How to allow to allow admins to edit my app's config files without UAC elevation? - windows-server-2008

My company produces a cross-platform server application which loads its configuration from user-editable configuration files. On Windows, config file ACLs are locked down by our Setup program to allow reading by all users but restrict editing to Administrators and Local System only.
Unfortunately, on Windows Server 2008, even local administrators no longer have admin privileges (because of UAC) unless they're running an elevated app. This has caused complaints from users who cannot use their favorite text editor to open and save config files changes-- they can open the files (since anyone can read) but can't save.
Anyone have recommendations for what we can do (if anything) in our app's Setup to make editing easier for admins on Windows Server 2008?
Related questions: if a Windows Server 2008 admin wants to edit an admins-only config file, how does he normally do it? Is he forced to use a text editor which is smart enough to auto-elevate when elevation is needed, like Windows Explorer does in response to access denied errors? Does he launch the editor from an elevated command-prompt window? Something else?

In my opinion an administrator that doesn't manage to right-click notepad and select "run as administrator" shouldn't be an administrator, but well... in real life there are such administrators around.
UAC works by disabling the administrator group SID from the user's security token, until you run a program with elevated priviliges. When running in non-elevated mode there is unfortunately no way to utilize the administrative rights.
One workaround, which unfortunately requires a non-trivial amount of work could be to:
Create a custom file name suffix for your config file.
Create a small application which is registered as the handler for that config file.
Mark the small application as requiring elevated priviliges (you can do this as you are creating a new application).
The only thing that the small application should do is to locate the registered handler for .txt file in the registry and then use it to open the file - with elevated priviliges.

This isn't complicated for admins worth their salt. Open the text editor elevated, open file, save, done. Most people who edit configuration files are used to the ritual now. Unix people do this reflexively (with sudo); it's only difficult on Windows because it's still slightly unfamiliar territory for some users.
Realistically, they'd have the same problem if it were an HKLM registry setting, except they'd have to elevate regedit or Powershell or whatever they normally use to edit registry settings.
If they can't figure it out, they could choose to disable UAC entirely, or turn it down a notch or two, but I suspect if they can't figure out how to open an editor elevated this will create more problems than it will solve.
You should have to think before making big changes to system-wide config files. The UAC elevation is just enough thinking that it should give you pause if you didn't mean to make a system-wide change.
If it weren't a service, you could use %USERPROFILE% to store configuration settings, but generally, services run under a different user credential than the sysadmin's normal account.
Dotnet applications could choose to store information to the folder returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); people may need elevation to write to that folder outside your service, but if they don't like your admin UI and they do like their text editor, it's the same as the original problem: they just need to learn how to use UAC.

For the second question: for a quick solution i add notepad to the windows shortcut bar, right click, run as administrator, open the file, make the changes and save it.

We moved all of our app setting to the database.
See my blog post here. You can easily see how you can create a web page to edit that and have all of the permissions live in the web application.

Related, How to restart an application with elevated admin rights?

I currently have 2 applications; The main application and an Updater. The main application runs with the manifest in "asInvoker", whilst the Updater runs with "requireAdministrator".
However, I currently need the main program to modify contents of its own folder in ProgramFiles, but in order to do this I need elevated access. Instead of creating another application to separate the process, would it be possible to have a messagebox appear saying "Restart in Admin Mode?" and then proceed to restart the application in Administrative mode only the one time?
I don't want the end user being spammed with Window's UAC every time they open the application, which is why I already separated the updater.
Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Simpliest solution is to not store application in Program Files, where access is restricted for non-administrators, but in %LocalAppData%, where is unrestricted access for logged user. This is how update is solved in ClickOnce-distributed applications.

Why is it a good idea to limit deployment of files to the user-profile or HKCU when using MSI?

Why is it a good idea to limit deployment of files to the user-profile or HKCU from my MSI or setup file?
Deployment is a crucial part of most development. Please give this content a chance. It is my firm belief that software quality can be dramatically improved by small changes in application design to make deployment more logical and more reliable - that is what this "answer" is all about - software development.
This is a Q/A-style question split from an answer that became too long: How do I avoid common design flaws in my WiX / MSI deployment solution?.
As stated above this section was split from an existing answer with broader scope: How do I avoid common design flaws in my WiX / MSI deployment solution? (an answer intended to help developers make better deployment decisions).
9. Overuse of per-user file and registry deployment.
Some applications won't run correctly for all users on a machine, because the user-specific data added during installation isn't correctly added to other user's profiles and registry. In other words the application just works for the user who installed the software. This is obviously a serious design error.
There are several ways to "fix" this, but the whole issue of deployment of per-user files and settings is somewhat messy for a few fundamental reasons:
How do you reference count components installed multiple times? (for each user on the machine)
What do you do with the installed data and settings on uninstall?
How do you deal with new files and settings to install that differ from the ones that are on disk and in the registry and have user-made changes? Surely you don't overwrite automatically?
There are no real clear cut answers, but there are several alternative ways to deal with the "problems". My preferred options are 2 & 3 since I don't think Windows installer should deploy, track or attempt to modify or worse yet, uninstall user data and settings at all - it is user data that shouldn't be meddled with:
9.1 Using Windows Installer Self-Repair or similar
The first option is to get settings and files and HKCU registry keys deployed properly via the setup itself or setup-like features. There are two major ways to do this: relying on Windows Installer "self-repair" generally triggered by an advertised shortcut, or using Microsoft Active Setup.
Self-repair is what happens when you launch a shortcut to start your application, and Windows Installer kicks in and you see a progress bar whilst "something" is being installed. What is typically added are HKCU registry entries and user-profile files.
There is also another alternative to achieve this, it is called Active Setup and is also a Microsoft feature. It essentially registers "something runnable" to run once per user on logon. This can be used to set up per-user data. Active Setup allows "anything runnable" to be executed - for example a copy of files to the user-profile. .
Both of these options mean that the user data and settings are copied in place once - and from then on they are not generally touched, but in the case of "self-repair" might get uninstalled for any user who actually runs the uninstall of the application (unless the setup is designed not to do so).
Although setting up user data with self-repair and Active Setup are "established" methods to get applications running properly, it seems wrong to track user data with Windows Installer components. Why? Because it is really user data that shouldn't be meddled with once initialized.
Accordingly my honest take on the whole issue is to try to avoid deploying user specific data or registry keys and values altogether, and this is what is described next as two other user-data deployment methods.
9.2 Application Initialization of User Data
The second alternative, and one that I find much cleaner, is to change your application executable to be able to initialize all per-user settings and files based on default setting and templates copied from a per-machine location or based on application internal defaults (from the source code) instead of writing them via your setup.
In this scenario Windows Installer will not track the files or settings that are copied to each user. It is treated as user data that should not be interfered with at all. This avoids all interference such as reset or overwritten user data during upgrades and self-repair (and manual uninstall and reinstall).
If there are cases where "fixes" must be made to application settings, this can be achieved by having the application executable update the settings for each users on launch, and then tag the registry that the update has been completed.
The overall "conclusion" is that your setup should prepare your application for first launch, it should not set up the user data and settings environment. All user-profile files and HKCU settings should be defaulted by the application in case they are missing on launch - this yields a much more robust application that is easier to test for QA personnel as well. This is particularly important for Terminal Servers where self-repair is not allowed to run at all. In such cases the application data will be missing if you rely on self-repair to put user data in place.
9.3 "Cloud" or Database Storage of User Settings
To take things a step further in today's "cloud environment" - and this is in my opinion the preferred option. Why should your application be restricted to files and registry keys and values? Why not store all user specific settings in the solution's database?
Full access, control and persistence for all settings without any deployment issues at all.
You do get new management issues though, and they must be shared between developers, system administrators and database administrators. But isn't the cloud pretty much the industry standard by now?
We have been struggling long enough with roaming profiles, corrupted user registry, mishandled user-profile data files, etc.... Developers, save yourself a lot of trouble, and create yourself some new database management issues instead of deployment issues - and start yelling at a whole new bunch of people! :-).
Settings in databases are:
Not suffering from "dual source problems". There is one instance, and it is updated in real time. Not like the synchronization problems seen with user-profile and "roaming".
Inspectable, manageable and patchable
Revisable (version control - can revert older settings)
You could even "tweak" all the user settings from your setup still by running database scripts as part of deployment, but if you are in a corporate environment - isn't the thought of just raising a ticket and then have your database administrator run the maintenance scripts with proper transaction support and rollback much more appealing?
Even if you are delivering a large, fat-client vendor application for general distribution and third party use (in other words not a tailored, corporate client/server solution where you are guaranteed to have a back end database), one should consider cloud storage of user settings by having users log on to a cloud using their email or similar and then synchronize settings in real time.
Such large applications generally always need to "cache" some settings files on the computer and in HKCU, but it seems more and more possible to save all settings in a single temporary file in the user profile area which is entirely "sacrificial" and even possible to delete if it is corrupted and then download the last saved settings.
Instead of hosting the cloud yourself, it is obviously possible to use company DBOs to configure their own company-wide cloud where they have full control of all settings, and can also enforce mandatory policies and restrictions for your software's operation. Not to mention the proper backup that is possible for all user settings. db application - deployment

developed a win. form db app that uses an access.accdb backend. I am struggling to find the best deployment strategy. In the past, I have distributed the .exe and access.accdb from the /bin/debug folder. This works, but Im not sure if it's the best method.
this db app. will be used by 5-10 ppl, non-simultaneous
my current plan is to put the .exe and access.accdb on a network share drive, users will launch from network share
users do not have admin privs, the computers have strict security settings
I have noticed that when launching the .exe from network share, you get the unknown publisher warning; this message does not appear when launching from local drive. Due to users security restrictions, I know that simply hitting 'continue/run' on the publisher warning is NOT an option. There is no 'continue/run' button.
So, I assume I have to buy a code signing cert and strong name sign the assembly?
I also read here that clickonce deployment does not require admin privs, and can be launched from network share and ran from cache.
In this case, I buy Authenticode cert and sign the clickonce manifest?
Any advice?
I left out a key function of the app that will affect deployment.
Users can select files and upload them. The basePath/filename is stored in the db. uploading and retrieving the file via openFileDialog and datagridview.cellContentClick is all relative to where the .exe is launched from (application.startupPath). I didn't want to hard code full paths into the db, because I'm sure it will be moved, (both app and files) over time to a new location.
ClickOnce deployment is the way to go here.
You do not have to buy anything, you can self sign your assembly with a strong name.
This should be fine for an internal application

ClickOnce Set Up and other Questions vb.NET

I am attempting to write a small, lightweight client, using winforms, that can install without needing elevated privileges. Before I ask my questions, let me give you a bit of an idea of what it is supposed to do.
The app will start when Windows loads, set like this from the install, with a system/notification tray icon that can be clicked on to load up specific functionality. The application install from a website, or possibly a file share, haven't quite decided yet. This client will initially request user credentials for one of our web programs, and it will talk to an already built web service to determine what functionalities of our services they have licensed access to. After this, credentials will be encrypted and saved to the users pc locally. Every five minutes, the client will pass the credentials to the websites they have access to and check to see the status of jobs that are being processed, and download available reports if needed.
So, here is what I am trying to understand. If I configure this app as a ClickOnce application, once it installs from the url or shared drive, the user will not need to do anything else, correct? Or do they have to visit that url every time they boot up to reinstall/run the client?
Another thing, I wanted to get some opinions on the best ways to do some of the things this app will be doing. I have a good idea of where I am going with it, but I have no idea of which solution to go with yet.
For instance, what is the best way to store user passed credentials on their system for a "remember me"?
Also, is the best way to have the client install with automatically starting on windows startup to configure it to create a shortcut of itself in the windows startup folder?
I am trying to keep this as lightweight as possible, and using a very small GUI, so it shouldn't be too intrusive, so any ideas on how to ensure that, while keeping it from needing admin privs to install, will also help.
If I configure this app as a ClickOnce application, once it installs
from the url or shared drive, the user will not need to do anything
else, correct? Or do they have to visit that url every time they boot
up to reinstall/run the client?
Well if they need to reinstall it, they would have to download the setup.exe file again, but why would users need to do that? CilckOnce supports automatic updates. Visiting url is certainly not needed for running the program.
what is the best way to store user passed credentials on their system
for a "remember me"?
Probably storing them as application settings. Haven't used visual studio 2012, but in visual studio 2010 you have to right-click on project in solutions explorer, go to project propeties and then create variables in Settings tab. Then you can access those variables in code using My.Settings.variableName. Not sure about security though, if you need any.
As for privileges, I think you just need a privilege to install a program. Maybe you should publish a primitive clickOnce application and experiment with it and that will answer all your other questions about clickOnce.

Registry permissions problem

I need to install an application (SQL Server Denali, but this is irrelevant) and during the installation, I have a lot of problems with registry... a lot of pop-ups appear telling that i dont have permissions to modify that key of the registry.
I'm administration but seems that with some keys i dont have permission and i have to modify permissions manually. The problem is that there is a lot of registers giving problems.
What can I do? How can i add full control to all the keys of the registry?
I have Windows 7 64bits
What's your OS on which you are trying to install?
I have seen security features on Windows 2008 and Windows 7 (which is good but can be annoying as seen by you on popups for permissions). Even though the local user is as administrator with which you are trying to install, on these systems its best to right click and choose "Run as Administrator"
Also you can choose to lower the security level on "user account control settings" (click on start menu button in Windows 7 / 2008) and in the search bar type uac, and lower the security to never notify and bring it back up after the installation.
Hope this helps...