAVING, so that cuts out some options you could use there too. You can't even have constants in an indexed view if you have grouping (whether or not you use a GROUP BY clause), so you can't even try putting an index on a constant field so that a second row will fall over. You can't use UNION ALL, so the idea of having a count which will break a unique index when it hits a second zero won't work.
I feel like there should be an answer, but I'm afraid you're going to have to take a good look at your actual design and work out what you really need. Perhaps triggers (and good indexes) on the tables involved, so that any changes that might break something can roll it all that.
But I was really hoping to be able to suggest something that the Query Optimizer might be able to leverage to help the performance of your system, but I don't think I can.


Postgres - How to find id's that are not used in different multiple tables (inactive id's) - badly written query

I have table towns which is main table. This table contains so many rows and it became so 'dirty' (someone inserted 5 milions rows) that I would like to get rid of unused towns.
There are 3 referent table that are using my town_id as reference to towns.
And I know there are many towns that are not used in this tables, and only if town_id is not found in neither of these 3 tables I am considering it as inactive and I would like to remove that town (because it's not used).
as you can see towns is used in this 2 different tables:
and for table * vendors there is vendor_id in table towns since one vendor can have multiple towns.
so if vendor_id in towns is null and town_id is not found in any of these 2 tables it is safe to remove it :)
I created a query which might work but it is taking tooooo much time to execute, and it looks something like this:
select count(*)
from towns
where vendor_id is null
and id not in (select town_id from banks)
and id not in (select town_id from employees)
So basically I said, if vendor_is is null it means this town is definately not related to vendors and in the same time if same town is not in banks and employees, than it will be safe to remove it.. but query took too long, and never executed successfully...since towns has 5 milions rows and that is reason why it is so dirty..
In face I'm not able to execute given query since server terminated abnormally..
Here is full error message:
ERROR: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means
the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the
Any kind of help would be awesome
You can join the tables using LEFT JOIN so that to identify the town_id for which there is no row in tables banks and employee in the WHERE clause :
WITH list AS
( SELECT t.town_id
FROM towns AS t
LEFT JOIN tbl.banks AS b ON b.town_id = t.town_id
LEFT JOIN tbl.employees AS e ON e.town_id = t.town_id
WHERE t.vendor_id IS NULL
AND b.town_id IS NULL
AND e.town_id IS NULL
LIMIT 1000
DELETE FROM tbl.towns AS t
USING list AS l
WHERE t.town_id = l.town_id ;
Before launching the DELETE, you can check the indexes on your tables.
Adding an index as follow can be usefull :
CREATE INDEX town_id_nulls ON towns (town_id NULLS FIRST) ;
Last but not least you can add a LIMIT clause in the cte so that to limit the number of rows you detele when you execute the DELETE and avoid the unexpected termination. As a consequence, you will have to relaunch the DELETE several times until there is no more row to delete.
You can try an JOIN on big tables it would be faster then two IN
you could also try UNION ALL and live with the duplicates, as it is faster as UNION
Finally you can use a combined Index on id and vendor_id, to speed up the query
CREATE TABLe towns (id int , vendor_id int)
CREATE tABLE banks (town_id int)
CREATE tABLE employees (town_id int)
select count(*)
from towns t1 JOIN (select town_id from banks UNION select town_id from employees) t2 on t1.id <> t2.town_id
where vendor_id is null
The trick is to first make a list of all the town_id's you want to keep and then start removing those that are not there.
By looking in 2 tables you're making life harder for the server so let's just create 1 single list first.
-- build empty temp-table
SELECT town_id
FROM tbl.towns
WHERE 1 = 2;
-- get id's from first table
INSERT TEMP_must_keep (town_id)
FROM tbl.banks;
-- add index to speed up the EXCEPT below
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_uq_must_keep_town_id ON TEMP_must_keep (town_id);
-- add new ones from second table
INSERT TEMP_must_keep (town_id)
SELECT town_id
FROM tbl.employees
EXCEPT -- auto-distincts
SELECT town_id
FROM TEMP_must_keep;
-- rebuild index simply to ensure little fragmentation
-- optional, but might help: create a temporary index on the towns table to speed up the delete
CREATE INDEX idx_towns_town_id_where_vendor_null ON tbl.towns (town_id) WHERE vendor IS NULL;
-- Now do actual delete
-- You can do a `SELECT COUNT(*)` rather than a `DELETE` first if you feel like it, both will probably take some time depending on your hardware.
FROM tbl.towns as del
WHERE vendor_id is null
FROM TEMP_must_keep mk
WHERE mk.town_id = del.town_id);
-- cleanup
DROP INDEX tbl.idx_towns_town_id_where_vendor_null;
DROP TABLE TEMP_must_keep;
The idx_towns_town_id_where_vendor_null is optional and I'm not sure if it will actaully lower the total time but IMHO it will help out with the DELETE operation if only because the index should give the Query Optimizer a better view on what volumes to expect.

DB: How to set up a many to many table(s) to handle multiple selectable conditions

I am working on a search filter for a website that will help users find a venue(for get-togethers and ceremonies) that meets their needs. Filters would include such things as: style, amenities, event type, etc. Multiple options in a category can apply to a venue, so a user can select multiple options from style, amenities and event type categories when searching.
My issue is in how I should approach the table design in the database. Currently I have a Venue table with a unique id and basic information, and a number of tables representing each category (style, amenities, etc) where they contain an id and name field.
I know that I need an intermediary table to hold foreign keys, so each option applicable to a category is associated to the venue.
Option 1: Create for each category table a many to many intermediary table with foreign keys to that category and the venue.
Option 2: Create one large intermediary table with foreign keys for every category, as well as the Venue
I am trying to decide what is more efficient and less of a problem in coding for. Option 1 would require a query to each table which may become complicated to work with, where as option 2 seems easier to query but might have a much larger number of records to handle a venue with many amenities AND event types for example.
This doesn't seem like a new problem but I have had trouble finding resources that detail how best to approach this. We are currently using MSSQL for the DB and are building the site using .net core.
Go with option one. Create a join table to record the many-to-many relationships of each available feature of a venue. Option 2 is very wasteful in terms of storage. Consider a case where you have a venue with only one amenity, when 50 amenities types are available. Also, as I understand what you are suggesting for option 2, you would have to update your database design each time you add an amenity, event_type, or style. That would be a very difficult thing support wise.
In the case of Option 1, some of the tables would be:
Table Name: venue_amenities
Columns: venue_id, amenity_id
Table Name: venue_event_types
Columns: venue_id, event_type_id
Table Name: venue_styles
Columns: venue_id, style_id
When you query everything with a filter, you could query it like:
select distinct
from venues v
inner join venue_amenities va on v.venue_id = va.venue_id
inner join venue_event_types vet on v.venue_id = vet.venue_id
inner join venue_styles vs on v.venue_id = vs.venue_id
where va.amenity_id in ([selected amenities])
and vet.event_type_id in ([selected event types])
and vs.venue_style in ([selected styles])
Option 3: You could start out with a meta data design. This would allow you to have multiple records per item or entity.
Often these things evolve with the development of tasks, or the evolution of the process and learning the data or the customer understanding some of the finer details that are drawn out as time goes on.
I've seen similar things where people design for hashtags or white lists, searching for that might get you closer to what you are looking for. Here is a working example to get you started.
declare #venue as table(
VenueID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
, Name_ nvarchar(255) not null
, Address_ nvarchar(255) null
declare #venueType as table (
VenueTypeID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
, VenueType nvarchar(255) not null
declare #venueStuff as table (
VenueStuffID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
, VenueID int not null -- constraint back to venueid
, VenueTypeID int not null -- constraint to dim or lookup table for ... attribute types
, AttributeValue nvarchar(255) not null
insert into #venue (Name_)
select 'Bob''s Funhouse'
insert into #venueStuff (VenueID, VenueTypeID, AttributeValue)
select 1, 1, 'Scarrrrry' union all
select 1, 2, 'Food Avaliable' union all
select 1, 3, 'Game tables provided' union all
select 1, 4, 'Creepy';
insert into #venueType (VenueType)
select 'Haunted House Theme' union all
select 'Gaming' union all
select 'Concessions' union all
select 'post apocalyptic';
select a.Name_
, b.AttributeValue
, c.VenueType
from #venue a
join #venueStuff b
on a.VenueID = b.VenueID
join #venueType c
on c.VenueTypeID = b.VenueTypeID

Join a table to itself

this is one on my database tables template.
Id int PK
Title nvarchar(10) unique
ParentId int
This is my question.Is there a problem if i create a relation between "Id" and "ParentId" columns?
(I mean create a relation between a table to itself)
I need some advices about problems that may occur during insert or updater or delete operations at developing step.thanks
You can perfectly join the table with it self.
You should be aware, however, that your design allows you to have multiple levels of hierarchy. Since you are using SQL Server (assuming 2005 or higher), you can have a recursive CTE get your tree structure.
Proof of concept preparation:
declare #YourTable table (id int, parentid int, title varchar(20))
insert into #YourTable values
(1,null, 'root'),
(2,1, 'something'),
(3,1, 'in the way'),
(4,1, 'she moves'),
(5,3, ''),
(6,null, 'I don''t know'),
(7,6, 'Stick around');
Query 1 - Node Levels:
with cte as (
select Id, ParentId, Title, 1 level
from #YourTable where ParentId is null
union all
select yt.Id, yt.ParentId, yt.Title, cte.level + 1
from #YourTable yt inner join cte on cte.Id = yt.ParentId
select cte.*
from cte
order by level, id, Title
No, you can do self join in your table, there will not be any problem. Are you talking which types of problems in insert, update, delete operation ? You can check some conditions like ParentId exists before adding new record, or you can check it any child exist while deleting parent.
You can do self join like :
select t1.Title, t2.Title as 'ParentName'
from table t1
left join table t2
on t1.ParentId = t2.Id
You've got plenty of good answers here. One other thing to consider is referential integrity. You can have a foreign key on a table that points to another column in the same table. Observe:
CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.t
ParentId INT NULL ,
CONSTRAINT FK_ParentId FOREIGN KEY ( ParentId ) REFERENCES tempdb.dbo.t ( Id )
By doing this, you ensure that you're not going to get garbage in the ParentId column.
Its called Self Join and it can be added to a table as in following example
select e1.emp_name 'manager',e2.emp_name 'employee'
from employees e1 join employees e2
on e1.emp_id=e2.emp_manager_id
I have seen this done without errors before on a table for menu hierarchy you shouldnt have any issues providing your insert / update / delete queries are well written.
For instance when you insert check a parent id exists, when you delete check you delete all children too if this action is appropriate or do not allow deletion of items that have children.
It is fine to do this (it's a not uncommon pattern). You must ensure that you are adding a child record to a parent record that actually exists etc., but there's noting different here from any other constraint.
You may want to look at recursive common table expressions:
As a way of querying an entire 'tree' of records.
This is not a problem, as this is a relationship that's common in real life. If you do not have a parent (which happens at the top level), you need to keep this field "null", only then do update and delete propagation work properly.

DB design: Should I use constraints within a table or a new table

I inherited a large existing DB and I'd like to know if I should refactor it because 95% of my queries require joining at least 4 tables.
The DB has a 5 tables that only have an ID and Name column with less than 20 rows. I assume the author did this so he could change the names there and not change them in the other tables, but many of those tables are only referenced in one other table. Should I refactor these small 2 column tables into the a larger table and add a constraint to the column so users can't input incorrect names instead of having seperate tables?
Resist that urge. From your description I can deduce that the existing design is solid and probably well normalized. Your refactoring may actually undo a good db structure.
If you are bothered by writing a lot of joins in your queries I would suggest creating views to mitigate the boilerplate.
...the author did this so he could change the names there not change
them in the other tables...
That is evidence of good design and exactly what you should strive for in a normalized database.
your db is normalized and proper.
and you save space, lookup time, indexing for storing an int rather then a varchar name
small tables are optimized away if they are properly keyed.
Sounds like what you have are lookup tables. Let me tell you waht happens when you decide to put all lookups in one table with an additonal column to specify which type it is. Fisrt instead of joining to 4 different tables in one query, you have to join to the same table 4 times. There ends up being more contention for the resources in the "one table to rule them all". Further, you lose FK constraints. That means you eventually lose data integrity. So if one lookup is state, nothing wil prevent you from putting the id values for a different lookup for customer type in the stateid column in the customeraddress table. When the lookups are separate you con enforce that relationship.
Suppose instead of one big table you decide to have a constraint on the column for customer type. Constraints are now enforced but you have a problem when they need to change. Now you have to alter the database in order to add a new type. Again usually this is a very bad idea espcially when the table gets large.
Short story: Replacing strings with ID numbers has nothing to do with normalization. Using natural keys in your case might improve performance. In my tests, queries using natural keys were faster by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude.
You might have accepted an answer too quickly.
The DB has a 5 tables that only have an ID and Name column with less
than 20 rows.
I'm assuming these tables have a structure something like this.
create table a (
a_id integer primary key,
a_name varchar(30) not null unique
create table b (...
-- Just like a
create table your_data (
yet_another_id integer primary key,
a_id integer not null references a (a_id),
b_id integer not null references b (b_id),
c_id integer not null references c (c_id),
d_id integer not null references d (d_id),
unique (a_id, b_id, c_id, d_id),
-- other columns go here
And it's obvious that your_data will require four joins (at least) to get usable information from it.
But the names in table a, b, c, and d are unique (ahem), so you can use the unique names as targets for foreign key references. You could rewrite the table your_data like this.
create table your_data (
yet_another_id integer primary key,
a_name varchar(30) not null references a (a_name),
b_name varchar(30) not null references b (b_name),
c_name varchar(30) not null references c (c_name),
d_name varchar(30) not null references d (d_name),
unique (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name),
-- other columns go here
Replacing id numbers with strings doesn't change the normal form. (And replacing strings with id numbers doesn't have anything to do with normalization.) If the original table were in 5NF, then this rewrite will be in 5NF, too.
But what about performance? Aren't id numbers plus joins supposed to be faster than strings?
I tested that by inserting 20 rows into each of the four tables a, b, c, and d. Then I generated a Cartesian product to fill one test table written with id numbers, and another using the names. (So, 160K rows in each.) I updated the statistics, and ran a couple of queries.
explain analyze
select a.a_name, b.b_name, c.c_name, d.d_name
from your_data_id
inner join a on (a.a_id = your_data_id.a_id)
inner join b on (b.b_id = your_data_id.b_id)
inner join c on (c.c_id = your_data_id.c_id)
inner join d on (d.d_id = your_data_id.d_id)
Total runtime: 808.472 ms
explain analyze
select a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name
from your_data
Total runtime: 132.098 ms
The query using id numbers takes a lot longer to execute. I used a WHERE clause on all four columns, which returns a single row.
explain analyze
select a.a_name, b.b_name, c.c_name, d.d_name
from your_data_id
inner join a on (a.a_id = your_data_id.a_id and a.a_name = 'a one')
inner join b on (b.b_id = your_data_id.b_id and b.b_name = 'b one')
inner join c on (c.c_id = your_data_id.c_id and c.c_name = 'c one')
inner join d on (d.d_id = your_data_id.d_id and d.d_name = 'd one)
Total runtime: 14.671 ms
explain analyze
select a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name
from your_data
where a_name = 'a one' and b_name = 'b one' and c_name = 'c one' and d_name = 'd one';
Total runtime: 0.133 ms
The tables using id numbers took about 100 times longer to query.
Tests used PostgreSQL 9.something.
My advice: Try before you buy. I mean, test before you invest. Try rewriting your data table to use natural keys. Think carefully about ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON DELETE CASCADE. Test performance with representative sample data. Edit your original question and let us know what you found.

unique pair in a "friendship" database

I'm posting this question which is somewhat a summary of my other question.
I have two databases:
1) db_users.
2) db_friends.
I stress that they're stored in separate databases on different servers and therefore no foreign keys can be used.
In 'db_friends' I have the table 'tbl_friends' which has the following columns:
- id_user
- id_friend
Now how do I make sure that each pair is unique at this table ('tbl_friends')?
I'd like to enfore that at the table level, and not through a query.
For example these are invalid rows:
1 - 2
2 - 1
I'd like this to be impossible to add.
Additionally - how would I seach for all of the friends of user 713 while he could be mentioned, on some friendship rows, at the second column ('id_friend')?
You're probably not going to be able to do this at the database level -- your application code is going to have to do this. If you make sure that your tbl_friends records always go in with (lowId, highId), then a typical PK/Unique Index will solve the duplicate problem. In fact, I'd go so far to rename the columns in your tbl_friends to (id_low, id_high) just to reinforce this.
Your query to find anything with user 713 would then be something like
SELECT id_low AS friend FROM tbl_friends WHERE (id_high = ?)
SELECT id_high AS friend FROM tbl_friends WHERE (id_low = ?)
For efficiency, you'd probably want to index it forward and backward -- that is by (id_user, id_friend) and (id_friend, id_user).
If you must do this at a DB level, then a stored procedure to swap arguments to (low,high) before inserting would work.
You'd have to use a trigger to enforce that business rule.
Making the two columns in tbl_friends the primary key (unique constraint failing that) would only ensure there can't be duplicates of the same set: 1, 2 can only appear once but 2, 1 would be valid.
how would I seach for all of the friends of user 713 while he could be mentioned, on some friendship rows, at the second column ('id_friend')?
You could use an IN:
WHERE 713 IN (id_user, id_friend)
..or a UNION:
JOIN (SELECT id_user AS user
SELECT id_friend
FROM TBL_FRIENDS) x ON x.user = u.user
Well, a unique constraint on the pair of columns will get you half way there. I think the easiest way to ensure you don't get the reversed version would be to add a constraint ensuring that id_user < id_friend. You will need to compensate for this ordering at insertion time, but it will get you the database Level constraint you desire without duplicating data or relying on foreign keys.
As for the second question, to find all friends for id=1 you could select id_user, id_friend from tbl_friend where id_user = 1 or id_friend = 1 and then in your client code throw out all the 1's regardless of column.
One way you could do it is to store the two friends on two rows:
CREATE TABLE FriendPairs (
pair_id INT NOT NULL,
friend_id INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (pair_id, friend_id)
INSERT INTO FriendPairs (pair_id, friend_id)
VALUES (1234, 317), (1234, 713);
See? It doesn't matter which order you insert them, because both friends go in the friend_id column. So you can enforce uniqueness easily.
You can also query easily for friends of 713:
SELECT f2.friend_id
FROM FriendPairs AS f1
JOIN FriendPairs AS f2 ON (f1.pair_id = f2.pair_id)
WHERE f1.friend_id = 713