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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an online store with different categories in the main navigatio. Ie. Category A, Category B etc.
I also have a link in the main nav called 'Sale Items'. It points to a page which lists items which are on sale from both Category A and Category B.
Should I add a rel="nofollow" tag to the Sale Items link?
I wouldn't worry about it.
If you add the rel="nofollow" tag, the tag is only a suggestion. You cannot actually stop the search engine from indexing the sales page.
You may want to consider using the canonical relationship. However, I would think you would want both the sales page and the category indexed.
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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 2 years ago.
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What way I should use to add our own API to the directory
I looked on the website but didn't find any information about it.
As per comments in the "P" link found the top left of the website, Nicolas Le Roux, the site's creator states:
The data comes from, and me :) has an Add API page for submissions. Add your API there and it in theory should filter through.
You could also just contact the site's creator directly, all of his contact links are there too.
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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to have something cleared up.
On a member based website, there are certain pages that can only be accessed by a particular member; such as edit profile, edit password..etc.
My question is, do those pages need to be included in the sitemap that is submitted to search engines?
No. Only add pages that you want search engines to index and are available to the search engine to be crawled. These pages do not meet either criteria.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a shop with categories, how much important is to have the category name on the links?
I am using rewriteRules on my .htaccess; for instance:
Is the link with the cat name better?
Thanks in advance!!!
yes it is, urls are one of valuable parts of SEO optimization, if you have category name in your product url search engines easily detect category name of your product and this affect in final result of search
in another view when users see your site link in search engines, they can found out what is category of this product, and it help them to go to right link
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've created a website that connects stores with brands. Many stores can have the same brand.
You can search for a brand and see what stores sells this brand (picture).
If you open a store, you can see what brands they have.
When you open a brand, the entire store list is loaded but hidden. Through jQuery and drop down list I can change city and the map and store list will be updated dynamically.
But if I want to score higher on search engines, e.g. when users google for "dovre oslo"
, I would like the search engine to find all the stores
Since I'm trying to rank higher on search engines, would it be better if the entire page reloaded and adding city name in the URL?
And when opening a store page, should I add the city name in the URL?
After some discussions and thoughts, I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter if I use drop downs and jQuery.
All my pages are listed in my site maps and therefore visible to search engines.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a list of entrys, for example
- Video 1
- Video 2
- (...)
- Video 1123
And they are shown 20 each page, so the page links are:
However, there are filters that can be applied, such as:
- Language
- Length
- Quality
- Category
And the resulting links for the page selectors are:
And so on for any of the filters avaiable.
My question is, should all those variant filters links be included into the sitemaps.xml considering the amount of links that would be generated?
The amount of links in a sitemap is irrelevant as search engines support large sitemaps just fine as long as you follow their format properly.
You should include all URLs that produce unique content. Content split on to multiple pages is fine as well are different translations of content.
It is up to you. I personally get annoyed when these kinds of results come up in Google.
There is no limitation with Google other than no more than 50,000 links per sitemap.