sql to calculate daily totals minues the previous day's totals - sql

I have a table that has a date, item, and quantity.
I need a sql query to return the totals per day, but the total is the quantity minus the previous day totals. The quantity accumulates as the month goes on. So the 1st could have 5 the 2nd have 12 and the 3rd has 20.
So the 1st adds 5
2nd adds 7 to make 12
3rd adds 8 to make 20.
I've done something like this in the past, but can not find it or remember. I know i'll need a correlated sub-query.
Edit 1
I'm using Microsoft Access.
Date is a datetime field,
item is a text, and
quantity is number
Edit 2
Ok this is what i have
SELECT oos.report_date, oos.tech, oos.total_cpe, oos_2.total_cpe
SELECT oos_2.tech, Sum(oos_2.total_cpe) AS total_cpe
FROM oos_2
WHERE (((oos_2.report_date)<#10/10/2010#))
GROUP BY oos_2.tech
) oos_2 ON oos.tech = oos_2.tech;
How do i get the oos.report_date into where i says #10/10/2010#. I thought I could just stick it in there like mysql, but no luck. I'm gonna continue researching.

Sum them by adding one to the date and making the value negative, thus taking yesterday's total from today's:
SELECT report_date, tech, Sum(total_cpe) AS total_cpe
SELECT oos.report_date, oos.tech, oos.total_cpe
FROM oos
SELECT oos.report_date+1, oos.tech, 0-oos.total_cpe
FROM oos
WHERE (report_date < #10/10/2010#)
GROUP BY report_date, tech
ORDER BY report_date, tech

Ok, I figured it out.
SELECT o.report_date, o.tech, o.total_cpe,
o.total_cpe - (
SELECT IIf(Sum(oos.total_cpe) is null, 0,Sum(oos.total_cpe)) AS total_cpe
FROM oos
WHERE (((oos.tech)=o.tech) AND ((oos.report_date)<o.report_date))
) AS total
FROM oos o;


Calculating the percentage of different types of customer feedback in each quarter

The problem statement is: I have a table (order_t) which has customer feedback (one column) and quarter number (as another column).
Using a CTE, I need to calculate the percentage of number of customer feedback in each category as well as the total number of customer feedback in each quarter.
After this happens, I need the percentage of different types of customer feedback (like good, bad, ok, very good, very bad) but using CTE.
How can I solve this statement?
I try to solve customer feedback as
WITH total_feedback AS
But I'm unable to calculate the first half portion, i.e. percentage of different types of customer feedback in each quarter using CTE.
How can I do that?
Find the file of the data
What you could do, and I'll keep the example as close to the code you provided as possible, is the following - using 2 CTE's:
WITH total_feedback AS (
FROM table1
category_feedback AS (
FROM table1
(feedback_count / total_feedback.total_feedback) * 100 AS feedback_percentage
FROM category_feedback
INNER JOIN total_feedback
ON category_feedback.QUARTER_NUMBER = total_feedback.QUARTER_NUMBER

I want NAV price as per (Today date minus 1) date

I have two tables. One is NAV where product daily new price is updated. Second is TDK table where item wise stock is available.
Now I want to get a summery report as per buyer name where all product wise total will come and from table one latest price will come.
I have tried below query...
SELECT dbo.TDK.buyer, dbo.NAV.Product_Name, sum(dbo.TDK.TD_UNITS) as Units, sum(dbo.TDK.TD_AMT) as 'Amount',dbo.NAV.NAValue
ON dbo.TDK.Products = dbo.NAV.Product_Name
group by dbo.TDK.buyer, dbo.NAV.Product_Name, dbo.NAV.NAValue
Imnportant: Common columns in both tables...
Table one NAV has column as Products
Table two TDK has column as Product_Name
If I have NAValue 4 records for one product then this query shows 4 lines with same total.
What I need??
I want this query to show only one line with latest NAValue price.
I want display one more line with Units*NAValue (latest) as "Latest Market Value".
Please guide.
What field contains the quote date? I am assuming you have a DATIME field, quoteDate, in dbo.NAV table and my other assumption is that you only store the Date part (i.e. mid-night, time = 00:00:00).
sum(t.TD_UNITS) as Units,
sum(t.TD_AMT) as 'Amount',
FROM dbo.TDK t
ON t.Products = n.Product_Name
AND n.quoteDate > getdate()-2
group by t.buyer, n.Product_Name, n.NAValue, n.QuoteDate
GetDate() will give you the current date and time. Subtracting 2 would get it before yesterday but after the day before yesterday.
Also, add n.quoteDate in your select and group by. Even though you don't need it, in case that one day you have a day of bad data with double record in NAV table, one with midnight time and another with 6 PM time.
Your code looks like SQL Server. I think you just want APPLY:
SELECT t.buyer, n.Product_Name, t.TD_UNITS as Units, t.TD_AMT as Amount, n.NAValue
(SELECT TOP (1) n.*
FROM dbo.NAV n
WHERE t.Products = n.Product_Name
ORDER BY ?? DESC -- however you define "latest"
) n;

How to list records with conditional values and non-missing records

I have a view that produces the result shown in the image below. I need help with the logic.
List of all employees who achieved no less than 100% target in ALL Quarters in past two years.
"B" received 90% in two different quarters. An employee who received less than 100% should NOT be listed.
Notice that "A" didn't work for Q2-2016. An employee who didn't work for that quarter should NOT be listed.
"C" is the only one who worked full two years, and received 100% in each quarter.
Edit: added image link showing Employee name,Quarter, Year, and the score.
The logic is pretty easy, it's math with quarters that is a bit of a pain.
There are 8 quarters in the last two years, so you simply need to select all the employee names in the last two years with a target >= 100%, group by employee name, and apply a HAVING clause to limit the output to those employees with count(*) = 8.
To get the current year and quarter, you can use these expressions:
cast(extract('year' from current_date) as integer) as yr,
(cast(extract('month' from current_date) as integer)-1) / 3 + 1 as quarter;
Subtract 2 from the current year to find the previous year and quarter. The code will be clearer if you put these expressions in a subquery because you will need them multiple times for the quarter arithmetic. To do the quarter arithmetic you must extract the integer value of the quarter from the text values you have stored.
Altogether, the solution should look something like this:
(select employee, cast(right(quarter,1) as integer) as qtr, year
from your_table
where target >= 100
) as tgt
cross join (
cast(extract('year' from current_date) as integer) as yr,
(cast(extract('month' from current_date) as integer)-1) / 3 + 1 as quarter
) as qtr
tgt.year between qtr.yr-1 and qtr.yr
or (tgt.year = qtr.yr - 2 and tgt.qtr > qtr.quarter)
group by
count(*) = 8;
This is untested.
If you happen to be using Postgres and expect to be doing a lot of quarter arithmetic you may want to define a custom data type as described in A Year and Quarter Data Type for PostgreSQL

In SQL Server, how can I duplicate my current set of results for each month and increase them by 1.5*

EDIT: I updated this post cause I had to change my table, I had to change my Quantity from an INT to varchar to accommodate for decimals and now the below answers won't work, is varchar the best option for this?
Sorry, this might be a bit of a simple question for someone who knows what they're doing but I'm super new to SQL.
I've created this table (60 results in total)
However these are just the results for the first month of the year (January)
all further results are the same except the quantity is a 1.5% increase per month, so in February (2016-02-01) the first employee's six quantity's would be
However I'm having trouble getting my head around using scripts to enter results. I could manually enter each month but that would take me quite a few hours as there's 60 results for each month. So I was thinking maybe I could copy the current contents of the table into a temporary variable then create some sort of loop that has a 1.5% increase for each month and also changes the date to the relevant month, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing this.
If anyone could help me out with how I could go about doing this I'd be super grateful, I'm so stumped and I don't even know where to start
You can add the next month by doing:
insert into t(employee_id, month, product_id, quantity)
select employee_id, dateadd(month, 1, [month]), product_id, quantity*(1 + 0.015)
from t
where t.[month] = '2016-01-01';
I would recommend that you just repeat this 11 times, changing the where clause each time. You can set up a query to do all 11 months at the same time, but it is probably not worth the effort.
You can do an INSERT/SELECT where your table is both source and target:
SELECT Sale_ID, Employee_ID, dateadd(month, 1, [Month]), Product_ID, Quantity * 1.015
FROM tab
WHERE [Month] = '2016-01-01'
Repeat this for 10 times and increase the number of months by one in each repetiton.
To do the inserts for all month in a single query you could add a CROSS JOIN to a series of numbers from 1 to 11:
SELECT Sale_ID, Employee_ID, dateadd(month, numbers.n, [Month]), Product_ID, Quantity * 1.015
FROM tab CROSS JOIN (select sale_ID AS n from tab where sale_ID between 1 and 11) AS numbers
WHERE [Month] = '2016-01-01'

analyze range and if true tell me

I want to see if the price of a stock has changed by 5% this week. I have data that captures the price everyday. I can get the rows from the last 7 days by doing the following:
select price from data where date(capture_timestamp)>date(current_timestamp)-7;
But then how do I analyze that and see if the price has increased or decreased 5%? Is it possible to do all this with one sql statement? I would like to be able to then insert any results of it into a new table but I just want to focus on it printing out in the shell first.
It seems odd to have only one stock in a table called data. What you need to do is bring the two rows together for last week's and today's values, as in the following query:
select d.price
from data d cross join
data dprev
where cast(d.capture_timestamp as date = date(current_timestamp) and
cast(dprev.capture_timestamp as date) )= cast(current_timestamp as date)-7 and
d.price > dprev.price * 1.05
If the data table contains the stock ticker, the cross join would be an equijoin.
You may be able to use query from the following subquery for whatever calculations you want to do. This is assuming one record per day. The 7 preceding rows is literal.
SELECT ticker, price, capture_ts
,MIN(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS min_prev_7_records
,MAX(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS max_prev_7_records
FROM data