table design + SQL question - sql

I have a table foodbar, created with the following DDL. (I am using mySQL 5.1.x)
CREATE TABLE foodbar (
user_id INT NOT NULL,
weight double not null,
created_at date not null
I have four questions:
How may I write a query that returns
a result set that gives me the
following information: user_id,
weight_gain where weight_gain is
the difference between a weight and
a weight that was recorded 7 days
How may I write a query that will
return the top N users with the
biggest weight gain (again say over
a week).? An 'obvious' way may be to
use the query obtained in question 1
above as a subquery, but somehow
picking the top N.
Since in question 2 (and indeed
question 1), I am searching the
records in the table using a
calculated field, indexing would be
preferable to optimise the query -
however since it is a calculated
field, it is not clear which field
to index (I'm guessing the 'weight'
field is the one that needs
indexing). Am I right in that
Assuming I had another field in the
foodbar table (say 'height') and I
wanted to select records from the
table based on (say) the product
(i.e. multiplication) of 'height'
and 'weight' - would I be right in
assuming again that I need to index
'height' and 'weight'?. Do I also
need to create a composite key (say
(height,weight)). If this question
is not clear, I would be happy to

I don't see why you should need the synthetic key, so I'll use this table instead:
CREATE TABLE foodbar (
user_id INT NOT NULL
, created_at date not null
, weight double not null
, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, created_at)
How may I write a query that returns a result set that gives me the following information: user_id, weight_gain where weight_gain is the difference between a weight and a weight that was recorded 7 days ago.
SELECT curr.user_id, curr.weight - prev.weight
FROM foodbar curr, foodbar prev
WHERE curr.user_id = prev.user_id
AND curr.created_at = CURRENT_DATE
AND prev.created_at = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 days'
the date arithmetic syntax is probably wrong but you get the idea
How may I write a query that will return the top N users with the biggest weight gain (again say over a week).? An 'obvious' way may be to use the query obtained in question 1 above as a subquery, but somehow picking the top N.
see above, add ORDER BY curr.weight - prev.weight DESC and LIMIT N
for the last two questions: don't speculate, examine execution plans. (postgresql has EXPLAIN ANALYZE, dunno about mysql) you'll probably find you need to index columns that participate in WHERE and JOIN, not the ones that form the result set.

I think that "just somebody" covered most of what you're asking, but I'll just add that indexing columns that take part in a calculation is unlikely to help you at all unless it happens to be a covering index.
For example, it doesn't help to order the following rows by X, Y if I want to get them in the order of their product X * Y:
1 8
2 2
4 4
The products would order them as:
X Y Product
2 2 4
1 8 8
4 4 16
If mySQL supports calculated columns in a table and allows indexing on those columns then that might help.

I agree with just somebody regarding the primary key, but for what you're asking regarding the weight calculation, you'd be better off storing the delta rather than the weight:
CREATE TABLE foodbar (
user_id INT NOT NULL,
created_at date not null,
weight_delta double not null,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, created_at)
It means you'd store the users initial weight in say, the user table, and when you write records to the foodbar table, a user could supply the weight at that time, but the query would subtract the initial weight from the current weight. So you'd see values like:
user_id weight_delta
1 2
1 5
1 -3
Looking at that, you know that user 1 gained 4 pounds/kilos/stones/etc.
This way you could use SUM, because it's possible for someone to have weighings every day - using just somebody's equation of curr.weight - prev.weight wouldn't work, regardless of time span.
Getting the top x is easy in MySQL - use the LIMIT clause, but mind that you provide an ORDER BY to make sure the limit is applied correctly.

It's not obvious, but there's some important information missing in the problem you're trying to solve. It becomes more noticeable when you think about realistic data going into this table. The problem is that you're unlikely to to have a consistent regular daily record of users' weights. So you need to clarify a couple of rules around determining 'current-weight' and 'weight x days ago'. I'm going to assume the following simplistic rules:
The most recent weight reading is the 'current-weight'. (Even though that could be months ago.)
The most recent weight reading more than x days ago will be the weight assumed at x days ago. (Even though for example a reading from 6 days ago would be more reliable than a reading from 21 days ago when determining weight 7 days ago.)
Now to answer the questions:
1&2: Using the above extra rules provides an opportunity to produce two result sets: current weights, and previous weights:
Current weights:
select rd.*,
from (
select User_id,
max(Created_at) AS Read_date
from Foodbar
group by User_id
) rd
inner join Foodbar w on
w.User_id = rd.User_id
and w.Created_at = rd.Read_date
Similarly for the x days ago reading:
select rd.*,
from (
select User_id,
max(Created_at) AS Read_date
from Foodbar
where Created_at < DATEADD(dd, -7, GETDATE()) /*Or appropriate MySql equivalent*/
group by User_id
) rd
inner join Foodbar w on
w.User_id = rd.User_id
and w.Created_at = rd.Read_date
Now simply join these results as subqueries
select cur.User_id,
cur.Weight as Cur_weight,
prev.Weight as Prev_weight
cur.Weight - prev.Weight as Weight_change
from (
/*Insert query #1 here*/
) cur
inner join (
/*Insert query #2 here*/
) prev on
prev.User_id = cur.User_id
If I remember correctly the MySql syntax to get the top N weight gains would be to simply add:
ORDER BY cur.Weight - prev.Weight DESC limit N
2&3: Choosing indexes requires a little understanding of how the query optimiser will process the query:
The important thing when it comes to index selection is what columns you are filtering by or joining on. The optimiser will use the index if it is determined to be selective enough (note that sometimes your filters have to be extremely selective returning < 1% of data to be considered useful). There's always a trade of between slow disk seek times of navigating indexes and simply processing all the data in memory.
3: Although weights feature significantly in what you display, the only relevance is in terms of filtering (or selection) is in #2 to get the top N weight gains. This is a complex calculation based on a number of queries and a lot of processing that has gone before; so Weight will provide zero benefit as an index.
Another note is that even for #2 you have to calculate the weight change of all users in order to determine the which have gained the most. Therefore unless you have a very large number of readings per user you will read most of the table. (I.e. a table scan will be used to obtain the bulk of the data)
Where indexes can benefit:
You are trying to identify specific Foodbar rows based on User_id and Created_at.
You are also joining back to the Foodbar table again using User_id and Created_at.
This implies an index on User_id, Created__at would be useful (more-so if this is the clustered index).
4: No, unfortunately it is mathematically impossible to determine how the individual values H and W would independently determine the ordering of the product. E.g. both H=3 & W=3 are less than 5, yet if H=5 and W=1 then the product 3*3 is greater than 5*1.
You would have to actually store the calculation an index on that additional column. However, as indicated in my answer to #3 above, it is still unlikely to prove beneficial.


SQL: Reduce resultset to X rows?

I have the following MYSQL table:
- ID (bigint)
- timestamp
- entityid
- value (double)
The table contains >1 billion entries. I want to be able to visualize any time-window. The time window can be size of "one day" to "many years". There are measurement values round about every minute in DB.
So the number of entries for a time-window can be quite different. Say from few hundrets to several thousands or millions.
Those values are ment to be visualiuzed in a graphical chart-diagram on a webpage.
If the chart is - lets say - 800px wide, it does not make sense to get thousands of rows from database if time-window is quite big. I cannot show more than 800 values on this chart anyhow.
So, is there a way to reduce the resultset directly on DB-side?
I know "average" and "sum" etc. as aggregate function. But how can I i.e. aggregate 100k rows from a big time-window to lets say 800 final rows?
Just getting those 100k rows and let the chart do the magic is not the preferred option. Transfer-size is one reason why this is not an option.
Isn't there something on DB side I can use?
Something like avg() to shrink X rows to Y averaged rows?
Or a simple magic to just skip every #th row to shrink X to Y?
Although I'm using MySQL right now, I'm not tied to this. If PostgreSQL f.i. provides a feature that could solve the issue, I'm willing to switch DB.
I maybe found a possible solution:
See section "Data aggregation".
The key is not to use a unixtimestamp but a date and "trunc" it, avergage the values and group by the trunc'ed date. Could work for me, but would require a rework of my table structure. Hmm... maybe there's more ... still researching ...
Inspired by update 2, I came up with this query:
SELECT (`timestamp` - (`timestamp` % 86400)) as aggtimestamp, `entity`, `value` FROM `measuredata` WHERE `entity` = 38 AND timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-01-25') group by aggtimestamp
Works, but my DB/index/structue seems not really optimized for this: Query for last year took ~75sec (slow test machine) but finally got only a one value per day. This can be combined with avg(value), but this further increases query time... (~82sec). I will see if it's possible to further optimize this. But I now have an idea how "downsampling" data works, especially with aggregation in combination with "group by".
There is probably no efficient way to do this. But, if you want, you can break the rows into equal sized groups and then fetch, say, the first row from each group. Here is one method:
select md.*
from (select md.*,
row_number() over (partition by tile order by timestamp) as seqnum
from (select md.*, ntile(800) over (order by timestamp) as tile
from measuredata md
where . . . -- your filtering conditions here
) md
) md
where seqnum = 1;

daily difference calculation performance improvement

I need to calculate the daily price difference in percentage. The query I have works but is getting slower every day. The main idea is to calculate the delta with the previous row. The previous row is normally the previous day, but there might sometimes be a day missing. When that happens it needs to take the last day available.
I'm looking for a way to limit the set that I retrieve in the inner query. There are about 20.000 records added per day.
price_watches pw
min_percent_changed =
(1 - (price_min / lag(price_min) over (order by product_id, calculation_date))) * 100 as delta
price_min > 0) calc
where =;
This is wrong on many levels.
1.) It looks like you are updating all rows, including old rows that already have their min_percent_changed set and probably shouldn't be updated again.
2.) You are updating even if the new min_percent_changed is the same as the old.
3.) You are updating rows to store a redundant value that could be calculated on the fly rather cheaply (if done right), thereby making the row bigger and more error prone and producing lots of dead row versions, which means a lot of work for vacuum and slowing down everything else.
You shouldn't be doing any of this.
If you need to materialize the daily delta for read performance optimization, I suggest a small additional 1:1 table that can be updated cheaply without messing with the main table. Especially, if you recalc the value for every row every time. But better calculate new data.
If you really want to recalculate for every row (like your current UPDATE seems to do), make that a MATERIALIZED VIEW to automate the process.
If the new query I am going to demonstrate is fast enough, don't store any redundant data and calculate deltas on the fly.
For your current setup, this query should be much faster, when combined with this matching index:
CREATE INDEX price_watches_product_id_calculation_date_idx
ON price_watches(product_id, calculation_date DESC NULLS LAST);
UPDATE price_watches pw
SET min_percent_changed =
FROM price_watches p1
SELECT (1 - p1.price_min / p2.price_min) * 100 AS delta
FROM price_watches p2
WHERE p2.product_id = p1.product_id
AND p2.calculation_date < p1.calculation_date
ORDER BY p2.calculation_date DESC NULLS LAST
) calc
WHERE p1.price_min > 0
AND p1.calculation_date = current_date - 1 -- only update new rows!
AND pw.min_percent_changed IS DISTINCT FROM;
I am restricting the update to rows from "yesterday": current_date - 1. This is a wild guess at what you actually need.
Explanation for the added last line of the query:
How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?
Similar to this answer on dba.SE from just a few hours ago:
Slow window function query with big table
Proper information in the question would allow me to adapt the query and give more explanation.

How to write an SQL query that retrieves high scores over a recent subset of scores -- see explaination

Given a table of responses with columns:
Username, LessonNumber, QuestionNumber, Response, Score, Timestamp
How would I run a query that returns which users got a score of 90 or better on their first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons? "last 5 lessons" is a limiting condition, rather than a requirement, so if they completely only 1 lesson, but got all of their first attempts for each question right, then they should be included in the results. We just don't want to look back farther than 5 lessons.
About the data: Users may be on different lessons. Some users may have not yet completed five lessons (may only be on lesson 3 for example). Each lesson has a different number of questions. Users have different lesson paths, so they may skip some lesson numbers or even complete lessons out of sequence.
Since this seems to be a problem of transforming temporally non-uniform/discontinuous values into uniform/contiguous values per-user, I think I can solve the bulk of the problem with a couple ranking function calls. The conditional specification of scoring above 90 for "first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons" is also tricky, because the number of questions completed is variable per-user.
So far...
As a starting point or hint at what may need to happen, I've transformed Timestamp into an "AttemptNumber" for each question, by using "row_number() over (partition by Username,LessonNumber,QuestionNumber order by Timestamp) as AttemptNumber".
I'm also trying to transform LessonNumber from an absolute value into a contiguous ranked value for individual users. I could use "dense_rank() over (partition by Username order by LessonNumber desc) as LessonRank", but that assumes the order lessons are completed corresponds with the order of LessonNumber, which is unfortunately not always the case. However, let's assume that this is the case, since I do have a way of producing such a number through a couple of joins, so I can use the dense_rank transform described to select the "last 5 completed lessons" (i.e. LessonRank <= 5).
For the >90 condition, I think I can transform the score into an integer so that it's "1" if >= 90, and "0" if < 90. I can then introduce a clause like "group by Username having SUM(Score)=COUNT(Score).", which will select only those users with all scores equal to 1.
Any solutions or suggestions would be appreciated.
You kind of gave away the solution:
FROM Results
WHERE Username NOT in (
r.Username,r.LessonNumber, r.QuestionNumber, r.Score, r.Timestamp
, row_number() over (partition by r.Username,r.LessonNumber,r.QuestionNumber order by r.Timestamp) as AttemptNumber
, dense_rank() over (partition by r.Username order by r.LessonNumber desc) AS LessonRank
FROM Results r
) as f
WHERE LessonRank <= 5 and AttemptNumber = 1 and Score < 90
Concerning the LessonRank, I used exactly what you desribed since it is not clear how to order the lessons otherwise: The timestamp of the first attempt of the first question of a lesson? Or the timestamp of the first attempt of any question of a lesson? Or simply the first(or the most recent?) timestamp of any result of any question of a lesson?
The innermost Select adds all the AttemptNumber and LessonRank as provided by you.
The next Select retains only the results which would disqualify a user to be in the final list - all first attempts with an insufficient score in the last 5 lessons. We end up with a list of users we do not want to display in the final result.
Therefore, in the outermost Select, we can select all the users which are not in the exclusion list. Basically all the other users which have answered any question.
EDIT: As so often, second try should be better...
One more EDIT:
Here's a version including your remarks in the comments.
SELECT Username
SELECT Username, CASE WHEN Score >= 90 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS QuestionScoredWell
r.Username,r.LessonNumber, r.QuestionNumber, r.Score, r.Timestamp
, row_number() over (partition by r.Username,r.LessonNumber,r.QuestionNumber order by r.Timestamp) as AttemptNumber
, dense_rank() over (partition by r.Username order by r.LessonNumber desc) AS LessonRank
FROM Results r
) as f
WHERE LessonRank <= 5 and AttemptNumber = 1
) as ff
Group BY Username
HAVING MIN(QuestionScoredWell) = 1
I used a Having clause with a MIN expression on the calculated QuestionScoredWell value.
When comparing the execution plans for both queries, this query is actually faster. Not sure though whether this is partially due to the low number of data rows in my table.
Random suggestions:
The conditional specification of scoring above 90 for "first attempt at every question in their last 5 lessons" is also tricky, because the number of questions is variable per-user.
is equivalent to
There exists no first attempt with a score <= 90 most-recent 5 lessons
which strikes me as a little easier to grab with a NOT EXISTS subquery.
First attempt is the same as where timestamp = (select min(timestamp) ... )
You need to identify the top 5 lessons per user first, using the timestamp to prioritize lessons, then you can limit by score. Try:
Select username
from table t inner join
(select top 5 username, lessonNumber
from table
order by timestamp desc) l
on t.username = l.username and t.lessonNumber = l.lessonNumber
from table
where score >= 90

Group by run when there is no run number in data (was Show how changing the length of a production run affects time-to-build)

It would seem that there is a much simpler way to state the problem. Please see Edit 2, following the sample table.
I have a number of different products on a production line. I have the date that each product entered production. Each product has two identifiers: item number and serial number I have the total number of labour hours for each product by item number and by serial number (i.e. I can tell you how many hours went into each object that was manufactured and what the average build time is for each kind of object).
I want to determine how (if) varying the length of production runs affects the average time it takes to build a product (item number). A production run is the sequential production of multiple serial numbers for a single item number. We have historical records going back several years with production runs varying in length from 1 to 30.
I think to achieve this, I need to be able to assign 'run id'. To me, that means building a query that sorts by start date and calculates a new unique value at each change in item number. If I knew how to do that, I could solve the rest of the problem on my own.
So that suggests a series of related questions:
Am I thinking about this the right way?
If I am on the right track, how do I generate those run id values? Calculate and store is an option, although I have a (misguided?) preference for direct queries. I know exactly how I would generate the run numbers in Excel, but I have a (misguided?) preference to do this in the database.
If I'm not on the right track, where might I find that track? :)
Table structure (simplified) with sample data:
AutoID Item Serial StartDate Hours RunID (proposed calculation)
1 Legend 1234 2010-06-06 10 1
3 Legend 1235 2010-06-07 9 1
2 Legend 1237 2010-06-08 8 1
4 Apex 1236 2010-06-09 12 2
5 Apex 1240 2010-06-10 11 2
6 Legend 1239 2010-06-11 10 3
7 Legend 1238 2010-06-12 8 3
I have shown that start date, serial, and autoID are mutually unrelated. I have shown the expectation that labour goes down as the run length increases (but this is a 'fact' only via received wisdom, not data analysis). I have shown what I envision as the heart of the solution, that being a RunID that reflects sequential builds of a single item. I know that if I could get that runID, I could group by run to get counts, averages, totals, max, min, etc. In addition, I could do something like hours/ to get percentage change from the start of the run. At that point I could graph the trends associated with different run lengths either globally across all items or on a per item basis. (At least I think I could do all that. I might have to muck about a bit, but I think I could get it done.)
Edit 2: This problem would appear to be: how do I get the 'starting' member (earliest start date) of each run when I don't already have a runID? (The runID shown in the sample table does not exist and I was originally suggesting that being able to calculate runID was a potentially viable solution.)
AutoID Item
1 Legend
4 Apex
6 Legend
I'm assuming that having learned how to find the first member of each run that I would then be able to use what I've learned to find the last member of each run and then use those two results to get all other members of each run.
Edit 3: my version of a query that uses the AutoID of the first item in a run as the RunID for all units in a run. This was built entirely from samples and direction provided by Simon, who has the accepted answer. Using this as the basis for grouping by run, I can produce a variety of run statistics.
SELECT first_product_of_run.AutoID AS runID, run_sibling.AutoID AS itemID, run_sibling.Item, run_sibling.Serial, run_sibling.StartDate, run_sibling.Hours
FROM (SELECT first_of_run.AutoID, first_of_run.Item, first_of_run.Serial, first_of_run.StartDate, first_of_run.Hours
FROM dbo.production AS first_of_run LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.production AS earlier_in_run ON first_of_run.AutoID - 1 = earlier_in_run.AutoID AND
first_of_run.Item = earlier_in_run.Item
WHERE (earlier_in_run.AutoID IS NULL)) AS first_product_of_run LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.production AS run_sibling ON first_product_of_run.Item = run_sibling.Item AND first_product_of_run.AutoID run_sibling.AutoID AND
first_product_of_run.StartDate product_between.Item AND
Could you describe your table structure some more? If the "date that each product entered production" is a full time stamp, or if there is a sequential identifier across products, you can write queries to identify the first and last products of a run. From that, you can assign IDs to or calculate the length of the runs.
Once you've identified 1,4, and 6 as the start of a run, you can use this query to find the other IDs in the run:
select first_product_of_run.AutoID, run_sibling.AutoID
from first_product_of_run
left join production run_sibling on first_product_of_run.Item = run_sibling.Item
and first_product_of_run.AutoID <> run_sibling.AutoID
and first_product_of_run.StartDate < run_sibling.StartDate
left join production product_between on first_product_of_run.Item <> product_between.Item
and first_product_of_run.StartDate < product_between.StartDate
and product_between.StartDate < run_sibling.StartDate
where product_between.AutoID is null
first_product_of_run can be a temp table, table variable, or sub-query that you used to find the start of a run. The key is the where product_between.AutoID is null. That restricts the results to only pairs where no different items were produced between them.
Edit 2, here's how to get the first of each run:
select first_of_run.AutoID
select product.AutoID, product.Item, MAX(previous_product.StartDate) as PreviousDate
from production product
left join production previous_product on product.AutoID <> previous_product.AutoID
and product.StartDate > previous_product.StartDate
group by product.AutoID, product.Item
) first_of_run
left join production earlier_in_run
on first_of_run.PreviousDate = earlier_in_run.StartDate
and first_of_run.Item = earlier_in_run.Item
where earlier_in_run.AutoID is null
It's not pretty, and will break if StartDate is not unique. The query could be simplified by adding a sequential and unique identifier with no gaps. In fact, that step will probably be necessary if StartDate is not unique. Here's how it would look:
select first_of_run.AutoID
from production first_of_run
left join production earlier_in_run
on (first_of_run.Sequence - 1) = earlier_in_run.Sequence
and first_of_run.Item = earlier_in_run.Item
where earlier_in_run.AutoID is null
Using outer joins to find where things aren't still twists my brain, but it's a very powerful technique.

Biased random in SQL?

I have some entries in my database, in my case Videos with a rating and popularity and other factors. Of all these factors I calculate a likelihood factor or more to say a boost factor.
So I essentially have the fields ID and BOOST.The boost is calculated in a way that it turns out as an integer that represents the percentage of how often this entry should be hit in in comparison.
ID Boost
1 1
2 2
3 7
So if I run my random function indefinitely I should end up with X hits on ID 1, twice as much on ID 2 and 7 times as much on ID 3.
So every hit should be random but with a probability of (boost / sum of boosts). So the probability for ID 3 in this example should be 0.7 (because the sum is 10. I choose those values for simplicity).
I thought about something like the following query:
SELECT id FROM table WHERE CEIL(RAND() * MAX(boost)) >= boost ORDER BY rand();
Unfortunately that doesn't work, after considering the following entries in the table:
ID Boost
1 1
2 2
It will, with a 50/50 chance, have only the 2nd or both elements to choose from randomly.
So 0.5 hit goes to the second element
And 0.5 hit goes to the (second and first) element which is chosen from randomly so so 0.25 each.
So we end up with a 0.25/0.75 ratio, but it should be 0.33/0.66
I need some modification or new a method to do this with good performance.
I also thought about storing the boost field cumulatively so I just do a range query from (0-sum()), but then I would have to re-index everything coming after one item if I change it or develop some swapping algorithm or something... but that's really not elegant and stuff.
Both inserting/updating and selecting should be fast!
Do you have any solutions to this problem?
The best use case to think of is probably advertisement delivery. "Please choose a random ad with given probability"... however i need it for another purpose but just to give you a last picture what it should do.
Thanks to kens answer i thought about the following approach:
calculate a random value from 0-sum(distinct boost)
SET #randval = (select ceil(rand() * sum(DISTINCT boost)) from test);
select the boost factor from all distinct boost factors which added up surpasses the random value
then we have in our 1st example 1 with a 0.1, 2 with a 0.2 and 7 with a 0.7 probability.
now select one random entry from all entries having this boost factor
PROBLEM: because the count of entries having one boost is always different. For example if there is only 1-boosted entry i get it in 1 of 10 calls, but if there are 1 million with 7, each of them is hardly ever returned...
so this doesnt work out :( trying to refine it.
I have to somehow include the count of entries with this boost factor ... but i am somehow stuck on that...
You need to generate a random number per row and weight it.
In this case, RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) gets around the "per query" evaluation of RAND. Then simply multiply it by boost and ORDER BY the result DESC. The SUM..OVER gives you the total boost
DECLARE #sample TABLE (id int, boost int)
INSERT #sample VALUES (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 7)
RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) * boost AS weighted,
SUM(boost) OVER () AS boostcount,
id, boost
weighted DESC
If you have wildly different boost values (which I think you mentioned), I'd also consider using LOG (which is base e) to smooth the distribution.
Finally, ORDER BY NEWID() is a randomness that would take no account of boost. It's useful to seed RAND but not by itself.
This sample was put together on SQL Server 2008, BTW
I dare to suggest straightforward solution with two queries, using cumulative boost calculation.
First, select sum of boosts, and generate some number between 0 and boost sum:
select ceil(rand() * sum(boost)) from table;
This value should be stored as a variable, let's call it {random_number}
Then, select table rows, calculating cumulative sum of boosts, and find the first row, which has cumulative boost greater than {random number}:
SET #cumulative_boost=0;
#cumulative_boost:=(#cumulative_boost + boost) AS cumulative_boost,
cumulative_boost >= {random_number}
My problem was similar: Every person had a calculated number of tickets in the final draw. If you had more tickets then you would have an higher chance to win "the lottery".
Since I didn't trust any of the found results rand() * multiplier or the one with -log(rand()) on the web I wanted to implement my own straightforward solution.
What I did and in your case would look a little bit like this:
(SELECT id, boost FROM foo) AS values
SELECT id % 100 + 1 AS counter
FROM user
GROUP BY counter) AS numbers ON numbers.counter <= values.boost
Since I don't have to run it often I don't really care about future performance and at the moment it was fast for me.
Before I used this query I checked two things:
The maximum number of boost is less than the maximum returned in the number query
That the inner query returns ALL numbers between 1..100. It might not depending on your table!
Since I have all distinct numbers between 1..100 then joining on numbers.counter <= values.boost would mean that if a row has a boost of 2 it would end up duplicated in the final result. If a row has a boost of 100 it would end up in the final set 100 times. Or in another words. If sum of boosts is 4212 which it was in my case you would have 4212 rows in the final set.
Finally I let MySql sort it randomly.
Edit: For the inner query to work properly make sure to use a large table, or make sure that the id's don't skip any numbers. Better yet and probably a bit faster you might even create a temporary table which would simply have all numbers between 1..n. Then you could simply use INNER JOIN numbers ON <= values.boost